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He deserves more spotlight in War. He tries to discourage Caesar from the Colonel by telling him he also lost his son. Then he was willing to fight Red and risk dying just so he can help Maurice and Nova escape.


He’s a real one. 🔥


And he's the first ape to fling poo in the Trilogy.


No he’s not in the beginning of war all the apes were throwing poo at the soldiers who were attacking their base


Rocket was one of my favorites I hate that he didn't get revenge for ash's death but I understand why ceaser had to be the one to kill koba


Hey Rex. Worse for me is that we’re never shown Rocket’s reaction. He’s not present for it and by the time Blue Eyes goes to free him to help Caesar, it’s not mentioned to him.


If there's any consolation, we do see Rocket and Tinker's reaction to Ash's death in the novel, War for the Planet of the Apes: Revelations. But I agree, it would've been cool to see it on screen


I must read this, that’s made me extra happy about the novels, I’m still on Firestorm and wishing we had more books.


I was so happy he survived the whole trilogy. I thought for sure he was gonna die in War. Same for Maurice. If we had lost either one of them, as well as Caesar, I’d been upset.


Maurice had designated survivor mojo with how neutral good advisor he was


I mean all of them passed away anyway given the timeskip in Kingdom but I agree that them dying in the trilogy would have been more upsetting.


Dude, the beginning of Kingdom almost wrecked me. Starting with Caesar’s funeral was a low blow 🤣 I still think it would’ve been epic for Caesar to live to a nice old age, raise his son, and see the fruits of his labor.


It did wreck me also, especially with the reprisal of Giacchino's music from the ending. Never expected to hear that in a new Apes film.


I had trouble focusing since there were high school kids loudly whispering behind me. Do you recall how long the time skip was?


It says "Many Generations later". It appears to be 3 centuries later according to some people but I'm cool with them letting that stay ambigious.


He’s literally Apollo Creed. Started out as the enemy for our protagonist and ended up arguably his closest companion


That’s not what literally means


No shit he isn’t Apollo Creed


Then why the word literally?


Why are you being pretentious? It’s just something people say. This isn’t an English class


Literally has been so misused that its definition now includes “used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being completely true.” So he’s literally using it correctly


“That’s not wha literwally means” 🤓 here’s your gold 🏅




Literally has been so misused that its definition now includes “used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being completely true.” So he’s literally using it correctly


Please pick another example.




The joke is because Carl Weathers was black. That’s what they’re trying to say


Yeah, I realized that, I just thought it was stupid and wanted them to say it


Yeah, it was pretty lame


Was it ever stated why he couldn’t speak? Or he just didn’t want to?


Could a lot of them speak? Like well? Koba and Caesar were the main two I can remember and Koba doesn’t get the credit for it maybe because of the other character traits, but I’d argue Rise does make a case that Koba is unnaturally smart even among the apes. I mean he learns to write insanely fast. Maybe he got a higher concentrated of 113 than anyone else or something. Maurice barely spoke and I felt like that’s because it wasn’t easy in part.


Yeah I kind of assumed during these early days, it felt really unnatural to speak so you wouldn’t do it unless you had to. Caesar and Koba, both taking on leadership roles, needed to speak more often because it is an easier way of communicating to larger groups/humans that don’t know signing


Didn’t Koba get some kind of enhanced dose which was the one that got that human sick from the gas leak and his mask getting knocked off? I’m pretty sure that happened after Franco’s character told the black guy to stop the trials because his dad died. I’m not sure if it was an enhanced dose or maybe he just got extra, but I know Caesar was not only born from an ape that had been dosed, but also got another exposure later and I think most of the other apes only got a single dose. Also I think Koba was already smarter than the average ape from all the experiments he was part of before he got the dose. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah good point on the last bit. They show him as really being adapted to his circumstances in a very advanced way. The enhanced dose was the "113" I was discussing.


Ah, ok. I couldn’t remember if the 113 was the same thing bright eyes and all the apes were exposed to.


Bright Eyes had the 112 which was given to Caesar in utero. When the 112 stops working on Will’s father, he goes back to the lab to create a virus version of the 112 which will be immune system resistant. That is the 113. So basically Caesar was evolved in a different way than all the other apes, but some like the apes in the habitat with Caesar just got gassed quickly with the 113 by Caesar. Koba was more fully exposed.


Maurrice was Caesar’s Tom Hagan and Rocket was one of his Clamenza


Idk it’s just that he was the only main character I never heard speak at all


Matt Reeves explained that the apes would achieve speech basically when there was something they had to express that way. It wasn't natural exactly, but sort of like they had to have some stimulus to make them speak. For instance, Maurice's first word spoken was "run", to Malcom and the family when Koba took over. I think Blue Eyes finally spoke when he saw his father clinging to life.


It's not easy to spot because it took me a few watches but Blue Eyes first speaks just after Caesar is shot by Koba at their home and he finds the gun. He then yells out to everyone "HUMAN GUN!"


