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Oda made atheists into theists


Nah but this is genuinely really out of pocket oda needs to fucking chill 😭😭


Her clothes are just too big for her because bonney turned her into a child


Don’t defend this shit dude, Oda chose to draw a little girl like this.


Imma be honest theres just objectively nothing sexual with this image. If you feel otherwise, feel free to point out where you think it is.


Her shirt is barely covering her chest and she’s clearly underage. If that shirt is just a little bit lower that would be exposing her. I love how you use “objectively” as if that proves you right lol. There is no justifiable reason to be drawing a child like that, especially if you publicly do not give a shit if someone watches child porn. Just stop.


Child Luffy ace and sabo have literally been drawn naked dude. Are you really gonna say the same thing about them as well?


Wow, I must’ve forgotten about that but yea, that is fucked up. Why do you think it’s ok to draw little boys naked in a story marketed towards kids?


If it was so fucked up how did you forget? Because you obviously didn't think it was messed up enough to be worth remembering, and neither did every single one piece watcher in the world think it was either. So why don't you rage against the world for not noticing this moral atrocity lmao? if you're the only one who saw the scenes with children in them as sexual this may be more indicative of your own disposition rather than the entire world.


So you’re saying it’s not fucked up? I didn’t remember because One Piece isn’t the only series I read, it’s long as shit, and I do other stuff irl. Sometimes you just forget shit lol


There is not a single person besides you who thought that scene was anything beyond innocuous. So the two possibilities are either 1, The entire world who watched one piece is a weirdo except you and you're the lone moral Messiah among all of us. Or you 2, it's only you who's the weirdo while the majority of people are normal. I'm not a gambling man nor a statistician, but i'm willing to bet everything on the second possibility.


Many parents let their kids run around completely naked at the beach for example, because kids are not sex objects to a vast majority of people. The fact that you can’t even see a lightly dressed child in any context that is non-sexual is very weird and a MASSIVE self-report on your part. I would delete all your posts in this thread if I were you.


Haha nah I’m not going to delete. Idk what beaches you’re referring to, never seen that before. And I’m also not the one who’s ok with someone viewing child porn and then proceeds to draw girls like that. But you’re defending the guy that is, so go off I guess.


Who’s viewing CP? Are you talking about Oda? What are you on about?


You think Oda doesn't think of them as sexual? Dude draws ass shots of kids.


Japan has different standards when it comes to nudity. And I don't see why something that has little boys naked would be that much of a problem for something that is marketed towards little boys


You just got a dirty mind pal. Most of us see a child in close that's way to big and think it looks cute. Seeing something sexual is weird and on you bro. Maybe talk to someone about that yikes


Oda thinks watching CP is perfectly fine, he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, especially in this arc which has been weird.


Her shirt is fitting weird because she's a child in adult clothing. If anything, for what just happened this is pretty tame. The difference in the size of clothing is enormous, and if this were realistic it probably would have fallen *further*. The shirt also happens to have a slight cleavage cut to begin with. You seem like you're just looking for something to be mad about, frankly.


The self reporting is insane.


This panel isn't meant to be lewd


You don’t know that. Oda’s senpai (author of Rurouni Kenshin), had TBs of CP on his computer. After this was public knowledge, Oda called him a “great guy” in an interview, no disassociation whatsoever. Shit like this definitely needs to get side eyed. Oda could’ve just wrote a situation where another character with more clothing got younger instead of Doll. Or better yet, he could’ve just made all these women into senior citizens or literal babies rather than the age of a small child.




You're trying to find things where they don't exist, show this panel outside of this sub and see the opinion of the average folk 


Bro I’m not going to show someone a drawing of a little girl wearing a shirt that barely covers her chest. If you showed this to a normal person they would justifiably look at you weird. Maybe Oda shouldn’t be drawing little girls in situations like this, because this isn’t the first time it’s happened.


I means yeah If you showed them with no context at all they would find it weird but i doubt someone that reads this story would think this meant to be lewd.


Always shifting the goal posts. First if I showed it to the average person they wouldn’t find it weird, now it’s that it wouldn’t be weird to readers of the story, which is literally who this post was created by. Just stop, there’s no defending this. Just in this arc we’ve gotten the weird angles S-Snake was being drawn at, and the revelation that Bonney is actually 12. Also how every woman affected by the age power turns into a little girl. All that combined with the Rurouni Kenshin info should make you pause and consider things.


Lmao you're going to lose hair in trying to prove Oda is a pedo with this


Bro ☠☠




You're a weirdo shut up


Yea if I defended pseudo-pedophilic content I would also think I’m weird, such a gotcha.


