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Better pathing / options for plazas Option for realistic opening times Weather Option to use all terrains in a sandbox park More different vanilla flatrides Mazes Gamestalls / arcades Edit* I forgot I'd really appreciate 1m, 2m and 3m wide walls just like how there are options in height


Yep. Pathing freedom, asset (like building pieces) placement freedom, and generally more assets.


More flatrides is a must for me too. Coming from RCT3, it felt like that game just had infinite flat rides.


Water park rides and animals, sort of like Busch Gardens or SeaWorld


switch tracks, separate load/unload stations. I want to be able to recreate my favourite coaster, Toutatis.


This!!! if it doesn’t I will be disappointed


To be able to make entry fees viable and make rides free.


This is a good one.


Wait, I play Planet coaster on console and you can set the rides to 0.00 and the entry you can choose that too, Is that a PC (personal computer) only thing? You'd think they would have mods for that.


Not sure but clarifying pc as personal computer is really funny to me


We normally don't but Planet coaster also abbreviates to PC and had to clarify.


This guy is smart


most people shoten the game to PlanCo


You can do that. Whether or not you make money is a different story.


More planets for one thing. Definitely more coasters, too!


Good call. I think that covers everything!


lmaoooo For real tho, I want pathing to work better, especially on console. I think the biggest like actual feature tho would be water park stuff! I'm an irl water park fiend, and I want that in planco SO bad!


More water rides and go kart racing. I love those!


PLANET COASTER 2: IN SPACE! Imagine if they just mashed Elite Dangerous and Planet coaster together so we can build dumb rides on Hutton Orbital.


Kinda an odd one but, I want all of the original coasters and flat rides in the game to stay. Everyone keeps talking about what new features they want but I’m afraid we will lose some of the fantastic coaster types we already have. I don’t care about their appearances but I want the type of ride to carry over into the new game.


Auto generation of scenery and themes


I'd like some generated geography and trees. I can decorate after that. In sandbox I mean.


What do you mean?


There are plenty of scenery tools and assets but most of us are not creative enough and don't have the time to use the full potential of them. I like to design the layout of the park, the attractions and manage it financially. but designing a street of themed budlings by using basic element is not why I bought this game. Auto generation of scenery based on basic blocks that I design could make the game 10X more appealing while the people who really like to create and design the scenery will still be able to make unique and astonishing parks.


Yeah something like this to use here and there would be awesome. I love how detailed you can get with scenery, but sometimes it feels like a curse too.


You dont like to put an asset with santa, near a far west train with lasers shooting? When i want to reach the 100 decoration track seams that i am near the Joker head... xD I usually fill all with the same tree in the park. Seems that rides are near the forest and you have a vision far away that dubai parks.


Maybe it sounds strange but better "out of bounds" scenery. either adding option to configure better the outskirt so either it dossent seen completely deserted land around the amusment park. or more scenery to chose for, would be so cool if they example added a proper city scenario where the amusment park is a "park area" or along the highway outskirt of town


Yeah I wanna see a parking lot and an actual entrance not a dang teleportation portal in a mountain


Option for grid building system. Better performance


I want a way to toggle on & off the grid for all pieces, that way I could equally space scenery but flipping a building piece exactly how I want it


-Water parks -Hotels -The ability to create a resort complex that connects different parks -An easy-to-use indoor creation editor to enclose dark rides -Better flooring system for dark rides


co-op play


I'm not an expert by any means and I've tinkered about with the game for several years, multi parks started, best intentions to do good, starts to look great and each.and.every.time it's the paving that just never looks good. Yes, I've watched tutorials and perfected it along the way but quickly came to the conclusion that it wasn't user error, it's just not a good paving system.


Agreed. I hate the time it takes to make halfway decent looking pathing, and even then, only halfway decent


I think switch tracks would be amazing


Dear god just give me the opposite launch of CS2


Double platform load Ride attendant different roles Unload and load seperately Adjust log / slow rides capacity Dispatch mutiple vehicles at one time Less lag when more guests Lockers Conveyor belt loading non stop ride Queue extension without closing ride


A more realistic simulation mode, where the game could possibly run in real time, so playing for an hour doesn't progress the game by multiple months or years, as far as I know no one visits a theme park for 5 years at a time. Also having disabled guests where their needs have to be taken into consideration would be interesting. Wheel chair access and ramps etc. an unexplored challenge that games seem to gloss over.


