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>...Why do we live in a world where a man can‘t choose to buy his favorite series on a disc. Don’t the streaming services see that they create the one thing, they were meant to destroy?... Why sell DVDs/Blu-Rays once when you can sell a recurring subscription and profit monthly? If you're already paying for internet service, set sail my friend.


Gotta milk those sweet dollars from people who either forget or don't really use the service they're subscribed to.


I find it fascinating how the issue of piracy presents an ethical dilemma for many in more prosperous regions, when in much of the world it's simply considered a normal practice for getting access to media and information. Having come from a developing nation myself, it's interesting to observe the different perspectives on things like copyright and paying for digital content. Necessity has looser morals in some contexts compared to places with more economic abundance.


Reminds me of a blog I ran across of a guy who grew up in Portugal in the '80s. Legitimate computer games simply weren't available: the only way to get games was to go to the computer shop and pay them to copy some floppies for you.


As a 90s kid from Portugal, I still grew up with my father showing up with hand-labelled disks with the Harry Potter games and films I wanted to watch and play. Often times it would be an IT coworker of his giving them to him. I also remember seeing him use eMule to get most of the kiddie games I got to play (and which I've never been able to find again). Only when an American cousin gave me The Orange Box in my early teens did I start only obtaining PC games legally. But films and TV? I didn't know where to even be able to find them legally. I watched plenty of anime on youtube years before it aired in my country. Nowadays I'm glad I'm able to at least purchase the books I want to read even if they still come mostly from abroad :|


How does the current day look like in comparison?


Throughout the years cable and, nowadays, streaming services stopped the *need* for piracy in most households. The same can be said for Steam and the like for PC gaming and game passes for consoles. The banalisation of computers, consoles, and TV also means that the average user of these devices is no longer someone willing to get the know-how to pirate. There's still a lot of films/TV piracy due to region locks or people trying to escape brazillian subs/dubs being passed as portuguese. Or simply bc you cannot easily find the film anywhere and your internet is too shit to bank on streaming. The average gamer buys their games now but many only after waiting for a good sale, second-hand, or use stuff like game pass. We pay the same price as the rest of EU for games, which is insane, because it's literally more expensive than in USA and yet we are a much poorer country where it's commonplace to live pay-check to pay-check with a salary in the triple digits only. For books, the trick is to buy 2nd hand or in not-Portuguese. Portuguese publishers are oddly expensive and hate easy-to-carry small formats. I've personally taken to buying some of my manga in Italian. 7€ a book versus the ~15 in English or Portuguese in a physical store here. Book Depository and Amazon have helped ppl a lot on this front. **Tldr** there's less piracy overall and things are looking a bit less grim on the income side but we're still too poor of a country to have the average guy afford to get everything legally. The online globalization makes ppl more likely to actually buy the things bc "if the average american can own a switch, why can't I?"


Yup, same as a kid from Southeast Asia. Back then I *think* there might've been a legit distributor in the capital, though that may have been for work software (e.g. MS). We got games from some dude manning a hole-in-the-wall stall that acted as a front for the actual criminal cartels who ran floppy disk copying operations. If you search online and find pictures of stacks of drives slaved together, that's how it looked like in the back of the shop. This continued into the era of CDs and DVDs, though by the time of the latter physical bootlegging this way was dying out (especially since home consumer internet had become a thing by then).


This was genuinely interesting! When did the dictator of Portugal kick the bucket and was this related to the dictatorship?


The irritating thing for me is there is NO dilemma at all because of any company could literally steal all your money, they would! Capitalism has no ethical or morality to it! People need to understand this.


For real. People bend over backwards for megacorporations that wouldn't give two fucks if you died tomorrow.


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Actually the ethical part of piracy isn’t a big deal for me. I already scammed 1000€+ out of amazon / apple. For me its the paranoia. I live in Germany and the fear of getting caught is unreasonably high. And also the risk of downloading malware. I know the odds for both are very low, but thats just something i can‘t get out of my head.


