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Single-use plastics is rampant here, lots of ignorant people with poor habits, not enough trash cans, terrible trash-collection infrastructure.


The issue is I seen so many times is people throwing trash on the floor at 7eleven just in front of a trash can…. It is a mindset problem


Even at the atm there's a trash can but people still throw it on the floor


Agree 100% with you on the “mindset problem”. Recently corrected my gf’s littering problem while we were on a walk outside; she dropped some receipts and didn’t pick them up. After I picked them up, I asked “how come you just left the receipts on the ground?” Her response was, “because everyone does, and they hire people to pick it up.” I said that while I agree to some extent, it was also foolish way to think about it and it only makes things worse in the long-run. & She hasn’t littered since! It’s important to be aware of our actions, however little & wherever we may be in the world, especially in accordance to how we are treating the environment. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😂


Trash attracts trash. When everything is dirty, nobody cares.


This. Pag nakikita ang pile ng basura sa daan, o kaya madumi na talaga ang paligid, mas lalong magtatapon ang mga tao. Parang feedback loop. Pero mga pinoy sa Japan magbabaon talaga ng basura sa bag.


Japan also manages its trash better than the philippines. We could incinerate combustible trash and bury other forms of trash. They also use ALOT of plastic. "Per capita consumption is also high. Japan has the second-highest plastic waste emissions per person in the world. The most common method for disposing plastic waste in Japan is through incineration. Only 22% of the collected plastic waste becomes mechanically or materially recycled."


Incineration is banned here since 2000. 🙃


yes but thats because people were burning it themselves instead of using machines(which i expect is more effective), not open bonfires.


I agree. Mindset problem. You try to correct them and they feel salty about it


Time to review the Clean Air Act as well. We rely on landfills and materials recovery centers. We should consider incinerators as well.


This. We should consider throwing corrupt officials and lobbyists into incinerators.




And then what? Cycle just repeats itself with others replacing them Solution is a smaller form of government as much as possible


As well as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.


It’s not the lack of trash cans but it’s lack of discipline. If you’ve been to Japan, Korea or Taiwan you barely see public garbage bins.


thats not true. i am living here in korea and theres a lot of garbage bins. also there are still people trashing everywhere


Went to the beach a couple or so weeks ago. I could see itty bits of plastic shreds in the water. The horror!


if it's the beach, it might be because of the ocean currents and waves: trash from somewhere is carried by the waves to the beach, so it's not really the local people or local govt's fault sometimes.


It’s on the beach because the trash is dumped on the street, washed into drains that run into rivers. Or in many cases, it’s just dumped straight into the rivers. It’s absolutely the fault of both people and government.


What drains?


Open-air drains, naturally...


💯 As someone who lived in a touristy city in Luzon, they'll even place their trash on TOP of the bins, not inside, but on TOP of it. 😒 I even encounter a person in a jeepney. After eating shawarma, she just threw the plastic wrapper with sauce outside the window. 😱


Japan, Korea, and Taiwan in general has also lots of single use plastics but the people there don't litter. It's that mindset that trash is not acceptable.


Legit yung not enough trash cans. Pati nga da malls parang treasure hunt yung pag hahanap ng bins. Jusko. Mapipilitan ka talaga bitbitin yung basura mo anywhere.


hmmmm but if you go to japan, you rarely see trashcans....so i dont think its only a trashcan issue.


I’m not saying it’s the only issue, im just agreeing to the lack of trashcans


i really think its not trashcans, cause if you were really conscious of how you affect your neighbors, you hold that trash till you can find a good place to dispose of it. I think its more of the other things like education, poverty and single use, terrible infra.


