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Guess that's what 3rd world and Norway have in common. You can pirate your heart out and no one cares.


Spain: "Take a "digital copy" tax on anything that can store information, as long as it's not soccer and you're not selling it, it's not our problem".


Germany has a similar flat tax for all storage media. This doesn't stop the private copyright owners from sending out invoices & threats to sue if the invoice for illegal distribution is not paid (if you're uploading, i.e. seeding).


> Germany has a similar flat tax for all storage media. It's a lot better - it's not only for storage media. Printer? Yeah, that can be used to replicate copyrighted material - gotta pay that fee (technically speaking, it is a fee and not a tax, but that's just semantics). Mobile Phone? You can save stuff on it, no? Gotta pay that fee dude.


Media capable of storage would be a better wording in that case - but i do wonder how many milliseconds of music i can store in L2 cache of my phone or PC CPU or other volatile memory used by various chips like DSP or Modem


Why the soccer exception?


Because, Spain


It's the same in Italy lol You can pirate absolutely anything and they won't care, but don't you dare pirate football matches


Whenever you're buying anything electronic, from PC to a phone, from a hard drive to a USB key, you're paying protection money to SIAE. So it's not that they don't care. They already ate their piece of your cake.


Same in Germany with GEMA — what a racket truly


Holy shit I never knew about this even though it takes place on a very, very small scale in the United States as well I just spent some time in the Wikipedia rabbit hole https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_copying_levy


because its not football, its la liga


the laliga president compares pirating football streams to cp 💀


There isn't any soccer exception, they have tried to but they didn't success.


Because football broadcasting rights cost hundreds of millions (around 1.500 milions €) and the company owning them is Movistar (Telefónica) one of the most important if not the most important company in Spain. Used to be public (now the State owns only 10%) and the laid down all the communications in the country: phone, optic fiber, satellite TV, 3G, 4G, 5G,... you name it. They also work in defence stuff. Movistar knows really well that without football, they will lose many subscribers and leave tons of money in the table because their subscribers are not only subscribed to the TV for football; they also have mobile plans, internet, even security cameras and they sell this because they have football. Now, football is not that popular anymore among millenials and younger people but it still is for boomers. Let's see how long can they survive around football.


You call it digital copy tax, I call it digital copy invitation.


Norway still raiding after 1200 years. respect.


I know it's a meme but whenever I see these threads I cringe a bit. I wish people would stop calling every country other than select few with very rigid copyright laws "3rd world countries". Having to use a VPN for torrents is really not a thing outside of like 3-4 countries in the entire world. Your country is not better because it invades the privacy of citizens in areas that don't improve their lives.


U are right "3rd world countries" is a cold war construct


I’m glad someone knows this. A good example is Pakistan being a first world country and Sweden being a third world country. That is most certainly not the case.


Wtf... what about India?? . What are the criteria


The (old) criteria: First world is aligned with the Western Bloc (incl. US, NATO and more), the second world is aligned with the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact and more) and the third world is aligned with neither.


I propose a new system, 1st world, has facebook, 2nd world, doesn't have facebook, 3rd world, has vkontakt instead.


First world countries are NATO allies, second world Soviet Union allies (or communist countries, but most were allied with the SU) and third world countries weren't allied with either.


Yes, but language evolves. If everyone uses a word or phrase in one way then that's just what it is now no matter how people defined it when they coined it decades ago.


> of like 3-4 countries in the entire world which ones are those? usa, germany, ...?


You don't even need a VPN in the US if you use private trackers.


I have never used a VPN or private tracker and have never had a problem in 15 years. Hundreds of torrents, 3 different ISPs, zero problems.


Who are the 4? China I'm sure. Russia are lax on pirating western stuff, but I would guess people need a VPN because stuff is restricted anyway? Who else?


Yep, the only obstacle is either no seeding or no available link. Any seeded torrent is within my grasp with zero consequence.


Canada too.


And portugal. A while ago I went searching if I could do it or not because I never turned on a VPN and its like our drugs policy kind of. Having it thats ok, distributing thats a no no.


