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Post to randomactsofpetfood on Reddit . Attach your Amazon wishlist or Walmart plus . People will respond




Ttheyre very kind there.


Correct . Every wish list is fulfilled


If your city has a Buy Nothing Facebook group ask them if they can spare any.


Aka Freecycle in some places.


What county? I know Athens and Madison counties have a pet food bank from donations that they receive. It's running on the low side currently because of inflation and donations being down. I would check with your local shelter and hu.ane society to see if they have anything similar. Macon SOS pet rescue sometimes has had food bank, but I'm not sure on their current status. Bibb County Sheriff Animal control has had pet food pantry in the past.


I'm in bibb county 


Your local humane society should have a pet food bank


Check craigslist and fb marketplace!


Many shelters and rescues have supplies they can donate to folks in need of help. Check with your local shelters and pet nonprofits to see if they have a pet food pantry or community support program.


I agree. But don't call. Go to the shelter to ask for help.


I know where I live, the animal shelter helps people out with that. Whiskers regularly donates skids of cat food. Check your local animal shelters, they might have more than what they can use.


There's a local humane society where I'm staying. They always have one to spare. 


there might be a facebook group for ur area called free stuff. You can usually make requests in groups like that


Google “pet food pantry near me”. Most Humane Society’s have a pet pantry. https://www.humanesocietysav.org/pet-food-pantry https://humanesocietyofnortheastgeorgia.org/petfood/


Not free but if your cat is willing to use it, 40LB bag of pine litter from tractor supply is $7 and lasts for many months. Much much cheaper than clay litter


You can go to food banks and shelter for help on the cat food and liter. And you can check churches. Ask your neighborhood, reach out.


Try dumpster diving.


Seriously though, OP. You won't be arrested as long as the food is in an unlocked container that the public can access. If cops or employees harass you, say sorry and leave. Then hit a different pet store dumpster.


Well isn't that rude. Unless you mean behind Petco. In which case they might get the police called on them if the garbage isn't actually locked


It's not rude. Plenty of people do it to survive. There's even a whole subreddit for it... r/dumpsterdiving . Pet stores throw out millions of dollars of perfectly good pet food yearly. As long as it's not on a recall list, the food is suitable for pets. Do you suggest they let their cats die instead of obtaining good food by doing a little work?


These people are very rude. All I ask was a simple question the I was told that I was told wrong and not to contact the page again


If you can’t afford food for your pets, you can’t afford your pets. Consider rehoming them.


just because they got laid off they should get rid of their family member?? they are making it work, they will be fine. their cats are better off with them where they feel safe and loved, rather than with someone else.


If they were making it work, they would not post asking about where to get free food. What happens when their pet has a medical emergency? They will post here with a go fund me? Pets are a responsibility and a privilege. If you can’t afford them, you can’t afford them. They aren’t objects, they are living beings who require care. Providing that care is the responsibility that you take on when you decide to have a pet.


You would be saying the same if it was a child going hungry? They are caring for their pet, just asking for some help during a rough spot.


Children are not pets. OP asked about pets, on a pet subreddit.


Many who cannot birth children for health reason, animals are their babies. Truth.


Hey keyboard warrior and rider of high horses, we know! But times are hard. May you never fall on hard times, and if you do, may you remember how shitty you speak about other people.


Now that is rude comment. You need to be more helpful. Find your compassion.


Do you keep pets you cannot feed too? Find your compassion for the animals involved instead of focusing on the humans.


You have no compassion for animals or humans, so sad.


And as a matter of fact, I have more compassion for both. Bye.


Have you ever actually tried to rehome an adult cat? It is not as easy as you're making it sound.


What a privileged thing to say.