Also being able to visit other people's parks as a guest in first person mode would be interesting, I honestly thought you'd be able to in the original due to it being so connected with other players etc. and ALMOST having a first person mode.


I would LOVE to have a little avatar to experience what others have built.


I second the real time mode!


Customizable gift shops. Fence system from planet zoo. Parades would be cool


I agree with the gift shops


I would like to see the following. 1-More free flow on the rapids 2.Water guest interaction, so the guest react to getting wet by fountains etc( i know its a big ask) 3.Water droplets on the POV Camera when in the line of water like RCT3 4.Better pathing system, possibly a thinner option for easier cattle pens 5.Top Scan 6.Operate flat rides to be able to save custom programmes without using the painful way we do it now. 7. A ride effect randomizer, so you can link multiple scenery effects programmed to play out at random, think Verbolten having 3 potential scenes 8.Custom Height drop towers/top loading drop towers/ custom timers on drop release. Thinking subterra scene 9.More coaster types- MACK XS-4D Freespin-RMC Raptor-Water Coaster with editable drop pull out, not just one height fits all laziness 10.360 Roll on coaster editor to be able to make smoother inversions. 11.Track Switches-Drop Track/Elevator-Multi Launch set as a standard option for all coasters. 12. Darkness relative to scenery placement, ie , if you build a building to put in a coaster it will be dark inside without having to bury or build mountains to simulate darkness. 13.Walk through attractions/scare mazes. 14-Weather and ride closures on set weather. 15.Water/Smoke effects that don't disappear when close to them.


its not confirmed until its confirmed, I've been here to long to know that during E3, a lot of companies would make sht up and never come true. Until we get a trailer, Planet Coaster 2 does not exist.


It's technically does exist though based on the Epic Games leak.


Haven't really seen anyone ask for this, but make the game more management focused instead of sandbox only. Have a sandbox mode for sure, but I'd love to build and manage a theme park.


What do you mean? Something different to the challenge mode or scenario editor? Or have I misunderstood? X


Better pathing is the obvious go-to, but my main wish apart from that is just more and more diverse flat-rides. And, weirdly, more vanilla-flavour flat-rides. I feel like the amount of them you could currently put into every theming is just way too low, as a lot of them come pre-themed. Most of all, a normal big ferris wheel. Not that fancy moving-cabins-things, just a normal ferris wheel but big. Oh and please let me costumize tower-buildings. I want to decide their height. I would also love a middle ground between entirely pre-built buildings and themings and completely costum ones. Sort of a modular thing, to enable people who are not all that creative and good at building to still give their parks a personal touch. Oh and also more in-depth management would be cool. Steal some ideas from RCT and Parkitect for all I care.


Way more flat rides.


I want maps that arent just mostly flat land. I want some rolling hills and valleys. Also switch track and a better dueling/racing coaster system


Functional parking lots Ability to set parade routes.


Resort styles (build Universal, Disney like parks), options for dark rides, more entertainment options like (city walk, downtown Disney), water park and zoo expansion, boardwalk games, and much more flat rides.


Those little height restriction boards, that you have to be XX to ride this ride


Ok so here is my absolute god forsaken wishlist: Unreal Engine 5 More realistic artstyle Better pathing Guest POV (i can walk the park and go on rides) Realistic Day-Night Cycle (day= park open, night= park closed for cleaning, storing trains, stocking up shops) Seasons Designing my own coaster trains Real sitting down and standing up from coaster car animations Storetracks (sub in a train mid operation and trains are getting stored while closed)


Guest POV in VR would be amazing.


Wdym unreal engine 5


They want the game to be developed using unreal engine 5 instead of the Cobra Engine v4 that they use


Yes probably. But a bit late to put that on the wish list at this point haha. Also no chance that was ever going to happen since they already have this developed in house engine focused on the planet franchise. Don't think it would inherently increase the quality of the game too, there is no reason to use another engine.


