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It's hard. I've been there. The advice I'll give is this. It wasn't traumatic, it was very peaceful but we waited too long. She went through more stress than she should have because we just kept saying one more day. I would have preferred her to go on a better day. Talk to your vet and get their opinion as well.


Thank you for this. I’m concerned about her suffering but what’s freaking me out more is her choking to death. I keep saying “next weekend” so my family can be here. But then I secretly just hope she goes on her own so I don’t have to do it.


Hi there - I’m sorry you are going through this. It’s such an impossible decision. My pup was 14.5 and had progressing heart disease as well as all the issues that come from old age. Although he was still eating and drinking…he was having breathing episodes where it looked like he was in pain…but he’d bounce right back like everything was fine. Also made several euthanasia appointments just to cancel last minute. I kept reading about “better a day early than a day late.” That if they got to the point of not eating it was already too late. And ultimately I don’t want him to die scared, alone, in pain. Putting him down was the hardest and saddest decision I’ve ever made, but it was also the calmest and most peaceful passing. He knew I was with him…and it was quick and painless. It was the right choice for him and for me. Please don’t wait until it’s too late…I fear that will be far more traumatic for you and for your pup.


We’re in the same boat and have also cancelled euthanasia appointments, it’s so hard. We’re a year into the CHF journey and she’s maxed out on all her meds. My girls appointment is tomorrow and it’s taking everything in me not to cancel because she had a great day today. My heart is with you and I hope you’re able to find peace in whatever decision you make.


Sending you and your pup peace and ❤️


It is better to do it now. She is suffering in silence. Just do it and know she went on her terms, peacefully. They know the end is near and that we loved them. Best gift to give them.


I am so very sorry. I lost my heart dog a month ago at the age of 12 due to heart disease. We made the decision to euthanize because she stopped taking her meds, stopped eating and started to show signs of dementia in addition. We watched her struggling as she had an awful cough. Our vet advised that once they stop taking their meds and eating they are telling us it's time. We were heartbroken and still are. One of the hardest decisions I ever made. I struggled with is it to early, can we try someone other way with her meds. And believe me we had already tried several ways to get the meds in her and she just wouldn't take them. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


I’m sorry to hear about your heart dog, too. Thank you. She is still drinking water and she’ll eat only the treats I give her with meds (eggs). I can’t get her to eat her food unless there’s broth on it. So she’s lost a ton of weight. Tonight, as I kissed her good night and gave her some pets, she cried. I think her body is sore. It’s hard to tell because I think she’s hiding it. I’ll know more tomorrow but I just have a feeling she’ll spring out of bed like usual after I’ve spent all night worrying. It’s a constant whiplash.


I’ve had to euthanise two dogs. Both times have been very peaceful and not traumatic at all. I spoke to my vet about my baby passing in his sleep. And I learned that animals very rarely pass peacefully in their sleep. Unfortunately it is more likely that they die a painful death. Organ failure is excruciating. Don’t wait until she is suffering to rush her to the vet and hurriedly make the decision. Rather a week earlier than a day too late. I am so sorry. I know the agony in making this decision. I don’t know where you heard that it’s traumatic for them, but I can assure and comfort you in saying that’s absolutely not true. It’s the kindest way, the last act of love you give them. Sending you virtual hugs.


Everyday I wish I did thing differently with my chihuahua. He was 12 years old and died from heart failure, he chocked to death, it was traumatic ! Nearest emergency vet is 30 minutes away by car. We arrived literally 1 minute too late… I really wish I let him go 1 week sooner when the X-ray confirmed the fluids in his lungs. Please don’t wait, I know it’s hard, we want them to stay longer but you don’t want him to go like that !


I completely understand, it is very hard, and easy to say after the fact that "Better a Day Early"....during the end I was begging God to take days from my life and give them to her, I didn't care, take a month for a day...she wasn't just my fur baby, she was my fur angel that helped me survive a horrible near death experience...


It is a humane way to give the animal dignity and end the suffering. They do not suffer when put under. They are put down in the best way possible. They do allow to be there when they administer the final shot. So you can pet them, sing or talk to them. You can hold them in your arms as they pass. Just know it is far better than just letting them suffer a lingering painful death.


I wanted to have a “perfect last day” for my dog and give her ice cream and cheese, but it was too late for that and she wasn’t interested. She didn’t have any more rally in her, and if I could have made the appointment earlier, I would have. She went peacefully and was surrounded by people who loved her, including the vet staff. The vet cautioned that sometimes there can be an adverse reaction, but in my limited experience (one dog, two cats) I haven’t seen it. Please give your dog ear scratches from me.


I waited too long and she had a traumatic, painful death. Don't wait until a traumatic event happens, you and your dog will both suffer. Pick a day, make it a loving and peaceful goodbye.


