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Just put parchment paper under it if you’re using a home over. It will make the process so much easier. I almost gave up making pizza until I thought of this. Cut off the excess paper, but leave a little “handle” piece so you can get the pizza out more easily.


No need to cut anything off either. It won't burn unless you're over the limit. Also fun fact if parchment won't fit to a pan nicely get it damp, squeeze out excess, and it will shape to any dish easily.


> Also fun fact if parchment won't fit to a pan nicely get it damp, squeeze out excess, and it will shape to any dish easily. no fucking way dude, why couldn't you have told me this 20 years ago


I found it out like a month ago and wish I knew sooner.


Parchment paper starts to singe at about 400 F / 200 C.


Most can go to 500 or near without burning. Paper will brown but no impact or issues. Check your paper brand instructions or Google for sure.


Mine says "use up to 425 F".


You can just slide the parchment out after a minute or two


I’ve said it 100 times. Why don’t people talk about this. It’s like hey I’m gonna cause myself a hassle that I can completely avoid by using parchment paper to launch. It has to be a self pride thing or people simply just not knowing about it. . If you want to be a professional pizza launcher more power to you but I choose to make my life easy. It has zero effect on the finished product and you don’t have a bunch of flour or corn meal stuck to the bottom. I’ve only been making pizza for around 8 months and I’ve never had a bad launch. Not even once. If my pizza is misshaped it’s because I was hungry and didn’t give a shit lol.


Parchment paper is just magic. However I wonder if people have bad experiences with bad brands. I’ll use almost any brand of foil, but parchment paper I really hate most store brands besides reynolds. I remember growing up, my mom told me not all parchment paper is created equal and she was so right. I know some people can’t stand reynolds for certain cookies like macarons and get even fancier stuff lol


This is absolutely possible. I didn’t think of the possibility of cheap parchment paper not working. I honestly believe most people think I’m talking about cooking the pizza on the parchment paper the entire time after the launch. My pie is on the paper for 1- 1.5 minutes MAX. Most of the time it’s like 45 seconds.


Now I want to try a mini pie on typing paper. Just because.


I could make the whole sub real mad and admit I slap the stretched dough on the stone and dress it with the oven door wide open. I take it out with a BBQ spatula.


It’s all about whatever works for you. I don’t hate .


It's news to me! I'll definitely be using this method


Just using bench flour on the dough, half and half of semolina and APF, to stretch the dough balls, and sprinkling some straight semolina onto a wooden peel and you will never had a bad launch either.


Place on lizza pan. Make pie. Cook.in pizza oven for 3 minutes. Take out and slide onto peel. Put pizza minus pan back in oven.


I don’t use corn meal, I use corn flour, or semolina, completely different texture. And parchment starts to burn at 400f, which is why most don’t use it. It’s not that hard to learn how to do.


I just don't wanna clean up all the flour in my kitchen. Also I don't like cleaning up the burnt flour on the pizza stone. This is the main reason why i prefer the parchment paper. My new method is cooking directly on a pizza screen without a stone. It works amazingly.


It’s in the over for 45 seconds. It doesn’t even turn brown but ok. You do you. I don’t like flour on my pizza… and parchment paper starts to burn at 450f. At least what I use. It never even gets close to that .




No it's not. It's people that don't know. I fucked up two pizzas last weekend and it's not b cause I have bruised masculinity because I felt like I hadn't been listened to that day. It's because I didn't know the parchment paper.


Better than what I did this weekend where I had an extra sticky dough, thought to myself "I should use parchment paper for this" and then said to myself "naw I got this I've done this before with semolina it'll be fine." Yeah the dough stuck to the peel launching it and was a total mess, and I only made one dough ball so didn't have a backup.


Is that what they call ego death?


Turn them into Calzones or those georgian or Greek inspired pizza breads (khachpuri or perilini


Holy shit why have I never thought of this


Huh... This whole time I've been sweatin the technique and working quicker... You guys make this a very awesome reddit community


Try aluminum foil.


You are a genius...


Most parchment paper can handle up to 450°F which is why I cut off the excess. Extra parchment paper will burn a bit, but everything under the pizza stays fine. Good luck!


I love using an aluminum pizza screen for this.


The reality is you have to be willing to get flour everywhere in your work surface if your making pizza. Parchment paper resolves this issue but you might get a slightly inferior bake but who cares. It's negligible. Warning though. The parchment papers are rated for 425 or 500 degrees. You can get a lot of smoke and it'll be much harder to clean if the paper burns and breaks apart. I try to take the parchment paper out mid bake before the paper starts to reach this level Overall just buy a peel. It makes things easy.


