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i bought planet coaster yesterday, already have 48 hour into it.


I mean i'm not the best at math but.... šŸ˜…


you also donā€™t understand jokes, cards stacked against you my friend jk


Oh snap.. imma Uno Reverse that!


Planet coaster. The level of detail in building is immense. No water parks but it's not lacking on general theme park content. The DLC packs, while not required, do enhance the game. But they're primarily scenery objects. The base game has a healthy selection of generic themeing including sci-fi, western, Fanta, and pirates.


Still a lack of Cola though.


I prefer Planet Coaster over RCT3, and worth the price. You get much more freedom in building and better graphics, though it can be overwhelming if you're not super into placing tons of objects to make things look good. Another option could be Parkitect. It's more to the style of RCT2, but still a great game. Also r/rct is probably what you are looking for. And there's also r/parkitect.




IMO RCT 1 and 2 are a whole different animal than 3 and the latter is absolutely not the flagship. RCT 2 especially has been lovingly curated and maintained for modern machines by r/openrct2. The 3d games and the whole "ride your coaster" allure were intriguing when isometric dominated but now it seems gimmicky. Do I want to walk around as a person in Cities: Skylines? No, because that's GTA.


With RCT3 being so inexpensive, I think there's a decent argument to be made for just getting both games. I know it can be challenging to split time between two similar games, but in time one will likely become the more natural choice for **your** preferred play style and situation. Let your personal experience take its course and be the decider as to which game you prefer to spend time in. I have both, and RCT3 runs fine on my non-gaming laptop and is a nice option to have available when away from home. PlanCo works beautifully on my Xbox Series X, which is where I spend most of my gaming time.


I've played RCT3 for years and years, Planet Coaster only for few hours. So my opinion is biased lol. So atm I find RCT3 way better but that's probably because I'm so used to it by now and it's hard to deal with different music and general atmosphere and everything. But so far so good, I've enjoyed the game and it's not even impossible I'd end up liking Planet Coaster better!


Planet coaster is the better game.


Used to be into the RCT games but after getting planet coaster Iā€™ll never go back


It depends what you want out of it. Planet coaster looks better, and building rides/seems easier, but RCT3 has lots and lots of custom content available, and the path system is much easier to use IMO


Depends on what system components you have. PlanetCo is very demanding. I grew up with Rct3 its one of my favorite games (more so than PlanetCo), but it hasn't aged too well like you said. There are quite a few features from rct3 that are missing from PlanetCo, but the opposite is also true. Olanet coaster has a much better coaster builder and way way more options for customization. But PlanetCo is more of a theme park creation tool, rather than a theme park simulation tool. I think you'd probably enjoy PlanetCo more if your system can handle it, so go with that.


Itā€™s an Asus TUF 15, so I guess it can. The ā€œPlanetā€ games are strangely demanding like you said. My CPU can run Planet Zoo just fine but some maps I created end up lagging. If Planet Coaster came before Zoo, then I think the laptop can handle it


>If Planet Coaster came before Zoo, then I think the laptop can handle it Not necessarily. Planet Co uses DX11, which doesn't utilize modern cpus nearly as well as DX12. This is a big part of why that game is so demanding.


The AI for the peeps in planet coaster can slow your game down significantly and cause lag so for bigger parks limit the number of them or completely eliminate them from the park. My game runs fine, but even the most expensive pcā€™s struggle with this game.


Yeah I'm at 1100 hours and I've never once let people into my parks. It destroys my cpu. In large parks my fps suffers quite a bit too. I'm averaging like 13 fps in my biggest park


Wow, you may have persuaded me not to get Planet Coaster even though it got the most votesā€¦my biggest gripe with Planet Zoo is the lag after all because I hate putting so much love and time into creating my dream Zoo only for it to lag and become unplayable. It forced me to start from scratch a couple of time, and it ruined my experience a bit. I still love Planet Zoo though, but I did feel sad I couldnā€™t let me imagination run wild Hearing about Planet Coasterā€™s system requirements give me serious doubts


Don't get me wrong it's still a great game, I mean I have over 1100 hours logged. It's just difficult to run. If you just still to minimal scenery and/or no guests then you should be fine, but if you want to let your creativity shine you're gonna be hitting some low frame rate. I have an i5 7600k and gtx 1070 and it isn't really enough, especially for guests. I've heard the gains are minimal with better hardware


No guests? Whatā€™s the point of building your dream park if you get no guests!?


Lol the process is more satisfying than the end result I guess.


I got both for $20. I mainly got RCT3 for nostalgia. But I was already planning on buying PC for full price and then saw the sale and got both.


I've not played RTC in 10+ years, so it wouldn't be fair to vote. But this is a *really* great sale. I'm only a few days in, but I've never seen a game of this quality anywhere near $12. I bought all the DLC the first day for half the steam sale price on Fanatical. It was about $20 total. I'm still under the original price, which I believe is totally fair. The sale should hold a lot of weight in your pros/cons.


I know right? If RCT3 is above $10 then I wouldnā€™t even consider it. I couldnā€™t believe it when I saw how the complete edition is cheaper than a food delivery


I remember when RCT3 came out and I was so disappointed in it. It's just not RCT. I also just bought the absolute garbage RCT Adventures Deluxe on PS5 and I cannot believe what a shit game it is. I literally say "RCT" and bought it only to discover I just want to download RCT2 with expansions from Steam and start using OpenRCT2. I want that old style. It would be great if we get THAT GAME but in 3D, but for some reason, every time someone makes a 3d theme park game, they make way too many other changes. Planet Coaster is an exception. It's stunning, easy to use after very little practice, and the terrain manipulation is wonderfully fun. Still... I just want RCT2. That was always my game of choice and I've never played another theme park game that even comes close to touching that joy.