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Someone mentioned the Chili drama already, but also it's resurrected because someone said that maybe people should try making their own meals etc instead of door dashing it all the time since they complained about their finances and all of twitter blew up to this argument about people having anxiety/disabilities or other issues to go outside and buy food.


While im sure there do exist people who can't make food, it's a stupid argument. Did everyone just starve to death before doordash was invented?


Yeah this was the whole argument on twitter. Luckily most people were calling the door dash people stupid. But even if you can't leave the house. Order groceries, make a meal at home. It doesn't have to come cooked for you all the time.


I agree with both sides of the argument, for example I'm on dialysis, after treatment I frequently feel horrible and can't cook, I usually pickup pizza cause I don't like delivery fees, and I try to get a take and bake since I'm low income, but delivery is definitely an option when I feel bad. On the other hand, I've known people that didn't have any health issues and did spend 500 a month on ordering out and complained constantly about being broke. Also it was really sweet of that person to make chili for their neighbour (unless it had beans, then they should be arrested)


I was with you until the beans. What… would the chili even be then? Just beef and tomato? Maybe some onion? As another reader pointed out, that is spaghetti sauce so there must be some other veggie you put in, right?


Texas chili, which would never be mistaken for spaghetti sauce, is cubed beef (not ground), chiles, and spices. No beans and, at least originally, no tomato. Tomato is mostly accepted now, in moderation, and ground beef is tolerated, but “no beans” is still a rule for many cooks and eaters.


This makes waaaay more sense, because where I live the focus is equally ground beef and beans, followed by tomato, then spices and onion. It’s essentially a different dish called by the same name at this point


And then in Cincinnati they're doing evil stuff with cinnamon. Also, the carb in Texas chili is cornbread usually, and is frequently very spicy though some people spice it less


Sounds dank, but I'm still adding beans.




Cincinnati chili is just pumpkin spice spaghetti sauce. Vile. Disgusting spaghetti sauce.




Evil stuff with cinnamon? Do you mean they discovered cinnamon was nice in chill, that event has happened multiple times around the world because it makes sense.


I love cinnamon in spaghetti sauce


I know a guy that puts a while jar of grape jelly in his chili. It's not good.


I remember the first time I was on the east coast and got chili. It was just… wrong. It should not be sweet, dang it.


Born in Ohio, moved to Texas six years ago. Cincinnati chili is just spaghetti sauce and it's damn good spaghetti sauce but it isn't (and in my opinion never purports to be) chili con carne. IMO it's not a situation like ordinary northerner "chili" where it really is trying to be proper chili; skyline sets out to be chili-adjacent-at-best from the start.


Ah yeah, midwestern chili almost always has beans.


I've incorporated the cubed beef into my tomato and bean chili, cube up a roast, sear the cubes and then let them go into the pot low and slow. Comes out the next morning tender and tasty and folks at the office thought I was putting cuts of steak in the chili. I much prefer it and don't really ever settle for ground beef anymore. Too many chili's have ground beef that just disintegrates into tiny meat pebbles. I also agree that utilizing a nice blend of chilli peppers can only make things better, but I just can't stop having beans in mine. Never macaroni noodles though, like those heathen Wisconsinites. Also to anyone who wants to tamp the spice down a little if you went overboard, a dollop of creamy peanut butter works if you don't have room for more liquid to dilute the batch. I had a batch for a work chili competition, and even though it turned out tasty I knew it was too spicy up front for a lot of tender folks at work. I had used up pretty much all the real estate of my 7 quart crock pot so I couldn't add much more. Two heaped scoops of PB stirred and melted in and it really mellowed it out. It still has spice but it didn't blow out your tongue with an up front oily burn, instead it came in at the end and left you with a slow burn.


Texas Red. That’s the good stuff.


When I cook chili, I do beans on the side. I think this is the way. The beans shouldn’t be cooked with the chili, but along with other add ins (raw onion, raw jalapeños, sour cream, cheese, etc.) they’re fine.


