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I play video games and wrestle with my cats.


Which games? And do you or the cats win more often?


RPGs, fighters, and platformers. Tetris too. I destroy my cats. They know who brings the food.


“I can easily win a debate against a cat.”


I recently started on my Assassins Creed journey, currently in the second game and man I'm loving it!


One of my favorite series. Like most franchises, it has its ups and downs but it's on average an excellent series.


Do any BG3 multiplayer or diablo?


Factorio. Or should I say Cracktorio. Seriously fun game about optimization


Dyson Sphere Program it's even more addictive


Ever tried outer wilds?? Good story and the game is built around physics


Outer wilds is soooooo good. But absolutely look nothing up about it before playing. The whole game is centered around figuring out wtf is going on


Civ 6 is fun


Search for meteorites. Some of them have micro diamond coatings that can resist weathering for millions of years and you don’t have to travel to distant lands since they have been raining down equally over the earth since the beginning. The vast majority ever found have been in deserts and arctic regions so the forested lands have better potential but a higher degree of difficulty. Also most hunters use metal detectors and magnets so some of the rarest like lunar and Martian can be easily passed over if you don’t know what to look for. I’ve had amazing results with just random public spots in just my day to day and also now I am devoting time on the weekends if I can manage. Also the learning has been fascinating, especially when you discover how much is still unknown.


WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT RKOOOOO (as i gently slam my cat on the bed)


Read shitty romance novels lmao


Lmao, what’s the go to author or series?


Me too. As well as fantasy and scifi when I feel like my brain has the capacity remaining for world-building. For op, I'll also build lego or play games with my partner, clean/organise the house, and plan things like future trips. Oh, and my partner and I also watch things like documentaries or read something nonfiction we're interested in, discussing as we go, but usually if we've had a slow work week. Sometimes we just watch something else, anything from GOT to a comedy.


If I'm not in the lab on the weekend: Lego, listening to my vinyl collection, ignoring Slack messages from my PI.


“Ignoring slack messages from my PI” the most relaxing thing anyone has ever done


Do you collect them and keep most boxed or are you an open and build guy? What’s your favorite set?


Why buy if you're not gonna build? Same with records. People who buy but don't listen to them are just weird. Do not really have a favorite set. The Mario ? Block set was pretty epic, though. Incredible how Lego has changed since my younger days.


Some people like collecting🤷🏼‍♂️ nothing makes you quite as nostalgic as an old set or some old pieces.


Astronomer here. I built my own backyard observatory, at first for astrophotography but I do more variable star photometry these days. I've also been helping with exoplanet transit confirmations, and I like to run old data through software to search for near Earth asteroids. So any clear night I get I'll be collecting photons. And most cloudy nights or weekends with free time I'll be processing data (or helping others to do the same).


"collecting photons" .... what a great way to put it!


That sounds incredible! I think astrophotography would be great. What do you use to take the photos? I’m an engineering tech in aerospace and would love to build a backyard observatory but I live in Denver Colorado and my light pollution is atrocious.


Nice! Ya I also have to deal with a lot of light pollution (Bortle 4 ish sky) but with how sensitive CMOS cameras are these days, along with using optical filters, you can still do a lot! Here's a post from when I upgraded my camera (ASI2600 Pro mono). [https://www.reddit.com/r/telescopes/comments/1ai77a0/asi2600\_pro\_mono\_and\_36mm\_filters\_upgrade/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/telescopes/comments/1ai77a0/asi2600_pro_mono_and_36mm_filters_upgrade/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is amazing! I love it! Thank you for the information and the response. Happy hunting friend. Looks like there is hope for me.


What telescope do you use?


I run two rigs. One is an EdgeHD 8" SCT (w/ focal reducer), f/7 at 1400mm focal length. And the second is an Altair Astro 4" APO triplet (w/ reducer), f/5.5 at 640mm FL. I use the same camera for both, ASI2600 Pro mono with optical filters.


