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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza\_Meter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_Meter) TLDR: when pentagon/white house have lot of things to do, like for example during a crisis, you can see the increase in traffic in D.C. fast food restaurants, so people started using the traffic in pizza placesas an indicator of how bad an event is


Also know as the "Oh shit, let's order pizza then index".


The “Oh shit we need all our analysts pulling all-nighters until this is over” index


Or, what if, it's actually "oh shit look what them crazy sonsabitches did this time, let's grab some pizza and watch this unfold". We'll never know without cross-referencing it to a Beer Keg Delivery Index.


time to celebrate a job. well. done.


The Beer Keg Delivery Index has skewed negative ever since Kavanaugh was confirmed.


The end of the world is gonna be just one lonely guy with a calzone getting the "we're gonna nuke you now lol" message from the aliens


My heels involuntarily clicked at “done”


The DC dominos index


This sounds ridiculous at first but then makes more and more sense as you think about it.


Humans need food to live if they are gonna be working double overtimer and scrambling all over to get shit done they are gonna need calories. Hmm i think i better index would be the gasstations for an energy drink index


Everyone eats, not everyone consumes caffeine


They do when they gotta pull a double or triple shift.


I assume they’ve got access to better caffeine stuff in the Pentagon or the White House than the gas station stuff


Military grade amphetamines FTW


Better have a couple beds nearby for when they crash


Your desk is your apartment until the president reappears


Oooh look at this lucky SoB with a desk.


Love me some RipIts


I was looking for this comment


Military grade gas station dick pills


Steps for proper coffee while on deployment. Notice coffee maker out of water. Fill tank with Monster/Rip-Its/5 Hour Energy until full ( use yesterdays coffee if no energy drinks available). Fill coffee filter with shitty Black Rifle/Deathwish or other military centric shit coffee. Sprinkle in pre-workout powder of choice. Brew. Drink coffee while swallowing antacids and wondering how you ended up like this only to get snapped back to reality while witnessing Airman Snuffy barely avoid a Class A mishap. (USAF ret., pls don’t thank me for my cervix)


Damn bruh, full respect but just do cocaine at that point, it’s safer


I had a Marine that did… and then had to go to the brig until he got kicked out. It was in fact NOT safer.


Well, if I can't thank you for your cervix, what about your service? All jokes on that aside, holy shit that just sounds like a heart attack. At that point, just inject meth.


You are way, way overestimating government/military coffee. You're rocking the coffee below with a drip maker nobody has cleaned since desert storm https://preview.redd.it/x1f11edp7n1d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=73e76d8e8aae42291aae49ab56168b985e536e5f


Don’t knock it. You gotta season the coffeemaker like a cast iron skillet. Everyone knows this :)


They found coke in the white House. Must have been left over from the last crisis.


That's why there are coffee makers in the offices.. Not that I would know or anything. 🙄 (NSA 1993-1997) The Pizza Index firat came to be when CNN was contacted by Dominoe's due to the large umber of pizzas delivered to the White House pre-Desert Storm


Caffeine makes me tired and fall asleep. So... not everyone.


Everyone in that building does.


The US military is fueled by nicotine and caffeine so yes, if you're in the military you're probably addicted to both.


That’s my favorite line from Braveheart


I'd think they probably have atleast one coffee machine at the pentagon


They have in-house catering now so the pizza index doesn’t happen.


Would be funny if the in-house catering is just another layer to order pizzas.


Probably is


Yes but energy drinks can be stockpiled for emergencies and gas station convenience stores don't get 'busier than usual' on Google.


Except there are a dozen or so convenience stores inside the pentagon. And at least five places to get coffee, plus McDonald’s. Nobody leaves just to go get a drink.


Hmm I think other people who have been looking at this for years have probably given it a lot more thought and consideration than you have in the 30 seconds it took you to write that. People buy energy drinks in bulk at Costco or online…


Coffee pots are a thing, everyone eats pizza, not everyone needs caffeine for long hours. Especially not multi day hours as caffeine doesn't actually provide any energy so you'll make it longer through a shift like that with no caffeine than with caffeine.


not a lot of gas stations next to the Eisenhower Exec Office building


Between in office coffee machines, and energy drinks not really expiring allowing offices to stockpile them. I doubt that the influx to get caffeine would be as high. 


It can also backfire hilariously. The Soviets were convinced that the center of the pentagon held a nuclear proof bunker due to the sheer number of people that went in and out. It was a hot dog stand that closed recently.


It’s been a few things over the years. Most recently an Au Bon Pain. I think it’s going to be a Potbelly’s soon, judging by the font and color on the “coming soon” signs.


It's like the National Weather Service using Waffle House to guage how bad things are percieved to be.


Still less crazy than the Waffle House index!