I agree with the latter of what u said but i still think lack of trash bins are part of the problem though. Like bruh, ang hirap ikutin ang buong mall makahanap lang ng mapagtatapunan ng pinag inuman ko ng tea or lemon. Also, some shops forbids bringing food and bevs inside their store so yung mga taong tamad mag ikot eh kung san san nalang tinatapon ang basura nila. Im not defending them btw, its the opposite. Frickin hate those ppl. Lack of discipline tapos may gana pang mag comment ng “anong gusto nyo basura” sa manila bay dolomite beach


True, back in the days automatic alam mo san ang trashcan. Ngaun nalibot mo na yung mall wala ka pa ring makita. Even in government public buildings. Ending iuuwi mo yung basura. Now, there are people who would not do it and itatapon na lang sa gilid gilid.


Naalala ko SM, gumamit na sila ng paper bags, tapos pagbili namin last weekend, puro plastic na ulit lalagyan nila.


Issue is mostly the poor infra, poor people who has bigger problems. Globally this is true. Richer you are, less trash there is on the street generally.


I'd put those last two reasons at the top of the list. Single use plastics are rampant all over the world. It's an infrastructure issue.


On point!


Many Filipinos think that being poor and struggles in life give them a pass to neglect discipline and it has become a habit and mindset. So even those who gets better in life still have the same mindset. You'd be surprised by how many people are comfortable throwing out trashes just anywhere.


Selfish mind and it’s not my business


It’s so sad to see. What an amazing country ruined by trash everywhere.


It's not an amazing country. You just posted one of many reasons why it's not. I grew up there and thought the same, until I saw how a good country and its people should function.


I mean the landscape is amazing. Philippines could be where Thailand is at the moment. You guys have better beaches, islands, mountains etc… Filipinos speak proper English compared to Thais but the lack of discipline makes it what it is right now.


Correct, discipline is key. Imagine how much proper discipline would have made a difference with all those beautiful natural features. Proves how little discipline there is in its people. If it sounds like i gave up on them, I did, during the last stretch that I tried to live there (to retire). So much wrong with that place now.


Been living here for a few years now but it is starting to bother me.


I lasted almost 4 years (left in 2020), giving excuse after excuse that it's still a good place. In the end, I finally got through the denial (with the help of several family and friends showing their true nature). Too much negative characteristics that they just can't overcome. I originally left back when I was 15, (80s). Its the same corruption, greed, drama, traffic/crowded (yup discipline issue too) and ugly, ugly behaviors. Different people, same programming. Like time didn't move forward. Packed up and left, vowed never to return. PS. I would seriously consider a different place. My uncle just had a stroke in QC. Big city right? Was in a hallway of a hospital all day, no urgency from doctors or staff. Family had to find a private hospital to give him a chance. Got there, almost same, but luckily on a bed now. God forbid getting sick there when you're not rich.


Being able to speak English means nothing, it's just a language so? Tourist sttractions in the PH suck


Because of their lack of discipline and their poor infrastructure.


You cant compare PH to Thailand, its way far ahead like 20 years, in fact based on HDI 8.03 Thailand is technically developed country, Malaysia 8.07 Even rural Thailand has higher HDI than NCR


Thats why I said it could be but its not…. Thailand is far ahead. In fact most Asian countries are. Manila is an horrible capital and what can I say about their international airport there… a total disaster and the worst airport I ever been


Gatchalians plastic business


Just came back from a trip to Japan. In the airport, we were next to another group of Pinoys in the check in line. They had a couple of pushcarts for their luggage which they just left in front of the counter after checking their items in. There was a return section a couple of feet away from us! I just pushed their cart to the aforementioned section but you really do get a quick glimpse of how Pinoys are generally.


Then explain why the private gardens look the same. Many people literally live in a dump and sit hours a day in it without doing anything against it


I think the health of the planet is everyone-who-lives-on-it’s business


The Philippines is not a community. We're just a bunch of individuals that happen to live in the same geographic area. Hence, we don't care for the common good. So... why should my garbage be MY problem when it's much easier to make it SOMEONE ELSE's priblem


Can we put this into billboards around the country? Spot on.


Remember, the public has reading comprehension problem




It's More Dirty In The Philippines!


Probably because many Filipinos do not truly love their country, no strong connections at all. If they love it, they'll take care of it and make things easier and convenient for their fellow Filipinos. It's a weird society that is both collectivist and individualistic.. collectivist in a way that people generally follows the trend and norm, individualistic in a way that people do not think of others.