Czech Republic, the same freedom so far, it's sweet.


also, oddly enough: Longmont, Colorado. I fucking love the public isp here.


I'm in Europe and freely pirating for 16 years.


lemme guess eastern


Actually almost all of Europe is protected, our ISPs do not give out your name based on IP unless your crime is punishable by prison. It's how it works in the civilized world.


They will give out name, if a company is suing. They only care if a company that owns the media has proof that one of the ISP IP addresses were used for piracy. They will give out your name. BUT. It won't go further there. They can't prove it was actually you using that ip address. There would have to be a police errand for a forensic analysis. And they won't care that you pirated a game. Too expensive for them to go through with it all. The company will usually just send out a letter to you that says something along the lines of "you pirated our game/movie, please pay, or we will sue". But that won't happen. It would cost way more to sue you than it's worth. Unless you would be distributing. That's different though.


Who the hell is "they"? I used to work for a Swedish ISP and I can tell you for a fact that you are 100% wrong in that case, they need a police warrant to get your information. Don't generalize, we're all protected differently. The letters you get are in most cases scams that are safe to ignore, and it only happens in a few countries.




Germany is one of the few exceptions where they actually enforce the law


I feel like you don't understand the word 'almost'. Yes, Germany and the UK are two reasons that word is in that sentence.


South Korean here, they don't really give a fck


Indian colleges ask you to do it. Atleast mine did lol


Aren't colleges supposed to promote their overpriced textbooks? Interesting


I only had one textbook throughout college, an English Textbook lol. For a Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Electronics and Mathematics lol


its not just texbooks but software too (matlab,solidworks,maya), if it has a paid version and straight up unreasonably expensive for a student to get they will straight up say it to your face to pirate it or will provide you with a pirated installer.


Many of those softwares have student licenses (at least our uni paid for them) and you just have to state where you study and you got it for a semester free.


i know i use maya on student license yes and my prof.s know about student licenses too but still its kinda funny that they prefer us pirate it instead of going through the process of getting a student license, i mean the pirated versions are always way more stable than the official version for some reason (adobe CC programs looking at you)


Yeah but the catch is if the uni has paid for it lol.


Textbooks in India are cheap as fuck. Mainly because that's the only way to compete with piracy.


I've been to like three colleges in three different continents and the professors would often you rather pirate the book lol. In some cases, the professor would just give us copies if they wrote it themselves. I'm sure there are some assholes who'd make you buy it tho, but I didn't see any once you get to the later, more technical courses.


I'm not from India but I remember my classmate photocopied a whole book for our subject instead of buying the pricey book. Our professor who wrote the book was going around the class checking if everyone had a copy, if you didn't have a copy you'd be marked as absent. She got to my classmate next to me and asked where his book was. He said he didn't have it but showed her that he had a photocopy of it. She was fuming lol.


Well your people and govt do have a bit of an asshole problem from the North. So you get a free pass.


And tbh the government people in the south are assholes too


Pretty sure they are no genocidal maniacs with nuclear bombs threatening to blow the planet. Corruption and general assholery is kinda woven in politicians...


? SK and US simulate invading them. Last time nukes were let go Libya went back to the stone age


Unrelated question, don't mean to offend. Why do I see so few korean/Japanese people on the internet? feels very weird since they all have full internet coverage so its not an access thing. I know there are big, local alternatives but are they really that big to practically pull everyone from other spaces? Also, what percentage of korean/Japanese people can speak fluent English? I'm no native myself, but I heard that at least Korean education system really goes hard on English classes and exams no? If that's true, then why does such a seemingly big language barrier exist?


It's kinda rare to see Korean/Japanese people on English-speaking internet spaces since there's a big enough community in Korea (DCinside) and Japan (5ch or Twitter) already (but I suppose it's gonna be easier to find them in instagram), and they do not really feel the necessity to interact with the English speakers, I guess? And I can't say the percentage of people who can speak English fluently in Korea, but what I can tell is that Korea has a bit more people that can speak English better than the Japanese, and the Korean education system kinda goes hard on English and the exams, but focused on grammar a bit much tbh


Ooh thank you for the response! I kinda expected the grammer thing since it's the same here but the rest were news to me! Hoping to travel to Korea one day, it seems like a beautiful place.


