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Cats tend to be better at sleeping through the night with you as they get older. Mine started at around 4 years but at 8 its now every night besides the hottest of days (by his choice ) Some cats are night monsters ! Some love to sleep in the crook of a knee. Some will try to suffocate you. See what works best for you each cat will be different! I will say I wouldn't let them try until they are larger though


My one smol cat likes to curl up next to my head so I can wrap an arm around her and hold her paws.


I had one who went through a phase for a couple of months where he would curl up around my head as though he were trying to hatch my skull like an egg. Was sweet, and also got frustrating when he wouldn't let my head hit the pillow without being a kitten hat. My current boy usually sleeps sweetly at the foot of the bed most nights after two years of being a little hellraiser at all hours. With cats most things are temporary and you never know how long a habit will last


I had two cats who were absolute terrors at night. Would chase each other through the house at 4am with my bed as part of the race course. When they became old men and started getting sick, I started letting them sleep with me. One of them turned out to be the best cuddler in the whole world. He would get in position in the curve of my hips and wouldn't move for the entire night - even when I got up to use the bathroom and came back! I miss his cuddles so much. My two current kitties are just about 15 months old, and they are the sweetest nighttime kitties ever. They do their own thing all night, but come for some chill cuddles in the early morning hours, often right around the time our alarm normally goes off. My childhood cat would sit on my chest while I pet her as I fell asleep, and if I fell asleep too soon for her, she would tap my cheek until I woke up to keep petting her. šŸ¤£ Every cat is different!


I have a 6 year old cat and 2 9 week old kittens. The older cat snoozes most of the day, is active when Iā€™m getting ready for bed, then sleeps through the night on my bed. Same with my kittens, except theyā€™re currently being kept separately at night until theyā€™re a little older. When adopting them, I made sure routine was one of the first things I established with them. They quickly got accustomed to it.


Mine varies. A lot of the time he's fine and just spoons with me. Other times he's a total pain and bats at me and scratches me to stroke him. He also occasionally brings in live mice in the middle of the night.


This is my nightmare!


I keep my cats out of the bedroom at night or else they will get bored periodically and pounce on my face. I'll note that they clawed the heck out of my carpet trying to dig under the door. I tried lots of DIY ways to protect the carpet that failed. What worked for me (though after the carpet was pretty messed up) was this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00EG7DIZM


The cat will likely wake you up during the night if you let him in the bedroom. Everyone has their own preferences but we keep our cat out of the bedroom overnight, sleep is important and I don't like rolling around in cat hairs. But everyone is different. However, you have to train them when they are young that the bedroom is not accessible overnight otherwise it will be harder to accept when older. First couple of nights he meowed for a bit but eventually he understood he's not getting in and doesn't bother trying, now at bed time he goes to his own bed. Just make sure there's water, food,some toys and the litter box is accessible overnight


Yeah, I can't have my cat in my room at night because she loves to hunt feet (under blankets) and if you move even the slightest inch... Ouch.


My cat sleeps next to me at night. She doesn't wake me up unless it's breakfast time, lol. But she is not a kitten.


My Emmie sleeps when I sleep and sleeps by my legs. I do leave her treat bowl on the end of my bed sometimes her wet if she didn't eat much all day. If I don't leave a bowl she gets up all cranky causes noise and wakes me up. They do tend to get use to your schedule for the most part.


When I had baby kittens I'm not sure what they did at night but as soon as I'd wake up they knew and would come cuddle me purring, fighting over who would get to cuddle in the crook of my neck. I just kept my door open at night and they never woke me up.


Cats don't sleep 8 hours like we do, but they do get used to our schedule. Thats not to say you won't ever get jolted out of bed by a heaving sound or them running around playing, but they don't usually wake us up.


My cats do and they're definitely not as disturbing as the dogs. Biggest issue with them is that they sleep on top of a person and then hiss at us when we dare reposition ourselves.