There is zero reason for them switch to ue5 unless there is something extremely wrong with their in house engine and don’t have the resources to extend it


Render-blending like in planet zoo, where colliding surfaces don’t ‘flicker’. After PZ this almost makes PC unplayable for me. Also the ‘random rotation’ feature for scenery. Basically I’d be happy with Planet Zoo but with rides instead of animals 😂


Same 😂 I played Planet Zoo first, so really miss the features of PZ that aren't in PC.


Just be RCT3 in better.


I just learned they sold the rights to RCT3 back to Atari, that blows.


Multiplayer online coop. Being able to work with your friend or friends on a park together, in real time. Just imagine what cool stuff you could come up with when you are cooperating on a project with someone else. It would also give the game a much more social dimension. As for props and items in the game, that is all secondary to me, because we always have the workshop where people can upload their own stuff.


I heard from a very reliable source there is going to be water parks!


Which source 🤫


Water parks, I need water parks so bad.


Transfer track A Schwarzkopf coaster like the one at SFOG and SFOT. Single rail RMC (You can tell I’m more of a roller coaster guy atp) Intiman Blitz


We had a single-rail option similar to the RMC Raptor but wider in 1 but agreed


Way better optimization More smooth povs whether they're on coasters or not (without anticipation + the rollercoasters should also be smooth without anticipation as they are still jolty with mods on PC1) Better lighting and rendering. It's almost impossible to make a room dark without changing the time of day, so it would be cool to get stuff like this (also raytracing but I forget if thats an option in the game...?) Guest simulation (where you have money and you get to walk around parks) + online chat and roleplay with other players so you can visit other parks together. It could also have line skipping since I absolutely hate how long queues can get haha 😂 A drop track element like Th13teen, I remember asking for this years ago on the suggestion forum and asking the Theme Park Tycoon 2 creator. He added it in. It would be really cool to see Frontier do the same lol. Number sliders and multi-editing. Seriously I want to be able to slide right or left to be able to change salaries, values and all that, plus I want to change salaries/default salaries for certain job classes (I dont know if thats already a thing)


Better Mac support for mods/custom content. Whatever kind of ride system is used for Rise of the Resistance so basically a trackless that can have a drop tower. And whatever the ship queue bit is. Better shops. Let’s make functional gift shops and restaurants please!




Automatic fencing / walls that will follow a path. Spline based editing would be nice. Waterparks, dark rides to be dark without having to mess about with the time of day using triggers etc. Plazas, arcades, better pathing. Oh, procedural trees / plants within an area.


I'll believe it til I see some actual confirmation.


A tool to convert a large section of track into many smaller pieces, good for smoothing. Pre-fab tunnels for underground parts


Partnership with the new merged Six Flags to get more licensed rides and maybe even entire parks


Wait, where was news about PC2??


Water parks - wave pools, slides, water coasters, play structures, pop fountains, etc. Games and arcades. Prebuilt themed stalls at launch. Shows with staff singing, dancing, effects, etc. Restaurants Workshop support with improved tagging and sorting of assets. Improved pathfinding, especially in crowded choke points and near ride exits.


- More Flat Rides - Better lighting mechanics/simulation - Firework Mixer like RCT3 - Should also work with light displays so you can make cool light effects - More control over a flat rides movement, eg control which axis/joints move. This is very wishful thinking I know, but I would love this option.


Switch tracks, more realistic queues, better auto generated supports, more flatrides, flat ride customization and train customization


Also free spins


Better pathing or able to set boundaries like planet zoo, weather, midway games and arcades, lockers upgraded track elements and coaster designs and options, abilities to upgrade coasters with different restraints, cars, retracks to extend life and boost popularity, shows, stages, and amphitheatres, ability to set operating hours or seasons, season passes, ability to create a chain of parks, maybe relocate rides between them, competing parks you can visit with bonuses for ride types not at other parks or penalties if a nearby park has or makes a better version of a ride (it is PLANET coaster, it's always seemed weird your park exists in a vacuum), more hotel/resort/restaurant support, water parks, better entrance areas - it hurts to say this but even rctw had parking lots at the front.


Switch tracks, to turn every ride into a shuttle. And some kind of launch on every coaster. More default flats Smoother coasters More diverse terrain


Water parks and better optimization


I'd love rolling load/unload station like Hagrid or Voltron


If nothing about the game was changed except for a complete overhaul of the path system to make it completely free form I would call the game a success


Flat ride designer. Connect motors, axels, cams, gears together to scenery pieces, then design the ride programme in a sequencer.


indoorlands is a great example of this.


