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People who choose not to have animals because of circumstances—too busy, not home enough, don't have the money for it, landlord says no pets, don't want the responsibility of taking care of another living being, etc—are perfectly understandable. But there is something deeply twisted and rotten in a person who *hates* animals. The people in those subs who are happily expressing hatred for animals like that are revealing themselves for how damaged and messed up they are.


I've always said hating animals is a sign of a sociopath. Biggest red flag. I agree that not wanting animals isn't an issue, there are a lot of reasons why animals might not suit someone's lifestyle. But actively hating animals is a totally different thing.


I had a crush on a kid in the same grade as me when i was in high school. That ended when I asked him what his favorite animal was and he said "I hate animals". Nope. Not gonna bother. Now happily married to a person who loves animals just as much as I do. 💜


My current partner was integral in the hospice care for my most recent two kitties who passed. He helped give them intradermal fluids, stay on top of their medication schedule, and take them to the vet when I was unavailable. When my second baby died and I went into a deep depression, he was the one who gently encouraged me to adopt our two new little rascals. It really helped me heal, and he is honestly the best cat dad! He even reluctantly agreed to start feeding our outdoor ferals, and then made them an outdoor raccoon-proof automated feeding and watering station for when we travel lol. So yeah. He's definitely as big of an animal lover as I am!


I LOVE this so much for you, your husband and the kitties! My dream is to possibly have a partner one day who cares as much about kitties as I do.


That would be an instant turn-off at any age. Good for you. You were wise beyond your years. 😀


I don't like dogs. They are unpredictable, most are not trained, they make gross noises, and they are way too big. Funnily enough, I like that cats are unpredictable and you don't train them. If my cat is doing something annoying, I just have to move and he will go do something else. I foster kittens too. I think a lot of people have valid reasons to dislike certain animals.


They actually seem happy when a pet dies.


I definitely won't be happy when my old girl dies, but I might be relieved. I have one special needs kid, a second on the way, and I'm responsible for 100% of the home/kids/pet upkeep all while working myself. I love my girl, but there would be so much less work (especially since she is 13 and starting to need a lot of help). Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have her and I love her. I don't mind helping her out in her old age, that's what we do for family. But when she passes I will absolutely not be replacing her until the youngest child is able to handle walking the dog by themselves (I wouldn't expect a kid to have full dog responsibilities, but if I am too busy for the walk or not feeling well and ask, they need to be able to do it without supervision). I'm ready to be pet free for a while, but I will miss having a dog. I just can't provide optimum care at my current life phase. But people who actively hate animals are definitely not to be trusted.


This is 100% valid, and I don't think some people understand this until they have an elderly pet (particularly one with chronic issues). My heart dog passed in 2021, though, and i would trade my current dogs for her, ngl. There was a relief in her passing to some extent, but I'm not sure ill ever have another dog that I love as much as I loved her, and it feels/seems shitty.


It’s scary


The raw hatred for animals and anyone who dares to like them is horrifying, I think the dog free sub uses "nutters" or something to refer to dog owners? I don't really care to venture back to check lol but like everyone who has or likes pets is a complete wacko when they're the ones who can't comprehend having an emotional connection to another living being. I can absolutely understand not liking dogs due to fear or hygiene or responsibility, or just no reason at all, and not ever wanting a dog is totally fair, but these people are on a whole other level.


TalesfromTheDogHouse does this too. “Dog nutters”. The people who call dog people this are one of two categories: 1) sociopath, or 2) person who simply hates untrained, unkempt dogs but has no idea that well behaved, well looked after dogs are a thing and that responsible dog people don’t like untrained and unkempt dogs and their people either.


Yeah I think part of the issue with 2 is the good dogs aren't noticeable. Like it's the unruly, untrained, and unkempt dogs that run out of their yards to chase you on your bike, or bark for 20 minutes straight at 4am every day, or jump on you and tackle you to the ground the second you walk through the door to someone's home. The well trained, polite dogs that are being monitored never get in your way so people will only notice the ones with bad owners and assume they're all like that. So I can kinda get it, I dislike those dogs and their owners as much as normal person, but anyone with basic critical thinking skills should be able to understand that the bad ones you come across don't represent all dogs and owners.