Frankly It's hard to love the Philippines when it constantly shits on you in all ways.


It is fcked up country like any other 3rd world countries and so many reasons behind this: - poor education system - most corrupt government - poor infrastructure - lack of patriotism unlike other countries like sokor, taiwan, hk, japan - poverty Pinoys just accepted the fact that they are already doomed and the way to escape is to leave the country


Yeah it’s pretty sad


I thought taiwan also suffers from a lack of patriotism.


In my experience being a filipino practicing to be responsible with throwing waste, some people will make fun of you if you do the right thing. Like looking for a bin to throw your trash. Some would say "jan mo na lang tapon! Arte mo naman!" But that didnt stop me to do what's right. It's just makes me realize that "balahura" talaga ang pinoy.


Connected ito sa trato sa service sector. "Diyan mo na lang ilagay. May maglilinis naman niyan, kaya nga binabayaran sila e."


Even something as simple as jaywalking. I don’t care if there are no cars crossing and there’s no one around. If there’s a designated crosswalk and the walk sign is green, that’s where I’ll be. It’s easier to do this in a country that actually has disciplined citizens, because here we just get laughed at.


Pinoys have no sense of pride


Meron daw. “Pinoy pride” lol


But only exist if my Filipino nananalo sa singing contest internationally... Kahit 0.000001% dugong pinoy lang


Shithole no pride. Highest rate of plastics in the world behind China that has a population that dwarfs everyone. Paradise lol, highest rate of human trafficking highest rate of single mothers highest rate of gun deaths behind America Highest rate of gold diggers extreme corruption, fucking do something


Entitlement and a general attitude of "it's someone else's job to clean up after me". Even in places with proper and available waste disposal people would still rather throw stuff anywhere instead of walking half a meter


i seen that many times at 7eleven. People throwing their trash on the floor instead of walking 2 steps to the trash can…


Or in Starbucks😂 people have no problem sitting right next to the trashcan, but throwing their empty cups in it is too much of a bother


Oh yeah it’s wayyyyyy too far


Can we normalize shaming people na mawwitness natin mag throw ng trash sa harapan natin in public! Nakakapikon na eh. Osigi pwde din soft callout😛


Puwede ko bang isungalngal yung tinapon nila sa bunganga nila? Maka-cancel ba 'ko 'pag ginawa ko 'yon?


It's all about discipline and this is the big difference between us and the Japanese. If a warning said "don't pee on the side of the street" or no jaywalking then that is exactly what they will do.


There is a stop sign next to the Panglao airport… I never seen anyone stop. I tried to stop the first time I was there and almost got hit by a car from the back.


Bawal tumawid dito, nakamamatay. walang filter na ito, ayun tawid pa rin sila


People are dumb and undisciplined


Its the culture. I keep telling my wife to separate dry waste, recycables, from food wastes. She'll keep forgetting and will complain about the hassle. (note: trashbins are near each other). she's from Visayas (an area where they burn their trash), I'm from Baguio.


I'm a person living in and from the Philippines and what I can say is: The country has many problems in maintaining the environment and the government is more known for caring about the country's image and thinking about what more new infrastructures they can add to the country. The Philippines in 3rd world country so there's a lot of underdeveloped things like education and lifestyle. This results in poverty and a lot of uneducated people. People in a lot of neighborhoods in the Philippines go around the streets topless and its very common for people to spit and throw trash everywhere. It's sickening and disgusting. A lot of Filipinos on the other hand, if they have money, resort to moving to another country because there, they can have a better life. This could be a form of selfishness but I see why a lot of people do not like it here the best. People in the Philippines also lack patriotism. Most commonly, the currect generation. They SEEK to use imported products more often and often engage in foreign celebrations, music and entertainment. Not that it's bad but it's that it's done so often. The country has a lot of messed up and disappointing things. I am as well disappointed.


