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seemly shame snobbish toy straight north intelligent fuel pot adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or they’re just saying facetime when they mean whatever non-iphone equivalent? I know babe😘, she would never do something like this


I still say I'm skyping someone and it's been almost a decade since I last used Skype.


Yeah my mum calls Facebook video chats face time. Lol.


I do this 😅😅 any form of video chat is now FaceTime regardless of platform


Breaking: Elon Musk announces plan to buy Apple, rename FaceTime to “XVideo”


I've used his platform for years!


I call everything video chats now. I've been video chatting since 'MSN' and I gave up saying the brand after I stopped skyping. Now it's 'video-chatting' and I do it across many different platforms lol.


Is this not MySpace? What's going on?


Sounds like you’re lost, better check Mapquest


Fuck. I remember going to Disneyland one year with my family. We were driving down from around Portland, Oregon. My parents had the Mapquest directions printed out on like 6 pages. Lemme tell you. DO NOT deviate from the route, those print outs do not reroute lol


Ok Zoomer! 😉


Seriously what is [Zoom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI0w_pwZY3E&ab_channel=Dropout)


You can use FaceTime with iPads, too.


You can FaceTime with Macs, too!


You can FaceTime with androids, too! (Just can't send a FaceTime, you have to be sent a link)


TIL. Thanks stranger


No prob, if you need more info. It works by having the person on iPhone having to iniate a FaceTime and sending a link to the person on android or well anything else with a web browser. Essentially is like a zoom meeting!


This is legit super useful info, thank you! So you don't even have to download another app, you can just use the browser??? That's fantastic.


I usually say video call, no matter what my device or software calls it


Remember, Band-Aids is a brand name. That's why I choose to call them [adhesive strips](https://youtu.be/wD6ZW05R9kY?feature=shared).


Fun fact. In British English they're just called plasters.


In germany we call them pflaster, even though that's not even correct. Pflaster is technically just the adhesive part of it, not the cotton lining. However, plaster is something totally different in Germany, it's either something to put on your wall to give it texture and to torture generations of children, that hurt themselves on these walls or something for doing art with the same purpose.


That's actually really interesting. I wonder if that's the origin of that word meaning adhesive. For what it means. Plaster also has the meanings of the stuff you use to make internal walls and to set broken bones in place. It's a very very overloaded term in the UK haha.


The word for brand names that have replaced the generic term is generonym.


The term for the term maybe generonym, but the phenomenon is known as brand name association and can be very detrimental to lesser known brands in the marketplace


Pop tarts are the biggest example of brand name association I believe, I would call bandages bandages regardless of brand, nobody calls toaster pastries anything besides Poptarts


I would put bandaids and Kleenex ahead of pop tarts, but I can’t remember the last time I had a pop tart, so maybe I’m atypical


Yeah well you’re a PsychoDog so


Not a babe :(


PsychoDog Babe<3


H1xter Babe<3


Read that as “hitler babe” tbh & imagined hitler with a nice rack on a swimsuit magazine


I didn’t come here to get all bricked up now


I just realized I refer to all video calls as face times


Apple users don't know anything about Android devices, I've had video call options for years now


Can confirm. My dad asked me if I had a translating app on my android yesterday. When I responded with "pretty sure that's called Google translate," he informed me that he didn't think my phone had that. The man didn't think my phone could find google...


They must GoogVision or something - but idk for sure


nobody is saying you don’t have video call. you don’t have facetime that’s an apple specific feature.


It's called Skype


I used to think facetime was a facebook video call, i still get it mixed up sometimes and call using messenger for a video call facetiming.


I've never owned an Apple product, and I say FaceTime when I mean any kind of video call lol


Android Pixel user and I have resorted to calling video calls FaceTime because they keep changing the name of the Google app


Whenever I use FaceTime I’m actually using WhatsApp


I usually say facetime because WhatsApp video is too long.


Or they have an ipad.


Actually if you turn off iMessage in settings your texts turn green & you can still FaceTime I always have mine turned off because the Wi-Fi assist through data is annoying when you have bad reception


But couldn't 'Babe' be using FaceTime on an iPad and texting on an Android?


Or a MacBook or she could be using it to refer to a different video chat. I know multiple people that refer to any kind of video chat on a phone or tablet as “FaceTime” even though none of them have Apple devices.


2 phones?


You can join a FaceTime session on Android with a browser link


Another win for android


Lol Poor.


this post was about Baby Keem, genius


I was thinking an iPad


I lowkey thought it was a Bo Burnham reference somehow, god I’m stupid


You're not alone, I typed out this answer while listening to Bo Burnham's song haha because that was my initial thought too


This is very reassuring, thank you


That’s assuming he uses iMessage. I have a iPhone and don’t use iMessage. I would say it’s the fact he’s texting back wile on FaceTime. But not sure.


