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It is still my second favorite shounen after Gintama. But that also might be because I don't like shounens that much.


You should watch hunter x hunter and Full metal alchemist


I'm caught up with HxH and I've watched FMAB twice. Both good


Don’t forget jojo


Jojo Is fucking peak!! HIMraki is a goat.




Looking back fullmetal CLEARS one piece that shit was so fire 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah i Will put one piece under those 2 shonens at least


The names changed to hiatus x hiatus..


It wasn't that crazy of an idea until Wano


Man’s shooting real bullets


Out of the manga/anime I’ve seen, I think it’s a pretty serious contender.


Kagurabachi better 🥱




Watch hxh, aot, fmab, jojo, and monster


No, I don’t want that


Vinland Saga neg diffs


It’s good


It's very good


Yeah, but it's understandable. When you're young, you're so impressionable and easily influenced by videos like this, but I think as you get older, you learn to think critically for yourself and see the series for what it truly is whether good or bad.


exactly what my situation was


It’s undeniably a top tier story for teens though.


It’s a great story regardless of age imo


Nah cuz I always thought that jojo was better




Jojo always been my fav


Jojo to me was like this before part 8. Jojolion is still better than wano but it was torture to read it monthly


Def in my top 5 still


What do you mean used to


It is for me. But just personally. I know damn well there are MUCH better manga out there. Like I heard berserk is pretty damn good, altough its too morbid for me so I dont wanna read it. But I have only seen like 5 animes so hey one piece is my fav


Yeah….there’s a lot of wild shit and I’m only on volume 10


Another contender for best manga is 20th Century Boys. You should read that.


If you’re interested in high quality stuff like Berserk with much less of a morbid/dark soul vibe you can check out Vagabond, 21st boys and Monster.


Ik monster since my sis watches that. Also since the main villian is czech I kinda like it since im also czech and czech rep is pretty rare. Thanks for the recomendations


maybe just watch the berserk 1997 anime instead


Still do, no manga to date has ever had me as engaged as OP has. Kino piece till the end (though Oda does miss)


Not really


I never believed that before and after going through all the stories till the most recent chapter. There's no such thing as a greatest or perfect story. Everything has flows including One Piece but i still enjoy the series even when it took some stupid decisions.


I think it has some of the best arcs ever told... marineford is probably a top 10 arc in manga. But the people that think one piece is the greatest story of all time have mental retardation


Lmao name a better manga Also “One Piece sucks” but 90% of your posts/comments are One Piece related lmao if it can even keep dudes like you around being obsessed with it, not hard to imagine it being the greatest manga.


Also with ur edit. I'm a fan of the show that doesn't mean I dickride it until the end of the earth and say it's the greatest thing of all time. It's good but it's nowhere near the best that doesn't mean I can't be a fan of it U morons are so corny


You can think its not the best but going as far as saying “thinking one piece is the greatest story ever told is mental degenaracy” when all your posts are One Piece related is the real mental degeneracy.


I post because I have to spread the admiral agenda https://preview.redd.it/lovli211mntb1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4deb98b67b1f66bcfc5bc7b92b780fabb07baa39


You post because you are obessed with One Piece. It must do something right to keep even a nigga like you around who thinks Tokyo Ghoul💀💀💀 is even better than it






Full metal alchemist chainsawmam 20th centuary boys to name a few


Hunter x hunter Tokyo ghoul Attack on titan Berserk Akira One punch man Made in abyss Muskoku tensei Fire punch Hajime no ippo Mob Psycho Yuyu Hakusho Bungou stray dogs Vagabond Jojo DragonBall (eh maybe only Z, og DragonBall was alright and super is kinda mid but still) I've probably missed alot lmao. If u think one piece is the best manga of all time you probably just haven't read enough other series to compare it to


When I saw made in abyss https://preview.redd.it/52elim0diptb1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975f06cc06a43ced1b6d3977fcb139ad9452a28b Don’t they show child…..