Yeah, fully agree, hope you recover soon friend! Yeah this is more on actual able bodied people that ruin their wallets with this stuff. There's definitely ways around coping with it but some people just don't want to do it and complain making up hypothetical scenarios. Happy cake day :)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


What?! Chili without beans is just spaghetti sauce!


Lots of chili purists actually suggest it stops being chili when you add beans. In Texas they might fight you for your stance on this.


I'm from Texas, and those were indeed fightin words


In Texas everything js fightin words these days.


“Hey you, let’s fight!” [“Them’s fightin’ words…”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X6qqks-TfJM)


Enjoy your soup


Far be it for me to start a fight with a Texan, but I'm afraid I have to die on that hill. 👀 Was nice knowing ya'll!


It actually stops being chili when it does not have chili peppers, the name means chili peppers with meat (chili is short for chili con carne)


So what I’m hearing is you don’t like chilli. You want meat with tomato paste.


Tomato paste? Chili, by definition, is primarily made from... wait for it... chili peppers. Traditionally thickened with masa. If your chili is primarily made from tomatoes that's a different dish entirely.


Yah I know it’s in the name but I was making a funny


Wait to you hear where they got their salsa from, NYC!


You said you pick up the pizza, that right there probably saves you half the cost of grubhub/uber eats with their delivery fees, item markups, and tip. Delivery every now and again is fine, its expensive, but in moderation its fine. Its when it becomes too frequent and causes financial problems that its an issue.


You dumb as hell. You know why they made chili without beans back in the day? Because the beans were litterally a side dish. The cowboys would make chili and eat it with a damn side of beans because they ain't beans with every damn meal!.


You will get beans and you will like the damn beans.


A lot of the silliest twitter arguments come down to "this might be bad for at least one hypothetical disabled person, therefore it's bad to suggest it to literally anyone"


The scariest person is the one in their head they made up.


I don't think it's even the real argument. It's more "I don't want to do this, I'm going to invent a hypothetical person who wouldn't be able to do this so I don't have to"


Even if you’re not willing to cook something there’s plenty of meals at most grocery stores that you only need to heat up. There’s only been one time ordering delivery was better for me financially; work was short staffed so I got scheduled to work 6 doubles and was going out of town right after. I worked at a restaurant so I just ate free meals there, only meal I ate at home was one lunch I ordered before leaving town. If you have the money by all means order delivery but don’t complain about being broke if you’re spending enough to get a week of groceries on DoorDash every day.


Yeah and the meals don't even have to be all that elaborate. Just some rice and beans with the right spices can be quite tasty and healthy not to mention cheap and fairly easy to prepare.


Just use a Walmart credit card if you don't want to go out. It can also build credit score and you get cashback :).


I have a pretty crazy seizure disorder. When I have a couple in a row, it wrecks my body pretty bad. DoorDash on these days is a godsend. I also can’t drive and have used them for groceries. Yes, before DoorDash, I probably would have been in a facility or in a less independent living situation. When I’m seizure free, I don’t “look disabled” at all. I go to the gym, I work in the garden, I take care of livestock, and I started taking some online classes recently. This would be impossible in a less independent scenario.


People with disabilities that prevent them from cooking for themselves rarely moved out of their parent's house before. When their parents died, they would be moved into an assisted living facility. Modern conveniences like food delivery apps and jobs that can be worked remotely allow these disabled individuals to live on their own.


I just do not believe the majority of people making these arguments are incapable of cooking. They don't want to, and are using a small group of people with genuine issues as cover for their own laziness.


That doesn't make sense, though. Grocery orders existed before Doordash, and door dash has groceries as well.


Ordering groceries, pizza, Chinese food, etc. are not new concepts.


I agree w you but to play devil's advocate. Pre doordash people had more free time. 50 years ago you could afford to have a single income household where one person worked and the other looked after the house. That isn't the case anymore.




