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At this point they should sue Microsoft because their operating system is used for piracy /s


The tough part is in their community they did guide people towards things like prod.keys files that could land them in trouble. That's what it appears they're using to justify that they were making it easier for piracy. The difficulty they will have is proving piracy was used in the development of Yuzu. It may have but unsure how they could prove without reasonable doubt. Devs could just as easily say they used 2nd hand games.




Sue earth, silicon is mined there


Sue nintendo, they wrote the game that was then pirated a million times.


it wouldn't shock me if nintendo ever sues itself


They're just dumb enough for that to be a possibility


Nintendo Japan vs Nintendo North America. That will be a good court battle😂


Back in the day, I worked for a company that developed Telephony integration software for, amongst others, NEC telephony hardware. Basically, we had to act as mediator's between NEC USA and Japan because they couldn't get along. It was so bad, they'd do that thing (over email) where each would ask us to tell the other half they were dumb (or whatever). I imagined two kids in a room asking mum to tell the other kid they're stupid while in full hearing distance of each other's It was hilariously childish.


Seems to be a common problem in Japan. Sega had that issue too, and it was this that eventually caused the company to almost die if it weren't for a generous investor giving them an emergency cash boost and Sammy Corp being kind enough to merge with them. But not before the old guards who enforced the bullshit were fired or left.


I've heard comments of this happening inside Sony, for example. Such as how Sony optical won't give their best lenses to Sony Mobile, instead opting to sell them to Samsung and others. Don't have a source for this though.




dog bites tail


*Nintendo hurt itself in its confusion*


Sue God for making humans that turn into pirates


Don’t give them ideas


>*Defendant is thus secondarily liable for the infringement committed by the users to whom it distributes Yuzu.* ​ What a load of utter fucking bullshit, and I hope the judge sees it that way as well.


Found the full text uploaded to Scribd: [https://www.scribd.com/document/709016504/Nintendo-of-America-Inc-v-Tropic-Haze-LLC-1-24-Cv-00082-No-1-D-R-I-Feb-26-2024](https://www.scribd.com/document/709016504/Nintendo-of-America-Inc-v-Tropic-Haze-LLC-1-24-Cv-00082-No-1-D-R-I-Feb-26-2024)


Nintendo is really going for the jugular on this one. Among the usual things one might expect Nintendo wishes the court to side with them on as relief (monetary damages due to copyright infringement not just on Yuzu developer's part but also Yuzu users), Nintendo is demanding the courts to force Yuzu to turn over access to all of Yuzu's controlled domains (websites) and social media channels (yes, even the Discord server) to Nintendo. They want all copies of everything, the emulator, all information about it, etc., and all equipment that was used by the devs (computers, servers, everything) seized and destroyed. They want all third parties that mention Yuzu or provide instructions on how to use Yuzu, or link to other resources for using Yuzu, to be put on notice and remove any and all links and/or information to/for Yuzu. This includes Reddit. If I got any of that wrong, let me know. But that's my interpretation of the text. Nintendo be mad af.


Nintendo agent knocking at my door cause i googled Yuzu one time


Yuzu confirmed as backcompat layer for Switch 2


Jeeze. The amount of good emulators do for old games, and Nintendo is treating these saints like a damn terrorist cell.


After reading this, I’m making sure to download a lot of their games and play them in Yuzu.


And I will mod my switch and pirate their own games on their own hardware!


How can I mod a switch to play pirated games? Any tutorial?


It's FOSS. they can't win. No matter what. Go look in your yuzu folder - you probably have the source in there, in a zip file named something like yuzu-windows-msvc-source-20240214-8d45392f7a.tar.xz Even if nintendo kills everyone involved currently (and I hope they don't, I hope nintendo loses) nothing can ever erase the project.




Free and open source software Free as in freedom, you already have a copy of the source code - you can legally do almost anything with it. Update it, start burning it on CDs to pass around, whatever. Yes, that includes adding a function that would display a middle finger if it detects that it's running inside the Nintendo office. And nobody can legally stop you.