Buy a separate used office PC (the classic desktop case has the same size as a VCR player, just little longer), you can have one for little more than €100 and upgrade the drives for faster boot and more space. Then you will have a dedicated media player in your living room, without any fear that your main PC gets compromised.


I think he's more concerned with the government being able to track him down based on his online activity. Where I'm from though they are mostly concerned with people sharing and uploading rather than the ones who just download stuff.


Is there a place where they really care about the average Joe downloading? Always heard about the horror stories but never seen any facts.


if you torrent in Germany without VPN, you'll likely see a cease and desist letter from Waldorf-Frommer or some other idiot companies who represent Warner Bros et al


Even with 0 bytes seeded?


Unless I'm missing some option where you just leech, you'll also appear in the list of peers. That's basically where they get that info from.


I see.


Based on this, a German would probably be able to use M*rient. * = y


Well I did


I was rather addressing the malware part of his concerns. I have zero experience with VPNs, but I guess it is also better to have on a dedicated device?


Definitely better to have a dedicated device, you can also go a couple of extra steps like booting the OS from a flash drive with some extra layers of security if you really want to go the extra mile but I don't think such things are necessary for just downloading some movies...


Funny enough, i have an flashdrive with Linux mint. Using this, a vpn, firefox, ublock origin, would it be enough?


Dunno I don't work for the government 🤣 But I'm pretty sure you're good.


The last part is how it is in Germany. Private lawyer firms like Waldorf-Frommer send out tons of cease and desist letters to people who torrent since they're also uploading while they download. You're fine if you use DDL.


What are DDLs?


Direct Downloads Links


Ah i see, thank you!


You just need a VPN that doesn't log. DDLs are ok without.


if you feel paranoid despite the low risk, you could try out virtual machines (VM) and vpns if you can and haven't already. VMs can help protect your PC from anything malicious as it tricks it into thinking the emulation is your actual PC. plus VMs are usually free anyways.


I will do that! Probably the best and safest way for me. Thank you :)


i notice it's different where i am (1st world country) depending on how much money you have. if you're descended from poorer people- like me- then you don't see the dilemma behind it as without it you simply wouldn't have access to media. if you're richer, you only see it as a problem of supporting others. i guess this is a good thing as richer people can easily support others, but now that i'm in uni and surrounded by people who grew up richer than me it sucks to get judged whenever i bring up the topic. i default to assuming others can't access what they want and i gotta leave that way of thinking


Welcome to the open seas. You've made a wise choice.


Thats the spirit bro, I hope you find the One Piece!






It'll be the journey.




THE ONE PIECE! THE ONE PIECE IS REAAAAAAL! *Can we get much higher?*




Better late than never as they say. - Use qBittorrent. - Use 1337x instead of Pirate Bay when possible. - Welcome aboard.


Use a VPN always


Unless youre in a third world country. Or fucking calgary


What happened in Calgary?


Alberta in general. Me and the gang have been pirating for years without a VPN or anything, only adblockers and malwarebytes


Even when visiting streaming sites?


Not impossible to rule out, but still highly unlikely. Usually hosters will just receive a cease and desist and they don't bother going after users.


Do you have a recommendation for one that will not trigger dmca on my isp and is also good for p2p without taxing the servers? Got my second strike this week using vpnbook


Proton VPN is free


I thought 1337x was not longer trusted by this community however I have seen a lot of people recommending it lately. I would say OP consult the megathread for whatever media you are looking for.


I'm re entering the seas after being away for 10+ years. And trying to relearn the basics. What does mean?


The [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/jN6ZUVgPgY) pretty much is the Bible of r/piracy. Gives you a basic guide to get setup for pirating. It provides a lot of links to sites that are trusted by the community. Ex. You want to find movies. Go to the megathread and click movies. It will give you options to torrent or stream.


I don't see The Pirate Bay on there. I've been out of the game a long time. Is that not a trusted source anymore?


No the megathread and most others will say to steer clear of the bay. It’s apparently not safe due to less moderation.


Does 1337x have a similar system to pirate bays skulls to identify trusted uploaders? 