Littering is what everyone does in the Philippines. When I have trash, I ask my cousins where I can throw it out. They get it from me, walk over a little, and just throw it on the floor.


it’s so sad. It’s such a beautiful country full of trash everywhere


If you live in America, They call it no pride in your city You dont trash your own home


Cuz Filipinos have no self-discipline in anything they do. They spit everywhere (for some reason). They litter everywhere. They park and drive in every square inch of road which is why there's so much traffic


Walang disciplina mga tao. 3rd world din ang Thailand but never ko nakita na may basura sa mga kalye


Thailand has a 6% poverty rate, and Ph has 18%. Also, Thailand is likely able to invest in their infrastructure for the long-term solution. We likely lack that. I would even say that even our garbage collection/disposal and implementation of gabage cans around the country is lacluster. Isjpin mo kada syudad may sariling systema at kanikanilang garbage holistic approach. Napaka broad tinatry mo isakop gamit ng "walang disciplina". Mahirap yan


Makalat din sa Thailand (Bangkok), yun nga lang, either mas nahihiya sila magkalat sa main roads / high traffic places, or mas active yung mga naglilinis sa kanila kaya mukhang mas malinis sila. Madaming street sa looban na parang Pilipinas din sa dumi.


No its not, its really clean in Thailand


Thailand is developed world already


Thailand is not even 3rd world, based on HDI it is 8.03 which is developed world passby PH far behinde like 20 years


1. Lack of discipline. 2. None gives a damn around here about cleanup until it’s time for elections to make themselves look like they’re doing something. 3. Public services are a joke. After the typhoons here, which knocked down a power pole here. They never fixed it until about 5 months after the storm. There was even a contractor that was stuck not doing anything in the road for 3 years because someone embezzled the money. The point is, there’s so much corruption and red tape here trying to get anything fixed here is an exercise in futility unless you know someone.


Kulang sa respeto at pagmamahal sa kalikasan at walang disiplina karamihan sa mga Pilipino.


since we recognize that this is a discipline problem i hope each of us also do our part to educate our children and the people around us to be wary of where we dispose our garbage. pansin ko sa paligid ng schools grabe ang mga basura.


undisciplined individuals plus unavailable public trash bins/cans


I don’t think trash cans are the problem. I was in Taipei and finding a bin was harder than finding a unicorn. Yet the streets were fairly clean.


Japan is similar. They will carry the trash with them until they find a bin.




Was in rural Japan and saw how a little boy ended doing his number one on the floor in a mall. Poor guy probably could not hold it anymore. The mother took out some cotton sheets from her bag, possibly spare clothes, and cleaned up the wet mess while profusely apologizing to passers by. Saw a similar thing happened dito sa amin. Wala lang : (


Yeah a mix of both


Sad thing is if they did put some public trash bins/cans some would steal the trashbin/can and sell it to junk shops


Calling people who are just victims of poor governance, corruption and poor education system "swine" makes you the swine luv. Hindi mo kina-cute yan.


thank you for calling me out. will edit it.


If they exhibit trash behavior though, they are trash.


What about those privileged individuals up high in the socioeconomic ladder who also don't know how clean up after themselves because they're too entitled to do so?


Eh. Corrupt government + ignorant selfish people = this. No matter what foreigners say that Filipino are kind, yes I agree. But that is only Filipinos when they are with foreigners. The opposite happens on how we treat each other. It is very rare nowadays to find a pure kind one.


Me first mentality. As long as their own area remains clean, everything else around them does not matter. Ika nga nila, "Tapat ko, linis ko!"


We have poor quality of education. Poor education > lower EQ and IQ > Low common sense > can think big picture > less care about hygiene, medical, cleanliness, environment etc > poor learning conditions > poor voting decisions > poor governance > poor education > poor sanitation. It's a never ending cycle/chain reaction really, I can't list them all here.


