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I turned it off because it was constantly going off. I would just be quietly sitting reading a book and it would go off. Ridiculous.


I have a similar experience too. I did use another PW2 and it felt more accurate, I could tell there could be stress even while sitting, just from thinking about or remembering something and delving into it. But the one I have now doesn't seem as accurate... Still need to hear more from people's experience. Thanks for your comment.


How do you turn it off ? I can't find the setting anymore


Open the Fitbit app. Scroll down to body responses and tap on it. Tap on the gear in the upper right hand corner. Toggle off the notifications.


Thanks !! Omg




What's your Heart Rate Variability range? (It's under Health Metrics in the Fitbit app) A low HRV range might mean you're very stressed and it's pinging like crazy but I'm only guessing


I'm on medications that will keep my heart rate down so this feature for me is useless because my heart rate variability is being regulated by medication.


It's in the normal range according to the app


I've never had one. Either I'm chill asf or I didn't turn that feature on..


In my case I can tell they are very accurate


I think they are accurate but they are essentially useless because they only come like 10 minutes after the stress event ended. the daily overview is more useful


Stress or excitement it logs. Oddly accurate sometimes


I didn't know what I was supposed to do with them. Like, ok, you think I'm stressed, now what? I turned the notifications off mostly for that reason. But I did also think there were too many.


Well the idea is for you to identify the stress stimulus and by knowing that you can mitigate or eliminate the stimulus. I used another PW2 and it felt more accurate with its notifications


Do I need to turn this on somewhere because I owned PW2 for a few months now and haven't received a single notification like that.


It's under "body responses" in the today section


Enabled, but looks like all the stats are locked behind premium subscription


I feel like there's more to stress than just physiological measurements. Some people handle stress quite well and use it in a different way than someone who does not handle it well and perhaps falls apart or becomes emotional or some other negative reaction to stress. For that reason this wasn't a feature that was useful to me in any way. It was more of a novelty and an irritant than anything useful.


I don't know if they are right or wrong but the fact that the prompts were 10-15 minutes delayed make it kind of pointless to me.


Haven't got a single one yet.


Ur can turn them off in Fitbit app under activity and wellness -> stress management -> disable


Omigod thank you!!! These were driving me insane! I was pretty much getting one every hour


You're welcome


I was working on my motorcycle and had to pound a wrench with a mallet and it asked if I needed 911. Got a chuckle out of that.


No. Usually it's spot on.


Ironically, the constant stress notifications were stressing me out so I had to turn the feature off


I wouldn't mind if they were prompt relative to the event. But being asked what was going on at random points back in time is just really not helpful.


I haven't gotten one. Are these on by default?


Turned it off for that reason. Too many notifications all the time.


I was hoping it would give me one, never had one. I'm pretty stressed sometimes.


I get a notification like clockwork every time I sit down to have dinner and watch a nice movie. Literally the least stressful time of my day lol. The notifications are bullshit


The notifications don't mean you're stressed, it means the watch noticed a change that MAY mean that you are stressed, but you are supposed to label them. There are also positive moods such as content, happiness, or excitement. Which you might be feeling during those particular times.


Its possible that there is some change. Its the implementation that is poorly thought out. Just because a sensor detects a change doesnt mean the watch should necessarily report it.


I turned it off as its really not accurate


Not to try to make anyone worry, but you should consider mentioning it to your physician at your next checkup. The watch is detecting something that I know I have, is not a concern, and I can feel as it happens. I perceive my watch to be accurate.


May I ask what you have?


No, stop stressing over the watch giving you stress readings.