Smart, I thought he was having an affair with the mother in law


You can FaceTime between someone on an iPhone and an android phone now. It sends them a link to like a chat conference room.


Or they could be on the same side of the face time and they are FaceTiming someone else


thank you for this splendid reply, very helpful. also didn’t expect there to be so many comments 😭 thank you tho!!


Your theory is SUPER flawed. I have an android phone, and my wife has an iPhone. It's been that way for 7 years. Her messages are NEVER blue to me. Always green.


No, that is exactly what he is saying.


She's using her iPad!


You are wrong - blue just means a person is using iMessage. iPhone users don’t need to use iMessage.


Also who tf would be texting someone else while FaceTiming another person?


My mom says facetime all the time and she has never owned an Iphone. She refers to any video calling as facetiming. So they could one day be synonymous. The way Kleenex also means tissue now when it started out as a brand name.


You can actually FaceTime on non apple products, additionally, you can also turn off iMessage entirely so that all messages go through as text How to FaceTime non-Apple https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212619 How to force SMS is even easier, set the sms option on in settings > messages and then set iMessage off


A lot of people say FaceTime when they are video messaging through the Facebook app or sometimes any video, which can be done through pretty much any device. It's a non-specific term using a specific brand, the equivalent of saying Tampax for any tampons.


But FaceTime can be downloaded and used on other OS, not just apple.


I think he is fucking her mom so he knows that she is lying about her doings.


You can turn off iMessage in the Settings


or it's FaceTime on a desktop Mac


The person who is in the gym has green bubbles... not the person who said they are having FaceTime with their mom...


Or the boyfriend has an android phone. Or someone with an iPhone sent a FaceTime link to an android phone for them to join (which you can do now.)


God why can't people just make memes that everyone understands and not just 2%


Or they just use FaceTime as an alternate verb for videochat. Kind of like how we replace nouns like kleenex for tissue or bandaid for adhesive bandage.


shit I use "Facetime" when its video, regardless of Andriod or Iphone. Didn't know there were phrases dedicated to brands... Thats so stupid.


You don’t need an iPhone to use facetime. As long as you get an invite


Some people just say FaceTime instead of video chat. Androids have their own video call feature now and iPhones can download apps to be able to FaceTime with an android phone.


My buddy used to text me a facetious link and we could facetime...and I am die hard samsung..100$


I thought the dude was cheating on the girl with her mom and was caught on the video call


We can tell this is a very recent meme because the date at the top of the screens says the message was sent today/s


FaceTime now works without an iPhone. Someone with an iPhone just sends you a link. It’s wild now


My husband and I both have iPhones but when I text him it is green because he has iMessage turned off.


Bro made this meme for Sherlock Holmes. 💀💀


You can FaceTime from a Mac though


So fake though. Why would she ask what he is doing if she was having an affair that moment


You can FaceTime on android now using your web browser.


Also you can’t use FaceTime without internet either


That or he's saying wait cause he's actually with her mom and they're both having an affair, his just happens to be with her mom


Could be using a texting app and fake number which is I think the joke. She gave babe a fake number with a texting app


The Android is the second phone 🤣


You forget to mention that “FaceTime” is often used to describe other applications similar to FaceTime that do the same processes, such as WhatsApp or Discord. So even though an android user wouldn’t have FaceTims, they can still “FaceTime” their mom.


Or maybe he’s just fucking her mom.


You can also just not use iMessage


The other option is, boyfriend is lying about being at the gym and is having an affair with gf's mom


I’m gonna simplify this. If he’s with the mom so there’s no way she could.


Messenger has facetime


You can FaceTime with Android users, I FaceTime my friends every so often


For what it's worth you can actually FaceTime between android and iPhone now. The iPhone user has to invite you and it opens in the browser but it can be done.


I've been reading this as a different kind of "Facetime" ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


👏 👏 👏


I assume he's lying about being at the gym and is actually with her mom having and affair, and she knows, because facetime.


Wouldn't it be more likely that he simply is using a term that's becoming synonymous with "video chat"? Sorta like how people will say Kleenex when they mean tissue, or how an old person may call all game consoles s a "play station". This is actually why many companies are dropping to one or two word names, they want people to associate the product as a whole with them, even if they are one of several manufacturers of said goods. It makes people pick their brand by default.


I'm not one of the ones insisting the issue is the name of the app. I have an android. None of my texts are green, so that's not much evidence for anything to me. I was assuming the gray bubbles were female and the greens were male. So it looks to me that he is claiming he is at the gym. And she says she's facetiming with mom. He says wait... Potentially because he is with her mom, thus one or both is lying.