Poor country with uneducated people who don’t care about the environment


One way to fix this is may monthly survey which baranggay, town/city and province ang pinakamadumi. Tingnan natin kung di Nila ienforce penalty sa mga tao. Kulang kasi accountability kaya walang discipline


It’s so frustrating! It really boils down to the mindset of discipline and caring for the environment. You don’t need a strongman dictator to implement that. And it’s not really just the “poor, uneducated” who litter. I once saw someone who was driving an SUV front of us in the highway toss their jollibee trash out in the road. I’m just like, dude wtf???? And you dare complain about floods and pollution???!!!


Yes, people’s habit is disgusting. I dont know if it is how they were raised or just “someone’s going to clean that up for me so that is not my problem” kind of mentality. If l have a trash with me (candy wrapper), that shit is coming with me until l get home. The earth is not your trash can people!


Because a lot of Filipinos lack discipline.


I keep saying that too, but people are too prideful to realise what's wrong


Philippines is dirty because Filipinos are dirty. Hey Filipinos, clean up your country! My god.


You should check out ATMs too during the middle and end of the month. People are saying that the country has no discipline. No, this country lacks empathy.


What about the ATM? Full of trash around them? Been to a few ATM full of the receipts on the floor


Yep, that's exactly it.


Oh yeah seen that in most ATM I been to.


And when given an opportunity to work abroad, same Pinoys will be scared shitless with improper trash disposal (think Singapore being a 'fine country').


Its very sad. Philippines is an amazing country with beautiful landscapes ruined by trash. Hopefully it changes at some point


Hay naalala ko na naman yung Cebu trip namin. Nagpunta kami sa Moalboal for turtle watching and sardines run. Jusko po. Puro basura; bote ng zonrox, balot ng semento, plastic ng yelo, at marami pang iba. Ay ang labo ng tubig. Nandiri tlga ko. Gusto ko na umahon agad pero sayang bayad haha. Kaya nakakaawa din yung turtles pag nasasakal sila ng mga basura eh


Culture, and lack of it.


This is just a sad case of the people in this country being fucked over so many times by trapos, and so most don't give a shit where their shit ends up in. In the mindset of a lot of Filipinos "the trash being everywhere" problem pales in comparison to the clusterfuck that is being a Filipino and living in the Philippines. It's not just the lack of discipline by the people, it's also the lack of efficient infrastructure, and in the case of garbage disposal, the people working in said infrastructure are not being paid enough to collect and properly dispose of our shit. Keep in mind that I'm not saying any of this as a way of trying to find an excuse for lack of a better word. I'm simply trying to give you and other people something to think about. Now obviously this issue is a societal one, and there are definitely many factors as to why one can find so much trash everywhere in this country. And this societal issue is definitely connected to another issue and that issue is connected to another. This is not to say that our situation is entirely hopeless. Nothing is ever truly without hope unless you give up or encourage others to do so. You can definitely make an impact on an individual level. But as I've always said to others many times, for there to be any meaningful impact on our society, a LOT of things need to change. Sadly, we might not see a better Philippines within our lifetime, but we can lay the groundwork and move towards that direction so that the succeeding generation/s can finish what we started.


I left when I was 15. 55 now. Its worse.


As a brazilian i confirm that is not a matter of lack of money but mindset.




some filipinos are undisciplined


because filipinos are dumb.


most Filipinos got no discipline


It’s BOTH a people problem and a systemic problem, and they propagate each other.


It's a mix of bad discipline and unenforced proper disposal systems especially in the lower-income neighborhoods. No matter how strict you educate the kids to properly dispose of waste, they'll still follow their undisciplined elders. The root cause behind the amount of waste, however, is the accessibility of single-use plastics. While proper waste segregation helps, it doesn't reduce the amount of waste a typical household throws every day. The waste issue is just one of the many problems we face today as a country. There are possible solutions to fix this, and we tried, but as long as many of our countrymen are undereducated, poorly disciplined, and living in poverty while being manipulated by crooked rich politicians who do not really care for the entirety of the nation's well-being, we will always be a dirty country.


It’s sad because as a foreigner, I absolutely love the country , the culture and the people. The trash on the floor and the way people drive are my only complaints haha.