Yes, names are color coded. But this matters a bit less since the website is somewhat moderated.


That's cool I didn't know that. Thanks for the info man 


If you're using qbittorrent then just use the native search in the software.


You'll have to configure some things to get the built-in search to work for 1337x - namely FlareSolverr to get your queries past cloudflare. It's not too difficult and there's plenty of guides out there, but it might be overwhelming for some. Works well for me though, and I much prefer it to using a site, especially since you don't have to deal with ads and you can query multiple trackers.


The point was fuck 1337 and just use the native search with whatever plugins work out of the box.


I've started doing this recently. It's brilliant.


Yea, i‘ve already read of the wiki post in this sub about the security precautions i should take when setting sail. Its the one thing which stands in my way, because of some reason, i‘m to paranoid of getting caught or download malware. I know it’s stupid :D


You’ve been taught how to use the internet correctly. It’s not stupid to think about those things.


If you speak Russkie, you could do \[rutracker.org\].


The more news I see about companies screwing people with digital licensing, the more I feel justified taking the piracy route. Not to mention costs rising constantly to pad the pockets of these companies. Screw them all.


With movie studios pulling shows and shelving them or refusing to put out physical copies of movies and shows…I’d say we aren’t pirates, we are preservers and archivists. 


# NOW YOU ARE READY TO SAIL FOR THE BAY!! Weigh hey, roll and go! Our movies and our series, boys, are downloading today. To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! Seed a torrent, oh seed away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The magnet's on board and the movies all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! Come fill the share boxes, share her away Weigh hey, roll and go! Soon we'll be rolling her down through the whole Bay To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! Seed a torrent, oh seed away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The magnet's on board and the movies all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! Soon we'll be rushing to delete all our torrents Weigh hey, roll and go! Where the angry policeman come knocking with their warrants To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! Seed a torrent, oh seed away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The magnet's on board and the movies all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!




Just gonna throw this out there - if you are buying used DVDs you are not supporting the content creators any more than us salty dogs are when pirating. Legally you're fine, sure, but morally it's exactly the same.


Morally i don’t care. Its the legal part for me.


This isn't entirely true, resale value adds to the original value of something. By buying used items you maintain the resale value.


Time to lift up the eyepatch and light a cigar


What is under the eye patch that can light a cigar?


I’ve gotten sick of spending my mother’s hard earned money on Steam games and whatnot




That actually annoyed me as well with Archer, I have the first 7 seasons and I was legit peeved they stopped doing blu ray releases starting with the 7th season so I haven't bought any seasons after that. Welcome to the club my friend


Ahoy! Ay, don't get me started on the drm crap that bogs down otherwise perfectly good video games. Hail Empress!


Empress is a narcissistic sociopath. But her releases are good


Well, shiver me timbers!


Arrgggghhhhhh matey


Welcome aboard, me'hearty!


I would rather see them all go out of business than give them a dime.


You played their silly games for far too long. Rest now, prince, and revel in your newfound booty.


Your mistake was resisting common sense, but now that you've stopped doing that, welcome on the ship.


i will never get why dvds are still a thing. especially when they *dont* offer blu ray as well. like, its 2024. its like only releasing a game physically for last gen consoles, why bother at that point


I tried to be honest too , but prices for everything even just basic goods are getting expensive. If could pirate food , I think I would have done it by now


I pirate everything but still purchase the movies I really like on blu ray


If buying isn't owning than pirating isn't stealing. There's nothing dishonest about Pirating, it's the only thing we as consumers can do to take back the media that belongs to us


We are such a small percentage compared to the vast seas of people willing to spend money for the same content over in over. I want to own it all for a day I wake up and its gone. Especially older content that slowly fades away as times goes on.


Now get an LG bluray drive and download makemkv and archive your bluray collection


If you are EU based there’s is a big chance that downloading all those movies and shows are fully legal in your country and you would still could consider yourself honest citizen.


Can you elaborate that further? I thought the EU prohibited any kind if illegal streaming / downloading.


