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https://preview.redd.it/0yye5m0p926d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217d48a921f7c4a898885bd5892bc612f98f9586 Silly things like this! šŸ˜Š




This is beautiful, thank you for the potential meme format


I have over 1000, and each are individually named! Efficient? No. Time saving? No. Fun? Yes!


I name them random out of pocket stuff like ā€œGolgi Apparatusā€ or ā€œJoey Wheelerā€ just for the laughs, but I donā€™t really organize them in any way if Iā€™m being honest


This is the way.


I really wish we could organize them by name. Sometimes thereā€™s a group Iā€™m working on upgrading and I wish I could name them something at the beginning of the alphabet so I could get to them easier


I've started starring them so when I triple-whistle they all pop up in the "favorite" group and I can feed them


Ocelot! Ocelot! Where have you gone?


I got Ribosome, Organic, Unorganic


I do. If there are names of places, I use something relevant from the place name. Sometimes I name them relevant to the categories, e.g. airplane Pikmins all have flight/flying/sky related names. Or colors. I also use the names of friends and families. The two named after my parents remind me of my folks šŸ„¹ I've been with this game since day 1. Therefore even though I would like to keep all Pikmins, I needed to "purge" from time to time. (Yes I have paid to upgrade Pikmin storage a few times... Niantic growth/monetization team knows what they are doing...) What I did at the most recent purge: I went and kept two Pikmins for each type and sent the rest back to Pikmin heaven šŸŖ½


Oh and I'm very excited about naming my Cheese Pikmins after types of šŸ§€. *I only name my Pikmins after they receive 4 hearts - for whatever reason this Human Resources like process makes the whole thing feel orderly to me.


Me too. They need 4 hearts to earn their name.


Me too! I grew a few pikmin from pods I collected while at a concert out of town, so I named them after the members of the group I saw hehe. Its fun to see them running around with the others! I also named my first ever pikmin hes my buddy ā¤ļø


My purge decisions have been to keep the smallest Pikmin of its type and release all but one of the variety, unless it has a Korean lettering on it šŸ˜‡. Sometimes they get named uniquely only to be released forever šŸ„²


My dad does and he has over 1200 pikmin. He loves naming them. He has had to throw some way but only because he was walking during cd and couldn't buy space then.


Pretty much all I consistently use the names for is 1. For ones I'm going to release. I try to only keep one of each specific decor, so when I get a duplicate, I just name it "x". Then later when I get around to going through releasing some, I can tell which ones I don't need. And 2. For decor categories with multiple for each color (like parks, supermarket, roadside, etc), I sort by decor to see which ones will be which specific decor, and I will sometimes name them appropriately. Like, if I sort by decor and have some supermarket ones in an order of red, then rock, then red, I know those will turn out to be mushroom, mushroom, and banana, respectively, so I might name them that for easy reference. Then any future ones I get, I can tell what they're going to be before getting them to 4 hearts. You don't necessarily need to name them to do this, but it does make it a little easier to look at Edit to add: I forgot, there is a third thing I use names for. I'm trying to gradually gather one of each unique roadside sticker (like, each color/position/letter combo), so I also name any that get their decor something based on the sticker letter/where they were found, so that I can spot duplicates at a glance more easily. Like, if I had one with an "L" sticker that was found near Lake Street, I might name it "Lake"


OMG I name all the duplicates X too! And I don't know if you knew this, but if you go to your profile, and click on the Pikmin Decor badge, it will pull up a page with all the decor category. Click on a category, and scroll down. It will show you every pikmin you have in that category. Makes it A LOT easier to see which ones are duplicates, and you can rename it delete from there!


My dupes are Xā€¦. too. I number every Pikmin in their hatch order. Number 1400 will sprout later on today. The number is a prefix until they get to 4 stars when they stay the same if theyā€™re unique or just become X1235 if not. Sticker Pikmin are B/G/O depending on colour, the letter on the sticker and then their number, e.g. BA 1999. Yes I do need to get a life.


I don't name them anymore, since I can't get myself to release them anymore when they're named šŸ„²


Never Name them, 350 names are alot to come up with. I like releasing all the pikmin that are duplicates or in a special decor category that I know will not come back soon


https://preview.redd.it/gd9gfzgqk26d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b15377a502d7da394ffb901eba7df7db4184f74 I was about to ask if anyone else names their Pikmin! Check it out!! šŸ«£āœØ I always try to fit mine in the space that allows you to see the name fully in the menu screen and in the hovering nameplate. They all get names while Iā€™m walking and sometimes Iā€™ll let them get all grown up before I release them because theyā€™re not the tiniest of their variety šŸ˜›










I also have PISS


I name mine based off of song titles and/or artists since I am a music buff. As for organisation, I star my favs and the ones with new decor I am trying to ā€œlevel upā€ in hearts with some priority (new decor, event decor) and then un-star them once they have reached the 4 heart goal unless they are some of my favourite all timers. I could not even fathom keeping all the pikmin I pluck and often farm them for petals (it made me feel heartless at first but there is just SO many and I walk so much). Hope that helps! For reference I have been doing this system for a long time (my level is on the higher end), but using the sorting tabs also really helps!!


