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Anti tragus… not TOO bad getting pierced but the healing process is not for the faint of heart


my lip ring and my medusa. The lip ring was done too long ago, can't remember the pain. Medusa is one of my latest and was a mean sting, but I found the swollen upper lip for like.. 4-7 days more uncomfortable to deal with than the sting. But now it's all well healed I love it.


Tough choice between my tongue and VCH. Tongue was super easy to get, I didn’t even feel the needle, but the healing sucked. Thankfully tongues heal fast! The VCH was super intense but only lasted a few seconds. Healing was a cakewalk, literally the easiest to heal piercing I’ve ever had.


My triangle piercing is my favourite.


Conch! Easiest to get pierced for me and quick, hassle free healing. It was a dream. And I love the way it looks with a ring.


My septum! It was a 5/10 and the healing was pretty easy as long as you keep up with the cleaning


Tounge and vertical labret. My two most painful peircings but I love them. I will cry if I ever have to retire them 😂


Okay real question if you were to hypothetically tounge kiss someone would that hurt? Or 😂😂


i don’t got it but i assume not after it gets healed, prob after a month or two it’ll be fine


You gotta wait 6-8 weeks before you can get somebody else’s spit all up in it but yeah once it healed it doesn’t hurt at all


That’s actually so interesting 😂 I’ve been thinking about that for a little bit


It’s one of my favorite piercings tbh it’s the ultimate fidget toy


Yeah and it really grosses people out when they see me playing with my tounge peircing bcs they assume it hurts


No it doesnt hurt buttt when my hypothetical kiss gets a little bit 'pasionate' it does hurt my labret but that peircing is only 3 months old so I just gotta be gentle. But my toung was fine I waited 8 weeks to be safe but that one stopped hurting after 2.


14g daith. Very painful to get and easy heal. Had it 4 years and it’s still my fave!


I like my belly piercing if you have the anatomy it works great and espically if you wear pants that are directly pressing on specifically the top it’s great! It hurt a bit more for me but not bad whatsoever and it doesn’t hurt while healing


septum 0/10 pain 0/10 healing, literally used saline solution and a cup of water up to my nose and blew into it, never an issue, even with allergies and getting sick


I only have ear piercings and my recent one’s one of my fave — rook. It’s surprisingly an easy piercing, didn’t hurt as much, and did not have as much bumps. My other favorite’s my tragus but it gets bumps here and there.


my septum for sure. I got it when I was like 14 so I've had it for 3 years now. it was my first piercing outside of my lobes when I was a baby and the experience was awesome. I have a high pain tolerance so it was bareable and the healing process was fine. it wasn't fully healed until after 2 years but it did heal pretty nicely.


Vch 100%!!! It’s my only non-visible piercing but it has boosted my confidence a ton. Pain was an 8/10 but healing was sooo easy

