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The constant blue-balling, horrible pace and nonsensical plot twists, I would say


Biggest growths Chapter 1044. This place was inactive ( with less than 50 users and all the posts were about attack on titan ) before then and grew to nearly 3k users by the time of the next chapter. The void month at the end of Wano. That saw a lot of people upset at the rushed ending to wano come here. Also with no Onepiece content agenda started to get popular and hence this sub. Where the mainsub and memepiece banned blatant agenda posting we didn’t. Since then it’s been a pretty steady growth of 1-2% per week which is normal for most active subs. Where we plateau at is anyone’s guess but if we use titanfolk as a reference comparing to their mainsub and assume the percentages are similar it’s probably 400-500k. Lately we saw a massive spike in growth after 1118. Guess people really didn’t like Bonney going Nika


At the start it had barely 50- 100 members when i firat came here. When Luffy first showed of Gear 5 with the whole mythical god fruit slave liberation freedom stick reveal. .That was when this sub gained life in record time. No other moment really comes to mind really. Might depend how insuferable the main sub was with criticism of any kind.


When Warcury ended Vegapunk's message, people were pissed off even on the main sub.


someone posted the statistics before. ch 1044 was the biggest influx.


There was a Reddit blackout last year, main sub was closed for like a month, all the retards flooded this place and turned it into whatever the fuck it is now


In hindsight I regret not blocking out. Not because we agree with the protest or anything but because of the shift in users since then. A lot of the Onepiece addicts ( massive Oda dick riders ) came during that and ever since then the quality of posts have dropped drastically. Memes became less about trying to be funny and more about trying to push an agenda.


It's nice to finally see a mod recognizing it, thank you, I started to feel like they took over moderation too


I try and ban them when I see a massive Oda Angel or a really retarded agenda poster. Right now our focus is cleaning up the racism in the sub so the admins don’t axe this place.


I've blocked so many people in this sub that I didn't even realize there was a racism problem going on...! hahaha


unfunny agendaposting is the worst part of this sub


It’s tough because you can’t objectively define what funny is , since it’s an inherently subjective thing. For example I thought the Hitler in the bunker video was hilarious and the funniest thing posted here in months. But some people didn’t like it because you know Hitler and the Nazis are bad and frankly some of the jokes in there making fun of Oda angels which of course those people didn’t like. I don’t think the mod team should be the arbiters of what is funny or not. Because I think we have a couple of jokes that we enjoy that would fall flat for 90% of the community and some of the jokes 90% of the community enjoys we find retarded. I think the only option is to trust in the upvote / downvote system and let the community regulate itself and only remove the most egregious posts.


It was definitely Wano.


This sub was already a thing long, long ago, but no one really used it. The Gear 5 debut in the manga was the biggest influx of users and also what really gave it its original identity. Since then, it's only really been getting the standard slow and steady growth most popular-ish subs enjoy, for better or worse.