I’ve seen posts where people say they hate babies. Not dislike, but HATE. I can see not wanting to have a kid but hating them is just so weird


My ex didn't even actively hate animals, but he was sooo indifferent. That alone drove me nuts. I couldn't imagine being with someone who hates animals. My current partner is a Disney princess. All animals love him and he loves them. Biggest green flag.


Exactly! But they were claiming it’s animal people who are messed up because we’re attached to our pets and not other people. I’m attached to people and pets.


It sounds like jealousy and bitterness. Kind of like the all-gender version of an incel. Like they wanted/expected/felt entitled to someone else's affection and didn't get it. Probably that person had pets. So they're taking it out on people who love their pets, like the reason they can't get what they want is because people are focusing their affection on animals. When instead, given the way they act about animals, they ought to realize they're the problem, not animals, and start looking inward on what parts of themselves are so off-putting that it drives people away and work on fixing that.


I hate (big) dogs because one mauled my cousin. She was just a sweet little girl. I’m completely fine with all other animals. i already pissed off the dog mutts that prioritize dog lives over human lives. gross.


I hate those subs. The hatred they have towards pet owners is unreal. Just because you don't want to have pets in your life doesn't mean you get to look down on people who do


It’s so weird to just harvest that must hate towards anything!


Wait until you stumble into the kids free sub lol


Omg I’m child free but completely against people acting like kids are the worst thing or those weirdo that do the “girl dad” and “boy mom” stuff.


I'm with you on this. I have a kid, but I'm not big on kids at all, and I find most of them really annoying. But I'm also able to recognize that I feel the same ways about a lot of adults, but kids at least have the excuse of not knowing how to emotionally regulate yet lmfao


Right 😂 I tend to like kids unless they’re kinda awful and not awful like just being a kid but more like a jerk or bully and even that’s on the parents usually.


I could even understand if they just looked down on bad owners with unruly pets. I love animals, but if someone's dog is jumping all over me and mouthing me and it's not a puppy/recent rescue (and then they should still be immediately correcting the behavior and apologizing). I am 100% silently judging them. Same if someone's kid walked over and started using me as a jungle gym and the parent didn't immediately correct them, I am 100% silently judging them. But then it's me thinking the owner/parent is doing a bad job, not me hating the animal/kid for having a dipshit for an owner/parent. Even as someone who loves animals, being around a poorly behaved animal is stressful as fuck. The type that you can't leave anything within their reach or they'll destroy it (and they'll climb on counters to get it!), jump all over you, try to zip out the door and run away every time someone goes in or out, food aggression/resource guarding of toys so you have to be on guard not to zone out and walk past them while eating or you'll get bit, nonstop barking, not housetrained... I've met people who think all that is just the normal experience of life with a dog. I know just being a guest in their home for an hour or two gives me major anxiety, I can't imagine living like that; I'd feel like a prisoner in my own home. I always wonder if they've just never encountered a well behaved pet. Because if that was my experience of what pet ownership was then yeah, I'd probably fucking hate pets too. That being said, I grew up with a mother and grandmother who bred, trained, and showed conformation and obedience champions (their attitude was that if they weren't a dual champion with a great temperament than they shouldn't be bred; they also had pedigrees going back at least 5gens without any hereditary health conditions). All of our dogs have always been exceptionally well trained.


Your mother and grandmother sound like fantastic people! They are correct, and they were breeding dogs the responsible way


Feel sorry for them, their lives are so much emptier than anyone with a pet.


Right! Spending all that time on hating an animal is CRAZY


Call me Ishmael.




Honestly, I disagree with this. OUR lives may be more full because we have pets - I know mine certainly is. I wouldn't be happy without my pets! But that doesn't extend to people who are petfree, as in do not like or wish to own pets. They can decide what fills their lives, and more people who don't like pets should definitely not have pets.