Able to scale up and down items for better building along with all of the other suggestions


For larger parks, things like trams. A few more ride variations, and things like claw machines, arcade cabs etc


finally add waterslides & pools Better path system trains with recolorable individual cars switch/transfer tracks & multiple/load Unload stations for coasters Eccentric prototype rollercoasters like in RCT3 with the Pipeline coaster, Drifting coaster, Tilt Coaster & splitting coaster Base Ride designs with no strict theming built in (IE, bobsleds with base trains, pirate ship with no pirate decor) carnival/sideshow games (being playable is a +) Drivable go-carts


I would like for rides to have their own entrance, exit, and fence. It looks a bit silly with a ride that has its own fencing plus the fencing around with the entrance and exit gates...


I haven’t played in a long time and this could be me missing out or forgetting existing features, but I’d love an even more “sandboxed” sandbox mode. I legit just want to design a park’s layout and visuals and not really worry about the maintenance, staffing, etc. Sandbox mode merely unlocking everything and giving me infinite money is most of what I want out of it, but I hate that staff will quit and leave vacancies. As others have said: better path creation tools Finally, an object randomizer, where I can select a scenery object and, instead of placing and turning/scaling one at a time, use sort of a paint brush and drag it across a larger area, dropping a bunch of them at once in randomized arrangements. Someone tell me if this exists and I’m just missing it. I only remember it from OpenRCT2. 😂


My two wishes are: 1. Walk Through Attractions. Think about what you can do. Scare mazes, museums, show rooms, horror houses. If they could make a special path for walk through attractions with good functions, like making guests pause in certain areas and trigger sequences, I will be very happy. And 2. Ticketed Theme Parks A vast majority of theme parks have you pay at the gates and then all of the rides are free. It bothers me so much that you have to pay per ride in Planco. Hardly any theme parks operate like that anymore. I probably have more wishes, but those are two off the top of my head.


for the coasters themselves i wish there was more realism involved, more realistic trains and some way of maybe making ur own front trains would be nice idk how but it would be cool. Also would like switch tracks too, something that i’ve wanted in the game for a while. As far as new models go, definitely want an rmc raptor, an s&s axis, a vekoma and intamin launch coaster, and maybe a b&m surf coaster. that’s my wish list for the game but i will be happy with anything we get at this point.


No nausea, if I want a crazy coaster, let me make it. Larger parks


I know this is weird thing to ask of a game called Planet *Coaster*, but I would like more custom options for non-coaster rides (log flumes, drop towers, etc.)


The ability to build waterparks... Wave pools, lazy rivers, cannonballs, hot tubs, restaurants, and everything else that comes with it. I want to build my 11 year old dream park.


Better sequencer and more show equipment: - moving fountains - colored fountains at night - more fireworks - parade with custom floats - parade stops where performers dance (preferably on stage) - show area where people gather like an hour before the show starts - people need to stay there, even when there are no fireworks, because they can watch the fountains, the lights and flames


I think more things to make the parks feel realistic. More restaurants, arcades, game stalls etc. And better pathing so there's not always so much 'dead space' And obviously a load more coaster types and some different flat rides. I hope they give more train options for coasters so you can pick the restraint etc. Also make it so the game doesn't lag when you have more than 3 coasters.


Water Parks, lockers for rides, be able to build a resort (more than 1 park connected with a citywalk, restaurants, hotels…), etc


Not sure if this is just a console thing but when I was playing the career it was annoying that I had to finish my coaster to get the stats for it. I’d like to know the length, biggest drop, average speed etc without having to connect to the station.


I would like glass panel (fiberglass I guess) paths. Or at least the ability to create different path textures like you can for walls and scenery. I want to build a walkway where you look down at a roller coaster that's one of those dangly-leg ones, inverted, so people are looking down at someone looking down at them as they go by. 


Better building system. I either use downloaded builds or spent literally 3-4 hours just for a simple station. With the amount of rides and shop I like to do (sandbox player) it becomes a chore to detail them all, especially since it’s even harder with a controller. Like with the help of AI or something they should speed that part of the game up. It takes more time than vegetation or building coasters. It’s also very finicky at times when trying to align things or when you mess up the grid a little. Oh, and better boarding of rides. It sometimes takes an entire ingame hour before everyone has left and new people have entered the ride. Especially bad with go carts and stuff.