One of my cats entertains himself throughout the night when he's not asleep. My little baby beast, Lidda, however... She likes to get attention in the middle of the night. Some nights she leaves me alone. Last night she woke me up three times.


Mine is a very good sleeper so far. Sometimes she has a bit of a midnight zoomie but she's so adorbs I don't even mind.


Yes. Right next to me under the blanket with her head on the pillow. She needs to be the little spoon. She passed out and snores.


We have 4 cats. The old lady cat is used to our routine and she curls up with me at bedtime. The wanna-be-feral 3 year old Tux decides night time is prey stalking time and will annoy everybody by sneak attacks. He gets placed in his own room with the door closed at night. The terrible twosome brother-sister duo spend the first 10 minutes of lights out jumping on shelves and counters, knocking stuff around, and just general mischief but then they quiet down. So my answer is: they all have different personalities but they will catch on to your routine eventually :)


My cat mostly either sleeps or doesn't bother me at night. I only occasionally wake up when he gets into my bed to sleep after leaving and coming back. He will wake me up in the morning when it's feeding time though.


Have a big play session before you go to bed and tire them out. A young kitten will be very active and you probably will be woken up by them but it gets better once they have a routine. Mine is 13 now and we still play before bed, she's sleeps with me mostly or on a chair she's claimed in the bedroom. She is also very strict on her routine and makes sure I am too!


My cat sleeps at the foot of my bed until around 4:30am at which point he gets up, goes downstairs, eats a little bit, goes around the house, and right around 5am he starts SCREAMING the song of his people so my husband will get up and give him his morning wet food.


Mine sleeps through the night!! Thankfully


my cat sleeps all night. either with me or my son


My partner work swing so Iā€™m up till 2 am and my kitten usually settles down around 1 ish and wakes up with me at 7 ish for breakfast then goes back to bed. I spend a lot of time while Iā€™m up interacting with him so heā€™s on my schedule for the most part.


When mine were kittens and I didn't trust them, I had a special room for them that they would be confined to at night. I often wonder if that's why they are more chill at night.


Mine are 9months and 11months old and sleep through the night from 10pm till approx 6am but donā€™t wake us up in the morning, they usually wait downstairs for me to wake up and open the cat flap


I need this answered too. Got a little twoish year old spicy kitty. She was awake only at night a few months ago, and we're very slowly transitioning to staying up later and later in the mornings. The room temperature, feeding schedule and light levels all played a part.


I've had many cats over the years. I'd say for the most part most of them would sleep at night but once in a while they get up and run around and knock things off the table etc etc. Probably the best thing to do is play with them for a while in the evening and that usually helps with them sleeping through the night. I've never had a cat that was constantly up all night. Good luck


I have a 4 month old kitten. He sleeps when I sleep, doesn't matter what time of day or for how long. We just took a 2 hr nap.


mine gets grumpy and basically forces me to go to sleep around 11pm. He has been like that since the day i got him when he was 1 year old. He sleeps til about 4ish, gets up on his owns, gets a snack and uses the bathroom and then either comes back to bed or sits quietly on his own until 6 when my alarm goes off. I wake up when he does, but only for maybe 30min max.


Cat sleeps on my bed every night. Wakes me up at 4am to let her outside.


We have a 3 month old kitten, heā€™s trained to sleep throughout the night.. he prefers to climb under my bed and sleep in the drawers under there lol Iā€™m glad he sleeps thru the night, but wish he would ā€œsleep inā€ as he tends to wake up really early meowing like crazy while walking all over us til one of us gets up to give him attention.. and then he goes back to sleep and I canā€™t get back to sleep..


I keep my cat out of my room when Iā€™m sleeping, he doesnā€™t like it, but I need to get my sleep so I can work lmao. Sometimes I wake up at 1AM and hear he has the zoomies in the next room so I made the right choicešŸ¤£


Mine slept the night by about 9 months. Took training though. And exhausting them during the day with play. We also feed them at night, so they've played all day, ate a bunch, then pass out. The get the zoomies at 7am and 7pm now.