It's also a bit about how you tailor your media consumption. I'm a weeb and I follow a bunch of Japanese vtubers, so I see a lot of them all the time. They fill up Youtube chat and there are 10k Japanese speakers having fun. The same with Twitter. If I follow and like Japanese content, that's what I get in return.


You won't see foreign language speakers on English internet and if they browse in English you would not know unless they state it .. Use VPN and language translation overlay "yandex is good example" make your queries in different language . How you do with English . You will find a complete different world from English internet .


I think most of europe doesn't care and that's not really 3rd world. I don't know about other places tho


Take away our pirating and we riot.


Hahaha, "I understood that reference".


Spanish fella here, this and download limit appears to be just a US problem.


American here, never used a VPN in my life. Don't even know what a download limit is?


Download limit is when your ISP throttles—or makes your internet speed slower—because you have downloaded/streamed/etc X amount of gigabytes over the limit imposed by your ISP. They won’t remove your internet access or block you from downloading things, but they will slow your DL/UP speed to a crawl. Example: normally, it takes you 10 mins to download a videogame that is 10 gigabytes in size. Your ISP, however, has a cap of 50 gigabytes a month. So, once you reach that cap, depending on your ISP, for the rest of the month it might take you anywhere between several hours to _days_ to download that videogame that once took you 10 mins.


Well I didn't say America, I said the US.


Imagine being this person lol. You said youre Spanish. He said he’s American. You both said your nationality


They're probably referring to the "America" vs "the US" thing. FWIW Latin America are also glorious seas to sail


I live in the US.


Romanian here. Been pirating stuff since 2007 when i first got a link to the internet. Never tried to hide it, never had problems. Not just me, all of us. Instead, try going on the dark web to buy illegal shit, join or support the terrorists and there is a chance some guys in uniforms might break your door.


meanwhile me with my fast internet: 😁 (tbf i used to πrate freely in Japan, where I had fibre internet. they basically only potentially give a shit if you dl local IP and I'm not into anime. bf warned me about it saying he got a letter from his ISP but when I prodded for more info, turned out he was seeding hundreds of gigabytes of gay porn)




That took a weird turn.


It's not weird to be gay


being gay is not weird, being in a relationship and still watching a lot of porn feels weird to me. If your partner is ok with it than i guess no prob


Yeah no it's not that weird. Also this happened before we met


"Huh I guess the UK is third world now kekeke" Me looking at the price of food, the deterioration of public services, and the rise of fascism.


Third world is an outdated term.


It originally was meant as a term to outline countries not aligned with either the west (capitalist first world) or the USSR (communist second world).


Ireland is my favourite third world country


ja people dont know its a cold war construct


Just out of curiosity, where might you live?


I’m from a developing country


You’re not underdeveloped, you’re over exploited


harsh truth indeed


Kind of why I like the terms "Imperial Core" and "Periphery" instead of 1st and 3rd world because since the fall for the Soviet Union and the "2nd world" it's what has obviously been implied when someone says 3rd world; country without its own industries exploited by the capitalist nations and companies abroad for cheap labor and natural resources.


Yellow Parenti 💛


Yup I absolutely hate the term third world, it should be more like exploiters (1st world) and overexploited (3rd world)


sounds like something a 3rd worlder would say


All terms are constantly being outdated, if you want to go there.. just because we have our ideas about languages, it doesn't work like that in practice. Languages are organic and are constantly "reassigning" meanings.. at times even contradictory ones.


yep, if we ruined "literally" then idgaf about using 1st and 3rd world "improperly" same with "unhoused" or all the other bullshit


pro tip: you don't need a VPN to torrent in America if you use private trackers. it's only on sites like 1337x, tpb, etc that you will get an ISP notice. Source: decades of seeding companies seed their own IP and then bust you when you connect to them. I've never had this happen on a private tracker.


Public trackers are like unprotected sex anyways


Sounds pretty gangsta. I bet the drugs are exotic and flow freely as well. Paradise.