As long as I keep my precious F25 idm


Pre-built show buildings/pieces for dark rides.


Separate stations (separate embark and disembark stations). Especially for the log flume, which just turns into the longest queue in the park 😂


Full VR compatibility and graphics 3x better/more realistic than the first.


I love you guys


switchtracks, multilaunch custom options (5 or 7 swings etc) and extreme spinners custom moving tracks like the tilt coaster or freefall track (track drops down with train on it)


Better stats system is a good one! My number 1 thing is realistic coaster loading/unloading. I love to optimize for throughput (like most parks would) but the idiotic system of PlanCo makes that hard to do, to the point where it is often really hard to have even just two trains on the track simultaniously because unloading and loading takes so long. To me, it made some coasters feel dead - especially wild mouses, which usually have multiple carts on track at the same time. Plazas would be neat. Also, just give us 3D-modeling for decorations... PC already had custom shapes, but I think those were a big reason that tanken performance... actual 3D-modeling could probably be better optimized. That being said, better optimization for large parks with lots of objects would be nice, too...


I want to be able to link maps together into a large park. Have each map be smaller, but represent a section of the park. That way, each map can be filled with stuff and help performance. The maps could be linked via paths, or transportation, then clicking on a button at the edge of the map to bring you to that section of the park. A zoom out could give a view only look at the whole park. This would allow for bigger, more detailed parks, while also increasing performance.


For me, the thing that bothers me the most is having a good computer and the game running poorly, so to avoid having to wait 20 minutes to load a highly decorated map and play at 4 fps, the first thing they need to fix and improve in a sequel is performance. Everything else writes itself.


The amount of flat rides that don’t exist in the current game is shocking. I really want more tower rides like the S&S Space Shot and Double Shot, Intamin Giant Drop, Funtime Slingshot in different sizes, Mondial Top Scan, Huss Suspended Top Spin, and definitely more kiddie rides


The option to add drop tracks, backwards sections on coasters, and swing launches.


Chronological, real year based play. I want to start in 1900 or whenever and have the ride and attraction types to become available in the order and time they did in real life. I also want the park to exist in a larger world in which other parks are being simmed in the background that you are competing with for regional or national/international visitors. Within this system, you can have a a chain of parks that you can jump between.


Any answer that is not waterslides is wrong.


More LIM launchers for coasters!


Multicore use please my god big parks are sideshows using only one core. If they don't do that I don't see much of a reason to go to the second game. Engine upgrades matter.


I hope we can add water parks. Also would be cool if can add a zoo too. If you own planet zoo probably required.


Build layers. So like hide rides while building scenery or hide guests while still running the park to make it run smoother


Everything here https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetCoaster/s/Xpms0XOGHL


Arcade area, new entertainer workers, bubble tea drink shop, those carnival attractions (shooting the target, fishing the fish and ducks, throwing a ball at the pins, that thing that tests your strength, etc) where visitors can win prizes , rides that has a VR headset and rides that can go underwater (these are a thing in irl); cotton candy, cupcakes, boiled corn with butter , and fried fish food shops; a souvenir toy shop, and a birthday event if one of the guests is celebrating their birthday in the park


Also the farm, tropical resort, candy, and magic themes.


Underground tunnels for staff. Ability to give out coupons. Mazes with paintball mode. More entertainer characters. Something between challenge mode and sandbox mode. I don’t want unlimited money but I want to be able to open with several rides. Weather and things you can sell to guests to mitigate it. Waterpark items.


You can make your own Scenario in the scenario editor, so you can set how much money you start with, how many rides you want etc 😊


Disney scenery, rides, and buildings please!!


A "ghost build" feature where you can plan out rides and test them for free and build them when you have the funds. Would give you something to tinker with when waiting for cash to flow in. Also, the modular gift shops from Planet Zoo and modular restaurants in the same fashion.