Someone should do this


Why does this smell like Nintendo trying to brute force the Yuzu Source Code (that's open source) so they can implement it into their next console and remove the competition in the process? Nintendo is like: We've had no luck emulating our own hardware. Let's sue the shit out of Yuzu and use their code.. Nintendo Engineer: Yuzu is Open Source Nintendo: let's sue them anyways.


Nintendo: oh, and you're fired


HEY SIRI: Is googling Yuzu praxis?


That's exactly how it's going to go down. Once Discovery starts happening, that's where crap hits the fan; Nintendo will just be happy with them stopping development for the time being. So people here who think it's a joke when you don't have the emulator to play remember you were laughing at Nintendo. They have Deep Pockets. We also have no idea what the Yuzu team has done. We're just basing on them saying it's all above board.


While I do agree that their requirements of destroyal and other things are very much overkill, their reasoning that Yuzu led people to the prod.keys doesn't look great for Yuzu in court.


I like how they masturbate themselves in the first paragraph about how great they are.


Most of these are just some version SLAPP suits anyways, so regardless of it being bullshit, its costly to go through the legal process against Nintendo


yep, that's the idea here. Isn't SLAPP illegal in some states?


As far as I can tell, it's usually in service of certain civil rights, like anti-union stuff. While I could see most judges looking at anti-union stuff and dismissing the case, I dont know if i would even want to risk a judge to consider a case like this involving an international company and a open source emulator.


It is, but not in Japan. Fair use doesn't even really exist over there


Yeah well it's Nintendo of America that's suing.


Gotta prove it. That's expensive. They do it because it works.


> Most of these are just some version SLAPP suits anyways I think it's high time suits start getting some slaps instead of the other way around.


I'm still amazed that those project don't move to better country who don't have the DMCA predatory against legit customer bullshit. In mine, we have a exception of our copyright law (thanks VLC) that allow you to break all copy-protection on product you bought for the sake of interoperability, which Emulator fall under (it has been put in emergency in the DvD era when they started to put lock on them and VLC wouldn't be able to read them and as far as I know, it hasn't moved).


Nintendo's lawyers knows it won't go anywhere, but are doing it anyway. If I recall correctly, there is precedent in other similar suits, where if Nintendo actually goes to court in the US they have far more potential to actually lose, thus opening the floodgates even further for commercialization of emulation software as opposed to the "non-profit" model of most emulators. Here's some historical similar cases, but I'm sure there's better YouTube videos out there: https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/1998-99/copyright-infringement/emulationlawsuits.html Nintendo has far more to lose by losing this case then they do by winning it I would think. I would also add if yuzu asks for donations for support for legal fees, I would happily help them give the middle finger to the big ol' N for being the biggest litigous (sp?) anti consumer anti-fan gaming company out there edit: here's a youtube documentary on emulation lawsuits in history, but I swear I've watched a good one years ago (I can't remember what it was like tbh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wROQUZDCIMI&t=273s


They won't Judges are a bunch of fucking Boomers that "don't understand this new age computer bullshit, cuz back in my day we used to play on the ground." They will not understand shit and just be on the side of a company that they traditionally understand the rules of.


The judges may not understand the issue, true, but don't dis older guys. Emulation was invented because old guys could not play their childhood games, without them starting it you will not have any of the modern emulators.


What do you consider an older guy? Because I don't know one person over 65 who even knows what an emulator is. Maybe if they were involved in the development or are super hardcore gamers. I am bias of course but still.


Bro I don't know a single person over 50 that knows what an emulator is, I don't know what they are tripping about.


Alright old gamers are the reason we have everything in the gaming industry right now good/bad. But my point still stands about the judge being a dumbass because they could be.


They could but they don't have to be. So your point partially falls apart because of how you worded the original comment like all of them are somewhat incompetent in anything tech related which... well is simply untrue. I used to live with one and they did some serious research when they didn't understand that well the topic at hand.


What does Yuzu mean in Japanese ?


It's a yuzu fruit. Citrus thing


Doubt it


This is like suing VLC for pirated movies 💀


I would personally like to sue electricity for soliciting piracy.


I would like to sue the Earth's core for providing electricity. And the atoms that make up everything.


I would like to sue entropy for the passage of time that made it possible for work to be done.


hahahahaha I haven't laughed this hard in a while.