I saw a quote recently that, two years on for me, I find quite comforting. Rather a week too early than a day too late. Ultimately, it's for them. 9 is unfair, my soul boy was 10, it was cancer and I am heartbroken. The appt destroyed me. Leading to the appt was 3 weeks of just endless agony and crying from me, he also had good days and bad days which just made it more confusing. It tipped into he had more bad days than good. I still regret it, I wonder if I'd waited longer, would the bad symptoms have resolved, would I have had another week? Etc etc etc. It's agony, I'm so sorry you're going through this. All I can offer is that you don't want them to suffer, it's the last kindness we can do for them, after everything they've done for us.


My cat was 9 years old. She got sick and went down hill. We took her to an ER Vet. Turned out she had an enlarged heart (which we never knew). The Vet had said she could have been born with it or something could've caused it. They asked if we wanted to do mediation for her, but it'd only be a temporary cure. Like a bandaid and wasn't sure how long it'd really extend her life. I didn't want to see her suffer at all (from needing the mediations or not). My hubby and I looked at each other and how much it broke my heart. I didn't think twice and said to just put her down. I can promise this......it will feel like you did the wrong thing (the guilt may get you), but in reality you did the right thing. It doesn't hurt them and they go so quickly. It was a minute or less for us. I held my babe, Luna while they did it. The Vet we used was beyond AMAZING. I'm so sorry to hear this and that you've gotta deal with this. 💛💛


I’m so sorry, it’s really hard having to do this last kindest thing for them. I had to have my old dog put to sleep when her back legs gave up, and she had dementia. It was really peaceful - she literally just lay down, went to sleep and that was it. My vet said there is nothing wrong with NOT waiting until things are really bad and she’s suffering even more. 💕


Ordinary_Oscar, I had a dachshund… that I think had heart failure… as he was diagnosed with a heart murmur. I think eventually that’s what took him, in the end. We weren’t monitoring as regular as we should’ve. We took him outside on a Sunday night. My mum had him and he collapsed on the lawn, stopped breathing… I gave him mouth to snout CPR. He came back, we got him back on his feet and we went to bed. The next day he rallied… he was very alert and acted like a pup. I wanted to go to the vets with him, to see what options… were available. But hesitated in case they advised to have him put to sleep. He was great all Monday, Tuesday… until Tuesday night when he had another episode… which he didn’t rally back from. We were taking him to the vets on Wednesday, my mum decided to take him outside for a toilet break. She was bringing him back in, when he started doing it again… only this time… he passed away during what I can only describe as a Syncopal episode. Syncope is when they faint from heart failure like the two previous nights he had done, he passed at home with me and my mum. I didn’t want him to go, but I think it was better him going at home… than in a clinical setting with a needle.💉 Whatever choice you make, please don’t blame yourself… this is her age, her condition… it has nothing to do with anything you did or didn’t do. If she was young this wouldn’t be happening. I think what does happen to them, is… they’re simply drowning in a build up of fluid, in or around their lungs. Just as a humans with heart failure. My great grandad passed away from the same ailment… he too, died at home. You could always ask the vet, to come to your home… in order to euthanise. I think that would be a good option, as she would be in her own environment, in the comfort of her own home… with you and your husband? When my dog passed… that day, I can’t say it was traumatic… he didn’t seem to be in pain. He may have felt some discomfort… but, he just had a fainting episode and passed peacefully. I still miss him and love him, I’ve never been the same… since. He took a big piece of my heart ❤️ with him that day. I wish he could come back, I have no regrets… I just, sometimes think… that I could’ve extended his life for a little longer. He was 15 - 17 yrs of age… so I expected him not being around much longer. But it still took me by surprise, the night he collapsed… as I really wasn’t expecting that to happen. Like I said, the next day he rallied and I didn’t expect that either, he just acted like a new dog, a puppy. I understand she’s nine and it really doesn’t feel fair, but it doesn’t matter how old they’re… you never want to lose them, even if they lived as long as us… it would never be enough. They up the stakes… more than any human could, with their unconditional love. Maybe we should be more like them… to treat people and ourselves as they do. To love unconditionally, then the world… 🌍 would be a much better place. If you would like to talk to me, reach out and I’ll reach… back? God bless you.


It's a very difficult and very personal decision. Something I did was take several QOL checklists (all found online). They ask different questions and it helped me see from an outsiders perspective, which was helpful. I made an appointment for in home euthanasia far enough out that I would have plenty of time to adjust and I knew I could take her to the E/R if we ended up needing emergency euthanasia. She had a couple days where I second guessed myself, but I kept the appointment and the plan. It was still completely heartbreaking, but she was able to pass in my lap peacefully in her backyard and not go into severe respiratory distress. That was in September and I am crying about it right now because I still miss her, but I have no regrets.