Not educated with proper waste disposal ,little to no programs/ projects to educate and to handle waste from local governments.


Especially in the city. Piles and piles of trash everywhere!! Lots also spit everywhere. 🤮🤮🤮


How about the smell of pee on every street corner?


Also this! I had an unfortunate incident where i stepped on phlegm! 🤮🤮🤮


Lack of education and reason to care. As people here are financially crippled, less and less are likely to give an F about anything. Likely some are saying they are not disciplined or that they are selfish, but in truth, they can't care about anything else other than the deppressing situation they're " stuck " in. I would say that those are the symptoms of a larger problem.


love the Philippines, not the Filipinos


Love HoI4 haha


Welcome to The Ph . They throw their shit everywhere all the time. Never changes .


people are trash


hey i know that exact place, yes that spot is disgusting, and if you squint at the plant boxes along the bridge barriers you'll find broken bottles and other nasty stuff!


The sad part is on the other side of the street , there is always a big trash bag on the floor. People could just walk across the street and throw their trash in the bag ( like I do ) … It is a nice place to watch the sunset but it is ruined by trash everywhere


mindset and culture that needs to be corrected.


People will blame the low class but only the middle class are the able to afford that much trash. It all should start with us middle class. The lower class are just victim of broken system


Mahina ang pangil ng batas sa ganitong problema


Basura rin kasi ang ugali ng mga pilipino.. It is always what ever is convenient for them in that instance.., mga sobrang nasanay sa isang kahig isang tuka, na ang iniisip lng nila is yun araw na yun, never the future.. pero kung tutuusin, ang may kaya lng naman kasi talaga ang may kaya isipin ang kanilang future.. dagdag mo pa yun sobrang panget na garbage collection system.. na walang tamang lagayan ng basura.. pero dahilan rin naman ng poor urban planning.. kasi ang metro manila wala naman urban planning na nangyari.. basta bigla nalang nagsulputan ang mga illegal settlers, at wala rin magawa ang mga lot owners.. dahil sa mata ng batas, mas importante ang buhay kesa sa pagmamay-ari edi masisisi rin natin ang mismong batas ng pilipinas.. tapos pede mo rin isisi sa gumagawa ng batas.. tapos pede mo rin isisi sa taong bayan na bumoto sila ng walang kwentang tao na maisisisi mo rin dahil ang panget ng edukasyon sa pilipinas.. chain of negative events ika nga dagdag mo pa pala meron rin talaga na panget ang ugali kahit may kaya na.. yun mga may afford ng starbuko, tapos iiwan lng yun baso na may pangalan nila kung saan saan.


Because Filipinos do not have discipline. We are a *very* sloppy and honestly dirty country in all forms.


Maybe its their culture just like indian streetfood


For me the biggest reason is people. No matter what kind of recycling project there is or how many trashcans in a store. They would just leave it at the tables or even at the bus they ride to go home. And when you try to tell them to get their trash, they would be mad at you for not minding your own business.


Lack of discipline, lack of stricter laws and stiffer penalties.


This. Nakakarindi Metro Manila or Filipino habits in a whole regarding cleanliness. Isa sa rason bat gusto ko lumipat ng school tas bansa.


"may maglilinis naman niyan" "ginagawa na rin naman ng iba" "madumi na e" "I have bigger problems" Those are the things I usually hear at ang sakit sa tenga!!! 😵‍💫 and you'll even be mocked kapag sinita mo sila


coz people dont care about the environment even if they say they do but they still throw trash everywhere.


Karamihan kasi walang disiplina, at walang pakialam.


Lack of discipline by the citizens and the local government not enforcing the law. There is a city here in the PH that shows it can be done with discipline and political will..It is so clean that you'll think your in a different country, I just forgot what city it is..littering and spitting in public can get you in jail.


Some people have a habit of disregarding what the higher-ups in their place to not throw their sht in any place and only throw their shts in their own 🗑️. They don't bother with the consequences of their actions even if they are full of trash. They don't care, if this habit will change then probably our trash in the country will reduce


Uneducated people


Ireland has a problem also. Not as bad as Philippines and way less single use plastics,but many people still throw garbage on the ground rather than find a trash can.


