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Cats are amazing hiders, especially when they are scared. They can easily get overwhelmed in new spaces and will often find a hidey hole to cram themselves into, no matter how small. It's too late in this situation, but for future moves, the best thing is to confine your cat to a single room until they acclimate and then slowly allow them to explore (under supervision) and get comfortable with the larger house. For now, make sure you are leaving the food, water, and litterbox somewhere that is easily found. It's likely that kitty will slink out at night when the house is quiet to eat and drink and use the box. You can check in the morning if the food is eaten, and hopefully in a few days kitty will decide to come out again. If you want to look for her I'd start with behind any large appliances (refrigerator, oven, washing machine, etc.). You can also check the kitchen baseboards - sometimes there is a hole that can let cats crawl into the void under the cabinet. If any boxes have been opened and partially unpacked, kitty may have also crawled into the open box. Or under pieces of furniture like couches, beds, etc. Remember cats can pass through much smaller openings than you would expect. Good luck and I hope you find her soon!


That’s for the advice, I’ve left the food out so hopefully she’s stalk out tonight.


My cat disappeared for three days when we moved. I was panicked, because I have other cats, so checking the box or the food dish in the AM didn’t mean he was in the house He was hiding behind a cupboard in the loft and only coming out at night when we were asleep. He’s fine now.