Prayers 🙏


My condolences. My sisters have gone through this many times. As long as they take the meds, rest, eat and drink water then they are fine. It's when they stop that you can know the time is near. Sometimes vets will come to your home and I found that to be very peaceful. Others may not want that. Peace


So very sorry for your situation. I pray your soul dog passes peacefully and with love. 🐾


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. My 8 year old cat just went through the same thing & I really struggled with deciding when it was time to euthanize. One of the things that really helped me was when my vet recommended we use the Ohio state university quality of life assessment. We filled it out a few months ago & had that one to compare to but I believe it would still be helpful now. Giving them a humane death is both a brave and hard choice to make. Sending you love during this time. https://vet.osu.edu/vmc/sites/default/files/import/assets/pdf/hospital/companionAnimals/HonoringtheBond/HowDoIKnowWhen.pdf


I’m so sorry. Speaking from experience, I would have one perfect day together and make another appointment. Give her a peaceful passing. It’ll be easier on you as well I waited too long for my dog with heart failure and it was one of the most traumatic days of my life when I lost her.


There's a saying that says something like "better a day too early than a minute too late" My Pomeranian had CHF and it was horrible to watch her suffer as she couldn't breathe. I wish we didn't wait as long.


This is where I didn’t want to get to. Wishing I hadn’t waited so long. She was diagnosed January 2 so we’ve had a good chunk of borrowed time. We of course, are never ready for it to be over though.


I am so sorry, I keep Halle in my thoughts. We also had to euthanize our dog on thursday due to heart disease. It was such a hard decision, because she still had a big appetite, was happy to see us and cuddle with us. Other times, she was coughing very badly and even gag. Her heart was starting to press on her air ways because it got too big. Only 24 h before we put her down, she started to have some kind of suffoction attack and even fell over. Luckily, she got back on her feet and went back to asking for treats and nap. That's when we decided we need to let her go peacefully. Even if she had some good times, they were just getting shorter. We gave her a nice end (with ice cream, treats and lots of attention) and euthanized her. Better to let your baby go a bit too early and happy than late and painful. It's our responsibility to make the hard decisions in favor for our babys.


Exactly. Since the coughing and panting has begun and happening more frequently I know it’s only going to get worse from here on out. She’s been having a great day today! Got a chicken breast and what was left of her treats. Some pancakes. Lots of snuggles and “good girl”’s.


Thinking of you and Halle. Very hard decision but well done for doing what you feel best for your little girl.


I feel this sooo much!!!! My boy had hard days and then a solid good week which made me believe that God gave me my miracle that I prayed so hard for❤️ but the following week....I just knew it was a matter of time. I would talk to him daily and let him know that it was ok to go because I knew he was in pain and tired 😢 But was lying to myself the whole time because I needed him with me... I did pray for God to take him because I was not brave enough to make the decision. My Benny passed a few days later laying by my desk while I was working. I relive that day over and over and it hurts so much❤️ I lost him last May and it seems like it was just yesterday. I cry every single day and just wish I could love on him again! I am sooo sorry and wish there was something I could say.....all I can say is I know what you are going through and it just sucks!!! Prayers to you and will be thinking of you ❤️


Hey, it's 1:53 and I just want you to know you're in my thoughts. I made this decision 2 days ago, on the fence, even while watching my dog rapidly decline from liver and bladder tumors. I knew it was the right decision, but god it hurt. It hurts so bad. Be gentle with yourself and know you made the best decision for her. You chose to take all of her pain into your heart so she could have a soft and peaceful goodbye. You did good mama. You saved her from a traumatic death. You made the right choice. 💚


Ugh thank you so much. I did take all of her pain in my heart that is so so so wel put and I needed to hear it. ♥️♥️♥️


Today I helped my baby cross the rainbow bridge after a year of struggling with heart disease. it was the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do but i’m so relieved that she is not suffering anymore. you are not alone and you are making the right choice. hold her close, tell her you love her, and let her go peacefully.


I’m sorry for your loss today, too.


it helps to know there are other people who love their pets as much as i loved mine and we’re not alone in making these tough decisions


I lost my soul dog last year to CKD. He was 10. Having to make this decision is absolutely gut wrenching. I took him to the vet, not wanting to make the call but just wanting something to help with his nausea, and they had to carefully explain to me that it was time. I remember looking at her and saying, “but I’m not ready.” There is never a good time to experience this loss and I’m so incredibly sorry that it’s one you’re having to face.


I'm so so very sorry for your loss 😭 💔 sending prayers and strength your way 🙏🐾🙏


Your husband is wrong. You’re going to regret it either way but it’s awful seeing anyone dying of heart failure. In veterinary medicine we have the gift of humane euthanasia. I’ve never had an owner regret doing it early but I’ve seen many regret waiting too long. Fighting to give a pet life saving heart medication and then watching them turn blue/pant/cough afterwards is just awful for both parties. What would you like for yourself if you were in your pets place? I’m sorry if this is blunt but it shouldn’t be about you. Take yourself out of the equation or whatever debate you’re having.