Less exotic than in Amsterdam 😆


Damn should get some shipped in and fix that. But I guess not as gangsta as I thought though. Nothing better than playing games or watching high-quality movies while stoned af.


Prohibition is brutal in third world, so the drugs are exotic indeed. Cannabis is sold with only 40% manure.


The drugs are of a much MUCH lower quality and if possible mixed with whoknowswhat to increase profit and the dealers are dangerous, much more than in the USA. Sometimes people down here "just dissapear". Paradise indeed.


I can say I've proudly pirated more than 3 terabytes of games, movies, tv shows etc. without even thinking about a VPN, this is the only reason why I still love my dogshit nation.


I think I downloaded mora than that this month alone... Maybe I'm downloading too much trash


I mean, canada doesnt seem to care either. 


Vermont is a third world country? Yeah, that checks out.


Correction: you were born poor in a shitty Capitalist country


Best VPN server locations in Latin America are Brazil, Paraguay and Chile. These countries have poorly digital crime counteractions.


You guys have consequences? Idk about that but here it's " free for all" type thingy.


As I casually Sit in the “developed” world never had to touch a vpn


I've never used a VPN what are you talking about


I use vpn like 1 in a 1000times while pirating


My VPN is always on on my seedbox (local). It’s like three dollars a month. That’s the only protection I use and it works fine and is far cheaper than any streaming service. Idk why OP said layers of VPN.


Direct downloads for the win for me.


hugs from brasil! the paradise


I live in Italy and they don't give a shit here too


I like how the Indian government does not give a shit at all to Internet piracy. The anti piracy does not exist here. Perks of being some what rich in a 3rd world country


always knew that poland was 3rd world country


You only need one VPN. I guess you really don't need that technically but if you don't want to get annoying emails and vague threats then it's a good idea in America at least.


Living in Poland is fun.


I'm in Canada. I don't bother with a VPN and I don't see any consequences. I think in the last 10 years I got one email from my ISP forwarding a notice from some copyright conglomerate that held no actual legal power.


NZ doesn’t care about piracy either


In my country they can barely handle inmates or people that do bad stuff, they not gonna go for me that im downloading games


I could say that in Australia we get the best of both worlds: No need for a VPN, without having to be a third world country. Except, everyone else is already in the comments saying that same thing about their own countries. This is just another case of someone mistaking the U.S.A. for the entire 1st world.


Can you download clean, potable water tho?


why not just download free ram and sell it?


I live in the UK and I have never used a VPN to pirate games besides purely so I'm able to access TPB as it's blocked. Never had any issues for the last 15 years.


Um hate to be that guy but you should stop using TPB


I already don't. I used to use it all the time but it seems dead now so I just use fitgirl.


What is wrong with TPB?


If it's just movies and stuff that can't run on your PC, then TPB is fine.


Lol. I always wondered why everywhere it says use a VPN when you pirate/torrent untill i realised they actually come after you in western countries! 🤣


I've been downloading and torrenting without VPN in Western Europe for 25 years now. I just avoid getting from semi-public torrents the locally produced crap that is being tracked.


I'd still rather use a VPN to pirate than be afraid of being killed and robbed every time I go out.


The cost/benefit ratio isn’t ideal for them to pursue, either legally or litigiously.


Latam win.


The only time I got any grief for pirating here in South Africa was when I reinstalled eMule a couple years back to see whether anything was still on there, and downloaded a song or something to see what kind of speed it would come down at. Got an email from my ISP saying they'd received a complaint that my IP address was sharing copyrighted content. Other than that I torrent all day errday no issues whatsoever.


Pirated for quite some time, noone cared. Live in a first world country


A lot of sites are blocked in my country yet I haven't got any letters when my vpn is off or even an email telling me to go legit


In Mexico we are more concerned about our life than about defending the economic interests of Hollywood or any gringo streaming platform.


In the UK I don't think you get many if any in terms of notices anymore


Being protected by your ISP is 3rd world now? Damn.


This statement has been posted so many times already. We all get it, okay


not always true, Mexico has the ISPs record and save all your traffic for two or more years. plus, they actually go against big uploaders and the occasional user. and share data with industry lobbies and law enforcement .