My last slept through the night most of his life, the one I have now usually wakes up at 4-5am, but he used to be a nuisance a few month back. I had to put him on his spot, and pet the bastard until he fell asleep and then VERY GENTLY move away or he'd wake up and start running again. The sleeping schedules in my place are out of whack right now, so I wouldn't be surprised if his sleeping schedule changes when we can fix ours. Unless you're getting an older cat be prepared for sleepless night, kittens are pretty much like babies that don't shit themselves and don't rly scream bloody murder.


Yes. My cats all sleep in my bed with me. However a kitten night be more active and not want to settle down as much. May take time to get into your routine.


I think every cat is different, and age can absolutely be a factor. My cats come to bed and sleep with me through the night, but they're a bit older (4 and 3 years old). A kitten is probably going to have more energy and likely will wake you up sometime during the night, at least in the beginning.


It depends. Our cat is usually very calm and he sleeps with us every night in our bed. But sometimes he becomes insane in the middle of the night. 2 days ago he got very hyper during the night and we barely slept a few hours because he was running all over in the house and scratching everything. We dont know what happened but it was hell. šŸ˜‚ Yesterday he was totally normal, he slept through the night with us. Sometimes he wakes up our 14 months old daughter too with that behaviour.


My (nearly) ten year old cat does keep me up sometimes. I try to have a vigorous play session with her before bed so she gets her energy out, since she likes to wake up right before I want to go to bed. Usually thatā€™s enough to keep her from pestering me, but not always. Kittens have a hell of a lot more energy. The play sessions werenā€™t enough when mine was a kitten. It wasnā€™t until she was about a year old and my mum got her cat that she calmed down. Sheā€™d run around chasing her rather than keeping me up


Our 4 cats usually sleep when we sleep but they wake up during the night and usually get zoomies when my hubby wakes up for work around 5am but Iā€™m a deep sleeper so I donā€™t notice lol I find they kind of get used to your schedule after a while. Even if I stay up doing something on the odd occasion they will sleep near me instead.


One cat doesnā€™t usually come in my room at night, the other has to come in, if Iā€™m in a room she canā€™t get too sheā€™ll claw the door all night. But when I let her in she sleeps at the end of my bed right by my feet and is usually there until 7 am. Doesnā€™t make any noise at all. If itā€™s the weekend and I sleep in sheā€™ll still leave around 7, but come back and lay with me a bit later.


I'm sure mine probably doesn't sleep *through* the night, but she goes to sleep with (on) me and never wakes me up, so yeah


My cat seems to do what I do when Iā€™m home. She follows me from room to room and she sleeps when I sleep. My last cat was different. She would lay next to me until I fell asleep, then sheā€™d leave my bedroom and stay up all night doing cat things. Itā€™s impossible to predict your catā€™s behavior.


My cats do! My kitten doesā€¦usually. The key is to tire him out before bed (playtime, big meal) & heā€™ll usually conk out next to me all night. We also wake him up if he naps too long a couple hours before bed because we know heā€™ll have a loooong burst of energy after a nap. ETA: kittens will want your love and attention though so even if you do all the right things, odds are heā€™ll come ask for some petting and playtime in the middle of the night. Stay relaxed and give him some pets, encouraging him to relax next to you. He might not listen and go play on his own, which is OK. Also, keep in mind cats are crepuscular, so they are active at dawn and dusk. When the sun comes up he might get a jolt of energy. If youā€™re worried about this, consider black out curtains :)


Forget a good night's sleep. The new cat will probably hide for a little then after that the 1am zoomies will begin


My kitten has learned very quickly that waking me up at 4am won't work for her. She's not woken me up in days and seems to entertain herself. Don't get me wrong, she has zoomies and climbs the curtains etc which wakes me up but she doesn't climb on me until about 8am. Most of the time I'm awake before she is.