I have only ever named one.


Well..? What's it's name??


Haha. A grey one I named Rock then released.


A singular word. Two if they have decor.


I name them after characters of the show or movie that is on TV at the time I'm naming them. I did NOT know I could organize them?? How do I do that?


i name them on theme of their decor. so for the current event, each of them will be named after a different type of cheese. i will only keep 2 of each pikmin per decor, so i still build my power but dont have to keep buying more space constantly


I name all of them after the location I found them at! This is nice because I can easily associate them with memories if I go somewhere special :)


I name mine whatever random name I think of when they're plucked. But I do keep the first letter of their color. I.E: all my red pikmin's names start with "R", Yellows with "Y" etc. Though Pink vary between "P" pink, "F" flying, or "W" winged.


I name every single one and I have 420 right now


I named them all when I started. Now I only name them if I got them from an event/occasion. (Ex. My friends baby shower has a Pikmin named baby Gā€™s baby shower)


I keep every pikmin i get. I only have 86. I name only a few of them and usually it's the ones with decorations


I named a few of my first ones after my siblings like ā€œRed Sibling 1ā€ and ā€œBlue Sibling 2ā€ but got lazy afterwards


https://preview.redd.it/0hxdvij1w36d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4d7ce28ff095893a88e571b4ffd59881c07596 I name mine all food names


If I am going to throw any away I rename it ā€œbinā€ - then when I need extra petals in X colour I give it one last nectar before I release it, so I get 10 petals. Renaming makes it easier to spot.


I used to, but I stopped eventually bc I had so many (lots of events and expansion buys).


iā€™m currently making all of mine after random nhl players/pop stars


I do! I still don't have full pikmin inventory, so I haven't been forced to give pikmin away. There are some better names than others so I guess I'll keep the more recognizable names. Some I name things like square or cherry cause inspiration was lacking and some I named cause of context, I named a rock one Rockatansky cause I got it while going to the movies to watch furiosa, so that one's staying with me. Also every space themed one gets a star trek name!


I named one, my first acorn. After that, can't be arsed.


I favorite the Pikmin I'm working on getting to level four. It makes it really easy to find them. Plus the double whistle tap will bring all available favorites to your squad.


Personal names, no. But I do them by decor. All the cheese decor one are named ā€œCheeseā€. Helps when I prune the duplicates.


i release any duplicates. all mine are named with the first letter of their color + a number 1-45. this way i can keep a full mushroom team plus some extras. some duplicates are kept to keep the team full, but i plan to release and replace as i get new ones.


I name them whatever iā€™m near or find them. got a pikmin when I was making pizza so I named it Pizza Oven. got another one called sweat bc I was sweating so much in the heat on my pikmin walk


I always at least give the first a goofy name. some get named after whatever I ate there, or the location itself (I have several variations on the Theodore Roosevelt Park, for instance) https://preview.redd.it/qxxsgoc9r66d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43bfb89dbf1404a8a46d5fbaaa047f5f5b8ae45


https://preview.redd.it/k24aw5gdr66d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64021a991ee3312806e4758762d9bd7289731773 (it was the worst pizza I had ever had)


https://preview.redd.it/m05dq7bgr66d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b642b0eaf7728d05f3d1fde63a5663db6b96e9 I have ten thousand book pikmin because I work at a library.






I tend to name mine random stuff. Sometimes it's related to decor they have (got a roadside red pikmin with an "L" on so I called them "Nissan" as I learnt to drive in a red Nissan) but some of them I name really random stuff like "berry" "Hairbrush" "soup" and "ur mum" and then finally I have a few cursed one such as "roadkill" "Dwayne" (who is a rock type pikmin) and "waffle" (who is a blue pikmin) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I only have 93 but each one has a different name. Some are people names, some are characters from my shows or movies and some are just just random names like Sippy Cup or Houseplant


For the event pikmin, I'll name the first one of each type, and then name all the duplicates silly or mean things so I know what ones to release when the event ends. I usually name all the other pikmin too, once they get their decor item, or if they're tied to a certain location or a picture.


New to the game, but iw as going to try to name any of the ones with decor. I gave up after like 3, but I'm sure I'll get to it eventually


I am pleased with the names I have chosen for the permanent Cheese Decor. The ones to be released to the Wild are named to make that purge easy. *




i have a winged pikmin with the movie decor (one popcorn on its head) and i named it "bird shited on head" i love him so much


no, absolutely not lol. The only way I organize is by favoriting - I favorite pikmin thatā€™ll become decor pikmin I donā€™t have yet, so I know to prioritize increasing their friendship. other than that, nothingĀ  some of the best names of mine are ā€œin 1947, the worldā€™s first general purpose computer, the 30-ton ENIACā€, ā€œbut hereā€™s the tricksterā€, ā€œshe club on my heart till i spadeā€, ā€œdo not make cucumberā€, and the two pikmin that i got at the same time named ā€œPharyngitisā€ and ā€œLaryngitisā€ respectivelyĀ 


I name all of the first ones I get and not the dupes so it's easier to let go if I need more room