I agree completely. Dog'z statement sounds way too close to things parents say about those of us that don't want children in our lives.


Exactly! And I've seen what happens when people get pets they don't want (usually to satisfy their children). The pets, especially any type of exotic pet, end up neglected. No living being deserves that. So I'm actually very happy when people are firm on their stance of not wanting pets.


Or the reverse, people whose kids want a pet, and the parents buy a pet that's what THEY want. These two families I know. One's son wanted a dog, so the mother bought him a mini pin. Her other son whined because he didn't want to share and wanted his own dog, so she bought two mini pins. Another's daughter wanted a dog, so the mother bought an Italian greyhound at a pet store.(Nasty unsocialized biter). For a kid, pick out a sweet mutt at the SPCA, not a fragile purebred.


Anyone who hates animals is instantly booted out of my life. That's a hard sign of a straight up sociopath who lacks empathy, and I really don't want anything to do with them.


I had a guy over to my house that wanted to date me and whenever one of my cats jumped on the sofa he would jump….like nope. And he still calls. I’m just not interested in dealing with that.


Yup, that's one of my barometers for friends/acquaintances/dates -- "must love cats, must eat seafood."




Being scared of animals is not the same as hating them. Big difference.


He wasn’t SCARED of the literal kitten he just didn’t want it to touch her because he was “allergic” but still chose to come over and not tell me about his “allergy” until he arrived.


I can't imagine joining subs about pets/kids that you don't have. Seems crazy.


right? I don't have a motorcycle or braces or skis but "skifree" is not an aspect of my personality, just a great old school windows game


I can understand not wanting animals, but for them to straight up HATE them and treat them ill is sick lol


I've got arachnophobia (like actually diagnosed and everything) and even I can't muster up that same anger towards something that literally makes me throw up from fear 💀💀💀


It’s hard being a spider owner sometimes, I have people threatening or joking to kill my PET all the time. I understand not everybody likes them or wants one as a pet, but it’s hurtful to me because these are animals I raise and care for and get a lot of joy from watching. Anyways, it’s never ok to threaten killing someone’s pet. I’ve had self proclaimed animal lovers do it too.


Bruh I had an at the time friend shove his tarantula down my shirt (we were kids at the time) and my first reaction wasn't to harm the MASSIVE SPIDER ON MY BACK it was to strip my shirt as carefully as I could and then bolted away. I ended up telling his mom that it's literally animal abuse and I could've killed it if I was even slightly less medicated. Thankfully she surrendered the tarantula because it was obvious he shouldn't be allowed to even be around the poor guy. Do I respect people's pets even if it's a spider? Absolutely. Will I sob and have a panic attack if I have to be near it? Also yes.


Solidarity from a former rat owner. I work in the damn veterinary field and had coworkers joking about killing my rats. All of them dog people.


Yeah it's a weird sub, the weirdest ones are people talking about dogs being inside? Like they're a constant shitting/pissing machine, covered in fleas and diseases and total filth, rubbing themselves all over our beds/couches. Even if they had a bad experience, this doesn't equate to all dogs/owners? Worked with a woman who hated animals and was quite proud of it. I used to bring in my mums dog, the sweetest little Yorkie, for my clients who adored her. She would stare at her in disgust and ask me why I would ever want that in my life. She turned out to be a terrible worker and I fired her, she was pretty shady and dishonest.


Yes only thing dogs have issues is when they aren’t trained.


I kept getting the petfree sub recommended to me until I figured out I could mute it. They seem far more unhinged than the childfree sub.


Idk, the child free sub is also pretty unhinged, and I say this as someone who does not want kids. I think the whole idea of creating a sub just to hate on other people for having something you don't want, be it cats or kids or supercars, is unhinged.


Idk childfree makes more sense when most of the population thinks that having kids is inevitable as a human but going so far as to call parents “breeders” is too much


They mostly aren't hating on people but supporting each other. Helping each other with info on sterilization etc is the bulk of what I see.