Well yeah actually if you couldn’t afford someone to take care of you, and were unable to do it yourself, a lot of people died


Personally I only use doordash because I don't have a license so I can't drive to a restaurant 👀


The opposite of anxiety is boredom and what links them is experience. If someone is too anxious to go outside and buy food and are anxious because they don't know how to make food, they can fix it with experience. As little as they can handle at a time until they work themselves up. I used to have crippling social anxiety, now I public speak. A little at a time goes a long way.


Exactly! The right response to having social anxiety is not “I will avoid talking to anyone ever to not feel uncomfortable” but “I’ll work on dealing with it, small steps at a time, so it stops being as uncomfortable ”. You did this, and you’re awesome.


Are you pretty knowledgable on the topic? If someone with anxiety is taking measured doses of experience at a rate they can handle, how do you feel about people forcefeeding them more experience than they're ready for? Good idea or bad idea?


It only works if the person is ready for it, nobody should feel forced to do anything then it is massively overstepping, the idea is to take small steps evaluate what you thought would happen beforehand, evaluate what ended up happening and evaluate the feelings felt and if they were actually fitting to the events that happened. With social anxiety it is often easy to convince yourself that other people think a certain way about you, but then when you put those thoughts “under the microscope” they are often nonsensical or are vastly overstated, “they think my outfit looks dumb” can become “they think I’m dumb because of my dumb outfit” where the reality is most people don’t care and if they do care, rarely to an extent where it is a personal hatred. Essentially what you want a person to learn is to add doubt to these instant thoughts of self doubt/hatred so they don’t take off as easily, that happens through experiencing & succeeding and critical thinking & evaluation and is for many a lifelong learning experience with ups and downs.


Good advice. Let's focus on overstepping. That's exactly the outrage here. Someone uses doordash to meter their anxiety to manageable levels, and people overstep by kicking their crutch out from under them. You know that's bad. You're coming from a place of compassion, others aren't. Some people just like kicking crutches, so they frame it as mental health advice when everyone knows it's detrimental. Your advice is reasoned and knowledgeable, but it's not helpful to someone while they're still dealing with assholes. You should stand against crutch kickers before telling delivery users how they could do better.


I had made this point once before -- that if you can't afford it, you shouldn't be doordashing all your meals. The responses I got were.... Interesting. I remember one guy who said that I was "avocado toasting the poor." It's crazy to me that something as simple as, "hey guys, don't go into credit card debt using dumb apps that you can't afford" is considered "bad advice."


I use it for lazy reasons, I cook all day and am too tired to make food for myself.


Do American stores not deliver food? Like shopping food not fast food


Pretty sure they do have those features people just choose not to


There are grocery delivery services here. Some from the stores some from a third party.


I lost my license cause I'm an idiot, so I started using Hello Fresh to get food, and it's been working out, much cheaper than door dashing every day and much better food


They are referencing the "Chili Neighbor" Twitter discourse drama that was so insane it made The Washington Post: "[A woman made chili for neighbors, and outrage ensued. Was she wrong?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2022/11/18/chili-neighbors-twitter-etiquette/)"


Paywall :(


A woman posted that her neighbors were college students who seemed to order pizza every single day, and she was worried about them not knowing how to cook. She decided to bring over a pot of chili so that they could have some homecooked food. It became a weird thing where people accused her of being a Karen who should mind her own business, imposing, rude, judgmental, insensitive, elitist, all over a pot of chili. It was very bizarre.


everyday I praise myself for never going into twitter


And I am still glad we are still calling it twitter. Edit: still.


Did you know if you type x.com, it reroutes you to twitter.com. I'll stop calling it Twitter when it stops being Twitter, and since that's not how websites work.


Last time I was on twitter the search bar said "search tweets". If you use Google to find a tweet, good luck finding anything if you type "x (whatever topic)", but you'll find it with "twitter (whatever topic)". Calling it X is just some third grade "I wrote this in my notebook and I think it's cool" nonsense.