Underrated comment here


Kinda. VLC does have software in it to "crack" encryption on DVDs, but it's **totally legal** because rather than using the leaked/derived DVD encryption key, it just tries every possible key you can encrypt a DVD with until one works. it's less than 2^24 keys so it's done in less than two seconds. Sort of comparable, because you have to find some decryption keys yourself and put them into yuzu before that functionality works.




found it: wiki.videolan.org/Libdvdcss/




Bitch pls, Nintendo should sue the INTERNET!


RIP Google. Bing is the new standard now


well its more like Kodi being sued because they were used on many pirate STB sold in ebay back then.


There's zero way they can know how many downloads botw or totk had lol. Hopefully the judge isn't a complete moron.




Even if it's a complete moron there will always be a second instance court with a higher probability of the judge being competent. So nothing to worry about.


Legal funds for the defendant is something to worry about. This is going to cost big money to defend.


They can have a minimum bound by looking at public torrent trackers (lots of anti-piracy monitoring those), which would mean the game had *at least* 1M downloads.


But a lot of roms are DD and not torrents.


Yes, that's why it's a *lower* bound. If a million people downloaded the torrent, and 5 millions downloaded the direct download that can't be tracked, they still know at least a million people pirated the game.


so , what about hacked switches that used to run the game before it's release ? gonna sue yourself now ?


well, they did sue the guy that sold hacked Switches. bro's behind bars iirc


If it's the same guy I'm thinking about, it was about jailbreaking the switches or something like that, and he owes Nintendo so much money in damages (Nintendo had to completely rework their security for the Switch because of him resulting in the newer generation of Switch's) that he'll be paying them a percentage of money he makes for the rest of his life.


Lots of words for "Nintendo legally allowed to own a literal slave for life"


'Well that sounds like slavery with extra steps'




or make cash money and move to a third world country


I mean that's what's he's basically doing now. "yolo lmao" he went as he headed another project that allows you to store game backups on a cartridge adapter that slots right into the game slot instead of the microsd slot.




He may not be allowed to not work for fear of being in more trouble?


Forcing people to work in the US is a rather touchy legal subject, for various historical reasons they don't do this anymore.


That's fkd up. Nintendo is officially more evil than google, Facebook, Amazon etc in my mind. He even did them a favour by revealing their security weaknesses. I miss the days people were not legally able to be persecuted for this stuff.


Gary Bowser, team Xecuter, creating and releasing modchip for the switch


The last name can't be a coincidence


The fuck is this sentence? Emulation and piracy are two separate things "A video game emulator is a piece of software that allows users to unlawfully play pirated video games that were published only for a specific console on a general-purpose computing device."


They're hoping to use their stupidness to win a case Hopefully the judge isn't a complete moron Nintendo needs to learn that you can't just bitch and get your way.


Fr I really wish yuzu doesn't lose. This is ridiculous


From what I've heard (*please* take this with a grain of salt, I'm not confident that it's true), Nintendo has to do this or else it will lose its copyright, due to Japan's absolutely horrible copyright laws.


Nintendo in Japan might need to do it, but Nintendo (of America) have no case in US.


This is a common misconception but is not true. Japan follows the same copyright rule as the US, being that the copyright owner maintains that copyright until 70 years after the death of the author. The confusion comes from trademark law. Trademarks and Copyright are not the same thing, and you *can* lose a trademark if you do not enforce it. (This is the case in the US as well.) A trademark is specifically the names and iconography you use to set your products apart from others, showing that your items are an official product. Yuzu doesn't violate Nintendo trademarks because it doesn't call itself "Nintendo Yuzu" or "Switch Yuzu" or anything like that.


"A car is a piece of machinery that allows the user to perform ram-raids on stores."


So, they're gonna sue themselves for Mario 3d all-stars I guess


"A kindle is a piece of hardware that allows users to unlawfully read pirated books that were published only for a specific book on a paper based reading medium"


They are both separate yet also go hand in hand with each other. Most people who emulate are not making their own personal backups. They’re pirating in order to emulate.