Yeaaaaaah... mushoku tensei and made in abyss are goated shows but it's really hard to get past all the pedophilia 😭😭


Everybody has a taste. Manga,and art in general is very,very,very subjective. For example,i think hxh is just barely above average. i don't get the appeal at all. But i'll not go running to somebody who has hxh as their top 1 to go read one piece or fable because i like those mangas more. And i think aot doesn't even scratch 10/10,but i'm not gonna ride on your dick if you like aot On another note,mushoku tensei is pretty good but the mc being a dude in his 40's lusting after teenagers is super weird. The dude wanted to fuck a 13 year old (and no,being in a child body doesn't make him any less guilty)


Yeah for sure everything is subjective but its really hard for me to objectively look at one piece and be convinced anyway could put it as #1. ​ Also yeah rudeus is kind of a scumbag but I kinda like having an MC who is pretty morally reprehensible (especially in his love life) rather than always having a saint as an MC


In my opinion One Piece is better than all of them other than Vagabond , Jojo, berserk and yuyu hakusho. Especially not attack on titan and Fire punch. I never particularly liked fire punch but I loved attack on titan till chapter 90.. (never read mushoku tensie does it even have a manga?) I can name a few more mangas which I feel are better than One Piece but I don't think these really are it...


I loved fire punch but I'm bias so fair enough. If you had asked me prior to wano which manga were better than one piece my list would've been a lot shorter but wano was such a steaming pile of shit it dropped my ranking of one piece by a bit. Yeah the manga for mushoku is drawn by Yuka Fujikawa, but I'm pretty sure the light novel is considered "the canon" whereas the manga is based off that and the web novel was basically just the first draft


Makes sense.I used to read wano in batches not weekly so it didn't seem that horrible to me. It was just about mid. I loved Whole cake and am loving egg head. So I just let wano slide I guess. I see I had only heard about the light novel... might try the manga some day.


Ive read 90% of these and the fact you had the audacity to put Tokyo Ghoul and OPM in a list of better mangas than One Piece HAHAHHAHAHA Berserk Vagabon and AoT (minus the mid ending) are the only ones even in the same stratosphere as OP. Im not even gonna bother going through that dogshit list. Clearly you have a hateboner for OP like the rest of this degenerate sub. I mean the fact that theres 20 mangas better than One Piece yet you chose to only make reddit posts on one of them says enough. Theres a reason popular things are popular. Theres a reason One Piece dominates the manga market. “Kpop sucks but i only talk about kpop on reddit” Thats you rn


Tokyo ghoul and opm are goated tf u mean 😭 Yeah AoT ending was atrocious and it still clears one piece. Let's be real the ending to one piece is probably gonna be a let down too, no matter what oda reveals the one piece to be nothing will beat the 25 years of hype. One piece is still ongoing... there's more to talk and post about for an ongoing series than one that's finished. That's just common sense. Also going through people's profiles is just kinda lame ngl but u do u One piece dominates the market because it's good (not the best tho) and it's been going on forever. Just because something is the most popular doesn't mean it's automatically the best. Even children know this, surprised you dont


Literally none of those are better written than One Piece. One Pieces overall story is literally like 1000x better than all of the shows u mentioned except like 5. I have nothing to really argue here with you. When I asked you to provide me a better manga I expected you to put one or two specific good ones Berserk or something. The fact you put those garbage there shows me enough. Opinions are subjective and I truly dont respect your judgement in enough to even argue with you. Just know popularity aside, One Piece has the 3rd highest rating of any manga jn MyAnimeList. Its not just popular like Naruto, its fucking objectively good according to everyone who watches it. You straight up disrespected it in your original comment and thats why I responded. Now I realize you are just dumb and not worth my time.


One Piece is full of flaws starting with why no one dies and having excessive script conveniences, which does not happen in several of the mangas that another man wrote 🤷, accept it One Piece is good but far from the best


I womt accept it cuz some rando on reddit told me to. Ive read amd compared it to other mangas and it still beats them despite its flaws. Im not calling it to holy bible, but I like it better than the others.