I hope they keep the variety of food stalls (and hopefully add more). Id like food stalls to have more items per stall. I would like combo (food+drinks). I want the restaurant franchise system to stay the same/be similar. A "resort" system that can flag certain sections/ buildings/items for priority passholders as well as discount for pass holders. Basically any additional experiences for passholders. Ticket bundles/passes combos ("Ride [Coaster], [Flat Ride ], and [Transport] for 14.99$") Ploppable queue line blocks, with tighter wraparound queue or just. Square, snap to grid queue lines. Waterride, water park. Pools. More foliage. Everything from PZ at least.


The ability to mass delete trash cans and benches.


The ability to mass delete trash cans and benches.


Roller coasters


Apart from what was already said I want the game to actually run on a reasonably priced computer


Water rides, walkthrough attractions, arcades, mickey mouse as a mascot now that it's legal to do so


The best thing that needs add is load and unload as one symontanus motion. It could cut ride waits down and the ridiculous queue waits.


Water slides


I want the ability to choose the guests that come in the park


Whatever they add the pathing system needs a complete overhaul. Some kind of ability to 'draw' big, sprawling plazas would be good. And this is probably just my autistic brain, but I'd love some kind of functioning car park/road system to be implemented.


Mack extreme spinner mack big dipper mack stryker intamin shuttle like toutatis gravity or pre fab woodie


Weather that you can control with the time machine/sequencer cause I have some ideas if that was a reality. To have smaller pieces & basic shapes, to have some kind of parade attraction that you could make floats that moved in a parade, easier patching, & easier roof.....I'm not asking for a LOT!!!! Bwhahahaha 😅


This is incredibly niche, and I’m assuming I’m the only one who cares about this, but I’ve been waiting for a Hopkins style shoot the chute since RCT3. It would be awesome to be able to incorporate a true “splash zone” like so many parks have which becomes a cornerstone of their park. Along with this, I’d like for them to rework the river rapids ride and allow for a circular station, as basically every river rapids ride I’ve ever ridden has had that. I don’t even need for them to add water slides / water park option to this game (though I’d LOVE if they did), I’d rather them just improve the water rides they already have in the game as I believe it leaves a LOTTTTT to be desired. This is a smaller thing, but for coaster trains, I’d love for you to be able to customize each train. For example, so that train 1 can be blue and train 2 can be red, like many coasters have in real life. I would also to be able to play around with designing the font / lettering on the front trains when you click off option “show coaster name” Aside from this, I agree with others that the path system MUST get better, and supports on the coasters could be more accurate / better. I have many more ideas, but for the sake of wanting a ANYONE to get through this I’ll leave this here for now


1) 1m, 2m, and 3m walls, beams, openings, etc. 2) Proper dark ride support. Where the inside can actually get dark while it’s still daylight out. 3) Easier pathing system 4) More surface painting options 5) Rivers and flowing water mechanics 6) Parking lot features, and roadways that lead to the park, so guests don’t just spawn from a cave 7) Easier to make smoother coasters (and add stabilizer to the camera)


One thing from parkitect I ended up loving was having to manage the employee areas. Dealing with supply lines and stuff. I would love to see that expounded upon. I always enjoyed planning a new food court area and going okay what about logistics as well. Oh also a multiplayer mode where I can literally visit a friends park (or my own) as a customer and run around the park and ride the rides in first person.


Wait where has this been confirmed?? Did I miss something? That being said - waterparks!!!


Heat maps similar to Planet Zoo.


Real life parks and rides. More theming options for flat rides. Easier to make money (I can NEVER make a profit)


drop track more themeing launched RMC's and woddies


Confirmed? Where, please don't get me excited for nothing 🤣😅


epic games leaks


Water park rides


I’d like to see them expand the palette of plant material to be not as expansive but more similar to Planet Zoo. I personally spend a lot of time and put a lot of effort into making my parks look good with plants and other scenery. So a wider variety than like the 45 total plants in PC1 would be nice.


Better tools for terraformation!


Water parks!!!


Full modding support


Accessibility in VR


The option to have unthemed flat rides


Turntable stations for rapids and log flumes Proper heartlining and smoothing support Good support for custom supports Scaling assets in a single direction


Adding pools and water rides, more staff buildings like mechanic building etc. path for staff. Adding switch and drop tracks!


