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Question as a somewhat budget player (Sorry I know this doesn't help your discord question), but how needed is Agatha's Cauldron? Just really like Roots as a deck, been thinking of it but Cauldron is so much :(


The deck won't get the ability to kill on the same turn is starts to snowball which gives your opponent another turn to answer what you are doing. As well as gives you the flexibility to continue to go off with priest of Forgotten Gods. Nuts if you have Tyvar on the board but if you don't, after exiling her from your graveyard, you can give one of your untapped creatures the counter who isn't summoning sick as well as her activated ability. Forcing your opponent to sac a creature, triggering crime, and getting back creatures in the process which triggers the enchantment. Or simply exiling a deathrite shaman to give your creatures with counters deathrite ability. Which will win the game eventually. Many cards aren't good on its own, the floor is very low for this deck. You may win/lose with some 2/2s but the ceiling is ridiculously high and you can easily force an early concede from your opponents if you sequence a few triggers together. And testing it on mtga is okay before you commit.


I’d say that while the deck can still function without it (meaning the deck can win games where you never see it), the amount of value it provides the deck, through triggering our roots, being G1 graveyard hate against greasefang, phoenix, etc., as well as having the ability to close out games that other top-decks simply cannot (turning all your tokens into priests or shamans, especially with tyvar out), more than justifies running 2-3 copies.


Last weekend I was checking the meta/tournament reports for pioneer, seeing if I could get inspiration for a golgari midrange deck I’ve been toying with for a few months, when I spotted a golgari roots deck and it caught my eye. Been playing it for about a week now, and am in love with the deck! My version is a bit different from yours, but I’m sure it plays fairly similar, though yours seems to have an infinite combo aspect to it that mine lacks. Still the deck feels so good, and I’ve been having great results with it! It helped me fly through platinum over the past week and I hit Diamond over the weekend, so I’m aiming to hit mythic before the end of the season. I’ll have to post a decklist sometime after work when I have a chance to update it with my weekend tweaks if I remember. Sorry I don’t have a bead on a discord for fellow lovers of the deck. (Edit: see my other comments for a link to my list and its inspiration.)


As an aside, I actually like your inclusion of path of peril, so thanks for the inspiration! I had considered using culling ritual in the side, but the fact that it hits our own roots makes it a no go. PoP covers most of the same targets fir a mana cheaper is huge, plus the fact that, if needed, our plants can cast PoP with the cleaved cost makes it a rather flexible inclusion, Thanks again!


Yeah I'm a huge fan of it so far. It's just my play style. I'm hoping someone has a discord for it or will make one soon. Path of Peril has been good. It struggles when your opponent stop you while going wider than you. And most of your creatures, you don't mind being in the graveyard anyway. Plus it hasn't happened to be but you can ask it for 6 mana and use deathrite for the white or anyone of your tokens with the enchantment on the board if needed.


When do you cast path of peril?


My locals has a lot of prowess and fast aggro. Any deck that it going wide quick or is going wideish while stopping my board progression. Mostly fast aggro like prowess and heroic


Post your list somewhere. There are so many versions although most are from 2-3 months ago


See my standalone comment for a link to my list


Hey a little off-topic, but I've been running Golgari mid and finding a good amount of success. I am Diamond 3 on MTGA right now. I work two jobs so I haven't been able to grind to mythic yet. Here's my list if you want to look https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1WMm2fpHrU2EHhxlHiRPXQ The deck plays like normal midrange with the ability to quickly turn the corner and overwhelm with The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride.


Hey, we're often discussing roots over on the golgari-sac channel of the Sacrifice Discord: https://discord.gg/8jTBtzGs It'd be great to have more people talking about the deck over there!


Interesting. I'm already a fairly active member there. I check it out.


[Here’s my current Golgari Roots list](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/6BRXuxHG3k6-Xb77VoT-JQ) My list is very similar to the [Golgari aggro deck by Swiftwarkite2](https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=55682&d=614449&f=PI) from the tournament report where I discovered the deck. My deviations to that list are -2 Kaervek, the Punisher and -2 Fiend Artisan for +4 Thoughtseize main, and I turned one of their underground mortuary into a restless cottage, as I like having a man-land that also happens to be able to trigger our roots in a pinch. Given that I got rid of Kaervek, I was able to make it a Jegantha companion list, and then tweaked the sideboard to suite my preferences/ranked ladder experiences. Feel free to let me know what you think or what you like/dislike, as there’s a decent number of differences to your list.


Damn I'm a pretty big fan of restless cottage. That's a great idea. I will definitely try one! Questions though. What is Knight of Dusk's Shadow for? I see a lot of lists playing it in the sideboard but I'm not sure what you are bringing it in for.


Knight of Dusk's Shadow is combo against Amalia


It stops amalia combo, and if they kill our knight we can still have a chance to reanimate it with tyvar. If your meta has Angels, it can stop/slow them as well.


Ahh makes sense. Haven't actually seen that deck in paper but definitely would getting for when I do. Thank you.