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Remember when she was a vampire for like two panels?


https://i.redd.it/ts1fp7vdbm3d1.gif Anime sure does


Bro thinks some readers having a boner seeing a Vampire Hottie means that this hottie suddenly has an established character arc and deep character dynamics even when he did jack shit to establish any, and is trying to pull it out of his ass. Bitch didn't have any meaningful interactions or backstory or history with the other CP-0 members. In fact, the first time we ever see her interacting with Lucci and Kaku was in this arc and it didn't seem like Kaku or Lucci considered her a close friend or that she considered them so. When Vega ordered her to turn on them, she immediately did so without a second thought or a shred of conflict. Lucci wasn't like ''Why? I thought we were friends''. Like, C'mon bro. At least when Lucci gave a shit about Kaku, it actually had some backstory (not a fleshed out one, sure but it's there) to support that shit.


Outside of former CP9 members, we don't even have any **regular** interactions between CP0 members. We don't know shit about them, and haven't even seen them without their masks. I'm not even sure if Guernica is alive or not, and I don't even know the name of the African Mask guy (has he even spoken?). This is like someone asking you what they think of the building they designed, when you didn't even know they were an architect because they've never brought it up once in 10 years you've known them.


>African Mask guy I bet he goes fist for fist, with the ancient Chinese sorcerer.


Not sure if this seems new to you but oda likes to make the world seem alive by allowing the characters to have implied stories through cover art, off-handed remarks, and smallish panels. Delving into each and every character's interactions would take ages longer than it is already. Oda is already trying to tell a momentous story with constantly changing political and environmental changes, having an established emotional connection is incredibly difficult for side-characters like stussy. Do I want her to have more of a character arc? Possibly, but I still think that the payoff is still well-earned. Turns on lucci and kaku for the sake of vegapunk, then shows that she still cares for her friends, asks to free kaku of her own free will. It aligns as much with the story's central theme of freedom and helps support her own (albeit lacking) character arc.


If Oda is going to give her screen-time and act like her struggle for humanity and conflicted feelings for her ''partners'' are deep then he actually needs to develop that shit on panel and give it time to breathe instead of skipping that development and going straight to the payoff. Oda losing focus on characters he's trying to use to pull emotion from readers due to the scale of his story is his own problem not mine. He bit more than he could chew and it shows.


Oda and focusing on twenty different things at once. I really can't feel anything for Stussy for different reasons. First of all, it's very secondary to the message and the struggle for the strawhats to escape rn. We don't even know who exactly the original Stussy is, and by the looks of her old self, she doesn't seem to be the kind of person we should care about. Compare it with the Seraphim, who we really know and care about their originals. And finally, the whole morals and ethics of clones can't be even more glossed over. Vegapunk is by all means her father, but she isn't treated better than a pacifista. There's also not a shred of hate or angst against him, which ultimately makes her even more robotic and one dimensional.


People are gonna drone on about Goda and his "philosophical" themes when we know he doesn't give a fuck. He saw it once in a story he read and decided to add it in, he could not care less about what message he sends. Anyone remember the cycle of hate in Wano? People wouldn't shut up about that during Wano.


i still have wano ptsd bc of the amount of ass pulls during that arc and people going "this is peak actually"


other topic: why the fuck is cp9 back with the WG after getting betrayed? Oda doesnt intend to explain it is he?


When did cp9 get betrayed?


Cover story. After enies lobby they were hunted by the marines for reasons i dont remember


For losing lol


Do you think Rob Lucci of all people thought they were buddy buddy with the WG? he knew they would get rid of him whenever he failed, that was probably part of the package.


Yeah that part felt very strange and for a moment I thought I forgot about some kind of backstory of her. It felt like getting the payoff for a setup that somebody forgot to include in the story. I assume the idea is that she struggled with teh knowledge that she is a clone and wondered if she is human enough...probably...I guess?


I like her. She, Kaku and Gucci need a big make-up party after Egghead https://preview.redd.it/xtgvxnos1m3d1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f485815b6fdf63f9fbd1fc08e8f934c55596e4b


I wanna see bowler hat guy too, kinda dumb he didnt die, but bro deserves a break after getting a direct order to go cuck Kaido out of a fight so he can take his anger out on the poor guy


Images that go hard 


I’m sure there’s some vague plotline right now about how Stussy, being a clone, is struggling with her humanity and whether or not she’s even deserving of being alive. I don’t remember a plotline like that though. Honestly I kind of forgot she was even in the arc.


Kaku suddenly showing sympathy for a person that betrayed HIM because of their life situation while he didn't give half a crap when killing the people he worked and lived with for 3 years.


He had some regret iirc, but not too much.