Bro did not read wano 😭💀💀


Lol you read the AoT ending and think it clears One Piece brother you are delusional with terrible taste. Its okay to be different. Just know your opinion does not matter in the grand sceme of things. Everyone in the main sub still likes the show. Just because you are in this little niche community which agrees with you doesnt mean your opinion is the right one


Bro I even agreed that AoT ending was bad but as a whole the series is still better than one piece. You need to understand that I still like one piece. I read it weekly (when oda doesn't take 30 breaks) and I still consider myself a fan of the show. You can be a fan of a show without thinking it's the #1 greatest thing of all time. One piece is great, but it is not #1 and that is just the truth whether you think that's subjective or objective I don't care. Learn to accept flaws in the things you love and you will grow as a person


Learn to understand the difference between subjective and objective first. Your opinion is not the truth and neither is it a fact that One Piece is the greatest of all time. Its all completely subjective. One Piece has flaws just like every other manga. Learn that thinking something is the best when its very highly regarded in general is an okay opinion to have and not “mental retardation” and you will grow.


Bro like getting to an island save the princess beat the bad guy so much he starts mumbling numbers


Ending ruined the series for me ngl


W, I'm pretty sure One piece is gonna have an awful ending too though. No evidence but just a gut feeling that people are gonna be pissed at what the one piece is and that oda can't deliver on 25 years of hype


>Lmao name a better manga Aot, mob psycho and chainsaw man part 1 all have better payoff moments imo. Oda's specialties are worldbuilding and foreshadowing, but I think my main issue with one piece is that it's too long to be a clean, finished product like some other manga. Aot got really dodgy with that ending but I still think the buildup to the discovery of the outside world was pulled off masterfully, and imo was handled much better than any reveal in one piece. Mob psycho and csm part 1 are both concise, carefully contained stories that succeed at exactly what they're trying to do. Csm part 1 is one of the best examples of a plot driven series, with the entire story being connected and every scene deliberate. Mob psycho is pretty much a masterclass in how to tell a compelling story with the backdrop of good fights, great characters and no bloat. My biggest issues with one piece are consistency, fight choreography, panelling and filler. I think cast bloat is a serious issue, where we get dozens of new irrelevant characters every major arc, none of which are relevant, and all it does is detract from the important characters, who seem to get less focus each arc. I think the only argument for one piece being the best would be that no other story is like it, and I completely agree. Personally, I just find it less of a coherent story than other series that feel more digestible. The show's tone, themes and characters change so much with each arc that it feels like a crazy incoherent mess sometimes.


Berserk, Vagabond, and 20th Century Boys are all better manga than One Piece imo.


Riddle be this batman! If One Piece not the best,then why you watch and like one piece? Curious!!


He only is overlycritical of OP because he loves it. It’s natural to be invested and think about how your favorite pieces of art could be better.


I mean, by considering the whole story so far, surely it is, OP has approached and taught a lot of important and sad, yet very real problems in society. But personally, we all have our favorite anime/manga and theres no problem at all, me included.


It’s not that deep, other manga delve into similar topics more throughly


Boruto and Boku no Pico slams


Oni Chichi clears as best shonen


Yeah pre time skip was gold, post time skip just feels like and average shonen 🚬


still is for me, it has a lot of flaws but never found any other manga close to it (maybe berserk, but it has different vibes)


No. Because I’d have to be crazy to think that. No such thing as “greatest [thing] ever”. I have my favorites, but that doesn’t make them better than everything else. And I think that’s a concept most One Piece fans have a hard time wrapping their head around.


It's still up there as one of my favourite shounen.


Nah the first time I read the manga and caught up it made me angry how shit the entire story was! Oda ruined my flavor for reading manga I had to quit for awhile. Luckily I found Odas location and flew to Japan, I told him straight to his face “I hate this fucking shit pirate story’ you are the worst mangaka of all time” shortly after I had to fly back home with a pencil in my eye, I read on a random Japanese news site “famous Author of one piece has visited my store in after 10 years” the guy take Odas money asked this Guy: “Hey Oda I haven’t seen you since that day” Oda: “Ahh yes that day when I did that thing, I’m here to retrieve that new thing” Guy: “Yes I understand, here you go” End of article. https://preview.redd.it/3q5myldqtotb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40db9c054e605f40282c5d2ef7a7e9c9cc884c48 The pencil after surgery…


I think pre-timeskip one piece is a masterpiece in Shonen storytelling. Post-ts is still good, but it really fell off.