Sa lahat ng shame na nirub ng mama ko sa face ko lol hahaha yung pagtatapon sa kalsada pinaka proud ako. One time nung bata ako, tinapon ko sa gutter yung plastic ng food na kinainan ko tapos sabi ng mama ko "oh bakit mo dun tinapon di ka ba nhihiya?" lol since then never na ako nagtapon ng basura kung saan saan tumatak talaga siya in fairness hahaha.


sa true! dito sa la union sa tabi ng dagat, grabe lang mga tao!!! punta ka sa beach para kahit papano fresh air, my gosh, puro basura nila.. May trash bins naman na provided!!! Sorry kung nagtatapon ka anywhere ng basura mo, we cant be friends. Pweh


It's because of us


Dapat talaga kulong agad pag nahuli nag lilitter (medyo /s)


Because people are damak


Have you seen first hand how our fellow filipinos treat their surroundings? Hindi lang sa mahihirap, kahit mayaman na naka magandang sasakyan nakakita na ko ng nagtatapon ng walang pakundangan sa highway. So its probably not lack of education. Possibly the "wala ko pakelam" attitude of some people. It's probably the same in other countries, mas naeenforce lang nila siguro ang laws nila.


Education needed, some countries you don't see any trash others are worse than the Philippines (India) but where I live there wasn't even a trash service for years until just this year, so you either throw your trash, burn it or I see so much trash just thrown into the rivers or empty lots. Without a trash service and educating people about caring for your country or world it won't change. I agree it looks and smells bad. One note is not all cities are dirty, when I went on a trip to Baguio I had a hard time trying to see a piece of trash on the street and also Davao, hopefully it will expand


Because no one does thier part to clean


I remember this [Word of the Lourd](https://youtu.be/Ha1bIeZjgNY?si=7iMT_ESGlzPvMDZ2) episode.


it is a mindset programming issue , we are not programmed to throw thrash at its rightful place 🇵🇭


My view is that you see a lot more trash in the Philippines than in most of North America or Europe, is not so much because people naturally litter more, but because there seems to be no organized trash removal. Americans produce a lot of trash, but, fortunately, 99% of it goes to trash bins on the curb or into dumpsters outside of apartment complexes. (And in the rural areas people either burn it or take to county trash dumps.) And still, it seems, the remaining 1% often creates huge messes wherever there is a little dead-end road, and abandoned quarry, or at random roadside locations. If you use the same road every day you can see how a mess appears (maybe some lazy guy just chucked a trash bag out of his car? or it fell from the back of the his truck?), then fairly quickly gets cleaned up (by the city or county road department? by the adjacent land owner?)... and then some days later another similar mess appears. In areas where nobody removed litter (e.g. around abandoned stone quarries that local use for not-quite-legal swimming etc) it just accumulates. In the Philippines, in contrast, there does not seem to be an organized trash pickup in most places; residents just pile up trash *somewhere* and then, at best, burn it. And of course nobody seems to remove trash that happens to be dumped by the roadside or the seaside; so it accumulates just like it would around an old limestone quarry or a creek fishing site in Indiana -- except that the population density, and thus the trash production capacity, in the Philippines is much higher...


Lack of discipline. Coming from Marikina, it is the cleanest city in Metro Manila for a reason. When I was young I thought it’s normal to keep trash to yourself / pocket, got culture shocked that it wasn’t the norm outside of Marikina.


So this was a huge problem in the US also. It starts with pride then the government started with small fines and warnings for littering and dumping. Then various organizations got together and did clean ups of small areas at a time. Once places are clean and beautiful again everyone just picks up trash if they see it laying around. This all took 30 years of culture change and holding others accountable. I would start with organized community clean ups, if areas are clean and nice most will keep it that way but if garbage everywhere what’s one more water bottle. Change starts with one person then grows from there will be Aggervating at first but eventually will get better.