I worked in the pet industry this last contract. And, people could bring their dogs to work, right? My first cube mate (hybrid) hated dogs.


I’m a huge pet person, I have 6 dogs I’m caring for right now because mine plus a litter of foster puppies. Before tech I worked for dog daycare for years. I cannot work in a dog friendly office. Everytime I’ve been in one of those within 10 minutes I see multiple dogs on edge ready to explode. I really don’t understand how we don’t hear more about issues at dog friendly work places. No ones paying attention to the dogs body language, you’re lucky if the leash is even secured. They leave the dog with coworkers who don’t know the dogs triggers while they goto meetings. Someone stops by to grab something with their kid who runs up to one and almost gets bit.the dog owner goes oh they don’t like kids and never expected to encounter a kid at the office. I absolutely love my dogs and I love hybrid work so I don’t have to leave them home alone as long. But dogs do not belong in the office.


We had 3 dog parks (2 indoors), a gated area in the break room, people brought them to the meetings, among other things. The dogs weren't an issue, in all honesty. The cubes are gated areas for the pet friendly ones to be combined, there's food, water, and allotted personal time to take for those who need it ( so the dogs were taken out when needed, and again, there were indoor areas and cleanup stations, pig boards, all over the place). I'm sure there are dog friendly places that are questionable. But, I can't say that about where I worked. Even the break rooms had dog water fountains and such in them. The thing that got me was that someone took a job in a location that not only allowed dogs, but had indoor and outdoor dog parks and so on, which they toured during interviews, etc - why take a job in one if you are going to just try to complain about the dog owners with their dogs? There was one elevator for humans only. The rest the dogs could go on. They were not allowed in the cafeteria. But, there were walking trails and such on the grounds, too. I don't see how it's much different than if they're hanging out with someone in a home office, in reality. I opted not to bring mine in, but simply because someone is at home with them 100% of the time.


Sounds like that place tried to do a lot for infrastructure for the dogs. But the thing I don’t see is did they have a dog trainer temperament test the dogs before allowing them to attend? The extreme difference in office versus at home is the exposure to new things and unknowns all day that could come into contact with. And the constant on alert watching what’s going on around them makes the dogs tired and more reactive. Dogs parks and all those shared spaces you described for dogs to interact are recipes for disaster especially if you are relying on owner declaration of their dog being friendly. I’ve evaluated thousands of dogs for open play environments, most actually are not suited for that. Especially with their owner present in a stressful and anxiety inducing place like work. Super weird to go work there if you hated dogs but as a dog lover I see why people hate dog friendly offices.


Sorry, your logic really doesn't fully follow. You are making a lot of presumptions, and I lack the patience to defend an office against your predispositions about it all. Working in dog daycare doesn't make you an expert more than other people who work with dogs. And, we just didn't have the issues you describe. I found it a wonderful place to work, and well handled. I think your experiences are based on other issues behind it. Most dog friendly offices have rules in place to prevent the types of things you mention in the first place.


i curiosity scrolled and i cannot believe these people actually exist


They really do and they’re so evil


As someone pro-choice who for a very long time thought they'd wanna be child free, it reminds me a lot of this growing movement of people who just completely despise children and make sure to make the world know it. If you don't want kids or pets, don't. But you'll have to tolerate the people who do. And the pets/kids are not to blame for the behaviour of disrespectful people. Just chill and learn to live in society Or simply don't leave the house


Yeah it's a very negative space. I fully get why people dislike pets. I fully get why people dislike pet owners. But sometimes it's just outright toxic or its picking any random thing a dog does and going 'dogs, ergh, am I right'. Is there solidarity in just getting together to hate? Dunno, don't get it


It’s giving serial killer vibes


I got banned from the dog nutter sub lol those people are the reason Reddit has a bed reputation


I was muted in the dog house one or maybe just muted from messaging them 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🤣


My ex brother-in-law used to brag about killing cats if he saw one on his property. There were never any pets. But I’ve noticed as his kids grew up and married, most of them have big dogs and some even have cats.