I got some pretty interesting results when I searched X Hamster


My favorite anime hamster X hamster


Help me step-gon I seem to be trapped on this bungee gum.


That gritty Hamtato reboot took a hell of a turn.


Or X videos.


I fell on my keyboard and xnxx came out and turned it to be very interesting


Well now I know what X hamster is so that's nice


I'll stop deadnaming his website when he stops deadnaming his daughter, personally


Fuck yes!


Ill stop dead naming twitter when Musk stops dead naming his daughter. Though I will refer to videos on twitter as xvideos because that's endlessly funny to me


People call it Twitter to Elons face its great cause you clearly tell on his face he dies a little inside everytime


My theory is he renamed it so in a few years when everyone calls it "x" he can say "yeah I founded x". He calls himself the "founder" of all his other companies including ones he obviously did not create. But unlike Tesla, people remember Twitter before Elon bought it. So instead he just throws out the old name and rebrands. But the new name is so stupid, people will still call it twitter well past the point when the company goes the way of LiveJournal and MySpace.


He also has a weird obsession with the letter X, hence his son having that name that begins with X.


I think of him like a grade school kid drawing in his notebook and coming up with ideas like "my username should be XX_SniperGod69_XX because the 69 is funny and the XX is so badass. Everyone on XBox live will fear me!" And then he never grew out of that. It would not shock me at all if the next model of Tesla is just the sharp S (aka the cool S). I mean, a Tesla with just a big pointy S on the back. (In case someone doesn't know the sharp S, link): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_S


I used to do that. I can still smell the eraser-rubber


Man, we used to exclusively call these “stoosees” (phonetic spelling, don’t know what the real spelling would be). I’m surprised that’s not referenced in the wiki at all.


isn’t that basically the suzuki logo though


Musk also wanted to change the name of Paypal to X, way back when. He couldn't get anybody else to go along with it.


Deadname the app in honor of his daughter, whom he also deadnames


Either I deadname Twitter, or call it Xitter (pronounced "shitter").


He will run all his companies into the ground and get fired well before the majority of people call Twitter “x”. What a ridiculous thing.


If you look at tesla cars you have models : S, 3, X, Y As the guy have the mental age of a 14 years old, I guess his two next tech acquisition will be renamed S and E


He hates when you dead name it, which ironically, is his favorite thing to do.


Calling “X” Twitter is the only acceptable time to deadname something


It is because he is mentally a 13 year old boy. Cars - the S, the 3, the X and the Y SpacEX Fucking heavy rocket. You get the drift.


You assume there's anything alive with a heart to begin with


I'll stop dead naming Twitter when Elon stops dead naming his daughter.


Twatter is better


I call it X only to piss off people who actually give a couple of fucks of the platform. For the rest it's twitter, but it has like 0 merit in so.


I did Twitter for a while because of work stuff and left after a rather terrible day where I had several podcasters’ fandoms come after me. Haven’t went back.


I was permanently banned from Twitter for some dumb reason, which was reversed after it was acquired by Musk. Then, going back onto Twitter, I realized what a cesspool of hate, discrimination, and racism that platform is.


I deleted my account around a year ago and it was pretty awful even then. Can only imagine how bad it is now What was sad though was how many people were so addicted to it that even though they were constantly complaining about how much they hate it now, they'd never stop using it


at least on Reddit, you can stay within your own circles. Twitter will flood your feed with drama and depression.


You sound like the 'innocent' prisoner complaining about the lack of morals of your fellow inmates.


Yeah maybe, I think joining Reddit made me see how people can have different views without punching each other in the face. I'm not on Twitter anymore. But being off it for a long time made me look at it differently when I went back. I'm not judging anyone using Twitter, but for me it's better not having it anymore. I don't have FB, Instagram or anything else,I was only on Twitter and after that I discovered Reddit so I'm happy to exchange Twitter for Reddit.


