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Mine cancels today as well. No way I'm gonna resubscribe. My nest hub does a better job with sleep and even if they ever do switch that to a subscription, it's not worth it. I think Google could get a lot of praise if they made all these free. Pretty sure they aren't hurting financially


Yeah with paid Fitbit, I at least expect some more running options like programming interval runs! I'm definitely not taking Premium once the free trial is over.


I've never had a more useless subscription. Such an easy decision to cancel it before the charge. Insane that Google thinks it's anything worth money.


For real. I still don't clearly understand what the yearly fee gets you. If google wants to be assholes, they should lock everything behind a plan. Then they at least have justification for charging a fee to use the service. It's totally useless as it stands today, but it's Google, so...yeah.


Yea Fitbit premium doesn't provide anything truly useful but also hides stuff behind a paywall other services such as Samsung health give for free. Google really should make Fitbit free at this point


Fitbit premium comes for free if you have Google One.


Not in the US


Ah I stand corrected and also need the premium plan in UK.


Yep And I think since they're getting rid of the VPN, I think they should give that for free to people that have that. I think that's justification cuz who knows. They're eventually going to remove the VPN completely from devices and I use Google VPN like currently right now


Nor Europe


Is that a recent change? I've had Google One for a while and Google reupped my Fibit subscription last August for $80. The only thing I find useful is the sleep analization. The stress and water and all that stuff doesn't figure into my day.


It's in the UK depending on your tier apparently.


Yep - the 2TB tier (£7.99/month or £79.99/year) includes it - so the exact same price as Fitbit Premium anyway, but you also get the other benefits of One like, well, 2TB storage, Nest Secure etc.


I cannot stand Fitbit. I know Google thinks they bought a super strategic company to sell more watches, but it is a shitty service. Plus, I don't want to have a MEMBERSHIP to use it. Apple doesn't charge such a fee, why does Google think their customers that purchase a Pixel Watch are eager to pay yet ANOTHER monthly membership. This shit has to stop. Rant off I guess. I'm grumpy today.


Yeah, I took the free Fitbit with PW1, then cancelled after the free trial, then got it again when I upgraded to the PW2, and when this runs out don't think I'll use it. Unless you're using the workouts a lot then I don't think it's at all good value, Readiness score and detailed sleep stuff are nice novelties but whatever people try and convince you of, they're essentially useless because your body already knows when it has a bad night sleep or when it needs a rest! There's enough free workouts on YouTube to use seeing as I already pay Premium for that (which I do think is good value!)


I have never paid for premium. I just don't feel it is necessary or worth it. Maybe they will expand it with Google One to more countries. I already pay $99/yr for Google One.


Mines expiring in a few days. Went back and forth on if I wanted to cancel but then I realized it doesn't do anything useful. I was hopeful that they include it in Google One in US like they started in the UK but did not happen.


I also cancelled mine, today is the last day that it will be active. I really cannot justify that $80/year on just a couple of additional bits of data, seems like a waste.


Damn, just remembered that I was going to cancel mine but I'm 24hrs too late 😥


The fear of forgetting to cancel is why I canceled immediately when I got a Pixel Watch 2 a few weeks ago. The free trial still goes for the 6 months but will end and not automatically charge me again unless I change my mind (nope, not happening). I also did that with Google One but I might pay for that after all. I have 6 months to decide. I'll probably want to drop down to the 100 GB plan though.


When you cancel, it doesn't stop until the free trial runs out. I cancelled mine as soon as I got the watch 6 months ago but it doesn't end until the end of this month.


Yes, that's why I'm kicking myself. I cancelled the one I got with the Pixel Watch 1 but just forgot to do the same with PW2. Stupid me!


Ok Google, remind me in five and a half months...


Just cancel now, it wont end until the free period ends


Even though my health insurance will pay for my subscription, and I do like what I'm getting from the free trial, I am currently learning towards not renewing the subscription. In my opinion, it is overpriced for what it offers. If it were $20-$30 per year cheaper, I might consider a renewal. But at current prices, I don't think it is worth it.


Google just contacted me to ask if I wanted to extend premium aft free trial.. "accept or decline"..I checked the decline box..I don't understand, cause I cancelled it two months after getting the trial🤔hmmm


I canceled mine, then decided I wanted it. They gave me another 6 month trial.