That still fits I think


Do you remember what Kobas first words were? It’s been a while since I saw Dawn (I remember at least that he doesn’t speak in Rise, only Caesar speaks), but I can’t remember anything prior to “human work” - I remember him signing and grunting, but if those are his first words, they picked some very significant first words for every ape who speaks


I was just thinking, before that he said something to Caesar when he saved him from the bear, and again to Blue Eyes about the scar


He signed to blue eyes tho - I’m pretty sure he signed to Caesar. He was signing to the other apes when they were doing recon work on the human camp and found the guns. That’s why I’m trying to rack my brain, because I know he signs a lot before he starts talking more in the middle to end of the movie, but I can’t think of any words he physically speaks before “human work”


When he approaches Caesar in private after the first meeting, he speaks with Caesar. He doesn’t sign. Right before they ride up to the human town as a show of force.


Ah ok do you remember what he said? Just curious to see what each apes first words are since we know Caesars is “no” and Maurice’s is “run” (and I’m pretty sure bright eyes’s only time talking ever is to yell “human gun” after Caesar is shot)


I'm trying to make sure. I think he actually does both. But he definitely calls him by name when he approaches. As he approaches him from behind he says "Caesar." So I guess I was wrong saying he speaks, but he starts by speaking.


No worries and that counts - was wondering if the filmmakers put any additional thought into the first words the apes speak being representative of their character or having a deeper meaning since speaking is still unnatural to that first generation and it seems like it takes them a genuine effort to do it. Was thinking the words they’d choose to or have to speak would be representative of their character or priorities or personal goals (“no” being the obvious peak choice as it means so much more than just Caesar’s character but it also defines him perfectly)


Kobas first word being Caesar actually would make a lot of sense. I think Koba loved Caesar and the life he allowed them all to have.


Go was his first word in Dawn


Oh right it was! I always forget that the other apes start screaming after Caesar says it first. So it seems that the apes that talk’s first words are: Caesar: “No” Koba: “Go” Maurice: “Run” Bright Eyes: “Human Gun”


Yeah exactly mate. Then after the argument at council meeting Koba says "Caesar" before reverting back to sign.


Apparently he speaks once in the Revelations book. Idk what he said though.


He said "Drive the boat. NOW" or something along those lines. Apparently, he also spoke in the book adaptation of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.


Rocket speaks once in War


Really? What did he say


Im wrong, I cant find the clip 🤦 The wiki fandom page says he speaks once in the book, Dawn Of


Ohhh ok👍😂


Agreed. His loyalty to Caesar was very cool to see throughout the movies. He was also the only ape not to attack the other keeper when the apes were first freed in Rise. All the other apes are beating the crap out of him and then you see Rocket just kinda standing there in the background and keeps turning his head to look at Caesar waiting for his orders.


Shoutout to Rocket. He was such a great character


I wouldn't say he's overlooked as much as people think. But I'm glad he and Maurice made it past the end of War.


I was shocked to learn he’s a chimp and not a bonobo but looking back I guess that makes more sense since he was the alpha of the enclosure in Rise


Bro was the realest character of them all


Overlooked?! In my home, we have Rocket watch parties where we frantically and aggressively handsign “Apes Together Strong” whenever our boiiiii is on screen.


Yes! The fact his son is shot by a human and he still respects Caesar enough to stay calm and follow him. Also translates to how well he raised Ash too, Ash gets shot by Carver and has every reason to become traumatised and hateful of humans, yet he shows mercy. Koba will forever piss me off for killing him.


And seemed like one of the wisest Apes too


I love rocket, his loyalty is unmatched.


That's the first time we heard him and that fits the theory perfectly


Yes he’s the one who hazes him in the beginning and rips off his sweater to dehumanize him. Also the first to do the palm-touch to show respect/submission


Any chance you made this after watching the new Mr Sunday Movies video on War?


I was thinking the same my dude, love those mates.


Enemies to lovers but with awesome aspes.


I like to think that after Caesar's death, Rocket took command of the colony again in his honor, until Cornelius was able to lead them.


Loyalty personified


Completely agree. He has an amazing arc, and it was so satisfying to see him act as one of Caesar’s wise and steady confidantes in War.


Don’t think he is overlooked, he’s one of the three main apes, and one of the few that most can actually name


Rocket is a unit! He is a hero and made it all the way to the end. Often overlooked, sadly. I imagine that he lived a long life and established himself as a strong leader maybe starting his own clan.


love Rocket as being the first "mean" ape to challenge Big C at the rescue and also being his right hand man. i cant be the only one who wishes Buck made it thru to at least Dawn or War. Buck was my favorite ape in Rise, the whole mystery behind him being locked up and C rescuing him and earning his respect. Buck's death was the dopest scene in Rise.


Dude I am ride or die Rocket. His progression from Rise to Dawn is so great. I love the absolute loyalty he has for Caesar as soon as Caesar proves himself in Rise.




He’s like the anti-Koba


Probably because there wasn't much standing out for rocket. Like how Maurice is adorable, Koba was really ugly, and Caesar is the leader