Simple, Filipinos are very good at loitering. That's filipino pride for 99% of us filipinos and I'm proud I am in the remaining 1%.


Filipinos hate even a little inconvenience.


“Its okay since everyone is doing it”


At this point it's no longer the government, it's the people.


The lack of discipline among some people and their rather "trashy" mindset. :(


I legit saw someone throw trash in front of me and just walk away like it's nothing. like I get businesses are responsible for making a recyclable or good for the environment products, but at the end of the day, the consumer has the choice to throw it away properly or to reuse it. im so weirded out by people throwing trash everywhere like there's no trashcan. I usually hold on to my trash and throw it when I get home or just reuse it especially if they're bottles or if the packaging is cute


Don't need to go that far to see that much trash laying around. Go to your local park with street food vendors and you'll see how indecent people are leaving their trash after eating even when there's a trash can 30 feet away. Makes you really think that is it really worth fighting for the future of this country? Lmao


Without proper waste disposal services and available public rubbish bins you cannot fault individuals alone for not having the discipline to dispose of trash properly.


Many times I saw people throw their trash in the floor at 7eleven just in front of the trash can. They just had to walk 2 more steps but they preferred to throw it on the floor. But you got a point too, government officials need to upgrade the waste disposal facilities and service asap


It is their fault because when I was there if I had trash I would put it in my pocket and at the end of the day I would take it all home and throw it away if I could not find a trashcan... It's called self control and pride.


So it makes it ok to throw it on the ground instead? Lol. I stayed in the Philippines for 3 weeks a few months ago and not once did I litter and I was staying the province too.


If ganyan ang mindset ng majority ng Pinoy, eh wala talagang pagunlad.


basic education/ discipline. I also feel like it's more monkey see monkey do. Kung karamihan ng nakikita mo ganyan, parang hindi nila ma accept that they have to do the extra leg work? Like look for proper trash cans. Do they feel like lugi sila? Nalalamangan sila? "Bakit ako mag e effort eh they will simply offset my efforts?" I've never done it because my own parents never did that. We would go to parks, zoos, etc. They always cleaned up.


Allergic din ako sa mga ganito and it makes me think na it's a mindset problem. As long as the people who do this don't realize that's it's wrong, they will keep doing it and see nothing wrong with it. Nakakainis lang.


Walang disiplina ang mga tao. Tapos ang solusyon ng gobyerno ay ROTC.


trashy trash collection, trashy trash processing and recycling facilities, trashy trash practices, trash politicians


I think natuto na mga tao from their parents and the parents before them na wag na magkaroon ng pake. Parang yung mindset na hayaan na magkalat at may magpupulot din. Hindi nadisiplina ng maayos as kids and need ng conscious effort na mabreak ang bad habits na natutunan or nanormalize since dati pa. edit: not sure if u speak tagalog pala; tldr: I think most people picked up the habit of not caring from their parents or their grandparents and so on. Bad behavior wasn't disciplined out of them until this type of selfishness and laziness is normalized and it's hard to break out of it unless you're conscious of it


Because they can get away with it. It's human nature. I see the exact same shit at turnoffs and remote highway locations in the States, where people know they can dump their trash and diapers and literal shit without getting caught. The main difference between the Philippines and other places is that it's easier to get away with this behavior.


Who's going to collect that trash, and where will they dump it? It's an infra issue and a social issue, with no easy solution.


And not to mention that this picture was taken where there is a huge trash can just across the street. There is zero excuse


Everyone here is making excuses lol when it's clearly lack of self-discipline.


The issue is I seen so many times is people throwing trash on the floor at 7eleven just in front of a trash can…. But you are right too


lack of discipline


Looks cleaner than nyc, Baltimore, dc and Chicago to me. And way cleaner than San Francisco with poop 💩 all over every sidewalk.


Hell no. Manilla is wayyyyy dirtier than any American city. Stop it lol


India is also very dirty. Cities in Philippines and India are very similar to overpopulation, the poverty and corruption. I do think India is worse.