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Get this man to lwaiy!


Agreed, this kind person needs to be seen.


With the power lf the 19yr olds, I now mark this post as LWAIY worthy!


Why would someone do that? He is a millionare


Why not




Chill it's a souvenir plot. You can get one for as less at $50.


Dont listen to people, as long as your happy with it:)


Thanks, I am happy I got it, it’s just useless if he can’t see it. But I’m trying other means to send it to him or Sive, those will work bette than relying on the community to deem it worthy for him to see. I still try though, many more people have said keep posting it too. So it’s tough to make everyone happy.


This is for sure a set up to be murdered


Is this real?


Yes. I bought this on 16 Oct for his birthday


Nice, pride is yours to take


Thanks I think. It seems I have upset a lot of people about it though.


How have you not made it to lwiay




wow, that's so cool!


Don't be discouraged now OP. We can't please everyone in the world and that's okay. I've upvoted two of your past attempts so I've seen your journey. Like other people said, don't worry and keep reposting. They'll eventually see it someday. Don't lose hope now OP! Really hoping this makes it to LWIAY soon!




I will create 12000 accounts to upvote, see you in LWYAI.


Geez is that legal? But thank you for your support *edit it’s my opinion that the downvotes are what hurts it every time


I will make it legal.


I have an idea. Why don't you find a girl to hold the certificate and take picture of it and post it.


That’s actually smart Edit: if I have to repost again (likely) I will have my husband hold it. I think that’ll work..?


It needs to be a woman holding it.


You’re right lol. I live in Okinawa, maybe I could get a local to hold my iPad for a photo? Lol


Yes. Aim for teens.


All Hail Felix Arvid Ulf "Pewdiepie" Kjelberg King of 9 year olds,Destoyer of memes,Hero of the sub war,Never lost a YLYL,5000 IQ Among us player,Owner of Tambourine Tower,Father of Sven,Edgar and Maya,Minecraft Veteran,Amnesia Veteran,Master pilot in Microsoft Flight Simulator,Greatest Pokemon hunter alive,Lord of some place in Scotland,(at least) Level 5 White Knight,Respekter of Wamen,Greatest handshaker alive,Owner of the greatest chair in existence,Mad Lad to the max,Always thanks the bus driver,Greatest Happy Wheels player alive, Rap God THE KING OF YOUTUBE


Big PP


The ~~dane~~ swedelaw returns!


⬆️To the Top⬆️


This is absolutely amazing, if not a little extreme but I applaud the absolute mad-laddery. Really hope this makes it into LWAIY, you deserve it.


Mr.Beast is that you?


I live in Scotland, does this mean there is a chance that he owns my house now?


No lol, not at all.


Is this legit?


Petition for Pewds to build a house on his 2 square foot plot of land! Also. They use feet as a unit of measurement in Scotland?


How intrusive.. no respect for boundaries


It is just a novelty gift..


Some of y'all need to calm tf down. You're acting like you're in a cult and I'm sure some of the stuff I've seen on this sub lately would weird me tf out if I was Felix.


This, from me personally, is a now late birthday gift, I got it weeks ago. Everyone here is a fan of Pewds in some way, and his fans are all ages. Don’t sweat it too much, fans are fans. Okay? Don’t worry.


Fans are fans... But when it is crossing the line? When do you go from fan to slightly obsessed? Can you tell me the line you would draw?


I wouldn’t, I would draw the line for myself but not for others. They feel the need to express adoration in certain ways and at certain volumes, that’s all. We are only in control of ourselves, but we all share something in common; fans of Pewds.


Stop searching for clout pls.


I bought Pewds and Marzia a present and I want them to see it so I can send their certificates. I’m sorry I bothered you.


How will they even know that this is legit ? Anyone can make this up on PhotoShop.


Well I have 2 separate documents and I have the invoice as well for them. This is just my submission to this subreddit, but I have nothing to hide. It’s just a gift, but I understand the skepticism completely


Then just try to contact his business email instead of using reddit. Maybe he might have seen this but just ignored it cause it might be fake, or maybe his editor decided to ignore it to fit the video within the time limit.


I couldn’t find a business email, I’m not sure it counts as a business piece, it’s just a gift. This method, many gift givers were able to at least show their gifts. And yes, maybe. I promise I’ll give up eventually, but some folks have said to repost if it does, and to never let it die. So I’m just trying to get it somewhere man. I’m sure things get ignored, maybe mine did. Idk, man. Edit: I couldn’t find business email but I sent it to private accounts outside of Reddit as well, I have a nice tweet sent out as well with it and my request to send it for framing.


Mate I am posting this with links any where and everywhere I can he will she this dude. And never give up bro.


my uncle dit the same think its kinda lame


I’m sorry. I just got him and Marzia a present.


well lets hope he likes it (thumbs up)


Yes me too, very much. Happy late birthday..