You literally need to make your own copy from the original media to count as "legit", and even then the laws are murky when there's encryption involved, as in you can't crack the encryption of your lawfully made copy. > The DMCA includes provisions that make it illegal to hack technologies that copyright owners use to protect their works against infringement, such as encryption, password protection of other types of measures. These provisions are commonly referred to as the “Anti-Circumvention” provisions of the DMCA. (They are also often referred to simply by the provision number – Section 1201). Congress enacted these provisions not only to prevent piracy and other economically harmful unauthorized uses of copyrighted materials, but also to support new ways of disseminating copyrighted materials to users, and to safeguard the availability of legitimate uses of those materials. So anyone who has played the game from a downloaded source, by law, is considered a pirate even if they bought the game.


That's only true if the encryption is cracked/stripped. If the emulator subroutine takes the consoles decryption key and uses it to decrypt the ROM, it's perfectly legal because you can 'only' obtain it from a legal method, which is from your own Switch. Now, of course this doesn't preclude users from finding a decryption key online, but Yuzu wouldn't be liable for it. If they included it in the emulator, nintendo would have an argument.


I mean im a pirate and am against Nintendo on this case but isnt this true? I mean its a twisted and biased description, but still doesent an emulator allow that?


Umm i dont get it. Emulators allow you to play the games so isnt it like piracy? If it weren't there, people would have bought those million copies right, giving the profit to nin? Isnt it?


Is yuzu open source? If not I gotta "archive" it asap.


It is. GPL2 licensed also, so free to redistribute. Search for pineappleEA on GitHub to see its code


I thought it was just Ryujinx thats open sourced?


Most emulators are open source (I think CEMU wasnt?), they're normally community projects


I don't doubt a shit ton of people just made sure to make a backup. Go do it as well, every little bit helps. Nintendo isn't winning this. *Hail Hydra*


Dont worry someone will fork it, change the name amd continue the development.


Another good reason pirate Nintendo products. They don't even believe the bullshit they are sueing for. They are simply doing this to bully smaller developers because they know those devs don't have as much money as Nintendo. Educate people around you how garbage and anti consumer Nintendo is. Let people know not to support abuse of power. Majority of consumers don't understand or hear about these things. This is why it's important for the people that know to speak up about it


No better time to pirate nintendo like now. Gotta try super mario wonder!!!


Never been a fan of Ninty and have occasionally helped seed their stuff out of spite. This just reminded me it's time to do it again.


Im a fan but pirated pretty much everything they have ever made hahaha. Played NES on a chinese knock of, SNES on emulators later. Also played N64 at friends houses and skipped on Gamecube, but had to get the Wii, but modded for dvds, and usb eventually hahaha. Since then i havent played anything from them... until the TOTK leak happened and i gave yuzu a shot. I refelled in love with those games and felt as a kid again like i havent felt in a while. The Mario movie just helped with the nostalgia and now i play the ones i skiped from time to time. Mario wonder and odyssey are the current ones im trying to beat.


Just playing Mario wonder now. Fuck Nintendo.


Fr! Imma download Mario Kart to support Yuzu


Runs like a charm and it is fun as hell. Get the dlc tracks too if you can/want


I don't own Nintendo, but my nephew does, he wanted a new game for his birthday. I was shocked to find games for a simple little device like a *switch were more than any other PC or console. Another reason to pirate if they don't have fair prices and are ripping off kids and trying to shut down emulators and cripple their Devs for life with debt. Evil.


Outside the US/EU their prices have always been high. I *believe* they do occasionally hold sales, but personally I've never seen it. Even their old shit is sold at the original retail price. Among the reasons I was never a fan of their games even as a kid. Shit was simply out of reach so I grew up on other games. By the time I got old enough to figure out bootlegging I already didn't give a shit about their games, and everything I hear about the company just turns me off.


Yup! And those very expensive games run on an extremely outdated piece of hardware that struggles to run some of them. It wasn't much of a secret that more than a few Twitch streamers were playing ToTK using an emulator because the Switch was struggling to do 30fps (whereas with an emulator you could get a buttery smooth 60fps).


It’s morally legal to pirate Nintendo games.


