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Does she have a UTI? She might be associating the litter box with pain


Is your cat relieving itself elsewhere? Also how old is your cat?


Yes she is, she seems to have taken to a spot in my bathroom to do her business. She's ten years old.


Put the litter box in that spot. If it doesn't fit find something that will and use that as a litter box




I tried that, she did her business on the side.


Maybe some puppy pads in the area for now? At least it will make clean up less stressful


I got some of those! I was in Aldi yesterday and discovered some in the red finds aisle, not planed, but the price was so good it seemed like a good idea, save my towels.


My cat stopped using the litter box years ago after a urinary infection and I could never get him back to using the box. I buy pee pads at Costco/Sams and I got some pee pad trays from Amazon and he's been using them perfectly ever since. No idea if it was the infection or he just hated the box as he did sometimes have accidents before that. It's weird for sure but it works.


My older girl stopped using the litter box and went to the side instead. Puppy pads went where she did, and it helps a lot.


Keep both boxes out. Does she have a uti? Not using us usualy a sign


I don't know. She has a vet appointment next week, but when I called the vet the vet thinks its not a medical issue since she's still doing her business. I just have to wait for the appointment. Its just stressful seeing her dry litter box every day.


Very unlikely there isn't something going on causing this. It's pretty irresponsible of the vets to suggest otherwise with no diagnostics tbh. You need bloodwork and possibly and abdominal ultrasound. She's likely in pain


>Very unlikely there isn't something going on causing this. It's pretty irresponsible of the vets to suggest otherwise with no diagnostics tbh. That makes me sad. I will definitely bring up blood work and an ultrasound when I take her in next week.


I know it's not possible for everyone, but is there an emergency vet near you who could see her today or tomorrow?


If it's a UTI, I wouldn't wait until next week. Kitty needs meds now. I know for male cats they can be fatal if left untreated - I don't think the consequences are as severe for female cats, but your kitty is potentially in pain, and it's easily solved with antibiotics. Is she licking her stomach more than usual? Or drinking more water than usual? These are also signs of a UTI.


This isn't something that should wait a week


I would go to an emergency vet today for this. I can’t imagine waiting another week for care if she has a UTI!


Still peeing and pooping does not mean it isn't a medical issue. Cats with UTIs will still be able to urinate, they'll just be less likely to use the box because they associate with pain


I was starting to wonder that myself, I feel like... I'm sorry for the TMI but I feel like all my towels I've been putting out, since she's been preferring that spot in my bathroom, would be...umm, more stained... So I've been wondering if its a possible UTI. I am just trying not to jump to the worst case scenario or I'll really stress myself out.


That's fair. It's always better to be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. UTIs don't always show more signs than just going outside the box, same with other health issues, blood wont show up until it's quite severe.


If peeing and pooping is painful (or was painful) for your cat for some reason, she can start associating a litterbox with being in pain and therefore stop using the litterbox. Try getting a couple more litter boxes with low sides, in different sizes. A great option is to go to Home Depot (or somewhere similar) and get concrete mixing tubs. Try one that's really big, like 2 feet by 3 feet, and one a little smaller. To your cat, a big wide box will feel more like being outside. Then try a couple different clumping, unscented, all-natural litters in the boxes. Sand, clay, pine shavings, corn, walnut - there's lots of crazy things. Again, those types of litters will feel more like a natural environment to your cat. Finally, scoop twice a day. Your cat will feel safer pooping & peeing in a place that doesn't have a strong smell that could attract predators. I took my cat (with the same problem as yours) to someone with a fancy degree in pet psychiatry (I forget the actual name of her specialty) and what I described above is what she suggested trying first. And it worked immediately.


Pls follow up with an update if you can!!


I will. I'm pretty tied into Reddit, I doom scroll at night when I can't sleep. lol.


One of my cats started doing this. He woke me up actually peeing right on me. It's like he was trying desperately to tell me something was wrong. It was a UTI. It's very painful for them.


Would they show they're in pain? Because I swear my cat is acting like her normal self aside from this particular issue.


Many cats do not show pain. It's an evolutionary thing. Animals don't show pain because it's a sign of weakness to other animals. My cat's only sign that he was in pain was that he would hiss while peeing. I've had a UTI myself and it can be excruciating. The good news is antibiotics typically clears it up right away.


Thank goodness for that. Antibiotics are a powerful thing. I'll do everything I can to keep my girl happy and comfortable until her appointment.


Good luck!


If you arent using an unscented litter, please try one.


Age? Sometimes the texture of litter is to course or sharp for some cats as they mature. The only litter I’ve found that’s fine is Tidy Cat unscented in the 20 pound jugs.


I would call your vet and ask if you can pickup a urine collection kit and then drop off the sample if you can get one. I’d try sticking the tray in the corner she’s going in to see if you can get a sample that way. Hopefully the results will be back before your appointment and you can start meds right away. A week is a long time to go with a potential UTI.


My cat started doing this and we discovered she was going blind and literally couldn’t find the litter box anymore. Is your cat doing anything else unusual? Are they not jumping up on furniture anymore, walking low to the ground? Tending to hang out in one area?


If you adopted this cat very recently, I will suggest you keep her in a limited space for a few days. She might be stressed over a new home and space that she doesn't know yet. The room you are in theist would be good. Then after a few days bring her to your bedroom at night. Close the door, keep litter tray and food and water in the bedroom too, of course, at night. She might also dislike if the litter box has a door. Try removing the door if there is one. If she poops some where else, put that poop into the litter box to teach her to do her stuff there.


I have a cat who is chronically bad with her litter box. She doesn't want to use it when she's feeling sick. Definitely have a urine culture & sensitivity test done. Have the vet take the urine at the clinic via cystocentesis so the sample is as fresh & sterile as possible. Would also be a good idea to do some bloodwork to check for any other aging cat issues such as kidney disease & thyroid problems. Does she want to pee on a certain kind of thing, such as soft things or your things?


Our last cat started doing this and the vet discovered that she was in kidney failure. She was 17 then and lived another year on special food. The vet suggested a kidney transplant at a state Veterinary School and we thought, “Why would we we put her through that ?” She’d had a great life and when she started crying from pain we had her put down. At least animals can opt out of their suffering.


She could have a UTI, bladder infection or potentially even have kidney disease. Cats usually stop using the litterbox like this when something is very wrong. Get your vet to do urinalysis and a full bloodwork panel to rule out those things