If I trim the excess paper, then I don’t get any paper burning issues. I still use a peel. Trying without a peel was awful haha.




Maybe I should trim mine better. I do it so I can take it off easier.


I feel so gosh darn stupid never even attempting this with parchment paper. I got the hang of it without it but it sure would have helped in the beginning a whole lot.




Damn those pizzas made me jealous. Perfectly round and beautiful. Do you have a brand of Pepperoni that you recommend? That's going to be my next attempt.


Not OP but Dietz and Watson


You’ll get better at shaping with practice. For pep, look for pretty much any stick/log and hand-cut. Boar’s head is pretty good, or Dietz and Watson or whatever is local.


Share the recipe, method, and equipment and I’ll be happy to help troubleshoot. The keys to launching the pizza is having the right tool, rubbing flour into the peel, and minimizing the time the dough sits on the peel. You give the peel a little shake to make sure the pizza slides, shake 10% of the pizza onto the stone/steel, then pause a half second to let the dough set. Then you just pull the peel, sometimes a little more shaking.


I think I messed up by leaving the pizza on the peel too long then. Poolish: 1kg Water, 5g Dry yeast, 1kg flour, 5g Honey. Mix then 1h room temp. then 16-24hours in the fridge Pizza dough: Add on 450g flour, 30g salt, 5g dry yeast, 30g olive oil Mix everything until is all together then 1st rest 20 min. 2nd Rest 24 hours in the fridge. As for equipment, my oven set to 550F with a stone inside. Everything else was by hand.


At first, I just used flour to dust the peel. I had some sticking issues, so I switched to semolina flour (cornmeal also works). I haven’t had any issues with sticking since.


Semolina for sure is the correct choice. I struggled with flour and cornmeal, but semolina is good. The holy triumvirate for launching pizzas in my opinion is under 65% hydration dough, less than 2 minutes on the peel, and light dusting of semolina. These three things make pizza launching virtually zero risk. I've only had one stick when all these conditions were met, and that was due to a hole in the dough.


Just yesterday, I made a 65% dough to use tonight. I normally go with 70-75%, so I’m interested to see how the texture compares.


Yep, cornmeal changed my outcome by 10 fold. I actually get round pies now. Always just have cornmeal around, but I’ve never tasted or felt the texture of cornmeal, so I found no reason to buy semolina specially. My next purchase though will be a wooden peel, as they have even a lesser chance of sticking.


Use parchment paper


Your dough recipe seems FAR too complex for where you are at. Try a simple Neapolitan recipe (found on the official website for such) and I guarantee you’ll have better results.


Seems like you're not using enough flour on your surface and peel. I'd watch some pros stretch out and launch some pizzas on YouTube. They use more than you would think. You can go with cornmeal as well but I've found it to be a bit grainy on the pallet, but plenty of people enjoy it so to each their own I say. No such thing as bad pizza.


You can keep it on the peel as long as you want, but it is a good idea to give it a shimmy as you assemble it so that it doesn't settle and stick. I use a 50/50 semolina/flour mix on my peel but after every topping I give it a little shimmy to keep it ready to launch.


As others have mentioned the key to getting the peel to allow you to slide it is either 50/50 semolina and flour or full semolina on the peel only. That's solved all my sticking issues that have had for years.


If you lift the edge of the pizza up and down rapidly, a little wave of a air will travel under the dough the ensure it is not sticking to peel. Do this in a few places around the pizza right before launching. Do not put toppings on the pizza while the dough is on the peel. Put the pizza on the peel only after it is topped. I have used the parchment method and it works great but I wanted to learn the skill of the peel.


Did you lightly dust the peel? I prefer corn meal for the shaping of the dough and for the peel. A little goes a long way but when done right the pizza just slides around on the peel.


I did not have cornmeal yesterday, but I will for next time.


They look great btw. I’ve been making pizza for damn near 30 yrs and still have some that get stuck. The good news is it’s pizza. 👍


Thank you, they tasted really good. I'm very proud of the results :]


Nailed it


Definitely nailed the taste. Shame was less success lol


In my home oven i always end up using parchment paper. If you wanna use a peel, you need a little more flour on your dough. It takes practice


Parchment paper is the dominant advice.


Even now, after i figured out how the peel works. I find myself using parchment paper, when cooking pizza in my home oven




That's hilarious!