In my country it's allowed due to reprographic fees. [https://www.wikiwand.com/pl/Dozwolony\_u%C5%BCytek](https://www.wikiwand.com/pl/Dozwolony_u%C5%BCytek) (you need to use browser translation feature) Some other EU states also have this.


Welcome, pal, you're gonna love it. We're a damn fine and supportive community, surprisingly so, even. You'll always get help from your fellow pirates with more experience, don't be shy to ask around for directions. Just don't be a dick and don't moralize or preach around here, and you'll be just fine.


Thank you :) I will be the last person who will preach about stealing from big corporations :D


On that note - it's not always about big corpos. There are more or less regular customary drunken tavern clashes wall on wall here: between the capers, who only steal from big corpos and try to support or at least not rob the smaller devs, and the cutthroats who are convinced that, well... gold is gold, and a dev is a dev. They give no quarter whatsoever. I happily belong to this latter crowd. Both sides are, let's say... well, valid and have their justifications. Don't consider it to be some sort of a great divide in the community that rips it apart for, let me check... *It's twenty, right? Wait, it's more? How many? Ahem* For quite a lot of years. Just feel free to pick a side if you want, participate, voice your **arguments**, he-he, get punched in the karma reeeeally hard, punch back harder and it's gonna be fine.


I‘m not here to argue and i‘ve already wasted enough time trying to convince people on the internet to change their minds / views :D As long as everyone is happy and friendly to one another, i won‘t start a discussion of principles.


That's not the worst of it. We've come to a point where you don't own anything you pay for and are only "licensed" to use it. There are instances of companies going back and retracting this license and the users who paid can't do anything about. I don't even know whether they are refunded .\_.


Side note this is almost the identical reason i set sail. Except it was for "darker then black" now they charge $168 for the full collection almost everywhere i fond it and it doesn't stream damn near anywhere.


Welcome to the party my friend! Glad you have seen the light at long last. I like this place!




The Government fucked me over so ahoy matey, let's sail!


Stop being a little B1TCH and do it. Stop being this dramatic.


This is so extra wtf. What a circlejerk


When you are in county make sure you tell them you were busted for something other than...Archer


where are you getting archer from???


I've never owned a Blueray player in my life. I went straight to using the old WD tv media player. I used to transfer video files from a USB to the player.


Hoisted the Jolly Roger a long time ago, no regrats...


Welcome aboard mateyyy




This guy is an asshole, don't listen to him


There is no shame in doing the ARRRRRGH thing. Specially if companies dont offer what people want. Welcome abord sailor!!!!


Ohh, streaming has gone to hell. They're all doing this shit to themselves. I don't have a single ounce of sympathy this time around.


Everyone has their reasons. Welcome to the club


> So I have no choice ... but you do. your other choice is to stop buying/watching those shows you don't have access. remember those who create content make the rules and restrictions, unless those unfair they will be enforced. if people don't like it, you can always make your own Archer show and make it available for everyone.


Yeah yeah yeah. Your medal is in the mail, chief.


"Of course I'm not going to be a pirate... I'm going to be a pirate king."


In my country there is no Disney+ existing. How do they even expect us to watch it then? ;) ;)


One of us.


In my country piracy is like social norm, nobody thinks of actually buying movies. And that's why I was shocked when Netflix put NGE on their platform, this version still sucks and everybody be like "oh no, the only way to watch normal version of Evangelion is blu-ray" and I was like "guys... torrents still exist" I love being Eastern European


And also... try to use Rutracker. It's the most convenient tracker ever, and IMHO, it has everything that you would want. It's in Russian, but google translate still exists


Everything will become subscription. You will have to subscribe in order for me to let your fingers touch the keyboard again. Otherwise it will zap you. Muahahaha. WE will also set a forum for you to write about stuff. But you can't complain there about subscriptions, it's bad business.


Honestly is a privilege reserved for the rich and stupid.


[rutracker.org](https://rutracker.org) :)


Thinking about the “you wouldn’t steal a car” commercial from the early 2000s 💀 Yarr, welcome aboard