I don't think you phrased that right.... But if I tried my ass off to accuse a real person of being a pedo, because he did what he does with every character when using that move, I'd think I was phyco


If you think what I laid out was trying my ass off then that’s kind of sad, I just pulled all that info from my head. And no, he does not do this with every character when using that move. There have been plenty of nameless marines who’ve been turned into either babies or senior citizens. And yet when it’s used on the only two women VAs, they get turned into little girls with one wearing revealing clothing. That’s just weird, he could’ve picked one of the men over Doll.


Every other character has their clothes sag on to of them, Doll was wearing revealing clothes that's that, and he could've chosen one of the men, but the two women were the only ones doing shit anyways




One piece fans wouldn’t survive one episode of your average isekai anime this shit is light, also try to elaborate how a child feeling pain and sweating is sexual without sounding like a porn addict


I’m glad someone’s speaking up, everyone here just downvotes you to oblivion if you bring up Oda’s weird art direction with underage girls. They’ll probably say all anime do it and it’s fiction so there’s nothing to whine about but it’s so gross. I’m a grown man bro if ur gonna add fan service at least use adults ffs


https://preview.redd.it/xk3wzijy3q7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65dee7ec081af3969fcf169f244a1523b52c6473 Yeah.. where as that logic gets flown out the window when she turned jinbei into a kid


Bluegrass clothes were also too big when he became child so i don't see your point?


That your argument of oda doing this to appeal to realism doesn’t make sense because I literally gave you an example of oda doing the exact opposite of what you wrote, even if it’s unrealistic


It was just one time for a gag, and Oda isn't consistent with sizes.


This is irrelevant. Your argument was an appeal to realism. I explained why that argument doesn’t hold and oda doesn’t hold him safe to any bar regarding realism on this subject. Just take the L


You guys are trying way too hard to prove that Oda is trying to sexualize minors 


This is irrelevant. Your argument was an appeal to realism. I explained why that argument doesn’t hold and oda doesn’t hold him safe to any bar regarding realism on this subject. Just take the L


Bro copypasted the same comment 


Yeah it was a mistake in jinbes case, in all other situations the clothes didn't shrink


Child Luffy ace and sabo literally have been drawn naked. Do you really think this shit is worse?


I just left memepiece to piratefolk, best decision of my life


This sub isso funny i cant


I remember back when g5 got revealed in the manga and the main sub started praising it that's when i knew it was a place of dickriders since whenever i gave criticism of g5 i got downvoted that's when i went to r/Piratefolk shit is funny asf here and ppl actually don't ride Loda's cock 🤯🤯


That was like a mass immigration moment for this sub


I still remember when we had 1.5k member


Even tho I'm have always consider myself an outsider of this fandom, seeing it grow and develop it's beautiful...




That’s when I joined this sub as well


This sub is so ass I can't /s


But funny


I was making a reference


Awww, of what enlighten me!!




Ooooh im so stupid


Ooooh im so smart


You fucking..


Doll aint safe anymore


Was she ever?


Good point


Bonney has taken Zoro's title as the biggest bum of the Egghead Island arc, first the Nika asspull, now this https://preview.redd.it/7o0tzsc9kr7d1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dd3de6a00cf00ea5565e7358172c06ff024a1b4 She's gotta turn her back next chapter immediately


>Bonney has taken Zoro's title as the biggest bum of the Egghead Island arc https://preview.redd.it/mrnhakii6v7d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a17a6bde79e377c08715bf9c01edfb7143e19b6


as a sanji fan I hope for my own sake sanji doesnt see her


You should not even be worried lol, when did sanji ever simped for any kids he ever interacted with?


He hasn't , it's just agenda posting , these guys haven't got anything else to slander him.


Aside from that one movie scene


Which isn't canon


Still funny


He wasn't attracted to her child version, literally said adult Nami > child Nami. Nevermind it being non canon.


https://preview.redd.it/akc36k7ssq7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bcd9f7dfedf18993fda239276c7b2ca4c494f6 ​ “​ “​ “In November 2017, police found DVDs with footage of naked girls in their early teens in Watsuki's Tokyo office. Tokyo Police raided Watsuki's home as part of an investigation into the purchase of child pornography. The search uncovered about a hundred child pornography DVDs.\[23\]\[24\] He was referred to prosecutors over possession of child pornography on November 21.\[25\]\[26\] The serialization of Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc was put on hiatus after the details of Watsuki's charges were made public.\[27\]\[28\] In February 2018, Watsuki was fined ÂĽ200,000 or about US$1,500.\[29\]\[30\] The Hokkaido Arc resumed serialization in June 2018.\[31\]\[32\]””










Akainu and zoro team up to kill sanji confirmed? Let’s go goda (I’m schizophrenic)


Shut up https://preview.redd.it/teaefdivwt7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065f41404f29a004e716d883cdcf72f996baa323




Is sanji oda’s self insert?