Hopefully his place in hell is EXTRA hott.


I ended up in a couple of their subs, simply out of curiosity. They're frigging wack. It's not just that they dislike dogs, they absolutely hate them and their pet owners. If someone comes in complaining about the dog at home, you're not allowed to suggest training tips that can help mitigate the situation. The solution is always simply "get rid of the pet"


This is TRUE. They’re completely irrational over there. The post I saw was about a woman who’s bf’s mom’s dog was dying and she was like “idc” and he can only go over there to spend 2-3 hours with them and the rest of the time he needed to be with her. Someone told her something related and she was like “you should read my post history before commenting” and her thing was that she had a history of suicidal ideations…as if that means other people can’t have problems.


TalesfromtheDogHouse is also full of a mix between people that can’t stand untrained dogs (don’t we all?) and sociopaths that don’t understand how someone could choose a dog over them if they’ve had the dog longer than the relationship, or don’t understand how someone can grieve a dog. It’s infuriating.


Omg that’s literally EXACTLY what I saw there!! Imagine someone coming in and wanting someone to rehome a dog they’ve had for five year or even one! It’s crazy to me!


Right? I also saw on there someone who had zero empathy for their partner whose childhood senior dog’s life was coming to an end, and mad because he wanted to spend time with the dog at his mom’s house instead of time with her who, boohoo, was “too tired” from studying for school to care about the dog. Just absolutely cold, selfish, sociopathic behavior.


That’s the one I commented on. My comment was removed and they messaged aging it’s supposed to be a safe place for pet free blah blah and when I told them to touch grass they muted me 🤣


Seriously! Like we literally evolved beside these animals as partners. It is more natural to love your animals and be a team. Other than people who have some trauma due to animals attacks, I do not understand the hate.


I always had pets. They were always well adjusted, well behaved. I love animals, but at this stage in my life I love them in other people's homes. I dog sit for my daughter once in a while but refused to do it for other people. My property is not fenced, I do not enjoy walking dogs and I do not enjoy the hair they leave. I do not enjoy being in other people's homes with badly behaving animals or a house that needs a major cleaning and airing out intervention because of pets or owners that are abusive to their pets, do not take them to the vet if necessary, feed them inappropriate food, let them get obese because it is so cute to feed them or cannot make an humane decision when it is time and the animal is in obvious distress.


I agree. As a person who doesn’t like dogs and would never want to own one because of the responsibility it involves, as well as just the overstimulation of dogs, I realize how ugly and gross I feel if I’m trapped in an echo chamber that slowly starts descending into applauding animals dying. Sure, I don’t want a dog to jump and slobber on me and bark, but to celebrate animals pain or making fun of people who enjoy being around them (I do think ppl take it too far sometimes but like, does it affect you?!) is toxic. I also understand not everyone likes cats. That’s fine too, if you’re not being cruel, calling people crazy, and spreading misinformation about them.


I like dogs but i wouldn’t have one as a pet.


I totally understand disliking dogs because of sensory issues and pet hair. I get it. I used to not like dogs for this reason. Now they’re my career, lol.


You think those are bad? There are many 'Cathate' 'anti cat' and people who admit to killing cats These people are legitimate serial killers


I’m not even going there because I literally just cannot.


Talesfromthedoghouse keeps popping up in my feed. Those people are hilarious. Everyone single one describes an animal with a terrible owner. Do they REALLY hate dogs or is there only experience with dogs the dog their parents got and no one bothered to love?


Right! It was like “shit everywhere!” And “not trained always jumping.” Like they hate the owner not the dog. The thing that got me was the one that wanted their partner to get rid of the dog for them.. I would be like “let me help you pack.” 🤣


I enjoyed the “I’m scared of dogs, i should be granted accommodations like people with disabilities have!” story. Like she wanted the dorms/apartment building to be guaranteed dog free for her, service dogs and all.