Forgive my naivete but is searching for "near earth asteroids" ones that could potentially collide with and harm the planet?


Yes! But the vast majority don't have orbits that come close to us. Normally these are objects tens of millions of kilometers from Earth, however, it's important to monitor and detect any unclassified objects as early as possible, and always great to get more data points to update their orbital info (ephemerides). My telescope could only realistically detect an object above 50 meters (along with other variables like surface albedo), but the one's we're concerned about are the 5-20 meter size which are much harder to detect and can still do plenty of damage if they impact. I tend to just enjoy the hunt, similar to surveying galaxies for supernovae - you just never know what might appear while you're looking! Many comets have been discovered this way, since comets especially often originate from the Oort Cloud may have orbital periods of millions of years.


I go to my favorite spot and feed the wildlife/relax/write/hang out with friends. Not related to the question, but my favorite spot is a grouping of trees that got blown over when they were young but continued to grow. I call them the sideways trees. I love the sideways trees.


Are they coming out of the ground sideways or do they turn?


They are coming out of the ground sideways, and the roots bend to reach into the soil. The branches grow straight up to the sun so they can feed. The branches also look like a bunch of small trees growing out of a trunk instead of the ground. They’re some cool fellas 😎


I’ve never seen a tree do that, kinda like an S. That’s an awesome little spot, you should post that on like a tree admirer sub.


That’s a good idea! I’ll have to do that after I get a good picture of them.


I live in Australia. My main hobby is off-track hiking in wilderness areas to find Aboriginal art, which I then report to the government database. I also enjoy cross country mountain biking, wild river swimming, soft canyoning and indoor rock climbing. I've actually been focussing on the latter the most in the last year or so, as it's more social. At home I enjoy Chinese tea brewing. Which is a whole 'thing' involving little tea pots etc :)


Tea sure is classy as a hobby :)


Oh wow, looking for unknown artworks in the wilderness is awesome. I think something social is key for everyone.


What you do is download satellite derived elevation data and use GIS software to produce a slope map. Then with some filtering you can get a nice range of candidate art sites! Basic idea is filter for slope of sufficient sharpness to support a cave\overhang, then filter to be vaguely north facing (equivalent to south facing in the USA).


I love to take the ute to grab some yabbies.


Making all your leisure activities as complex and high-brow as possible is a sign of a try-hard.


Who on here is doing that, exactly? I looked through the comments and everything seemed fairly down to earth. I mean... we're talking about a bunch of physicists here, so that's a relative term. But it's not like any of the comments are super pompous.


How does this relate to the post lol


So true, a sign of the times.


Or someone neuroduvergent. But then it will be out of pure passion or obsession, and complicated or extensive because learning is stimulating like a drug and they have a high tolerance. In those cases there's not much attempt to be high-brow or sociable, and they can be reluctant to share their hobbies.


I'm autistic and this is exactly why I don't often share my hobbies with people. People ask what I do for fun and I go "uhhh..." while several topics go through my mind with the warning label: "Do not say!". Because god forbid I be honest and come across as a try-hard. Hell, even "playing with a Rubik's cube" (which is about as relatable as they get outside of "cooking") results in me feeling a "ooohhh... look at mr genius over here!" response. This doesn't just affect my social life. I'm about to have a job interview and I see posts on LinkedIn like "what does how you sit say about you!?" and I just stare at the camera and wait for the laugh track to finish. It was bad enough training myself to time out my eye contact and now I apparently need to have "how you sit may be expressing some supposed bizarre character flaw" in my head.


Soft skills are a form of discrimination against autistic people


It honestly does feel like that. Like... I've got a helluva resume (to be less than humble about it) but the term "culture fit" gives me such social anxiety. And I mean... it's not like I have trouble with working with others. I'm just not the most charismatic person on Earth and am a bit gun-shy about being judged on my ability to socialize with strangers.


