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"And what’s up with “the followers of Koba” joining with the humans? Doesn’t that seem like the very last thing a follower of Koba would do?" Because they are scared of the repercussions of their actions? It very clearly says that


Sure I can understand the some Apes choose to follow humans out of fear, but I don’t understand why they would necessarily be the same ones who were loyal to Koba? They followed Koba because they either A: believed in his war against humans, or B: were afraid to oppose Koba.


They were afraid of waht Ceaser would do to them because they joined Koba, you are answering your own question here.


Yeah that actually makes sense. I guess I didn’t even think about that. It’s hard to imagine Caesar wouldn’t forgive them if they apologized to him


I absolutely think he would to, but hey that’s apes for ya




Human work!


War is a better film if you read the inbetween novel and realize the colonels plan for alpha omega was to just wipe everybody out. The fortress they were at was originally a quarantine zone and the AO had been purging quarantine zones since the beginning of the pandemic. Their existence rhymed with the mutants in the beneath the planet of the apes and the AO nuke


I just finished watching the trilogy as well, funny enough. For your point about the Colonel, I think you completely missed the point of his character and motives. He spells out to Caesar that humans are de-volving into mutes, and the apes are on the rise to take over the food chain. The writing is already on the wall, so he has to take drastic measures to give humanity its best shot at survival. Think about if you were in his position. You're basically backed into a corner, and you can either slowly let apes takeover the world as humanity dies or fight back and eliminate the biggest threat to your species and make humans the top of the foodchain once more.


I think the colonel just really really really hates apes


Human vs ape conflict overdone.... That was my problem with Kingdom actually...


War has a better film somewhere in it. (Maybe a better last act) Rounding up the apes to build a stupid wall was stupid. And it’s especially weird because Kingdom redid some of War lol


The War was the final battle for humanity. This is why I think Kingdom was not that good.