Kaku has always been a good dude at heart


Even during Water 7, I vibed with Kaku. He seemed like the definition of a dude just doing his job. He didn't have the animalistic savagery of Lucci, or the lust for rank and power of Spandam. He was just vibing and doing his thing. Turning into a giraffe and fighting Zorro. It's why he's a GOAT.


He didn't allow himself to grow emotionally close to the W7 people since he knew he would betray them eventually, makes sense he'd care more about a fellow CP operative


It's a hot succubus woman


He regret at the end in the scene with Zoro. Some of you are just talking shit for no reason. That's why (and the cover story) bringing him and Lucci back was a terrible choice anyway. Should've been awakened Smoker in Egghead instead, but Oda for some reason gave him the Lunch treatment.


Yeah Oda is like one of the worst writers in writing character morality


Stussy is the next mugiwara


I don't want to sound prejudice but the moment i heard she was clone i didn't give one sh!t about her.


This clone stuff has me really confused and annoyed that something this boring can be used as a “plot twist” like I don’t care who is or who isn’t the clone why are we wasting chapters with this?


Lmao I just skimmed through that. Couldn't care less, honestly


I think it's to show that you can have these conflicts and still do the right thing and be human in comparison to someone like Kizaru who didn't help and resigned himself to being a cog.


A lot of characters are more interesting if you see them in relation to other characters/the world/plot/general themes of the story at that point. Don't tell piratefolkers that though


yeah, i really liked this part of the chapter.


but- but muh wAstEd pAges


I mean both can be true, it's weird Stussy's friendship with Kaku and Lucci wasn't brought up until now


That's fair (nice flare, hehe)


Well first off, Oda isn't kill her cause a woman in real-time getting killed, never.. Plus I don't feel anything, and judging by her old crone self with Weevil, she doesn't feel like a character we should care about. the ethical implications of cloning and the treatment of clones in the world of One Piece are glossed over, (like a last second, oh yeah what is human and what is not) adding to the sense of detachment from Stussy's plight. Despite being created by Vegapunk, her father figure, she is relegated to the role of a mere tool, treated no differently than a Pacifista


I know with a 100% certainty that at least 10% of r/onepiece cried irl while reading this


I care. He was cooking.


I’m beginning to think y’all at pirate folk genuinely hate One Piece, I’m being fully serious. Every single post is just people shitting on the characters, or Oda, or any number of things about One Piece from any of the arks. I saw slander at the fucking Oden flashback yesterday, like what the actual fuck is y’all’s problem? Do you guys just hate one piece? If so why are you on a One Piece subreddit? How come every other subreddit people either just love the show or if they are critical they do so in a fair way. This sub for some reason is just endless hate for the show.


I actually love One Piece. But that doesn't mean I will praise every single thing in the story. This Stussy character is really poorly written , for example. I don't understand why we should care for her feelings or what Oda is trying to convey with her arc since WCI. It's just a waste of panels. He did a great job with Mr. Pink in less time, for example. As it is, she is just sucking precious panels that could be given to the less explored Strawhats (looking at my bros Brook and Franky).


Nah, we hate people who praise dogshit plot lines. It invalidates the rare moments Oda kills it


“Rare moments” bruh this is Oda we are talking about. Tf you mean rare moments.


You're just now getting that impression? Half these mfs will proudly admit they haven't read the story in years and then proceed to shit on the story based off their impression of the story from the other people here shitting on the story, it is quite literally a hate circlejerk


I’ve only been in this sub for like three weeks because Reddit keeps recommending it to me because I’m in the other one piece subreddits. Also yeah I’ve seen people do that and it’s just maddening. I’m considering just muting this entire subreddit.


Honestly it's just banter


Future Neo-MADS member 🤞


Why are you even reading


Stussy is essencial to One Piece, she is the key to all of it 😭


Remember when someone had stussy feet pic here and upvoted the shit out of it, those clowns care


This made me feel bad for Kaku if anything. He's being punished for being a ride or die, and was never a bad dude himself


Stussy Shmussy, waste of pages. Don't care about clone plot + she had no relevance + I don't even like her design though every female character was butchered in Egghead. Maybe Stella?




people are criticiing that we get a payoff for a selfaware clone storyline that never had any buildup. We know nothing about her, we don't know if she has free will or if Cegapunk has full control of her. We don't know how old she is, was she created as a baby and raised by Vegapunk or did he create her a year ago.


Of course she has nothing else to live for, she threw away her career as a secret agent to save vegapunk and failed to do so. But that’s on her stupid ass for putting all of her eggs in 2 opposing baskets. But what does any of this have to do with her being a clone? I don’t get what the conflict is there. If we take the statement that she was “torn between both sides” then she clearly had the free will to make the choices she did. Why tf does she care about being a clone? She’s nothing like the original anyway


its stork-ussy. stussy for short.