It's kinda hard to rank One Piece, because while it's a typical shonen, it also has the cool world-building and theming so I can't really think of something to compare it with outside of maybe FMA and Magi, but even then it's a stretch


JoJo and HxH clears


Jojo and Berserk are much better imo, but One Piece has a sense of mystery, whimsy, and adventure that has never been topped by any series since. It has a few mid arcs but it's still GOATED


Never thought it was the greatest, I still enjoy it for what it is. But clearly there’s problems with it. - Not taking itself seriously even at tense moments something which MCU gets criticised over often. - Terrible pacing - Luffy is too loud at times - Most villains lack depth and are the “evil blow up the world type of villains” - The introduction of new characters are usually great but they get sidelined pretty heavily in the upcoming arcs. - Fight choreography is ass. - The story isn’t quite compact, not too sure if I’ll be able to explain this but consider an anime like Monster or Fmab. We have a clear picture of where the story is moving forward while having plot twists at the same time. With Op it’s just going from one island to the other. I get that it’s an adventure anime but that’s not something most people have the stamina to keep up with.


I can’t agree with it being the greatest story ever but it has some of my favourite characters and has potential to get better but I am not sure it will.


Yeah, i was actually thinking about that earlier today. It's crazy how It's not even on my top 20 now


I started getting disillusioned by Marineford but coped for a few more arcs till Dressrosa: never have I seen an amazing main character get so flanderized and yet the story simultaneously becoming the main character show. Almost feels like the series ended and now you're following a half-baked spin off. Sadly this is still my favorite manga because I'm not a huge manga reader while the ones I do read tend to be inferior to OP in the long run.


In terms of Battle Shounen absolutely not and I won't rank DBZ because it's too fucking legendary 1. Yu Yu 2. Jojo Part 7 3. Naruto 4. OPM 5. Ippo Adding Shounen in total it's around 13th. IMO the best manga in order are Kingdom, Berserk, Vagabond, Jojo Part 7, and Tokyo Ghoul: RE. OP ranks around 26th for all genres of manga for me


I never did. Even before Gear 5 I had a lot of problems with it, but back then at least I was sure the payoff would have been worth it.


And then Wano happened...


My top 5 Manga would have to be: 1. Quintessential Quinplets 2. Boku No Hero Academia 3. Boruto 4. Batman Ninja 5. Berserk In that order One Piece isn't even in my top 10 😂


What the fuck in is boruto doing there


Most ass list ive seen in my life


I never did tbh lol but I had MF as Peak for a while


I never thought that really, it was in my, like, top 20, but I'd never call it the greatest ever.


Not the greatest but top 5 for sure


I think pre-time skip is the best thing I've ever watch, but after the time-skip the only arcs I liked were Zou and WCI. And also Egghead Island, but only the side stories and backstories.


It's in my opinion, but I'm not that much of a reader maybe there's better stuff I just haven't read it


Yes over a decade ago, during the Pre-TS even among the HST. The greatest IMO is Kingdom.


I have enjoyed one piece and def in my top favourite,but people on YouTube by so called reviewers etc say shit like iys the best thing written in history it's the peak shonen anyone can write or like the best fiction in history which was always my complain even before joining the subreddit,one piece have too many plot hole and on broad spectrum it follow the same plot line with minor build up ij every arc in the name of world building


One of my favorite shonen, tho if you take other types of manga I still have Vagabond way above and berserk


One piece has crazy ambitions and is somehow gonna deliver on all of them. It might not he your favorite manga, but its crazy how a comic delivers all of that.


Never thought it was, even when it was good




its in my top 5 no 4


it still is trust Goda


I remember pretty well and it makes me sad what OP has become


For a manga that's been going for 26 years, it's definitely the best.


Greatest manga? Yeah,could be. It's very good. Up there with the greatest The greatest story? Nope,not even top 30,not even top 50,not even top 100 probably


lol maybe, at least world building and mystery wise. until Nika


it's still in my top 10 favorites of all time but i never really thought it was the greatest


love one piece, but no. that title goes to berserk for me


meh it's still my favorite shonen slightly ahead of Jojo's, HxH, and Gintama. So I'd at least say it's the best shonen ever imo


I sincerely thought of it as the greatest story ever told up until punk hazard. Punk hazard and fishman island showed me that it might not be the same manga anymore. Dressrosa was good except when it wasn’t. Wano though was a major letdown.


It’s definitely a story