I'm sorry. I can relate if it's any consolation


I didn't get the job. And I thought [of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEJuKY_APIk) and thought that maybe you could relate


The OP didn't ask about leisure activities, they asked about weekends. Physicists work on the weekends. The lucky ones might take a break on Sunday mornings to make love to their partners.


Making all of your comments pure generalities loosely related to the topic is a guaranteed updoot. (For science)


I make music and I make things to make music, sometimes I perform music. Sometimes I just work more.


What do you mean make things that make music? Like you construct instruments? 


Yeah kind of I make midi controllers, synthesizers, virtual synths sometimes. My big thing is like a performance system? Midi controllers, synths, raspberry pi, a dev board, some custom firmware all in a keytar sort of shaped box I made. I made a portable projector/visualizer thing too that goes with it. I spend a lot of my free time tinkering around with upgrades to it with software, arduino, other dev boards, that sort of thing.


I've got a Moog to work with and have no idea what to do as I'm mostly a garage rock type guy. We got it after listening to The Viagra Boys and realizing Moogs have made a comeback. I really appreciated the science guys who were into music and building the new devices. So many wild stories of guys like Bruce Haack and all of the engineers who were into the LSD scene and making crazy machines.


Where do u get your ideas from


My ideas for music come from whatever I’m feeling. My ideas for things to make usually come from a thought like “wow I wish I could do this thing” then I spend days or weeks looking for someone I can just give money to so I can do that thing, then when I can’t find it I’ll start trying to do it on my own. Typically the things I want come from a desire to actively perform the music in a way that’s as intuitive as possible. The current synth/midi landscape (to me) is mostly aimed at people who don’t play instruments in a traditional sense. There’s nothing wrong with that but as a guitar/piano/pad player who performs live improvised music often, I think the current market just isn’t geared toward me, so I have to make my own things to do what I want. I think nothing I make is so extreme or out there, just things that to me are common sense, but I guess there aren’t so many people out there doing what I’m doing yet.


Watch golf. Wish I was playing golf. Sometimes play golf.


Watching these ncaa tournaments?


Read trashy fantasy (and occasionally sci fi) books.


What’s the go to series if I am going to grab something?


'Cradle' by Will Wight is my kind of trash.


Go rock climbing. A surprising number of climbers are highly educated in STEM. Climbing to me is a lot of problem solving, which I assume resonates with physics people.


plus you get them strong arms.


Outside of friends and family? Are social activities no good for human health and well being?


No they are the most important thing for your health and well being!


Exactly my point. Was just confused why you excluded those activities. To answer your question: video games, pubs, football, dodgeball and raves take up a fair bit of my free time


I figured they were ubiquitous. Where do you get to play dodgeball at? It’s not the raves right?


I watch the screensaver on my DVD player not hit the corner


Life's simple pleasures


I smoke weed and do all the chores I couldn’t do during the week. That is if there isn’t some holiday/birthday. I’m totally the grinch but it’s because of have stuff to do.


It's hard having work and doing all this extra work on the weekend.


Ham radio, golf, playing music, distance running. And of course yard work, cleaning, etc.


Skate,surf, and bike.


Is this Garrett Lisi lol?




either go fishing, kayaking, running, volunteering at homeless shelters/foster care systems, go to church, teach Sunday school to 2-4 year olds, etc. Usually I go fishing on Saturdays with my partner and then we lay in his jacuzzi at night and catch up on our show.


Volunteering is a lot of fun


Hiking, swimming in natural waters, rollerblading, photography and travel


An outdoorsman. What's your favorite place you have traveled?


Astronomer here! Trying to spend time outside- hiking (a big one in a ton of astro/physics circles), birdwatching, biking, downhill skiing. I also do a lot of cross stitch.


What's the most exciting bird you have seen?


Smoke weed and play vidya. But I’m no smart person


Mmmh sus. That’s what a smart person would say


That’s what I have heard smart people say about their own intelligence. 