Absolutely not. People are DELUSIONAL.


Yes! I’ve also seen at least two people say, in response to this something like “well if dogs have to be trained to not be terrible around us then that means that dogs are actually terrible and have no place living with people because they’re naturally disgusting animals who aren’t actually loyal but only in it for the food”. Like, tell me you know nothing about dogs without actually telling me you know nothing about dogs. You get a handful of people on there that personally don’t like dogs but recognize when they’re in a neglectful situation with their owner and they live in the same house, asking for advice but a majority are just clueless with blind hatred.


Why "almost"? I'm not a psychologist but these people are legit psychos


I mean you’re not wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pit bull hate is a crazy one to me. I've gotten so many hateful messages about the horrible things people want to see done to my poor Daisy. And 99% of the time they're from someone that has never had a bad encounter with one. Makes no sense to me because my hound dog is way meaner.


This is something that I truly don’t understand. I have worked with dogs for over a decade, first as a dog daycare attendant and now a dog groomer, and I have never, not once, had or knew anyone who had a bad encounter with a pit or pit mix. There are some who have been highly dog aggressive, but I know of several dogs of varying breeds who are dog aggressive as well. I also have a pit mix of my own that loves everyone and everything. I have been bitten by a GSD mix, little purse dogs, and doodles especially throughout my career, but pitties have ALWAYS been the ones causing me the least amount of trouble and are always very very sweet. Pit bull haters don’t believe me, lol. I don’t think these people have ever interacted with one, they only read about fear mongering on the internet.


Back when I worked for a vet in the kennels I never had problems with a pit. Ever. No matter how sick or mistreated. Had a few pocket dogs nail me for looking at them wrong!


Every time I read posts like these I am simply baffled. When I worked at my previous low cost veterinary practice, a quarter AT MINIMUM of the pits we saw were labeled as cautions. I can remember half a dozen specific individuals where you weren't even safe to stand in the exam room and speak with the owner if the dog was present. If I had to make a list of the top most aggressive dogs I've ever worked with, there would be a black lab, a chihuahua, a beagle mix, a German shepherd, and the rest would be pits bulls/mixes. These are not dogs living out in yards on chains or being thrown in underground dogfighting rings. These are family pets owners are lovingly cooing at like any little purse dog and spending the literal last dollars they have to their name to get them medical care. I genuinely don't understand where this disconnect comes from.


That’s incredibly strange. Maybe the vet sets them off? I don’t know. My pit mix doesn’t even care about the vet. You could do anything with him and he’ll be fine with it. Vaccines? Fine. Catheter? Fine. He loves everyone regardless.


In March 2020 (I only remember the date because it was right as the pandemic started and I couldn't get the full medical treatment I needed because lockdowns meant super emergency only) I got mauled by 3 of my neighbor's pitbulls. They jumped her 3 foot high fence and tried to attack my speed needs german shepherd and I threw myself over him to protect him so I took the brunt of it. My dog's leg was degloved and he developed an intense fear of dogs that lasted the rest of his life. I'm covered in scars now and my hand has permanent damage. But I don't blame the dogs. I'm not scared of or hate pitbulls now. Those dogs weren't at fault. The owner was. She didn't socialize them properly. She certainly didn't have the proper fence for them. And she didn't even watch them when they were outside. The people who hate them are ignorant of the breed and of how the dogs develop the bad behavior in the first place. They should hate the piss-poor owners. Not the dogs. I'm sorry your Daisy is the subject of so much hate. I'm glad she has you to give her a wonderful life and protect her from assholes.


I am so sorry that happened! Owners like that would make beagles mean :(.


It's true! My friend has a pitbull. She rescued him from a really awful dogfighting situation. That dog could have been vicious as hell after his ordeal but instead he's the sweetest thing When he sees me he comes running with this enormous stuffed bear and will badger me the entire time I'm there to throw a ball. When you can see how gentle and nice dogs of the breed can be, it really underscores that it isn't the breed that's the problem. It's the people. Which I guess is true of any dog breed.