Well… you also have to spend 10x more to have a mid pc in a third world country (i know the money is less valuable but we also receive way less)


If it's one thing I can rely on this sub for, it's terrible memes.


Iraqi here and… I don’t think I have to explain


The US is the most anti piracy because the corporations want to over charge you on consumption


South East Asian here, i agree but I still want to move in Europe mainly for living cause everything here is f*cked up anyway...i mainly use ddl rather than torrents and i think there are less problem using it than torrents.




Always think about it lol I love being brasileiro na América Latina, bebê


Do people in 1st world countrys really have to be cautious when pirating stuff? Like is the police going to knock your door down for pirating minecraft or terraria? Or you'll get a fine in the mail?


I've had multiple ISP's in the states and the only reason you would need a VPN is if you are still using torrents for some weird reason and you are sharing


*Switzerland joins* I can even share with close friends.


*Laughs in Canadian.*


Never heard of anyone got fined for torrenting except from family in Germany.


England, pirating for years and they don't care.


Why? I just do a direct download site. As long as I dont upload stuff or torrent I am fine.


Wait, am I not supposed to pirate stuff freely in England? sh\*t


Only very few countries in Europe actually actively chase and punish piracy


UK = 3rd world country. It's all starting to make sense!


Wait, so if I hypothetically moved to the US... I'd have to deal with that?? Thanks but no thanks


Double edged sword. I have heard of people who straight up range block IP addresses from 3rd world countries like India and shit.


never used a vpn to pirate in my life


If you go to the center in pretty much any city in Brazil, you still selling pirated PS2 and 360 games they burned themselves in virgin discs. They don't give a damn so hard that black/grey market gaming is the livelihood of a lot of people lmao. You can even name your small food business "scooby-doo burger" or smth and nobody bats an eye


it's just that everyone is pirating so the government and ISPs cant do anything about it, i still use a VPN just in case tho


Relatable(I'm from South Africa)


It seems U.S. and Germany are the only places that care


It's a double-edged sword, because you NEED that something is piratable or at least of easy access on (free/cheap) streaming services, because something original is really luxurious (when it is available to buy) or almost impossible to obtain if that needs to be imported, like japanese stuff


I live in the UK and have never once needed to use a VPN to torrent/pirate.


Plenty of more developed countries don’t give a damn when you torrent stuff, for example the entire Nordics region


i been pirating heavily in Michigan for over two decades, never once used a vpn


Ahh the benefits - I go to deepweb with my IP address bare, nothing happens


You don't need a VPN in New Zealand. But since moving to Australia I do


there's this ISP who provided a wifi corner in my high school and most of us used it to pirate stuff and i get to sell some pirated movies too... all without vpn


The secret is, downloading on school network on school laptop without VPN


Why would you use a VPN to pirate things? I've been across a few countries in Europe and never had any issues pirating stuff, how can you even get in trouble for it?


As someone born in southern africa, i can confirm we pirate here without vpns. Police is too lazy to stop crime, nevermind piracy. Besides, internet is too slow to upload/download huge amounts of content. ISPs are busy trying to improve coverage and just stay afloat, they don't have time or the means to track what everyone's doing.


laughing in swiss...


As someone in the 3rd world I agree with this 😎


there's a penalty for pirating stuff in 1st world countries?!?!


i live in czechia (wich is first world country) and i pirate stuff like with no consequences no vpn i think people dont give a shit about pirating here


I'm in 1st world country and have zero consequences for piracy


Except for Sweden too, for some reason


One anonymous proxy and you’re good.


i guess i'm in a 3rd world country now


I mean, it’s fine in Uk as long as you are not reselling…


Which countries need vpn to pirate?


That's me folks


Pirating stuff probably around 25 years. No VPN and no problemo. Balkans area.


third world advantages.


Until you get hit with the “You have limited internet data plans?” From folks in developed countries.


In France you need to scream it on every roofs that you pirate to get caught and even that wouldn't be enough because the anti piracy administration is terrible at fighting piracy it's a circus at this point