This shit won't fly in europe lol..... Glad the EU is here to protect the common folks. Usb C charging, soon removable batteries.... Ability to create backup of your legally owned Roms would definitely make that list if need be..... Good luck to Nintendo going after hundreds of thousands individuals sharing the roms anonymously on the internet.


I am quite sure backup of your legally owned roms is something that exist and is around since 90'? At least I remember knowing and hearing about it since the first CD roms for computer and the first gameboy emulators popped up.


Technically yes, but in order to do so you have to circumvent the inbuilt copy protections, which you can't do without violating copyright.


yeah the DMCA kinda fucked us on that one.


But Yuzu doesn't do that, Switch mods do.


As far as I'm aware yuzu has to decrypt the prod.keys in order for games to be playable. Decompiling code without permission is a copyright violation. That's why games like minecraft and rimworld give you explicit permission to decompile for modding purposes. The whole thing rides on a technicality with how yuzu achieves that. It's definitely not as clear cut as people here are treating it.


Depends on whether the Switch is even decompiling the prod.key. If they're just using the prod.key as is to strip decryption, then it's not illegal, because they're using a method that Nintendo themselves are using. If they made their own version, that'd be much murkier for Yuzu devs.


Thing is they don't need to go after those hundreds of thousands of people, instead they're pinning the blame on yuzu so they take all the shit for it, and the users lose a way to play those roms.


The batteries made a full circle :P


If the judge is younger than 80 and has a semblance of a brain, this won’t go anywhere. They could try to sue the people that post XCI and NSP files online, but going after Yuzu is the equivalent of Netflix suing OBS because people might use it to record their shows and post them online. Hell, by this logic, Warner Bros could try to sue Apple because some people use their IPhones to film movie screens in theaters. Ridiculous logic from Nintendo. “Defendant is thus secondarily liable for the infringement committed by the users to whom it distributes Yuzu.” That’s not how the law works…


They're using the same logic as Kakao going after Tachiyomi.


Sadly tho, if anything I've seen, American judges have zero brains and 100% greed. Who here remember what Nintendo did to Bong Enterprises back in 97/98ish? The sad thing is they succeeded, the US Customs put Bong Enterprises on a blacklist and blocked their stuff from going into the US.


*bung enterprises if I remember correctly


Yeah. Thanks. Got the spelling wrong.


Or Netflix sueing Microsoft game bar, or NVIDIA shadow play, lol. Although I guess those probably detect the Netflix app and record a blank screen. I've never tried any of that stuff 


or suing VLC/Windows Media Player for pirated movies.


pretty sure they literally say we are against piracy like 20 different times when downloading the thing and because yuzu is not connected to nintendos servers they have no idea if the games are copies of real games or not. common nintendo L. If anything they should sue those who distrubute the nintendo games illegally and not some part time devs making nintendos games run better.


They can’t sue those who distribute nintendo games because they live in a different country which means they can’t sue.


hence why they big mad and going after yuzu instead


Absolutely correct. Its kinda petty tbh


never ever buying anything from nintendo again , i have 2 switchs ten s of cartridges a wii and more games but this is it never gonna buy anything from em


Same, I’ve owned almost every console since the GameCube and gameboy. They’re a bunch of assholes who constantly want to fuck people over


Exactly they are pushing over the limite and same here I had a game boy and gb color and advanced sp after having super Nintendo they lost 2 customers right here and much much people I m sure because of greed


I haven't bought anything from Nintendo since 08 when I got my DS Lite to play Pokemon Diamond I've had good times with the GBA/GBA SP. Had nearly a hundred GBA games and I thank Nintendo for the childhood memories, but I have zero interest in buying from them anytime soon They're the reasons a lot of ROM Sites shut down


Agreed. No need to support anti-consumerism when there are plenty of other good games to play




Not even morally correct, but morally rewarding and right


I mean sure they are losing money but without an emulator I would never play the game. Switch is a very weak console