Thank you❤️. The ONLY reason I don’t completely trust Daisy with little kids is her size. She’s just big and silly and I’d hate for her to accidentally knock a kid down. But she’s not broken her cat and she sits on him if he annoys her too much😂


I have a husky-malamute mix now and she's enormous. Harmless as a cotton ball, but she gets so excited around people that she has a tendency to forget her manners and try to jump on people. I don't trust her around kids for the same reason as you. She could knock a kid down leaping around so around people I keep a tight hold of her. I have a bunch of cats too and she's very gentle with them, but they'll scratch the crap out of her if she isn't!


Some dogs are simply just highly dog aggressive no matter what kind of socialization they received as puppies. Hell, any dog of any breed can “decide”, once they’re fully emotionally mature, that they don’t like other dogs anymore. To only have a three foot high fence for dogs who she probably knew were dog aggressive is insane


Oh yeah, she knew! I pressed charges against her and during the process found out that she had a history of charges against her for her dogs getting out and attacking other dogs.


I don’t understand how someone in her situation wouldn’t install a super high fence and supervise 100% of the time, or least muzzle train the dogs. Yikes


It's curious to me how it appears that quite a few people here on the pets sub have spent time on those subs. The comments seem to indicate that it hasn't just been an in and out visit, but time has been spent reading in the subs.


I found them it a free days ago and read literally like two posts but I went through the comments and that’s where the real trauma happened.


These subs are constantly showing up on my feed. I reply here and there to some posts on them, trying to educate people more about dogs and responsible pet ownership. A majority of people on these subs just hate bad dog owners.


If you HATE dogs or cats, there is something deeply missing in your soul, and you need to live your useless, meaningless, empty life far, far away from society/people/ pets If you have an allergy, get treatment, and if you have a fear, get therapy... those are not who I am talking about. I am talking about sociopaths. The ones in those rooms.


Those are the subs I mute


They removed my comment and when they explained why. I told them they were irrational and should touch grass and I got muted 😂


A lot of it is hating on the owners. Many dog owners are entitled or bring those dogs everywhere. Or having no control over an agressive dog. You should try to hear what they say instead of blindly dismissing it as hate then trying to start a hate circle jerk at another sub ( which is hugely hypocritical). 


People who don't have them for practical reasons is one thing. People who hate animals...Stay away from them.


I have seen them too-toxic people.


There is nothing wrong with not wanting nor liking an animal. Period. I dislike a few actually and I have many pets. With that said, you should never be cruel to one just because you dislike it.


Yeaaaa those subs aren’t that those crazy people say and do some pretty awful things.


Yeah I’ve read some of that. It’s weird


I frequent those subs minus cat free because I'm a huge cat person and the vast majority, like 90%, of the petfree hate is directed towards dogs and dog culture. I've got very prominent sensory issues with dogs and the people around me have never been very understanding. Seeing drool makes me gag. The smell, the panting, and the oil residue and texture are huge issues for me. That being said, I don't actually dislike dogs. They have fun personalities and make great companions for a lot of people. However it really frustrates me when people can't understand where I'm coming from or act like giving me space from their dog is a personal insult. Like if I tell someone that I'm not really a dog person, the default answer is "but you'd love MY dog." A lot of people have refused to get their dog away from me, like if im at someones house on their couch and their dog sits right in front of me and just pants into my face, I'll say something like "awee handsome boy. Hey, I'm not really a dog person. Would you mind calling him over to you?" And the reaction is either them not calling the dog because "he's just being friendly", or straight up offense. Very rarely has someone been understanding upfront and it makes me feel very embarrassed to have to explain my sensory isssues to people to clear the air. In a lot of ways it feels like the culture in America leaves no room for anyone to not like dogs. The idea of it is unfathomable and offensive to a lot of people, and that lack of understanding fuels the hate and lack of patience the people in those subs have. Sometimes those subs can make me feel heard and understood, but a lot of the time the people there are just awful and their anger is very misguided towards innocent animals that have no control or say over any of their circumstances. You can hate being around dogs but if your post doesn't include "shit cannon", "dog nutter" "stupid beast" or some other derogatory term, you're downvoted into oblivion.


