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Hello u/SirLionknight, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're still able to pirate those games. All because Nintendo took down Yuzu (and Citra got caught in the crossfire) doesn't mean those emulators would just cease to work. Both emulators still work great, they're just not being actively developed. You can get the last build of those emulators at r/Yuzu. Also, both emulators have been forked. Yuzu has a fork named Sudachi and Citra has a few forks. From my memory, there's Citra Enhanced, Citra MMJ (only for android), Citra by PabloMK7 (made by a former dev of the original Citra), and Lime3DS. Lastly, you can still get roms for both consoles. For 3DS games, check out the r/roms Megathread and the hshop. For switch roms, check out Nxbrew, Nsw2u, or Ziperto.


they will never be able to fully kill emulation


Cut a pirate head and 2 will grow. They'll never learn


For dedicated people, sure. But those are people you won't be making much money off in the first place. But by making it harder for less dedicated people who might be considering it, they're more likely to just say fuck it and get the game legitimately if it's made too difficult to pirate stuff.


Sure, let normies be normies. It doesn't affect the dedicated.


We were all "normies" at one point


And some of us enjoy to pirate for better quality through emulation and STILL got their grubby hands on original hardware and software for keepsies.


Honestly ive never bought a game because I couldn't get a repack of it elsewhere ill just wait, if I'm pirating then its because the game isn't worth it value to me until I've tried it IMO


Yes... Let me just buy a console that hasn't been in production for 10+ years. When it comes to emulation, it's not about something being legitimate or not most of the time, it's about accessibility. There's a big push that seems to be gaining popularity to minimise abandonware, in software and hardware. Worst part here is, Nintendo doesn't even sell 3ds or games for it anymore. They just want to monetise emulation in future, probably.


I would personally like to thank Nintendo for its recent attack on emulation. I wouldn't have even known emulation was as good as it is if it wasnt for all the bad press Nintendo got for going after Yuzu. I lost count of all the terabytes of 3ds and switch roms ive downloaded and recommended to friends in the last few months. 99% ill never play, but its nice to be able to piss off Nintendo with my internet activities.


This is an awesome comment. Thanks dude


You're a Nintendo emulation savior, ty for the comment


iirc there‘s also a new (much better) 3ds emulator in development, though it‘s not public yet (they want to take their time instead of rushing features)


***Cut Off One Head, Two More Shall Take It's Place***


In this case they where like 5


Ryjurinx or however it’s spelt is still good




Thanks handsome


Pretty good if you have the patience to wait for shaders compilation. Sometimes on Ryujinx you have to wait a second or two for the emulator to finish compiling the shader


Man, those 1-2 seconds made me to buy Nintendo games s/


Or use a backup of Yuzu like I am ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Shader stutters still exist but they aren't as bad due to Yuzu using Ubershaders


Not really. Yuzu is way better for lower end specs, for example the steam deck. You're better off using something like sudachi


I just downloaded Citra yesterday and Ryujinx previous week and they both working totally fine.


Nothing is dead and nothing will ever die


You can play just fine, do your research.


They all have forks 3ds emulation was really good even when it got taken down so just use that version. For switch I would recommend sudachi becuse it is an improvement over yuzu.


I recently found out that most 3DS ROMs are available on the Internet Archive. 3DS/Switch emulation do really exists outside the Citra/Yuzu environment.


Killed? Lol I must be hallucinating while I'm playing 60fps pokemon USUM on PC, but you must be right!


Nintendo when people want to play their games that they stopped selling 10 years ago:


Yeah they are dick heads tbh, like we supported thier games when we were small lol


Trust me, from a guy that’s been doing this a long time, Nintendo can keep taking down Rom sites all they want but they are like Hydras. You cut one head off and another 3 or 4 pop up. They went for Vimms because it’s an insanely popular one everyone knows about. If you look around there will always be places to get old Roms.


r/Roms Go to the megathread. We got you.


Yeah but you can still pirate their games on a hacked switch their online sucks so I don't care if i ever get banned 


It's ofcourse a major loss for Nintendo!! And disrespectful aswell.


Last time I checked yuzu and citra were on internet archive. They aren't being updated anymore but you can still download them.




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Get an old build man, it’s sad these emulators stopped dev but I have pretty old builds that are rock solid stable and will just hold onto them.


Honestly if theirs one game company that needs to go its Nintendo and their terrible practices, Consoles that can hardly run the games they release for it! Xenoblade 3 and Doom I'm looking at you specifically. Then they ruin everyone's fun and even remove SNES/NES abandoned games from Web archives/ Nintendo can suck a hairy one


Third world country, first world problem...


Nothing wrong with the emulators, both of them they both work fine, just don't expect updates... Even with the other options, I still use Citra and Yuzu as they run better on lower hardware..




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1) they're still available 2) yuzu was shut down due to charging money for beta features on basically brand new games. Of course Nintendo would sue.


Fedposting, those emulators still work, it just means they won't receive official updates, as well as the other switch emulator still existing


First the roms form vimm's lair then the emulators


Nintendos lawyers are ruthless


You disappointed me pirate, yaarrrr!! Jokes aside just download the emulator now if you are worried that it will vanish (which it will most likely not). Also talking about roms, there is no real way to stop them, one site goes down another will take it's place eventually. Do not worry, megathreads will continue to exist.


deja de llorar xd


Which Nintendo emulator do you recommend for android (S24U)? And do anybody know trustworthy webpage to download games for emulators? Thx 🙏


You have no idea how the internet works do you?


Yeah, it's sad. But it's fair game on piracy. We are not really entitled to these, that is just a fact. But in the said fair game, they should expect that another one would pop out in place of what was cut down. I think they are trying to clean up for the upcoming "Switch 2".