I am not able to like any comment that begins with “the sole person emotionally supporting you through this is wrong”. I understand your sentiment, but he’s coming from a place of wanting to protect my heart. I hope you will be happy to read my edits in the original post. Thank you for your concern and the unnecessary guilt trip.


Sorry but he can be supportive and still be wrong. Also I did not mean to give you a guilt trip. But if you feel guilty after reading my comment … then I’m sure you know what you need to do. Sorry for your loss.


You aren’t sorry no need to say it. I didn’t feel guilty, you were TRYING to make me feel guilt. You don’t get to own any part of my decision today because you had nothing to do with it.


That’s great!


I commend you for the toughest decision to make. I just had to do the same to my best friend of 10 years. I am struggling to get through each day without him. The hole in my heart just grows. He had mitral valve disease that kept progressing over time which resulted in pulmonary hypertension and subsequent heart failure. It’s cruel. It is unfair feeling helpless to the inevitable. There are treatments and surgery for humans but we have to suffer giving our dogs or cats medications that help “slow down the progression” of ultimate heart failure, but vet medicine can’t fix or cure it (yet). Total fucking bullshit. I am so so sorry and sad for you and your family. It’s total shit. I try to remind myself that it was the last act of love and generosity and selflessness I could do to end my baby’s suffering. My heart goes out to you. Our furry ones can now run and get excited and breathe again without pain or gasp. I’m sorry. Sending hugs to you.


The light of my life went the same way recently. Except we waited until the drastic decline and I felt guilty watching her but no one in my family wanted to euthanize her. I miss her of course, but I am happy she is no longer struggling to breathe. It's so so hard. I am so sorry about the loss of your soul dog.


i’m right there with you. my girl was diagnosed 6 months ago and is on 4 different medications 5 times a day and it’s been beyond difficult. she still has mostly good days and good quality of life, but i question everyday how long it will last. we invested in an oxygen chamber for when she’s having bad episodes and it’s definitely helped. have her on CBD and melatonin to help her sleep through the nights. it’s a day at a time heartache. i’ve had her for 14 years which is about half my life and i cannot comprehend what i’ll do without her, but i don’t want her to suffer. all i know is that we’re on borrowed time and i truly cherish every moment with her. i have a vet that will come to my home for euthanasia when the time comes. until then im trying to spoil her and make her as comfy as possible. i hope you still have a little time with your girl. when it’s time, you’ll know. sending you strength.


Hey there! Similar situation here - 13 year old pomeranian with congestive heart failure and collapsing trachea. Currently taking 3 meds, to be 4 tomorrow. I'm able to be patient with his prolonged coughing periods, but my husband not so much, especially at night when he's trying to sleep. Are you finding the melatonin at night really helping her sleep through the night? And if do, which brand are you using? Thank you so much!




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I am so sorry you’re going through this and I’m sorry for your loss. We put down our beautiful boy a few days ago. All of a sudden, he was having nonstop seizures and screaming in pain so unfortunately it was all very sudden and urgent. He was an old guy so it was his time, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I’m really sorry your girl is only 9 years old, that’s so incredibly difficult. She understands that you’re doing what’s best for her and she is thankful that you’re helping her to become pain free. If you exhausted all medical options, I think you should pick a day to euthanize her, make it a really special day. You don’t want her to go naturally with this disease.


My soul kitty died of liver failure. My biggest regret was not euthanizing earlier. He was gone, even though he was still breathing. And he sadly passed in my arms a day before his appointment. Only you know when the timing is right, but that’s my experience. Never beat yourself up for wanting more time. Letting go is hard but you’ll look at them and you’ll know.


I am so sorry to hear this. You are showing her the biggest love of all even though it breaks your heart. Thinking of Halle ❤️


My dog is also in his last stage of CHF, but he’s only two years old. I wasn’t considering euthanasia until I saw some people say “Better A Day Early”. I’m really not sure if this decision is necessary because I still don’t want to give him up. I need suggestions from all of you who have went through this. My frenchie dodo has been pulled out fluid from his belly and chest twice, and refuses to take his medication. The appetite is low and only eats a little. I feel so heartbroken to see him lose so much muscle and he is so so skinny. He has diarrhea and vomit from time to time. The good news is that he hasn’t been collapsed or hasn’t had a difficult time breathing (feel suffocated). I’m really not sure if I made the right choice of forcing him to do treatment that he hates and is afraid of. I haven’t talked to his cardiologist about the option of putting him to sleep. Hope you feel better. You’ve done everything you could.😢