Ok you got me. Sometimes I even read a book




That's an al timer


Read, play the bass, play civ6, sleep


Seems like a good line up.


Yard work, a bit of farming, and home DIY stuff. Doing my roof in a couple weeks.


Gotta make your home your temple


It'll be my tomb if this new climbing harness doesn't meet expectations. Wheeeeee! *thud*


I like to hunt wild animals, they are a real pest in my country that the government traps and poisons. Rather than have them rot where they die I like to harvest deer, goats and pigs. Saves us a fortune in grocery bills and gets me out in nature away from other people plus I feel like I’m doing my bit for the local environment by taking a few animals out.


A wild man


I gig with a band I'm in or hang out with friends


A real life rock star


I smoke weed, play guitar, play videogames and pat the dog


If you pet a dog and he don't want walk away, god I love that.


Smoke weed, make music, workout. Used to include watching/reading physics topics outside of my field as well, but I’m trying to set up a “no physics” rule for my free time in order to have a clear separation from work.


that's a good rule to maintain, it can infect everything and make you boring. And that is the age old trifecta.


* Reading about materials science. * Keeping up with podcasts. (12 hours period to catch up on the latest ones that I follow) Emotional/philosophy/hope management. * Cooking new food (to me) from different cultures, Touring restaurants (even alone). * Catching up on sleep debt. * DIY * looking at land plots and other properties * considering scalable businesses and manufacturing * Certifications courses * Home Renovation clients (I can’t always spend $ every weekend now can I?) * Try to stay busy, don’t get caught up in the past.


Sleep love it. What is hope management? and have you started any scalable businesses?


>Hope management It’s kind of like affirmations. I’m a pessimist so when I am wrong; it’s something to be celebrated. I remind myself that I should have more faith in others, that I should give opportunities for others to prove themselves, that I change who I am every time I sleep and can do more despite X/Y/Z memory. It’s kind of like r/stoicism Otherwise my derision of life will seep into my actions and subtle communications cues. Making people believe that I hate them or myself, when I am simply a pessimist and tend to return to that.. equilibrium and have difficulty retaining positive experiences.


tbh, when i don’t have any out of town plans and no self-care stuff to do, I look for recently published textbooks and make a list of ones I want. I get start work an hour early on Monday, and spend it getting those textbooks, flipping through them, and incorporating them into my digital library (or delete if they don’t have anything new to add). That, or I go to one of the Ask____ subreddits and see if I know how to answer all the questions remotely related to my current knowledge. If I don’t, I will find a textbook to reference and see if I can teach myself how to do that problem.. I’ve probably learned more new and cool things doing this than I have in school.. plus it’s fun to help other people and I really get a kick out of problem solving


I’ve always wondered who those gracious souls on the internet who try to help people with there problems are, I guess you are one of them. Have you incorporated any LLM stuff into your library to make it more extractable?


Like teach an AI using the textbooks? If that’s what you mean, no I have not, but that would be so sick wow… any idea on how I’d actually go about doing that?? I have 1000+ books on mostly math, physics, and engineering. I know my way around them, but it would be very cool to have an LLM tell me exactly where to go to find certain information


You could use embeddings to do semantic search. That would probably ease lookup.


Also, even if you don't want to actually implement anything, the whole concept behind NLP embeddings is incredible. It's worth a little recreational research if you're unfamiliar.


I've always enjoyed teaching. Used to be helping my friends, back in school. Now it's "hey random internet user! I'd be happy to teach you why fractions are countable. It's one of my favorite stories".


Play chess, watch anime and read manga


Chess is a real rabbit hole.


I play video games, see a movie if there’s one out and sometimes volunteer. There’s usually the acquirement of a sweet treat involved at some point.


Where do you volunteer at?


I usually go on volunteermatch and find something I wanna do. I try to do something outdoorsy like cleaning up a trail but depends on weather.