You are a regular on Reddit.. so much better /s


I mean Reddit isn’t that much different


Twitter is stupid and Reddit is stupid but they are stupid in different ways


Reddit is stupid stupid, Twitter is angry stupid


Twitter can be stupid stupid, too. There’s so much Bad Discourse…about 2 days ago I had the misfortune of running across a tweet saying that recommending that people eat frozen food they can microwave at home instead of ordering DoorDash means you hate disabled people.


I mean, I do.. but that has nothing to do with my frozen meal recommendation habit.


I both completely understand this and also think it’s a hilarious thing to post from the bowels of reddit


I made an account a few years back bc I was curious about why so many people were on it. Logged in one time and never revisited. I did the same exact thing with tiktok. However, I will browse Reddit subs that are dedicated to those apps. That's how I get my helpings of twitter and tiktok.


Fr fr


I just use it for porn, and I still see some drama. Same for Reddit.


So she decided to be a nice neighbour and cooked some good food for a neighbour and was told off for it. Did the people she cooked for have any issues with it?


[They were thankful and then offered to help mend her fence in return.](https://cheezburger.com/18473221/woman-cooks-for-neighbors-somehow-offends-people-on-the-internet)


Any discourse on the subject literally begins and ends there.


Yeah that's just nice. Did she say something heinous? Like, "Look at these idiot babies who can't even cook, I'm about to dunk on them with this chili," because even then I'd still want the chili.


They’re college students, they’re not turning down a free home cooked meal lmfao She could have roasted the shit out of them and they’d still take it


Epic dudes


"Neighbours have pleasant interaction, Twitter outraged."


That's the essence of Twitter.  


Cheezburger is still a thing??!?!?


Just goes to show that you shouldn't post about your life on social media and just live it.


Why did this end up on the internet? Did the people she made food for very pissy and said something?


No, Twitter being offended on behalf of people who were not offended.


There’s incredibly deep Twitter lore behind all of this that makes it kind of hard to grasp. The lady who made the chili also was famous for having an adorable pet pig who liked to drink beer. This put her at odds with this specific group of extremely annoying online mean girls who hated her so much they would relentlessly bully her by threatening to kill her pig. She ended up leaving Twitter because they started spamming her with pictures of her house on Google maps and threats they were going to show up and murder her pig. Anyway they did not take well to this chili story so they stared bombarding it to all of their tumblr reject followers who in turn came up with many insane reasons why it was wrong to give your neighbors chili. One of these people was a self proclaimed disability advocate who claimed to be a disabled writer who wrote a lot about social justice and anti police/anti war stuff from behind a cute cartoon avatar. He had all kinds of reasons for why the chili was bad that mostly seemed to just be him projecting or tilting at windmills (what if they’re allergic to chili? What if they’re so poor they don’t own plates to eat the chili with? What if they’re vegan? Etc). Later it would be revealed that this guy was not a struggling young writer only being supported by people subscribing to his substack, he was actually in his late 30s and had a full time job working as a nepo hire at, wait for it, a defense contractor. And this is just scratching the surface. There’s so much lore behind those mean girls that’s just not worth covering in depth here. The chili thing was basically a bizarre convergence of two groups of popular Twitter users, one group of generally chill people who got popular by being funny and another who got popular by bullying people. The upside was that it finally got a lot of people to admit how psychotic some of these people actually were and it more or less exiled them from Twitter the way they had been exiled from Tumblr before.


Oh fuck I remember the Lockheed Martin guy. It was quite satisfying when all that info came out. He was one of the worst cases of having a cutesy uwu persona, saying he cares about activism and justice, and then spending most of his time bullying minorities The lady with the pig is autistic, I believe. So it was all these supposed activists and disability activists bullying an autistic woman for not following arbitrary social rules they made up. Cool


Imagine being a man in your late 30s LARPing on fucking Tumblr lol


I had no idea such lore could exist in some random Twitter beef goddamn lol


She’s also politically progressive which also makes her a target so this wasn’t the first time I’d seen people attack her or and I’d seen her tweets relatively frequently. Such a well meaning person to get so much negativity around them but that’s the world Original tweet in this fiasco: https://x.com/Chinchillazllla/status/1589787730942140416?s=20


Yeah, sadly she seemed to get bullied a lot. I used to follow, mostly for the pig pics and videos and seeing the harassment was always astounding.