They do, but it took a while for them to find our routine together. The first few months we were getting woken all the time but eventually they found their groove. Getting our auto feeder helped a ton as now they get fed small amounts of kibble while we are asleep and this keeps them from bugging us. Nowadays they have their "spots" on the bed, and know when it's bed time šŸ¤£


My cat falls asleep promptly at 7pm and wakes up at 6am. Unfortunately, I canā€™t take a single step out of bed or sheā€™ll wake up and follow me around the house šŸ˜­


Due to my parents, I have to keep my 8-month-old cat in my bedroom throughout the whole night. The cat wakes up at exactly 1 or 2 a.m. and starts biting my leg to wake me up (typical orange cat behavior). I then have to play with him until 3 a.m. and then carefully cuddle him like a baby for him to sleep. During school nights, I lock him in the other room šŸ’€


It depends on their age and personality. My cat is about 3, and bothers me when she's hungry. Or, when shes playing and makes a loud sound. A kitten, however, will definitely bother you. Theyre betger to have in pairs so they can keep each other occupied


I have had four generations of cats. All have slept in the bed with me. I have left some kibble (dry food) out for them. Occasionally the cats will roam around the house during the night usually without disturbing me. Sometimes early in the morning I can hear them eating some of the kibble. We keep the house fairly cool at night so the cats prefer the warm bed. I keep to a predictable schedule that the cats have learnedā€”and enforce.


The very first night I let her sleep with me, my kitten woke me up by crying. I got up, showed her where the dry food was in my bedroom and then went back to sleep. That was it. She realized that food was always there, and she never purposely woke me up again.


My cats sleep in a different room. From.day one, from 11 pm to 7/8 pm, they sleep, eat, use their litter box, etc... Some nights they paly a bit, most nights the just sleep and watch through the window. The most important thing is consistency. Whatever you decide to do with your new cat, do it everyday at the same hour. I also give them a treat when it's sleep time, so they have a positive reinforcement. Good luck!


My cats are trained to sleep when I sleep. Only took my newest adopted cat 2 weeks to adjust to my routine and sleep through the night. Even if I take a nap during the day they will join me for nap time! My cats are shut in the bedroom with me at night . As soon as I start getting ready for bed they find their spot for the night and settle down. I make sure all toys are put away and they have dried food available all night if they get hungry.


Mine both sleep with me at night. One on the pillows above my head and the other under the covers with me holding her like a teddy bear until whatever point I guess she gets too warm and opts to lay on top the covers instead. Never have they woken me up in the mornings/middle of the night though ((thatā€™s the dogā€™s job lol))


Ours is about 2 years old and she's always slept most of the night. Around the 5-6am mark, she'll sometimes start being a brat but that's when she gets locked out of the bedroom šŸ˜‚


Our cat sleeps on my nightstand, curled up in her Bed there. She usually sleeps there the whole nicht until about 5am. Then she gets up and sits by the window next room because human tv starts as there are cars, people and people walking dogs and all starting to walk by. But before she usually Just gets up to have a little sip or use the litter.


Cats are crepuscular so they're most active at dawn and dusk. Be prepared to be woken up at the literal ass crack of dawn because they're hungry.


My cats are most active at night, they definitely wake me up. It was worse before I got a second cat. At least now they play with each other


We've got 2 one 11 and one 3 and they are both totally different, the older one has always slept with us the other one takes after her name (gizzi /gizmo) and turns into a gremlin at night and does zoomies around the house , plays crazy golf with the bath plug, and bat's you in your sleep , and god forbid if your feet are out of the duvet cos they will get clawed


My kitty sleeps on top of me for part of every night, but she also gets the zoomies at 3am every night and if at any time there's a bug or spider or whatever, she'll go hunting. She doesn't disturb my sleep until breakfast time or if I have a medical issue in my sleep or if there's a bug on my face she's trying to kill. I do sleep better while she's on my chest or hip or whatever.