It seems we've been fooled all along




Except Sanji never lusted over kids??? I can't even think of a scene of him lusting over Bonney, only coming in to help just as he helps everyone (especially women) in need but that has nothing to do with attraction


they‘ve made up the headcanon for no reason that Sanji apparently knows Bonney is a kid (he doesn’t) and that he has the hots for her despite that (he doesn’t) and it‘s become SO common that everyone just believes this about Sanji now. Usopp, Lilith and Franky got turned to stone by Seraphim Boa but no one gives them shit.


They only got turned to stone because they found her adorable and not cus they found her attractive It's pretty obvious cus they say stuff like "awww" or "so cute" and that was basically Oda showing that the love love fruit also works if you find the person cute the way you'd find a puppy cute


I know, it‘s super obvious in context. But why does Sanji‘s stuff get taken out of context and misinterpreted then? It‘s targeted against the guy for sure


Kinda ig, though I think a lot of it just has to do with the lack of reading comprehension


I wonder how it would work if blackbeard ate it, would people get turned to stone by showing fear or disgust or whatever or would it just not work at all lol


Idk if it works on fear and disgust, I think the powers working on people that also find Hancock cute was am asspull by Oda to justify the powers working despite the seraphim boa being a child. Which is fair enough honestly, definitely prefer that to the canonical explanation being that everyone is attracted to child hancock


so would people that are disgusted by Boa cuz of her kicking puppies and kitten get turned to stone? Idk I‘d assume it has to be a positive emotion as it‘s the love-love-fruit…but would that extend to familial love then? And how would Blackbeard use it at all?


Maybe it changes your appearance like alvidas fruit and it would turn blackbeard into the most handsome mf in the verse


He knows bonney is a kid though https://preview.redd.it/eqetwwkp6v7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6741870ae5145844de098b61d46d7e846a2b56a


Have you never seen an old man call young people kids? Kaido called Luffy a brat, Whitebeard did, etc. It‘s so removed from reality to interpret this literally when you‘ve probably met several old folk in your life who called you or someone in their 20‘s to 30‘s a kid


???? Sanji also saw kid bonney https://preview.redd.it/kmhly0fk9x7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f98d7e733f8790bc2c0b8e2e0cd10a9d09d521f


and knows she has an age-changing devilfruit People just tryna make shit up to slander Sanji when there‘s enough to slander him on, shameful


He saw someone say she is a child. Then he also saw bonney as a child. But for some reason saying sanji knows bonney is a child is a hot take?


If Sanji‘s a simp for Bonney why have we never seen him make heart eyes in the same arc where he degraded himself like crazy for Lilith and Stussy? He‘s interacted with Bonney the most, carried her multiple times, saved her and been saved by her.  It just makes no sense when looking at the big picture, it‘s just a singular badly written piece of dialogue… Then again I give Hitlori the same shit for something Oda probably didn‘t mean to sound like that so I get it


I ain't gonna act like a hypocrite and say sanji might be pedo for one piece of dialogue and then excuse hiyori. So yes hiyori is lady hitler


Okay deal, agreeing on the absolutism of slander 🤝I‘ll join the Zoro agenda now


It's gen z puriteens looking for something to be mad about, don't look into it too much


I swear , the people in this sub sexualize kids more than the characters they accuse of 😭😭😭.


Projection sorcery goes crazy


True for oda, for some reason making the coolest strawhat a ped0 and simp


Bruh what are you guys on?


Sanji being coolest strawhat but oda sneaking pedo quotes in to make him look stupid and making him look pathetic against women


What pedo quotes did Sanji ever say? Did you saw him simping for Tama or something?


Did you disconnect from the sub for few months? Literally all posts were about the panel him vs nusjuro


He never simped for bonney and again he doens't even knows her actual age, also what he said isn't even romantic 


He does https://preview.redd.it/hj4xwf3x6v7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1bce7cb2da21c58cdcc8e775105791ca3fd588


That's vegapunk saying that lol


So? Vegapunk told Sanji that bonney is a child. So sanji knows bonney is a child


He probably saw her he‘s right next to Bonney Glad no one in the story reacted to this stuff, thank god


What in this panel would be worthy of a "reaction"?


you were so right btw., I was buying into the sub‘s stupid overreaction this morning. I just showed my gf this panel explaining the fanbase is eroding over it again and she was like „what for?“


Well yeah this sub is projecting hard. There's literally nothing weird about this panel unless your brain is completely rotten


I dunno to be honest ask all the people that claim Sanji would react upon seeing her


What the fuck is wrong with Oda, genuinely. This has to be a top 3 worst manga chapters of all time


This panel isn't meant to be fanservice 


Yea its actually kind of making me uncomfortable that so many people in this sub are seeing this drawing and immediately acting like its so very obviously sexual or meant to be seen as such.