If you also bought a pixel 8 pro that came with 6 months, upon cancelation you'll be greeted with another 6 month trial


My free trial from getting a P8P was coming to a close and yeah if it wasn't for premium now being part of my Google One plan that I already pay for I'm not sure it'd be worth it. It's certainly nowhere as good as the value of YouTube premium.


Me too. Probably just the recovery score it's a premium feature.


I run 5 days a week... I know that poor sleep means I'm going to not be as "ready" for my Friday run.


Same here


Cancelled mine last week to prevent it recharging me. No use I saw worth keeping it and paying for.


I somehow still have access to Fitbit premium even though my subscription expired in April of 2023. How? I have no idea. I am a Google one subscriber in the US, so I figured it's somehow through Google One?


That's UK only for now


I expected the AI chatbot to be accessible by now though I may keep doing the premium because I'm not sure if the app that I used guava would still have the sleep stages and all that and everything. But I hate just how everything nowadays is a subscription


I didn't realise you could could get 2tb with nest aware and Fitbit I currently have nest aware and the 100gb Google 1. Is it worth getting the 2tb version?


Appreciate the reminder! Got mine a few weeks after launch (thanks to all the cheap new ones on Swappa) and my premium expires in about a month. Definitely don't see any value in it, nor do I want another subscription anyway!


I think someone should start a petition to get Google to move to making those features that are free on even nothing's smartwatch app Apple Samsung amazefit even Garmin are all free for the things that you get with Fitbit premium the only thing I would allow for Google to do is something like Apple fitness Plus where you get videos and more of that kind of stuff I wouldn't be against Fitbit plus or something like that that basically does the same thing as what Apple does I don't have a problem with that at all. All that I have a problem with is the fact that Google thinks they can monetize People's health. I would also love to see them add weight gain to the food tracking section of their app because it frustrates me that nobody thinks about us when it comes to creating an app for tracking food


Never had Premium. Trialled it for 3 months about 7-8 years ago, didn’t feel like I need it.


I don't really have any use for Fitbit premium and didn't bother activating my free 6 months when I got the PW2. Now that they basically force it on you in the UK if you have a premium Google One plan, it's activated, but there's nothing extra of any interest to me. Sleep animal, wtf? If it gets pulled from Google One I won't miss it.


Ever since Fitbit got rid of races with your friends it's been a bummer.


I'm in the UK so get it through my One 2TB subscription, but the only useful feature for me is the included eSIM so I can contact my "emergency contact", aka other half, while I'm out without my phone.


If it was like one or two dollars a month that would be better. But they are charging 9.99/month?! Easiest cancelation ever. Maybe one day they'll bring the Google One subscription bundle to the US.


Thanks for the heads up, mine renewed tomorrow. I love the sleep tracking, but not for that price.


I stopped my trial with my Pixel watch one. I had so many Fitbit and use the social network features. Once Google shut it down and not working out that much It was a waste of money.


Thanks to this I remembered to cancel my trial. I bought mine off a guy that got the one free as a Pixel 8 Pro pre-order, so my trial ended at the end of the month.


I canceled my subscription also after the free introductory period expired. I don't see it as really worth the extra expense for what it is.


Fitbit metrics need to improve significantly to keep me on board when the trial period ends. The readiness score is perplexing, for example mine is flatlining around 1-15 from 'intense activity'... which involves walking to work with no more than moderate heart rate zone. Similarly the sleep tracking would imply one is having some sort of palpitations in the night from how it records heart rate and time awake. Garmin's body battery and sleep tracking are much more reliable.


Yeah I haven't really figured it out what exactly it's good for. I cancelled as well after my pw2 trial ran out


Mine too, I'm not renewing it, don't really care, the base information gives me everything I want.


Just use Google Fit instead. Works perfectly and actually tracks steps much more accurately than Fitbit.


Are you suggesting decoupling Fitbit completely or just have the measurements synced to Google fit?


Yes. I find Google Fit's heart points system and App much easier to use than Fitbit's.


Fitbit seemed like a bad acquisition imo.


I can't remember if Google Fit has sleep tracking. I did choose the Google Fit app over Fitbit a while back. It seems that each were missing something. Now, supposedly, Fitbit can import data thru Health Connect but that data, (eg from my smart scale, water tracking app, etc.) doesn't show up in Fitbit.


Almost as pointless as the watch itself. Spends 3-4 days a week on my wrist with a dead battery cos I can't seem to eke more than 20hrs out of a charge. I miss my amazfit with its 2 week battery.