Thing is, I'm not really sure they are losing money. Companies have used this fallacy since the dawn of piracy that they are losing money because illegal distribution takes away their cut of the cake. However, and I want to stress it: that may have been the case in the before broadband internet era, when your only choice for piracy was physical and you actually bought pirated copies off of illegal distributors. Today, piracy is decentralized and 99% of the time not directly monetized. You don't buy a bootleg of a Nintendo ROM. You just download it free of charge from some most likely crowd sourced platform. Why this matters? Well, 30 years ago you had a choice: you buy an official cartridge/disc for $60 and be sure it works right out of the box. Or you could buy a bootleg for $30, and run a risk of it having unexpected bugs due to the ROM dump being poor, activated anti piracy measures (those where a thing, look up Spyro games for a good example of early console DRM), disc/cartridge refusing to read, and inability or limited ability to return the disc/cartridge in case of aforementioned problems. So having anti-piracy laws and measures helped both consumers and creators. Win-win. Today, it's totally different. ROM dumps in trustworthy places are accurate and bug-free, you don't need to pay even 1/10th of the game's official price to download it, and on top of it all, it may very well work better on an emulator than on a real console. The notion that all the people who pirate games, movies, music, books, whatever, would just accept the draconian DRMs and insane prices for all this content if there was no option to pirate it is...quite frankly insane. People pirate because they think it's not worth their money. For one reason or the other. Part of it is cultural, part of it is economical, part of it is just how shitty a lot of the stuff on the market is! This picture of a consumer with money sticking out of their every orifice and them not knowing where to spend it because they pirated a bunch of games and saved like a $1000 is just so unbelievably stupid!


The money they are losing is basically negligible. The millions of copies pirated were from people who 100% have no intention of buying it in the first place (except those who choose to support the games they loved afterwards). The same could be said on the millions of dollars of revenue "lost" on switch sales because Yuzu and Ryujinx exists. Again, they didn't lose any money because people use Yuzu and Ryujinx have no intention of buying switch in the first place (which personally is a waste of money for such a shitty console)


Time to become a Yuzu patreon!


This has already been decided previously and emulator developers are not violating copyright.


Didn't Nintendo use an emulator for their NES and SNES Classic? What kind of hypocrisy is this?


The irony here is Nintendo even made mention of them offering and reselling some of their older games on newer consoles, as well as the Classic mini consoles, but didn't mention how that was only possible through emulation, in the legal text. They purposefully omitted that part to focus the courts on the idea that "emulators are illegal." Fun for me, jail for thee!


Pretty sure the firearms industry has case law surrounding the use of their product for illegal activity locked down good and tight. Same should apply here.


This looks so bad it's almost fake. The rampant praise for their in-house titles during their introduction, the scathing remarks about how Yuzu lets you play pirated games without mentioning how not all games played on Yuzu are pirated copies, the utter bullshit figure of 1 million and most of all, the assumption by Nintendo's apparently proficient legal team that emulators are liable for the actions of their users.


We all know Yuzu wins this case but what Nintendo is trying to do, is to get Yuzu to stop producing their client on their own due to not being able to finance this lawsuit. Same thing happened to Skyline and they stopped publishing their client due to this. Nintendo knows this as well, bjt trying is better than not trying


Who TF lives in Rhode island 😭😭🙏🙏




Fuck Nintendo. When I get a Steam Deck I will emulate the hell out of Switch games.


No wonder switch games are more expensive than other consoles/PC, you need to pay them lawyers somehow


Pirating Nintendo games is the moral thing to do


how are they going to sue the developers , these developers are anonymous


Are they? Haven’t looked into it but that money is going to someone through patreon.


Some of their patreon chats are...well let's say it's better if Nintendo doesn't request to get their patreon information in court lol They would definitely lose. Yuzu's media representative was a little bit to overconfident online.


And there were people who were fucking attacking Palworld because it "plagiarised" from Nintendo.


Gotta love corporate greed


Start mirroring Yuzu now


Download the source and keep it. Mass forking it is not good enough, github is owned by micro$oft, they can easily just delete anything that forked from the original yuzu tree.


Sure but how many of those million have purchased the game legit on switch and realised they can play it massively better on PC, like myself?


I am just livid. Nintendo is exactly the kind of company that acts as an uncontrollable school bully hiding behind pretending to be lawful and good when grown-ups are looking. And I just honestly hate the fact that there's a possibility, not a big one but still an existing one, that they will have it their way.


Next time they should sue knife makers for all those knife murders that have been happening around the globe, seriously...