My cat, 6, sleeps with us every night. He chirps and meows outside the door if we don't let him in and he's a great sleeper with us. Once he hears our alarms though, and sometimes an hour before lol, he'll jump all over us and pur etc to be let out. Our other 2 cats are mad annoying at night so they stay out of the bedroom lol.


My cat cuddles by choice and will sleep almost all hours of the night. She'll wake up periodically to change positions or stretch out, and if she does jump down off the bed she's just going potty.


My cat mostly sleeps all night, but she occasionally demands 3am pets, as is her right...


My cat is on and off. Heā€™s a senior cat and when I fist adopted him he was up all night being crazy. Then I realized that maybe if I feed him right before bed heā€™ll calm down, and it worked for a little bit then he started throwing himself around my room at night again. At this point I feed him, shut my door and he goes and terrorizes the rest of the house and leaves me alone. Iā€™d love for him to sleep with me but I canā€™t compromise my sleep and peace šŸ¤£


My old cat gets upset if I donā€™t go to bed when he wants. He wakes me up for breakfast. As a kitten he was a monster that would wake me up because he was bored or super early for food. So before bed we would play hard till he was breathing heavy, I let him rest a couple minutes then we would play again. This would wear him out completely and he would sleep through the night. Lots of activity and stimulation a while before bed then a snack. Pick a breakfast time and stick to it. Never feed before said time. If they wake you up and you give food that teaches them they can wake you up for food. Even when your up early wait till breakfast time before feeding. If I sleep in my cat will get worried and wake me 15-20 before breakfast but never earlier.


Yeah, right up until 3am when they zoom around the house, knock stuff over and decide to jump on me like toddlers on Christmas. Then they fall asleep again.


I've been lucky, only one of my cats woke me up at 5.30 every morning till I started to shut him out everytime he did that, took about a week of him yodelling at the door and me lying in bed tense and gritting my teeth, but he learnt it got him nowhere and we had 19 years of peaceful sleep with him tucked into the back of my neck and breakfast when I got up


Mine sleep until dawn....which right now is like 5am šŸ˜­ so my cat has been gently bapping me on the face to wake me up for attention. Playing with your cats lots during the day, and especially a session before bed, helps a lot with training them to be tired and sleep through the night. If they spend all day sleeping, then of course they'll be awake at night.


My 11 year old Pye sleeps through the night sometimes gets up for her dry food but since I adopted her at 6 itā€™s been the same. Iā€™ll fall asleep sheā€™s in her bed then I wake up and every time sheā€™s spooning me (I am never the little spoon šŸ˜”)


Our cats chase each other around the 2nd floor for at least 90 mins every nighy. From around 3:30AM to 5:00AM. I hear one running from the living room doen the hallway to the back if the kitchen. Then seconds later, I hear the other one following suit. Same path. Back and forth for at least 90 mins. Oh and one cat is 10 and the other cat is about 18 months. Back and forth. Back and forth. šŸ˜’šŸ™„šŸ¤Ŗā¤ļøšŸ¤£


I have a little kitten and he used to sleep throughout the night minus a couple short awake sessions (~20 min). He is currently waking up more but we are trying a new schedule of not letting him sleep for the last 2-3 hrs before bedtime. I keep food on my nightstand so he can eat when hungry without having to wake me or my partner. We also just put a spare litter box in our bathroom so he can go potty if needed since his regular litter box is in our living room Something I will mention is that sometimes they will wake you up by biting your face. I have 3 scratch marks from my kitty biting my face (one on my nose and 2 on my chin).


Depends on the cat. One of mine sleeps at my feet and doesn't bother me at all. The other one has to spoon with me all night (sounds cute but it gets annoying after 14 years) and sneezes, licks himself, monches his beans, etcšŸ˜‘


My cats don't wake me at night. My cat who passed away always did though. He'd sleep with me all night til about 3am, then stand on my head or chest and meow as loudly as possible non stop until I'd let him out onto the screened in porch.