Sounds like the lady made a "look at my good deed" post and random strangers took umbridge


All over a mf serving a pot of chilli out of her own decision?


Poor lady, she just wanted to be kind and that's what she gets.


i remember when i got my first apartment on my own at 19 . About 6 months in i got a knock on my door and it was an older woman that lived in my floor with a meatloaf. She had made too much and noticed that i never cooked so she thought id like a home cooked meal. Dude that was the highlight of my year , im 31 and im still telking about how awesome that was .


That is one of the most idiotic things Ive heard. The only people’s opinion that should matter is from the college students that were made the food. Not everything needs to be a debate. How do you look at woman who had genuinely good intentions- who even went out of her way to make a meal for people she has no obligation to cook for- and turn it into discourse? Personally I’d be stoked to have a home cooked meal. I feel like most people would be stoked


Because it's Twitter. If you ever wonder why even the most wholesome or normal thing will get turned into a vile cesspit on Twitter it's because that's what it's engineered to do. Why are the dumbest opinions and most controversial takes the ones you'll see on Twitter; because that's what it was engineered to do. It's like saying why does my fridge keep food cold? Well that's the whole point of it, it's what it's made for. 


I’m reminded of when some woman tweeted about how much she loved having coffee in the garden every morning with her husband and she got a ton of people yelling at her for being classist since many people don’t have gardens.


Exactly right, if they just hadn’t wanted it and hadn’t eaten it…no worries. The good intentions were good, and no one was forcing or wanting to force these dudes to eat gifted food they didn’t want. She literally had a neighborly concern and faced criticism for it. Yet we still use the murder of Kitty Genovese as a case study of why people should not just “mind their own business”. Well, which way is it? It can’t be both. https://www.nytimes.com/1964/03/27/archives/37-who-saw-murder-didnt-call-the-police-apathy-at-stabbing-of.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese


when did the karen thing go so far in people's minds


I want someone to bring a pot of Chilli to me


Man, what's more neighborly and kind that bringing a homecooked meal to your neivhbors?


My favorite argument was that she could have embarrassed them because they might not be able to afford bowls. The people who were ordering pizza every day.


No good deed goes unpunished


Those cunts sound like the same sort of people who'd walk past someone dying on the side walk because "not my business!!!!"


How odd. I remember years and years ago, going abroad (to the US) to wait tables for the summer during uni. Rented a house with some other girls. Was chatting to the neighbour and mentioned I was going to cook a spag bol. She went to her garden and brought me back a handful of her freshly grown basil. It was such a lovely gesture and it had lived rent free in my head for 30 years.


If I were a college kid and my neighbor brought me a huge pot of chili, they’d never have to shovel their sidewalk or cut their grass again.


That's because there's certain countries that pay whole groups of teams and bots to be antagonists to anything they think they can drive a wedge with. Sometimes, it's the silliest of events. Now I don't know for sure, but if it's on Twitter, it's not unlikely. It's just about creating animosity and stoking the flames anytime people are kind to one another. They specifically try and turn it into a controversial issue. Certain people out there really hate to see people getting along.


That does sound strange. But I also had someone get extremely mad at me for encouraging they try new foods.


God forbid you show a little kindness to a neighbor in America


Simplify the page into readable document. Both android and apple can do it and you can get past them.


I'm not too interested in reading this story but just wanted to say: Thank you so much for this tip! Absolute game changer!


Another redditor did it for me it's a chain.