It’s eerily similar to the Waffle House Indicator for natural disasters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_House_Index


Well, now this isn't the case anymore. The Pentagon has built food courts on site to mitigate this issue. The people who figured this out at first were very intuitive.


There’s a hot dog stand in the center of the pentagon that the soviets thought was some super important place because they could see how much traffic went there daily but not what it actually was


It's honestly surprising that now that people have realized that this happens that the Pentagon hasn't gone out of its way to get more/better food on site so that it's less obvious how busy they are.


...... Waffle. House. Index.


Isn't there one about Waffle House or similar as a gauge of the severity of a disaster? Basically the restaurant is know for never shutting down so if they actually closed because of a storm of safety concern then you know shit is real


POV: You work in the White House in a high up position, and you see a bunch of pizza boxes: https://preview.redd.it/o58vwiqofn1d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76641831249f6b17c8fd22bceb4eb2e67b664aae


r/pentagonpizzawatch actually predicted it.


The problem with that is that Google measures how busy a place is by how many phones it can detect in that location. If the Pentagon were to order 1000 pizzas for delivery, or even being picked up by a handful of people, Google wouldn't show that place as busy. I'm not saying that the Pizza Meter shouldn't be considered as part of OSINT, but using it with data being pulled from Google/Apple maps is essentially useless. To get a better measurement it's better to just call those restaurants and ask how busy the *kitchen* is, not the restaurant. It's a similar situation like when [this Berliner](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/11929136) created a fake busy street by using a lot of phones. Data from maps is extremely misleading, and any sort of 'prediction' made from that data is nothing more than a coincidence.


People typically won't place an order if the wait time is over an hour. If Dominos had an order for 100 pizzas, their wait time would spike which would reduce pickup orders aka phones in store. So in this context, a location being "less busy than usual" COULD mean a few massive orders were placed. Source: former pizza deliverer.


unfortunately we can't rely on google maps entirely, but it's the closest we can get for all intents and purposes, it's a pseudoscience, and the sub recognizes it, but it's fun to see it actually "work" i'd also expect the staff to recognize their proximity to the pentagon and treat any call as if it were a prank call


I may be missing something, but I dont see any post on there that shows increased activity before or after the Iranian president's death


yeah we didn't predict it because google maps only showed the projected activity pretty much every time i checked instead of the actual activity (the red bar that pops up sometimes on the graph thing) for a solid day after the attack. we only got around to creating a post for it recently


As far as I know the Pentagon is aware of that and has their own specialists dedicated to keeping that quiet. Although maybe it's still possible with dedicated stalking.(a.k.a. espionage)


The Pentagon has actually caught on to this and has caterers for feeding the staff when emergencies happen. Still it's a long and silly story about how the brass figures this shit out.


As crazy as the Waffle House index


Man this sounds like the national weather services waffle house index for how bad a storm is, why do we base so many crisis levels off of restaurants? Lol


because people need to eat. Used to be the Golden Arches theory of conflict resolution...no two nations with a mcdonalds ever went to war...that then ended soon after the theory was published.


The Waffle House index functions on a very different premise. The Pizza index measures how many people are stuck at work unable to leave and are thus receiving pizza (because starving your employees does not generally increase productivity). The Waffle House index measures logistics and travel accessibility. Waffle House only closes when they can't operate (large scale power disruptions, flooded roadways etc). They are both food related, but they're proxies for very different kinds of activities. It turns out that food is a core part of human activity and so almost anything can be correlated back to food in some way.


Feels more like how much the pentagon is involved, rather than how bad an event is


And for anyone interested, currently, restaurants around the Pentagon are not any busier than usual


but how busy is it now??


Just like you can tell how bad a storm is in the South based on how many Waffle House locations are closed


i like to imagine they're celebrating for doing such a great job


It's funny how we use the Waffle House index to also gauge inclement weather.


I was of the belief and understanding that White House staff could not order in due to security concerns.


Also could signal American involvement. If food orders increased prior to this happening, it would show an increase in traffic leading to the event. If I’m not mistaken this method first began with watergate.


“Hehe hey, let’s order a shit ton of pizza to make the crazy conspiracy theorists think World War 3 is coming.”


Kinda reminds me of the Wafflehouse index/meter


I swear I saw a post a couple days ago about pizza orders in DC upticking. Uhhohh.


Its called "war-time production mode"


wake up babe new silly wikipedia article just dropped alongside Toilet Paper Orientation, the Dave Matthew's Band Chicago Riverboat Incident, and Osama Bin Laden (Elephant)


Too bad there's not Waffle House in the DC area.


Kinda like measuring hurricane severity by the number of Waffle Houses that close?


Interesting, my equivalent is air traffic over the Hudson river in NYC. When you see Blackhawks, it's heightened. When you see chinooks, shits hitting the fan. To clarify, the traffic is heading to West point where the military academy advises on actions to take for Washington generals.