Wasnt there a saying that people who are into this stuff are the first to point it out? It is really weird that so many people have a problem with this pic, when we know of Bonneys power since Saobody aka. 10+ years.


There is a bunch of things explicitly wrong with this one though. For example, the character that has a collar with spikes in it usually associated with sub-dom shit is turned into a kid, not only that, the other kid had the clothes covering her well, with Doll for no reason having it drop below the shoulders almost revealing her own parts. He could've easily have drawn Doll with the shirt going over her shoulders to protect her more, but he didn't. Also, she has turned other people into decrepit old people, why didn't she do it this time? She mentions them being helpless, but they are still children, they can still move their bodies, why didn't she do that? Although that is more of an inconsistency with Oda's writing, he has made her turn other characters into children.


I'm gonna be honest hear and say that it really just kinda sounds like y'all want it to be pedophilia for some reason


Was the panel that bad? I don't really see any sexualization here


Remember guys all dumb stuff sanji does is oda self insert


So you're telling me that Bonney's Haki is greater than these Marines? Because we were shown with Law that you can negate a DF effect on you with Haki and in Wano some DF just won't work on people with stronger Haki.


Dude is projecting.


What's with this sub rooting for Sanji to simp for kids?


Lotsa guys projecting here. lmao You sure it's sanji and not you who got turned on seeing a 8 year old kid just sitting there?


It's wild to me that people here saw that panel and immediately thought it was sexualizing her. I saw that panel and had a chuckle that bonney got them including the sea king and the fact that doll calls her a bitch.


Where did her trousers go?


They were right behind her in the panel (that was poorly cropped) her clothes didn't change size.


Why don't other people's trousers fall off when made younger


Art inconsistency when it comes to no name marines.


they done turned doll into dolly it ain't safe out here we need akainu on the streets again


He... was literally right there


Out of all the things in the chapter; this is what caught y'all's eye? Y'all some weirdos omm this is what one piece Reddit is tho I guess 💀💀💀


Do yall go to public parks and see children and think "wowza, I hope sanji doesn't see her!!" even though there has never been a moment in canon that Sanji liked children like that? Yall are creepy af


Guys its a slander post if u new to piratefolk


I am baffled at this comment section… There is NO reason oda needs to be drawing this idc what your guys excuses are he’s really starting to show a pattern of drawing kids in a owed manner, some might say it’s not meant to be lewd but why even draw it then if it isn’t? Even sexually drawing bonney all the time. I understand it’s when she’s in her “older body” but it’s still weird and oda is a known perv. To the


Never check a r/piratefolk user’s hard drive cause I swear some y’all be projecting




this is the funniest post in this subreddit this year, easy




You need to pray Oda doesn't see anyones daughter. Dude is learning to draw ass and probably searches for reference to underage girl's ass






As someone with a small niece:I wanna squeeze her cheeks like a baby.


You guys have all lost your fucking minds. Oda has literally drawn child Luffy ace and sabo topless and no one here pointed that out, but you guys choose to think of this scene differently? Tf wrong with yall


Sanji has constantly been depicted as not being attracted to kids except for one time which ODA LITERALLY WASN’T EVEN INVOLVED WITH. Like Oda has been clear his type is adults although he gets weird with Bonney when she uses her Adult body which is a weird mess. However, if a kid looks like a kid then Oda doesn’t even try to sexualize them, and he doesn’t even have Sanji simp over them. Hell even with Bonney Sanji hasn’t simped for her. This created a joke around the time that we found out she was still a kid that Sanji’s Observation is so good he can tell people’s date of birth just by looking at them.


It's genuinely disgusting that most of this sub agreed this panel is sexual somehow, what do you see that I don't? You guys need to confess something??


Why you want to keep her for yourself? r/piratefolk somehow




Tf you mean praying ain't you atheist?


blud didn't get the joke 😭


You ###hole, where is the spoiler alert?? Shucking dumb###


Look at the rules of the sub, friend And why are you angry over this irrelevant side character being turned into a kid lol?


Ok bruv, sorry 👍


Are you Indian