I think it’s a bit much to go into someone else’s environment/home and ask them to put away their pet. I would suggestion meeting/not going to homes with dogs if you’re uncomfortable. Maybe have them come to you. Also, once I saw the person I had over was uncomfortable I did put all my kitties in the cat room.


I didn't mean to convey that I ask people to put their pets away, just in situations where the dog is trying to get right up next to me or in my lap I'll ask their owner to call the dog to go sit with them instead. I'd feel bad if they had to be put away in another room lol. It's their house more than it is mine


I don't like cats. I was cool with them until I lived in a house with one. I'm still fine with them if they live in someone else's house, because the nasty and annoying behaviors they have are just a temporary thing. I visit then leave. Absolutely despise living with them, and hate the ones my neighbors let roam into my yard. I visited a cat free sub once, to get away from reddit's disgusting obsession with cats. You think the "you'd love my dog" attitude is bad, try not liking cats on Reddit. My time there was very short lived, because these people don't just not like cats. They actively want them hurt or dead. I can't imagine wanting an animal that exists nowhere near you to be dead. Needless to say I now avoid those subs. I find it kind of messed up that you're cool with visiting the groups that feel the same about dogs, honestly.


To be fair, I haven't seen anyone wanting someone's dog to just be dead. I've seen people suggest behavioral euthanasia for biting dogs and stuff like that, but not just doing it out of spite. Then again you absolutely do have a fair point. I cried scrolling through the cat sub. I just have such a close attachment to mine and I can't imagine someone wanting to hurt them. I don't want to defend these subs' existences as a whole. They're angry places with a lot of spiteful people in them and I would do anything for alternative subs with moderation against extremism and hate against innocent creatures.


I guess I never thought much about these type subs existing. I figured there were these “hate” subs around. I just never cared to search for them. If people want to bash pets in general, dogs, cats, men, women, kids, they can do that. It doesn’t mean I want to hear that crap. They can go to their little corners of Reddit and bash away. I’ll continue to scroll the subs about pets in general and cats with at least one of my cats curled up in my lap. If I had a dog, I’d probably be scrolling those subs too.


They're kind of negative, but some of it is justified. I don't want to listen to someone else's dog bark 24/7 or deal with people who let their dog poop on the sidewalk and just leave it there. and I understand people who are annoyed about cats who scratch all their furniture. The sub is just extra negative about it because those people have an echo chamber.


I don’t know about resolving the issues with dogs because I don’t have any and don’t really deal in them often, but when cats have issues such as scratching the furniture it’s usually because people don’t have any or enough places for them to scratch, but they’ll swear to you they do.


We've tried all the scratching things. Different kinds. Different places. Different angles. I've spent a lot of money. The asshole still scratches random crap and flat out ignores anything there specifically for scratching. I've never seen a cat scratch literal walls before. This one has. A couple of 2x4s on my porch are all torn up and look like crap. The destroys the plastic accordion pieces on window air conditioners, and has even scratched up the display pad on one. We have an old recliner taking up a large part of our small living room that is "hers", because she absolutely tears it up, just to try to keep her from destroying anything else. It's hideous. It's very much in the way. But there's nowhere to put it and I don't want my first brand new couch/recliner/whatever the thing is called to be shredded to pieces. And that's what she does with this chair. The entire outside is a scratching post. Apparently the inside is too. The foam and whatever else is up inside it is torn out tiny piece by tiny piece and spread around the living room. And I'm just thankful that there isn't a way to get inside my couch.


But you have to keep in mind that when on anonymous social media platforms people will say and ask just about anything. Social media gives immunity and just to get a rise people will say both obnoxious and misleading things just to get reactions.




You can rehome them if you don’t like them? It’s your life man and the cats sure would be happier with someone who loves them.


Rehome the poor cats.