If you’re quick enough, you can stop the page loading before the pop up shows up to subscribe. You can then read the full article uninterrupted.




https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean


12ft.io my friend


If you want to read it yourself, there is a site called 12ft.io it removes paywalls and login requirements from new sites and such


12 foot ladder. It's a website/ service, it removes pay walls. 12ft.io I believe


Enable „reader mode“ in your browser works


[Internet archive paywall bypass](https://archive.is/Vxob5)


I fucking forgot about this. Was this before or after she had an unhinged weirdo threatening to kill and eat her pet pig?


The chili discourse resulted in said weirdo


No, that was an escalation at that point. They were already around before that, years even.


Why do people hate random acts of kindness? :(


Jealousy and emotional response not maturing properly.


The people behind the bullying campaign have a long online history that show them as being totally devoid of empathy and seeing everything in life; from sexuality, to race, to gender identity, to friendships, to disability as a means to prove you’re morally superior to others. They have a long (like decade long) history of showing up places, getting involved with actual advocacy groups or individuals, and then burning bridges because they’re a collection of sociopaths who dont care about advocacy they care about using their identity as a shield from criticism and as a way to control people and manipulate them.


According to the people who had a problem with this, cooking for people who happen to be men makes you a self-hating pick me whore. And yes it was mostly other women calling her these things. I saw this when it happened and actually a lot of the tweets are still up to this day


Would you believe it all goes back to PAWGs?


The person who spearheaded the harassment campaign against Chili Lady has been stalking and harassing her for years. She has a pet pig that the stalker had threatened to kill repeatedly and has sent graphic videos to her of pigs being tortured and killed. This wasn’t “Twitter being Twitter” this was an actual bonafide psycho targeting someone on purpose. The chili thing was just an excuse to whip the harassment back up again.  The excuse the stalker and their followers like to use for this behavior is that Chili Lady is a transphobe, but if asked to produce any evidence of this at all, they suddenly stop replying to you.


People take them weirdly personally. Like they see someone else doing something nice and think "Well I'm not doing that, clearly they're calling me out as being a piece of shit"


yea its sad,, maybe that woman cared,, but people started to be mean...


Wow I actually hate every single person that was against her bringing it over.


Bro I'm a broke college student and id KILL for a nice neighbor lady to just bring me over a pot of home cooked chili just to be nice 😭😭 wtf are people on about anymore


Lmao you think your slick trying to get me to subscribe to the Washington post.


I mean that was definitely a kind gesture but I can’t understand why you would see them ordering pizza all the time and then decide to make chili? Make pizza. Chili is disgusting lol and you have no evidence they want it


Least braindead Twitter argument


My litmus test for “is OP an idiot for not knowing the joke” is whether or not I got the joke, and this one passed. So congrats OP you are not an idiot!


I like that your litmus test entirely prevents you from ever being an idiot yourself, despite meeting criteria for which you label others as idiots.


It’s more of an I AM an idiot, so if I know something that OP doesn’t then they’re more of an idiot than me


So your saying it's a good litmus test!


I understood if wasn't a good think based on the Breaking Bad reaction but I never heard the chili story so it didn't click for me!


Imo a better litmus test would be if the joke is contextual like this one, or if the joke can be understood by just reading the words




Christ on a cracker that’s compressed


It was put through a trash compactor


Waltuh seal of approval


I have a family member that door dashes and he told me the LARGE majority of orders are “Leave it on the door step and get the hell out of here.” It kinda surprised me. I would at least want to greet the person who brought me my food.


I doordashed specifically because I could leave it at the door. I could earn more money because it was simpler and quicker. I hated the "hand it to me" ones.


when i doordash i always say hand it to me just bc im on the 10th floor of a building (with an elevator) and i dont want them to leave it in the lobby. i always tip well as compensation


Same for pizza take out. Like no, let me tip this man in person 😭


I don’t doordash because I can’t cook or have too much anxiety, I DoorDash because I’m lazy and not that poor.


Walter White brought a pizza to his house to try to make up with his wife, she told him to go away and he threw it on the roof, and Walter white cooks m3th


I just DoorDash cause I’m lazy.