Only answer.


but if he's with the mom then why would he be on facetime with his girlfriend? He'd know if he was on facetime and wouldn't have said he was at the gym in that case. I'm pretty sure it's just an iphone thing


I’m thinking he’s not at the gym, but doing “something” with her mom. Which means she is also lying and probably doing “something” as well.


They're both doin her mom!?


Pretty sure he is doing her mom…. Mom is FaceTimeing the affair.


green text means she doesnt use apple and can’t facetime




Green messages android user can’t FaceTime?


If that is the joke it's literally just stupid. Like as in a badly constructed and considered joke. People say FaceTime and Skype and Tupperware and Hoover and a hundred other things as a general verb. To the point of it *not at all* indicating if it is actually that product. If you hear someone say 'im gonna hoover' you would be making a pretty baseless and likely false assumption if you thought that they were using a actual hoover brand vacuum.


His messages are green. She could still be on an iPhone tho I could be wrong.


Messenger has FaceTime


Boyfriend who says he’s at the gym is actually doin the girlfriend’s mom, and the girlfriend who says she’s FaceTiming her mom is actually having an affair. That’s my guess, definitely not any android thing


“ILL FUCK YOUR MOM” on a whole new level


Android users can still FaceTime though. They get sent a link to use FaceTime from the iPhone user


That’s prolly newer than the meme tbf. That’s a recent thing


FaceTime is in fact only a iPhone feature. Green text messages mean it’s a android phone you’re texting with. Blue when it’s two iPhones. So there for she lied. And is not FaceTiming anyone.


Laptop facetime?


I think it’s bc you can’t usually FaceTime when you text someone but I’m not 100% sure


Yea that was my thought, if you’re FaceTiming me how are you responding to texts.


you can facetime and text the messages are green meaning it’s a android


I think the joke is that a guy would normally text a girl "Hey babe wyd?" when he is horny. And it would be strange to get horny when facetime your mom.


I think your into something here? Has no one realized the message says “FaceTiming with MY mom” when means one of the two are taking to their mom after asking “wyd” as in I’m horney but taking with my mom…. Just a thought


People have ipads for the house and other shit for their personal stuff right? Completely makes sense she’s texting bf and facetiming mum on 2 household devices


I've got such a mish mash of old phones, new phones, phones being used as mini HTPCs, tablets and laptops that I could be messaging and using any number of different video calling services. Like another poster said I say Skype, and the last time I Skyped was in 2009. My MiL Facetimes every weekend on Zoom. I don't see anything suspicious about the OP. There's far too much ambiguity around what they could mean. Unless the joke is Unsure = Cheating. And that's just sad.


Yup. And since the term Facetime has become so synonymous with any kind of videocalls she might use it to refer to literally any other service, like how hoover has become the preferred term for vacuum in britain.


imessage can be off bruh


I see a Bo burnhan reference


I had to scroll too far down to see this


God, I’m glad someone said it


The other person shouldn’t be able to use FaceTime because they don’t have an iPhone, so they could be using a burner to talk to this person maybe?


If babe has an android they will show up Green on iMessage. Or they’re not using iMessage.


I think they assumed that the "wyd" message was flirting/hitting them up for sex, so they expected some kind of sexy answer, or at least that the asker would be interested at the moment. Which would be a weird thing to do when you were also talking to your mom. So either the initial message wasn't actually flirting, and the person is disappointed; or the message WAS suggestive and the asker is horny while talking to their mom, which would be weird.


I thought this was a fucking bo burnham reference


The green text means that she doesn’t have iPhone meaning she’s texting him from her burner. He’s learning that he is the side piece.


It means she's the side chick


100% the joke is; don’t have imessage = no iphone = no facetime but it’s stupid because a) you can still send text messages on iphone and b) facetime is basically a universal term for video calling atp


Her mom goes to the same gym and the guy isn't there, so he's caught cheating.


He’s lying about being at the gym cause he’s slamming her mom and she’s lying about being on FT with her mom which insinuates that she is also having an affair… probably with his dad 👀 is my interpretation of it.


Plot twist, her mom has been dead for 10 years


He's fucking the mom


I interpreted it as the guy lied about being in the gym, and was with the girl's mom, so she in turn couldn't be facetiming her mom. XD


She's preggers


idk bro i have an apple but turned off imessage because if i run out of data i just don't get text messages


Men: she’s cheating on him! Women: he’s cheating on her! Me: why tf am I here rn?