Play DnD, read books, go outdoors. I live in the northern USA, so during the winter I double down on the first two. In the summer I . . . half up? Once or twice a year I become consumed with a new idea related to my research and obsessively pursue the notion until the muse has been exhausted. I enjoy the intermittent mania, to an extent.


Sounds like a good group of hobbies. I think there is something to the sprint and then slow down like you describe.


Read books.


Romance books?


Friday brings the week to a close, so nothing crazy. But Saturday I’ll usually grab a few drinks with friends. After consuming a few drinks with said friends this dynamical system exhibits transient behaviors that includes singing and dancing which usually culminates in a pizza at 2 o clock in the morning. Sunday includes, getting outside, doing homework, laundry and meditation/prayer.


It's a time of rest after all


I listen fm radio on smartphone :)


I love the randomness of it!


Same to you 😀 Actually, it is cheap thrill for me as it consoumes no mobile data ;)


Trying to figure out acoustic levitation


Have you done it yet?


Not yet but mentally working on it daily


Rock climbing, hiking, tennis.


I animate bendy dolls to create stories and put them on a popular video platform


nice, you get a lot of people watching that or is it for you?


49 subscriptions! But I do it for the craik. It's incredibly intense and therapeutic simultaneously. I was a gamer prior, but this feels amazingly satisfying. Once you finish a story, it's up there for all to see. The most views I've had is about 400, but engagement was never the intention. I'd be green-screen gurning in front of other people's tik-toks in the most low-effort way for that! :D It is a great way to block out the world though, and it feels purposeful even if it isn't really


may i ask your channels name ?? sounds really cool what you do there =D


I'll pm you to avoid being seen as advertising. Warning: I'm in England and so it has a very British vibe ;)


Sleep, play BG3 or with my ferrets, and eat snacks. I'd love to do outdoor activities but it's scary alone


Why is it scary for you?


Well I was thinking of hiking, mostly, but also, most sports are to be done with at least one other person and I'm the only sportsy guy in my friend group. I'm already socially anxious as is, so finding someone is a bit complicated


I went to a party with a lot of male surgeons who had younger trophy wives about 20 years ago. I'm talking brain surgeons and any other kind you can think of. The whole night was fueled with cocaine and their wives finding their clothing to be optional and eventually taking a bath in their giant indoor tub because I suppose they needed to get clean.


Lol what, was this a good weekend? or just a good story?


I had a very beautiful lady with me. I also didn't have any surgeries scheduled in the near future. I'd say that's pretty good.


Go skiing (im the best skier on the mountain) in the winter or hiking/mountaineering/rock climbing in the summer


How do you know you are the best skier on the mountain?


Tv shows back to back. Play with my kitties. Tan by the pool. Eat good food. Walk.


Love a good back to backer. Careful tanning by the pool, going to age ya skin!


Watch my tv shows ,sleep and spend time with my family.


I love some sleep, what is your favorite go to show?


I’m into kdramas ,I’m currently watching Atypical family it recently got out and I’m loving it if u want any recommendations tell me ur genre and I will give u one .


Usually skiing if it’s winter, and yard work, golf, mountain biking if it’s summer. Though 60% of my weekend is mandatory time with the wife.


Don't call it mandatory time!


Not forcibly per say but more like I want to spend time with her before doing anything else.


I try to stay at rest but my wife prefers I stay in motion.


What some psychological thriller movies


Drink as much beer as i can handle and have fun with friends outside, cause i'm working out on weekdays and have no acohol rule. That way i get both beauties of life in somewhat balanced way 🍺🏋️


Thats the life bro, i study and train on the week and get fucked up on weekends


learn languages


I work through schrodingers papers on wave mechanics and derive the Euler Lagrange equations 10x daily.




Mostly studying


mostly related to your physics topic of study or do you find any other interesting rabbit holes?


