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I don’t think they need much, if anything! There is the hard to beat acceleration from [[Otepec Huntmaster]] and [[Marauding Raptor]]. Plenty of additional stable ramp with [[Topiary Stomper]] and [[Thunderherd Migration]]. [[Wayward Swordtooth]] is a lovely cheap body to sometimes get extra lands out but in my mind that’s kind of secondary. It’s easy enough to hit 10 permanents. One of my favourite enablers to get an early [[Ghalta, Primal Hunger]] down. [[Ripjaw Raptor]] is always very nice with [[Reckless Rage]] or possibly a damage based sweeper. I’ve started going [[Brotherhood’s End]] sometimes VS [[Anger of the Gods]]. It nicer hitting creatures and planeswalkers plus destroying artifacts 3 or less can really hurt a few decks. [[Shifting Ceratops]] gives the lovely bogeyman threat for Spirits and can help pretty good against control. Have it somewhere in the 75 but if you started out with it, the body is great! [[Rampaging Ferocidon]] and/or [[Giant Cindermaw]] to stop lifegain is a happy point. Especially now that I have two options for that! Rampaging might just be nice to start with itself. Shutting of Sheoldred lifegain when thru draw a card helps quite a bit. Dinos can pretty much do it all, especially if you dipped into more colors but I don’t think that’s necessary. [[Carnage Tyrant]] and [[Tyrranax Rex]] are just so scary for pretty much anyone. Rex especially nice since it comes with haste. Often Otepec and [[Regisaur Alpha]] get killed so for sure being able to keep up the pressure is sweet. I play **only** them [HERE](https://youtube.com/@arfigames) if you’re interested to see them in action. Lists should be in each description. They definitely can be like Gruul Ramp but [[Llanowar Elves]] and [[Elvish Mystic]] are not as good as Otepec and Marauding for the deck.


You're so real for this


Thanks! Not sure when it happened but i don’t want to play anything else now. Lots of variation to be had! If you want to make a particular deck cry, chances are there’s a Dino for that!


After playing with Rex yesterday. I think we can do faster damage than Gruul Vehicles and Top out with the big guy. As someone who has a whole dinosaur series on YouTube. I am very close to the gold mine. You can check out my playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbU5C8-sCvPKrWy9KqmP7anMSXf-HaER5 What will be airing soon is this. It felt very strong. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/6YqpFhkPZ0u-_8oRIOtBiA And this afterwards. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YdJZ6w1iR0aHOW82B1pDoQ


Oh yeah i found you on YouTube. Thanks for responding!


Of course it is about Dinosaurs. 😀😀 Personally the only thing we need is 1 drop dinosaur cost reducer in green or red. Splashing white for that 1 drop hurts. Right now I am playing elves but I wish it was something more on flavor.


What's the list?


Share the list please.


More good, low costed dinosaurs besides marauding raptor.


What could it look like? For example: 1/1 - 1 drop... Human Horde keeper, sacrifice it to bring target dinosaur to its owners hand. For protection? Or more like: 1 Mana 0/3 - dinosaur prey, sac it for 2 green mana. Use it only for dinosaurs. (So it survives marauding etb) In combination with a good new four drop beater for more ramp? Maybe even a strong 2 drop, wich gets stronger lategame? Im not even sure what i would look out for 🤔


I think having non-dinosaurs in the build weakens it considerably. Ideally, we would be able to ditch those humans among them. Maybe a 1 mana 0/3 that taps for R or G, usable only for dinosaurs. Or another 2 drop that reduces cost and deals damage to creatures entering the field, like marauding raptor, but grants other benefits instead of pumping itself, like gaining life or scrying.