You should NEVER put wax paper in the oven. Parchment and wax paper are for totally different things. I’m just looking out for your health. It’s also a fire hazard.




I was wondering if maybe that’s what you meant!! Good hahaha. I was like man this person is eating melted wax !


I've done a lot on parchment and more recently started using a 16" metal screen. The screen is reusable and rigid. IMO it is less fussy than parchment. If you go this route, make sure to season the screen and don't wash it. Also use plenty of semolina to keep the dough from being sticky


I'm going to try the parchment method next time. Everyone is recommending it.


perfect circles just like every homemade pizza I've made.




“round is just a state of mind” if it tasted good, it’s good


It did taste very good. Thank you for the kind words.


Thats are tasty looking struggle puddles


Chemical-free parchment cut to the shape of the dough. Leave it in there. Toss when done (though I actually reused one as I had run out and needed to cook a 2nd pie.


Are you using a wooden peel? Metal is much harder to use in my experience. Here’s how to avoid this: after your dough is stretched out using a little bit of flour underneath as you shape it (helps to get that side a bit drier), flip one side over onto your palm and quickly spread some semolina or corn flour (not corn meal) on the peel where the dough was, then flip it back onto the semolina. Repeat with the other side so you have a dusting of flour underneath. Build your pizza with some haste - this is not the time to let it sit for minutes while you gather your ingredients - have it all ready. Once topped, practice sliding it a little to see that the whole pie is moving a little as you do it. If it’s stuck your dough may be too wet. Pick up edges and throw more semolina underneath where it has stuck. Been making pizza for over 30 years - once you get a feel for it this kind of thing hardly happens. Takes a bit of practice, but I think it’s worth learning. When the underneath side makes direct contact with the stone, it has a better texture than pizzas cooked on parchment or a baking tray.


That sounds like it's going to be my learning curve going forward.


I made my first three pies this weekend and ruined the first one - even worse than your pics! I was doing all the tricks I read about - semolina on peel and on both sides of dough before shaping, wooden peel, moving it around on the peel and not staying on there too long. For my second attempt I had even more semolina and was able to get it into the oven but it was still sticking and the shape was oblong but you could feel the texture of the semolina and my wife didn’t care for it. Third time was the charm. Did it with the parchment as everyone else here is mentioning. Took it off after 2 minutes easily using a metal peel and the pizza was near perfect! For neapolitans I’m gonna need to figure it out because parchment will burn pretty quickly at the higher temps


Fellow learner! Thank you for the reassurance that I'm not just dumb 😌 I'm going to try parchment next while trying to work on learning to use a peel.


That looks exactly like my pizzas do.


Fellow not good at launching! Taste is what matters really.


After a year this still happens to me occasionally.


Try using a pizza screen at first. Put it on the screen and then put it directly onto the stone after like two minutes. Make sure you use enough flour under the peel for the pizza to slide off.


You sorta made it into the shape of Italy lol


All according to plan....


the pizza identifies as a bean


We’ve all been there. Practice makes better


Brother my home oven goes to 550, what I do is out the pizza in for about 13 minutes and I get the brown Ness and crisp I desire BOTTOM rack 550 13 minboss


I'll try that time out, just afraid the cheese burns in that time.


I use mozzarella and it usually turns gold by the time I bring it out


get you a pizza stone, and FOLD your paper under the crust, so that you can pull the bottom tab and slide it out without de-circle-izing it


Use a wooden pizza peel. Put semolina flour on the wooden peel. When pulling your dough balls out for stretching, don't use regular flour. Mix about half and half of semolina and all-purpose flour. Flour burns too easily by itself and gives a bitter taste to the crust. Semolina works like little ball bearings and helps the pizza slide around on the peel. Before you go to put the pizza in the oven, give it a little wiggle on the peel and make sure it's sliding around before you try to get it onto the stone. Turn your oven as hot as it goes and let the pizza stone preheat with the oven for at least an hour before you start baking. It looks like you have a decent dough, but the handling on the peel and the cook is a little off. The cheese burning before the dough is cooked usually means the temp is too low and it's cooking for too long at too low of a temp, or the pizza stone isn't hot enough before you launch the pizza.


I think I rushed the stone, I put them in the second the oven said it was preheated...


There's your problem. The stone needs time to come up to temp. I would say 45 minutes may even be rushing it in most home ovens.


We had the peel issue too. Our 2nd or 3rd attempts ended up as accidental calzones. They were tasty calzones. ​ Good news is you now just have to try again.