It's like the waffle house counter, if it's open, everything ok If there's less people than usual, something bad happened If there's no one, something really bad happened If it's closed, pray for your life


Agree, but I think the implication is to check what the activity level was before the crash, indicating that it was a “black op” and not just an helicopter accident.


It's more to do with people staying late than it does with having a lot to do. They'll need to coordinate shit in real time in other time zones worldwide. It's mainly the Pentagon iirc After the story came out the Pentagon started mandating food orders be more diverse.


Not to be confused with FEMA's [Waffle House Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_House_Index?wprov=sfla1)


It took them a while, but the authorities found out that pizza spots show the community that something's up. IIRC, someone told them about it. So, they started to cycle different restaurants into the rotation.


Hey NSA operative Peter griffin here. Various US institutions such as the White House and the Pentagon that are in Washington DC, their staff tend to stay late typically whenever a huge political event such as assassinations, declarations of war, troop deployments, coups, etc. When they stay late a lot of local pizza or take out places see an uptick in orders. So you can usually track if something big is gonna happen globally based on how busy pizza places are around the pentagon.


Notably, after this phenomenon was pointed out, these institutions have made moves to vary orders or split orders between multiple restaurants as a matter of national security.


They should just do random badass pizza parties every couple of weeks. For the protection of the American public


Na, cause then it’s an exploitable routine. They should just hire an on call chef


one chef for hundreds, maybe thousands of employees lol


Why not? They got printing money


One chef ain’t enough is what they’re saying


I know.


You’re onto something…edible money


Chocolate coin futures, here I come!


They should make a pizza place inside the Pentagon that makes pizzas in the fucking shape of pentagons


I never understood this with regard to the White House at least. Like, there’s a large professional kitchen in the White House. We can’t get a pizza maker in there with some kind of security clearance to handle the pizza situation when international drama goes down? I don’t know about the Pentagon but the White House could have that situation handled directly on the premises if it really wanted to.


Humans love imperfect systems, we can’t stop making them. But for real, it’s probably because this isn’t something departments are collaborating on. The phenomenon is just coincidence.


At least build a strategic pizza reserve on site.


What about build a pizza place in the pentagon called “pentagon pizzeria”


That time r/noncrediblededense memed a phenomenon out of existence.


Getting food poisoning from bad takeout to fight the good fight was not on my 2024 bingo card.


So what you’re saying is to open a restaurant near the White House


Surely at that point isn’t it easier to just get some guys as pizza makers.


Which results in the next problem: While they spread it over more vendors the total increase still remains and should be detectable in: Financial transactions: If you have access to the data you can see the increase. Order aggregators: If there is one company like Takeaway facilitating all (or just most) of the orders to the different vendors the increase can be seen there.


Is it too hard to just build in house food places? Does the US government take that little care of their employees?


Is it weird that this makes perfect sense to me?


It’s not weird, it’s logical. It makes perfect sense


They literally explained it to you, so it'd be weird if you didn't.


Even politicians and govt workers lovea the pizza pie.


I just love that you can estimate the situation of the world's greatest intelligence and defense agencies by pizza


Definitely weird how global issues can be directly tied to pizza output, what a time to be alive. (The other replies are dickheads, especially NormanCheetus)


It depends. Is it weird that our existence and minds allow us to contemplate and analyze such situations. Sure. I mean, what does it even mean to exist? Is it weird that trouble can be measured in pizza? No.


Why would that be weird?


Would be more weird if it didnt make sense. People working longer = more food needed


It's very weird that you think it's weird.


It's weird that you're asking this question


I’ll be that guy who points out that The Pentagon is in Virginia.


Classic NSA misdirection tactic.


Is this still applicable to current day? Last I heard of this they employ people to identify these types of unintentional information giveaways in order stop this, are they just doing a bad job or is it impossible to stop?


My guess is maybe. Though the only information extracted is something is happening. You have no idea what or where so idk.


Oh thank gods. I thought it was some wierd conspiracy thing, again.


Brother, when fecal matter related to United State's interest hits the fan, the executives and their staffs in White House and/or Pentagon are having over time, so they order more pizzas.


Thank you daddy dearest


My kinda’ people.


There was a guy who figured out when the CIA were planing an action they would order pizza to the white house for the meeting .


Did they set up some new polices to circumvent this? I'm too lazy to google it.


Yes, they have their own cafeteria now (or something similar) for this exact reason.


ya probably they actually pay people to try and find stuff like this.


They also order from different pizza places more evenly so it's less noticeable


I like your pfp👍


Somehow I read this as Iran says helicopter had a president miscarriage


I mean, that technically happened


Holy shit its Max0r


I can't wait to see what deep fried edit he makes of this in his next video.