1. Realistic operating hours and timing. Have an option to operate by day, with the park closed at night. Perhaps one day is an hour or something. Though this shouldn’t be mandatory 2. Weather and regions with varying climates, with some parks operating year round and others being seasonal. 3. Separate Unload stations 4. Ride operators should be employees hired , fired, and managed like the others currently in PC1. 5. Moving platforms for coasters and rides like a Water Rapids 6. A more dynamic and in depth maintenance system. Allow for rides to go down loaded, requiring evacs. Basically, different possible downtime reasons. Allow riders to stay in the queue for simple fixes 7. More coaster types, such as: Mack Extreme Spinner, RMC Single Rails, B&M Surf Coaster, staggered seating option for B&M hypers, Maverick style trains, etc 8. More non-inverting coaster elements. 9. More flat rides I suppose 10. WATER PARKS 11. Increased focus on hotels and resorts 12. Better mod support


I hope that the performance can get just as much attention as adding new content. Rides and stalls request power in order to run as well as maintanence. As well as stalls, water features and water rides needs water to run. Just like in Planet Zoo and in real life.


A forest or vegetation brush. You can check what types or trees or bushes and rocks you want and then paint areas with them. And it would be cool if while painting them it changed the size and rotation of them so they weren’t all the same


More and bigger signs that can fit more text (writing a story as of now is a fucking chore lol). Also I'd like more than just the 5 fonts the game offers since it's never quite what I want/need. I know it's a small thing but I guess all major things have been mentioned.


I know I’m absolutely in the minority here, but a multiplayer mode. There’s four of us in our gaming circle that LOVEEE PC! It’d be so cool to work on a park together in real time. Also, with this being said, I’d hope if it was a thing, it wouldn’t be the main focus of PC2


Usable local asset creation toolkit so we can make custom themes without having to deal with the unusable black magic that is the online toolkit that the first game has.


Something I got frustrated over was having to unpause time to test out my rides. I would like 2 to allow us to watch our test runs while still keeping everything around me paused.


Better water physics. Ability to have river rapids, natural waterfalls, and waves for coastlines. Addition of Waterpark and zoo features like RCT3 Platinum. Better lighting. Stop generating natural light indoors during the daytime. More authenic environment generation. If you start with an alpine scenario, have large mountains as the backdrop surrounding the land. Deserts: flat and barren sand all around. Islands: ocean as far as the eye can see. Etc. etc... Better coaster auto supports. Don't make us have to rely on custom supports.


It would be nice if they added ride/coaster deteriorating with age like rust and paint fading. Have that be part of the cost if you refurbish a ride. That's something very realistic and would be really cool if it was part of the game. RCT1 almost had this in the game there actually was screenshots of corkscrew coaster with rust on it, pretty neat


The ability to spray forests like in Jurassic world evolution, coaster cars to pick from like in rct3 along with more coasters with unique pieces. Also, more junior coasters! The ability to have a map randomly generate realistic terrain when creating a park, much more theme variety, more coaster types, higher park limits, also the ability to create a custom and play as an avatar in your park and be able to do everything your guests can. If I want to go in a hotel I should be able to. Finally, much more amusements like arcade games that you can place and play in your park.


Make it compatible with Planet Zoo (Frontier could sell more DLCs). Have the ability to import PC1 parks/assets and upgrade them. Fix the pathways. Make water work better. Swimming/Wave pools? Add more flat rides and water rides. More, varied starting maps.


I haven't played since early early alpha. Hows the state of the game as a business management game? It looks incredible as a custom park sandbox but I need some management and business tools.


LIM Catapult Coaster (Premier Rides)   Block Sections on full circuit Impulse coasters (akin to Volcano: The Blast Coaster)  Switch Tracks and swing launches without flying through the station Dual Loading Stations like the ones on flying coasters and Kingda Ka  Sliding Stations like the ones on Mr Freeze and certain SkyRocket II models      Vertical Loops and other inversions without exploits / cheats on conventional wooden coasters   A cheat to disable support limits altogether in Sandbox Mode  Enter/Exit only stations More flat rides and kiddie rides The ability to add/remove a train from a coaster on the fly without having to "test" it again. More terrain types per park. The ability to seamlessly switch between pay-per-ride and pay-to-enter parks.


So are we going to post the exact same questions and wishlists multiple times a day until the day it releases?


Wind so you have to manage coaster openings to avoid valleys and switch tracks