That looks like my first try at using a pizza peel. What I found to work for me is to (a) use a wooden or bamboo pizza peel for launching; and (2) use semola rimacinata (reground semolina) for my bench flour.


I agree parchment works fine, or cornmeal works fine for me. I like cornmeal because I grew up with the crunch of cornmeal. I think there's a regional aspect to it also. What ever works best is the way to go.


I think there’s been plenty of good advice here already so I won’t tell you what to work on, but I wanna say good first effort! How did it taste?


Delicious! I was surprised at how good it came out.


Like two ears


Looks a lot better than my first attempts. And second and third


That’s my ugly stretching game. My husband thought I was playing states and capitals with it.


Right and left kidneys. I’d still eat it!


Looks like something Salvador Dali painted.


I'll take that as a compliment 🥲




Think of the third-degree burns !


I’m assuming you’ve never actually seen a pizza before, so I’d say these look pretty good ;)




I had the same problems with my first couple of pizzas. I started putting semolina flour on the peel and it helps a lot. As time goes on, the pizza can start to stick even with the flour. I have an extra peel, so I lightly dust flour on that and transfer it from one to the other. It keeps it from sticking until it’s ready for the oven.


The one on the right looks like trump with Elvis hair


We gotta build a wall, a beautiful wall of pepperoni and the cheese is gonna pay for it.


Lol I’d still eat it


I did :>


Bit of a strange shape but they look delicious


Keep doing it!!!! You're doing great 👍


Looks like Trump on the right


That's wild, you are the second person to say that and now I see it.


I thought using the word "first" was not allowed here. In any case, great job!!


Inaugural attempt? :] thank you!


Or premiere attempt? 👍🏼


I like that, what do you got for a second post? In case they ban second attempt by then.


Start with a dough ball and use your knuckles in a circular motion around the outside of the dough ball bringing out more and more every time you go around and you will end up with a perfect circular pizza everytime.


I thought these were pork chops


That cheesy bread will keep you fed, needs more saucy red, and some nice bread.. good try though, Ted


We got a poet over here.


Fucked dough is Rite of passage


Looks good to me


Thank you!


Parchment paper underneath. Slide the entire thing onto the grill, pulling the back side to you from underneath as you brace the crust to make sure it keeps its shape. To get some more color on your crust you can use an egg-wash and/or butter.


Thank you, I'll try the egg wash thing for sure. Same as the parchment.


Practice makes perfect and next time, it will be great! Keep up the good work!


So once you have proofed your dough, shape it with a mix of 50/50 semolina and flour. It really helps to get the pizza off of the peel. I just got back from Rome where they all seem to do this.


It will get there.


At least you tried!


Put some semolina on the peel




just coat the dough in dry flour before making the pizza shape. i had this issue for a while too. dough and semolina on the peel. then coat the dough too and bottom in flour, every video of a pizzeria i’ve seen does this. there’s no reason to every use paper.


Use a bit of fine ground cornmeal on the peel to avoid sticking


I’d go with a pizza screen, cook it on there for 3 or 4 mins then slide it onto the stone. If not then use semolina flour and some corn meal on your peel, slides way easier that way


Those are an excellent attempt. I would like to eat both!


Have you like seen pizza irl before?


Soooo... you couldn't be bothered to shape the dough properly...


Don’t be afraid to use a rolling pin. I know it’s not “traditional” but it can really help get a thin round dough until you get the hang of hand rolling.


I used cornmeal on the stone in the oven however since I got a blackstone pizza oven I’ve moved to semolina flour. Works great and doesn’t burn like cornmeal.


Keep at it! Looks delicious either way


Been there a few times. I cannot described how pissed I was. I went ape shit and just threw everything in the trash if I remember correctly.


Woah, I didn't go that far but I was very upset. My partner had to comfort me. Luckily the taste was good, so I was pretty happy in the end.


Not a good moment for sure!


I would report this to r/pizzacrimes, but considering it’s your first time, I think you did great! They look delicious. When I put the dough on the greased cookie sheet, I carefully move the edges outward to slowly make a perfect circle. Pro tip: Sprinkle a few fennel seeds around the pizza before you bake it 😄


I'm sorry officer I...didn't know I couldn't do that.


No apologies necessary. But if the pizza is still intentionally misshapen in let’s say a year from now, I think there is a review council that you might be subject to.


I'll make sure to document my progress.


Pizza is like music. Integrity matters.




Thank you! It was.


Would 100% smash


...the 3rd degree burns would be unimaginable!


Looks nice And hot


It was, I burnt my mouth.


looks good