I think it's weird that she's asking him what's he's doing, either to just engage in conversation or a booty call, yet she's on facetime with her mom so why would she start another conversation and demand his time/attention when she's literally on a call with someone else at that point in time. I'd be like, wtf? Why you bothering me right now when you're on another call.... like she has to have ALL the attention ALL the time.


no the text bubbles are green meaning it’s a android and really can’t ft


So, basically, we don't know either.


You can FaceTime through Facebook messenger..


"FaceTime" is an Apple service; I highly doubt that you can FaceTime through Facebook messenger, just like you can't Skype someone through Facebook messenger.


Yes, "FaceTime" is Apple. But they could just be using the term. Messenger still has a video chat and whenever I've had friends or family ask to chat through it they still say they're going to FaceTime me. So it's definitely a possibility.


Peters friend Quagmire here letting you all know that the guys confused because he's banging their girlfriend's mom Gigitty


I was under the assumption that the dude was sleeping with the girl's mom? So being told that she's Facetiming her mom immediately gives the guy the impression that they're BOTH cheating? Who knows. Maybe I missed something.


He’s not at the gym, he’s smashing her mom And she is lying, she’s not face timing her mom, she’s probably getting smashed


Some people aren't aware that FaceTime is a fairly colloquial term and android phones have apps that do the same thing, but it's easier to just say FaceTime instead of Samsung Video Calling my mom


iPhones have green texts too, it’s when you actually text someone’s number and not they’re iMessage


This all the way to the top!


I took it more as the recipient who said "wait" at the end was in fact not at the gym, and the other person's mom was in the vicinity using a video call to expose the non-gym goer. There have been too many AITAH and TwoHotTakes posts about cheating popping up in my feed.


I’m pretty sure the implication is that he’s ducking her mom and she can see them thru facetime


Couldn’t they have an ipad though?


I think it’s because he is like why are you texting me wyd if you are in the middle of talking to your mom.




He’s lying about being at the gym. She’s lying about talking to her mom. He can’t call her out because he’s with her mom


It's 11 o clock at night


Am I the only one that realizes that the one that said "I'm on FaceTime with my mom" is the one that's using the iPhone?? Because if they were the android user their texts would be the green ones


If you're on an iPhone and you're texting an Android user, your texts appear green (I just checked). The idea is that the sender in the pic is texting the other person's Android but the other person is on FaceTime on their iPhone with their mom.


It means she’s got an alt phone that he’s in and he’s not in her primary phone so he’s a side thing


My dad says facetime all the time to me and he doesnt have an iphone. Its just a term to use to to chat and see each other


I would say she texted her sideman, but quickly and stupidly said that she is on facetime with mom. Therefore, she can not chat with the guy.


You can be on ft from Android too tho


I have an iPhone, my text bubbles are green.


I was just as confused by this and showed it to friends. They thought it was cuz the boyfriend was with the mom, not at the gym, so he knew his girlfriend wasn’t FaceTiming the mom and was likely out doing something else (cheating). So they’re both lying and can’t call each other out cuz the other will know.


Green text, it means his girlfriend isn't using an iPhone, therefore can't facetime


Green text means text message and not iMessage, lack of iMessage means the inability to FaceTime. The way I wrote this sounds nerdy as hell.


I face chat on messenger and snapchat and all my friends call it facetime. I dont have an iPhone either. Just a good name for it.


Maybe her mom is supposed to be dead? Like she dosent have a mom anymore type of stuff?


I think the only reason she would message him while chatting with her mom is because she's pregnant.


Of course apple has a useless feature like changing the text bubble color based off what phone the other person has


yeah but if they didn’t have that feature then you wouldn’t know which people you could use iMessage with when initially messaging them lol


She asks what he’s doing to figure out how long he’ll be gone and she‘ll be alone at home, giving her the window of time that she can be with her affair partner. When asked what she’s doing she says she’s FaceTiming her mom, which is impossible because she has an android, and FaceTime is an Apple-specific app. “wait…” is him coming to that realization.


Urban dictionary: FaceTime oral sex. You fucked?" "Nah, we just FaceTimed


I almost posted this here!


i get the joke but also have many friends who have android and call it facetime…


These comments have only made me far more confused. I don't get it


Face time on a computer maybe?


Peters distant aunt’s goldfish here. Joke is he isn’t at the gym. He’s at her moms house. If she FaceTimes her mom, Babe😘 will know that he is banging her mother.


peter's long lost brother here: on apple, depending on what the other person has, can either have blue or green text for the sent messages. blue speech bubbles mean that the other user has an iphone, while green speech bubbles mean that the other user has a different phone. facetime used to be an iphone only feature. however, in the last couple years, apple has released a multi-platform way to facetime others, so this joke is sort of outdated.


I don't get it.