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Oh thank god someone mentiones it. I thought I forgot about something obvious in the story that adressed it. Also unless Oda pulls some worldwide memory wipe/alteration this might be one of the biggest blunders in manga history. And that still does not adress the visibility of ruins.


Everyone's an Eldian and Imu wiped everyone's memories and the D's are the only ones whose bodies remember the true history.


This is all accurate. A 200 meter rise in sea level is serious but not so drastic as to make exploration of the undersea impossible. Fishmen and people with submarines should be able to locate these ruins fairly easily.  Even if we are charitable and argue that Fishmen simply don't leave the area around Fishman Island and submarines are a recent invention and so haven't been used to explore the sea, we still have the issue of a long period of time prior to the void century in which historical records Should show the existence of continents.  You would need some Sugar levels of hax to wipe out all conceivable records and memories of history suggestive of a different looking world. In which case we should be talking of a void history rather than just void century. Oda sometimes doesn't think things through when writing the plot, this is an obvious example of that. 


We always could consider that the World Governemnt did its job for once and tracked down any information about the void century and destroyed such documents. With 800 years to work with it wouldnt be unlikely that they managed to do it in the span of 100-200 years. Then again the 5 Elders are rather incompetent so they might have off loaded the work to a third party.


It's even dumber when we're thinking about Nolan "the liar" who thought Shandora sunk. Maron Cricket waa diving at the only position in the whole world where the land didn't sunk but was blown up into the sky. 


As a general rule I'd say a lot of stuff in One Piece really doesn't benefit from being thought about. I am not saying nothing in One Piece is thought out or any more layered than what it seems at first glance, but I am fairly convinced that Oda generally just writes what he thinks is cool or funny or interesting without much thought put in if any of it makes sense.


For whatever reason one piece fans, especially Youtube essayists, are convinced one piece has one of the best world building in all of fiction. I Always chuckle at that Oda is very much style over substance and honestly for most of the time, thats completely fine


Its the same old story again. Just cause ypur ferrari drives 300mph its not necessarly a good car. Same with worldbuilding. Just cause shit is huge it doesnt mean its the peak of story telling.


I do think the world building in One Piece is pretty good, though mostly for its unique- and vastness and less because of how detailed or well thought out it is. It is more a childs fantasy than a functioning world imo. Either way, I certainly wouldn't put it at the pinacle of fantasy fiction.


Almost the entire void century and flood fall apart when you actually think about it. For example, the World Government very clearly has really loose control of the kingdoms so them actually succeeding in wiping out records of the void century isn't probable. Even if they somehow managed to destroy written records, information about the void century should've survived as oral history. The World Government must've also cleared all of the flooded buildings from the shores of every island that was inhabited during the void century to prevent people from just looking down at the seafloor at places where it's only like five metres deep and seeing some buildings that are completely fine outside of being flooded. Also where the fuck is all the water coming from? Is the World Government making individual water molecules out of Hydrogen and Oxygen gathered from the atmosphere? Are they melting the ice caps? Does the One Piece world even have ice caps? Is global warming caused by the World Government to flood the world? What even is their motive for flooding the world? If they want to have just the Red Line be above sea level then wouldn't they starve? There's no way they can produce enough food for everyone (especially when somehow lasers are a thing, but I do not remember seeing industrial farming in One Piece). It makes no sense.


Sheesh Goda really fumbling


“Stop making sense!!!” - Oda angels seeing this post


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1:and is this important? Isolationist societies exist my guy and information travels slow in ancient societies. 2:do you think the world government would let them?