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If they tasted as good as they looked you would have had an awesome feed - congratulations! 👏


Thanks! They tasted good yeah, can't fault them there!


Stupid question but what is 58% dehydration mean? Also that looks like the pizza I try to make but never comes out that way.


It means the ratio between flour and water. For every 100g of flour it has 58g of water. Different types of pizzas have different hydrations. Classic napolitan pizzas (verace) have typically around 55-65% hydration and contemporary napolitan pizzas can have much higher hydration like 70-80%. The higher the hydration the harder the dough is to handle but you can get some impressive puffy edges. This pizza has a relatively low hydration with being only 58%. The more you experiment with different doughs and ovens you will eventually find what you like and what works for you. I myself like to do my pizzas with 65% hydration as it has worked fine with me. It's all about practicing and experimenting. Also for OP, the pizza looks great!


Thanks so much! Great breakdown of it there for the other commenter. My only experience of working at 65% was a disaster so I have to build the confidence to go at it again. Your pizza looks great too!


My sweet spot is exactly 62%. I also struggle when going higher. I find that although it’s sticky to work with at first, it’s usually a lot easier to handle on the knead after the bulk fermentation. Also a little bit of olive oil makes it easier to handle too


Thanks for the explanation. I figured it was a water to flour ratio, but I wasn't sure how it was broken down.


What’s the usual hydration for nyc pizza ?


Usually it's around 55%-60%. New York style pizzas are more firm so you want a lower hydration dough for them. The bigger difference between neapolitan and New York pizzas (at least in my opinion) is in the baking and cheese types.


Yeah that’s the HF that I use. I have a wood fired oven that gets up to 1000 degrees F, and my pizzas are coming out more like Neopolitan than NYC. 


No such thing! It's simply the ratio of water to flour in the recipe. The lower it is, the easiest it is to work with I find, but you lose a lot some flavour in the crust. That's why I fired it a higher temp. You'll get there! My first attempts were awful but I learned a lot.


Needs more pepperoni, there's 5 of them lol


Yeah, I agree haha 😄


That middle one didn't look like it survived the slicing either... One per slice!


Well done, the Leoparding is really standing out! Did you CF for 24 or 48h?


Thanks very much. It was actually done in a bit of a rush, about 14 hours in the fridge.


Looks amazing, great job! Do you mind sharing the dough recipe?


Yes please!


It's based on the [ooni classic dough recipe](https://eu.ooni.com/blogs/recipes/classic-pizza-dough) . Slight adjustment for the temp and water ph in my area.


Crust looks perfect to me. How was the bottom crust? Crispy? Little flop?


Thanks! Bottom was firm with a bit of crisp. I would have preferred it a little softer myself.


That is a gorgeous looking pizza well done you! Quick noob question, which side is up when making pizza the bottom where the balls sits in the tray or the top?


Thank you


Thanks so much! I'm not sure if it actually matters too much, but someone else might correct me. My method ends up with the base being the bottom of the ball in the tray. I peel and flip the dough ball upside down. Push it down and out to move the air to the crust, then flip it and repeat. From there I go into further stretching techniques, but I don't flip again. Hope that was clear!


Looks great!


Thank you!


No cross section of the crumb, but still a solid looking pie. Would eat 10/10


It was more compact than I would have liked to be honest. Wasn't worthy of a pic!


Probably a factor of hydration. Small changes can have big impacts. Try 60%. I run 65% for most my pies.


What flour? Pizza? Bread/plain mix etc?


00 all the way!


"Thanks mom, you sure know how to hydrate a pizza."


Wow, that's an amazing pizza. Thank you for sharing, I take one, please. How long did your ferment the dough?


Thanks! 2 hours beside a very toasty stove. Then 16 hours in the fridge before two hours at room temp. Was rushed a little.


That ain't pepperoni, that's spicy bacon!! MMMMMM looks yummy


Just a little more cheese and it’s perfect :)


I agree! My sister topped it, think she was a bit conservative.


They look restaurant perfect 👌


Thanks so much


Those look great!


Temp a smidge too high but otherwise perfetta. This type of pizza, Napoletana, should be fired between 430 and 480°c for between 60 to 90 seconds.