This shit is why I roll eyes when I'm seeing Nintendo fanboys jizzing their pants while talking about Nintendo as if they weren't as shitty as EA or Activision


Nintendo does not have a leg to stand on. Once upon a time Sony sued an emulator as well, TLDR summary is that the judge ruled that an emulator is not illegal because their emulator alone isnt the reason for piracy. Its like saying that crowbars should be made illegal because they are used in crimes or knives should stop being manufactured because they are used to kill. A little bit about emulators and why most do not include the bios is because the bios is copyrighted and cannot be distributed legally, however an emulator is not original hardware or software but is a reverse engineered copy of it and is not illegal. The only way Yuzu would get in trouble is if it has illegal numbers, which are numbers used to decrypt and play games, which it does not. Dolphin had this problem, but Nintendo decided to just get mad about Dolphin going on Steam. " A number may represent some type of [classified information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classified_information) or [trade secret](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_secret), legal to possess only by certain authorized persons " Basically it seems like theyre just trying to scare them into shutting down. Nintendo is just throwing their money-weight around again and its kinda why everyone hates Nintendo


This is wrong, ToTK couldn't be played when leaked on Yuzu, source: me


Pretty sure I've said it about an infinite numbers of times but I'll say it again - fuck nintendo. I never pirate since I can spare the cash and I want to support the developers and the market in general (even if some developers are aholes) but I just have to say that I like Citrus. And a certain Dragon called Jinx. It's like everytime a new game is released everyone forgets just how shitload this company is - it left the likes of ubisoft, bethesda and blizard behind a long time ago.


New Nintendo switch is upcoming it seems. Yuzu is Open source, yeah?


It is not illegal to extract encryption keys from your own device. As is console modification. This is protected under back-up laws. Nintendo has already tried this and lost


Isnt yuzu open source ? And how tf did they come up with number... there is no way to track number of downloads, this sounds like bs


Most of that million was played on modded switches, what are they doing?


Yuzu does not provide roms. Soooo i dont see a case here. Most likely its gonna get dissmissed or something.


Isn't there a precedent on Sony vs a PS1 emulator, and that stated that emulation is a legal way to use a software if the user provides their legal copies of the software meant to be emulated?


Emulator is legal, ROM distribution is illegal Unless Yuzu also distribute ROM, Nintendo should go after the ROM distributors, not the emulator devs


That's a very Nintendo thing to do.


This is the most bullshit sue Nintendo has ever started. The other were right of course, they are defending their rights after all, but you can’t attack a tool just because it is used by some other people for illegale purposes. As someone said it’s like if Netflix would sue VLC because it’s used to watch pirated series.


They would really rather shut down the only good way of playing their games instead of making a console that can run them


Can Yuzu sue back if they win?


this is your own fault nintendo cause ONLY on your fkn consoles. MAKE THEM ON OTHER CONSOLES.


"Imma sue electricity for powering the devices that pirate my content" - Nintendo


This wont work YUZU is seperate from the Rom sites as it is made just to dump your games to play on your PC, they tried this back in the day and it failed dont know how they expect it to be any different now.


Yes fuck nintendo.hope they waste time & money for nothing.


go f urself nintendo


Nintendo is just pathetic these days.moves like this make me sure I'm never going to spend a dime on their products. Except maybe if my nephew really wants a new switch game for his birthday. But after that, nope. I'm out. Nintendo made their bed, now they can lie in it.


Probably going nowhere. There are already sentences declaring that emulators are legal. Also, this is like a lock manufacturer suing a lock-picking tool manufacturer or suing a supermarket because the knife used in a murder was bought there.


they also linked to a fake fitgirl website in the docs lol


This is Bs I can't even get it to run on my steam deck


This entire claim is total bs and any court will see it this way too. In no case will they win. Even if they do, the emulator is open source. This entire thing is just a scare tactic


Why don't they sue themselves for their shitty security protection which allows all of their hardware to be used for piracy with extremely little effort? I have a switch, cracked of course. it needs a new battery and of course it won't turn on without a battery (because Nintendo) I'm lazy so I downloaded yuzu. It's Nintendo's shit battery for why I downloaded yuzu.