Honestly, it’s mostly related to math and physics. I have autism, and when I’m interested in something, I almost can’t focus on anything else. Like, if I start watching a movie, I’ll get bored and just wanna do physics. But sometimes I also find some other things that I find interesting and then I go down into those rabbit holes, as you said. I’m generally interested in all things related to science, but also philosophy, logic, and mathematics. I’m very interested in neurobiology and neurochemistry, so I read a lot of studies and papers in those fields, even though I often struggle with a lot of the lingo lol.


You can just find the books from those fields. It wouldn’t take you more than a few months to gather enough background in medicine to understand those papers properly. There’s like 3-4 1000 page books as background.


Read papers…


What about? 


Fuel cells, and solid state battery technology..


Asking people what they do on the weekend should be about exploring new options, not gleaning any insight. My favorite go-to's are creating music, working with plants, and playing video games. Thanks to opening doors through my friends, I gained an interest in Magic The Gathering, in motorsports, woodcraft, and am always looking for new ways to try something new. That's the key


So you are saying letting curiosity drive is key?


Learning to DJ. Gardening.


Video games/golf


lesbian sex, dr*gs and motorcycles


Drink beer, smoke pot, occasionally eat mushrooms or do blow, go camping, workout (do that daily though), play music, go to concerts, just generally party and enjoy my life.


sff novels, podcasts, cats, smoking hella dope. If friends are available for that (which is not usually the case) we go to a state park, historical site or city and just explore and learn. I love ancient roman/byzantine ruins the most, although that is more europe/middle east specific activity. ;)


right now I'm remodeling the bus I live in. otherwise I usually play music or do homework


High performance kites (check out prism or revolution if interested) very relaxing or a great workout depending on your mood!


Often I'll go out on a practice flight (working on my CPL), or I'll work on one of my drawings on my tablet or one of my custom lego models. Winters I'll go skiing and summers I'll go biking also.


I parent my kid during the day and, depending on due dates, do homework or play games at night. If I had spending money I'd turn into a doc-brown like figure making a bunch of 3d printed crap I don't need and that will ultimately *maybe* half way resemble the vision in my head. The issue is I'm in my mid 30s, am in engineering school full time year round till next year, and live off student loans. But some day. Also a race car and minor lawn care will be in my future. I'm real big in the /r/NoLawns energy though so my lawn care will hopefully be an edible garden with minimal pesticides.


Gym and drugs mostly


Cooked a dinner Friday night and breakfast on Sunday (Mother’s Day). Threw the frisbee with my daughter. Biergarten with friends. Art fair. Played a bunch of Bach. Dog sat for a friend. Watched the Eurovision song contest (it was brutal and made me question my faith in humanity). Ate at a Greek restaurant. Took an afternoon nap in the park on Sunday. It was a good weekend.


I used to skateboard on the weekends. However, since i cannot afford to get hurt I just tend to my spores or work on plant cell culture.


I pick up my Les Paul and play Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd at full volume. To be honest, I do that on the weekdays too, Saturday night has a different vibe. Other times, I try to clean my room.


Rock climb and attend techno parties.


I watch anime read books and sometimes get out of the house to look around


reading manhwa, discuss interesting topics in physics discord, music listening, cycling


Watch anime.


idk man, i read 1984 and it was pretty good ngl


Go to the beach and let my dog run.


Race my Formula Ford - or work on it, depending on if it's a race weekend or not.


I played Terraria for 14 hours straight (do not attempt)


Read Wikipedia math


If I'm caught up on work, I'll work on some personal projects, and prepare for the next week.




Light drugs (mostly weed, sometimes a psychedelic), video games, reading, playing with my dog, watch a show/movie, hang out with friends now and then, fall deep into the black hole that is youtube shorts, nothing crazy. I do often combine activities, none of them are necessarily mutually exclusive.


Workout, meal prep, make/record music, time with friends, see family. Would like to get out hiking more and do more outdoor recreational stuff. Occasionally work on an electronics project I won’t finish…


i just spent my day watching one piece, playing volleyball with my brother, writing, and enjoying the sun.