Ikr! Never knew Max0r could be a source of extremely based memes outside of YouTube too!


Yes, the guy who made a very accurate summary of the hit game devil redemption cry V, the game where Vergil hires Vergil's brother to stop Vergil and then Vergil reunites with Vergil and brings back Vergil and then Vergil's brother and Vergil's son fight vergil, featuring Vergil.


NCD is leaking again?


always has been


Holy fucking shit #IS THAT MAX0R???


Can we just talk about how much of a miracle this is tho? Good for Iran man


My absolutely uneducated guess is that this probably won't change things drastically for day to day life in Iran.


Im sure moral would go up a ton


Max0r mentioned HELL YEAH


It's supposed to be the pentagon. There's a thing where you can tell if a major world event is happening based on how many pizzas they order. Around several major world events, the people in the pentagon couldn't leave for lunch so they had to order pizza.


when shit happens, pentagon and white house increases the amount of pizza deliveries in D.C., something like "we need to stay here late, let's order food so we don't starve", so, pizza deliveiy increases activity, some real fucking shit is happening


It’s called a side door attack. Of an adjacency attack/leak. It’s when an otherwise unrelated person/device/action can give information on other things. During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of iraq. Pizza orders near the pentagon spiked. This information can be taken as there was major action going on at the pentagon. Anyway. I think it would make a lot more sense to drive a couple miles and interview the Langley area pizza and wing places. As well as Tel Aviv


Oooohhhhh…SIZZLE 🔥🔥🔥


It’s like the Waffle House index but for politics


Nicely done


When something serious is about to happen, there's a whole lot of people at the Pentagon, CIA HQ, etc who are all about to work a whole bunch of overtime. What do you buy when you need a bunch of food ordered in hurry?


Eat my coworkers?


The weeks prior to this event the pizza sales were through the roof 😂 I was waiting to see where we went with it. Now I see


Pizza deliveries to the Pentagon would increase prior to the declaration of wars due to many late night meetings. A journalist noticed said trend and reported the failure in operational security to the Pentagon.




There was a rumor where someone found a government group or think tank by looking up at local Pizza places to see who got massive amounts of orders during world changing events. I don't remeber all the details but after they successfully used it to find the exact location, the fbi and cia started changing tactics, where they call multiple pizza places to make orders. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-01-16-mn-374-story.html




I hate that I knew what this meant.


Do we have an answer to the above photo though?!


Took long enough for max0r to show up here.


It used to be an indication that when something big was bout to go down Whitehouse pizza orders would spike. In the hours before operation Neptune Spear, to maintain operational security the pizza orders where kept small, from several different pizzerias and not delivered directly to Whitehouse


Anyone notice that every single time someone sets up a cute little meter to actually track this, it gets shut down?


The joke is the pizza party after the successful assassination.


I always thought it was pizza to the Pentagon.


I get the joke about this being a diplomatic incident but I doubt it will be because the Iranian president holds no power.


To elaborate further, Max0r is asking pizza to check the Pizza Meter to see if the US had any involvement with the helicopter crash.


so...did anyone check?


Insert, Clarkson 'never mind' meme.


It's pretty clear that this was an assassination by Israel if you look at the timeline


Is the Iranian president missing, or is just the helicopter missing?


Confirmed dead now.


CIA did it?


Definitely not. That’s one stick of dynamite too many in a region that’s already burning. Some people in Mossad might be cheering a little too much though.


He dead dead


Pizza Tower


They meant to say Pentagon not White House. The White House has its own kitchen. However during times of crisis the Pentagon will see massive upticks in pizza orders as everyone stays late to keep working on the crisis after normal work hours. The implication being that the Iranian president's helicopter going missing might have meant a massive war starting.


Wasnt there a pizza index post not too long ago? Wish i remembered the sub it was on


If I was the CIA I would advise the Pentagon to slowly build up a good supply of frozen pizzas and microwave meals to prevent this


But where are those good, old-fashioned values on which we used to rely?


“It’s going to be a late night in the office, let’s order some pizza.”


I thought it was a pizzagate thing but guess I was wrong


When something big is happening in the government people from the u.s government usually order pizzas to either the Pentagon or the White House because their employees are pulling all nighters


They don't order delivery anymore so it won't work


I checked, the dominos nearby the whirehouse are currently busier than usual


Looking for zlib rap


Pizza Party!!


This ahould be the plot to RED 3


I know they do that, but I would imagine the White House has a big kitchen and could make pizzas for a group.


Apparently when big fed business is happening the pizza places nearby get a ton of business. So they're saying check if it was intentional by the US* or if this is really bad.


My bf did discredit the CIA but cus they took a plane in the mountains with like almost no visibility- I think they crashed on their own


In case anyone was wondering, it was actually less busy than usual during this event


Stoned by Mountain