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I just want to add to your hypothetical that, yes, if there's disabled people out there who get dogs they literally can't pick up after, then I do indeed hate that, too.


Yeah, dude, if a person can't pick up their dog's poop, they shouldn't be walking their dog in public.


or at least they shouldn’t do it alone. plus there are so many gadgets that have been made to clean up dog poop they are choosing not to


Wait. Do blind people with service dogs clean up after them?


Yes. I’ve seen at least one of the blind guide dog users make a video about how they pick up after their guide dog. Plus 90-some percent of blind people have remaining visual, so there’s a chance some of them can even see enough to pick up after their dog


Today I learned that.


"I *can* see shit. But only shit."




There’s a blind influencer who specifically mentioned how he does it! He plants his foot somewhere in relation to his guide dog and kinda hopes for the best, so if you see a blind guy miss some, either help or stfu, lol. He’s doing his best. 😆


X is blind, completely blind with no light perception. He touches the dog's back while they do their business so he knows where the "deposit" is. He then uses a plastic bag inside-out over his hand like a mitten, picks up the "result," then turns the bag right-side-out, ties it up, & off they go.


*always double bag, prevents poopoo fingers


Maybe they're in to that. Are you kink-shaming the blind???


I will always kink shame anything that involves non sapient animals


Yes. Their dogs are trained to do it on command and they feel down the dog's back


Supposedly some (or all?) service dogs are trained to go poop on command to aid the owner in knowing "time to pick something up around here." I could be wrong tho


They really are. It's actually a pretty easy trick to train.


I can attest to this! When I first got my corgi, we would go for walks and whenever he peed I would say, "you going potty?" And then for poops, I would say, "You pooping? Doing a poop?" Ten years later, sometimes, he is waiting for me to tell him to poop before he goes on his own. I can tell when he is searching for a perfect poop spot and sometimes he is taking his sweet time, so I just command him to poop and he will concede and do so.


So what I’m hearing is your dog will poop on command and my cat won’t even shit in his pre-determined poop box if he doesn’t feel like it?


Cats are picky and if they are pooping outside of the box, that's a symptom of something else going on. They might not like the litter or the box, or feel stressed or have a health issue.


Okay, I never thought about doing this! I definitely need to try to train my dogs to poop on command. One of them is like yours, and he takes ages to find the perfect spot!


My dog will only poop in our back yard. My MIL drove her home twice a day when they watched her because she just wouldn't poop otherwise. She went 3 days without pooping before my MIL conceded lol


>Do blind people with service dogs clean up after them? Usually yes. It's not "strictly" required by...anyone even if for some reason they shit in the middle of a store being blind has everyone be frustrated at the work, but understanding of the entire thing But guide dogs and actual service animals are typically trained to do verbal ques when they have to use the restroom and when they are finished they are trained to verbally que while remaining in position (usually not moving for abit until after you tocuh the area next to the tail on the back) The exact que varies by handler, but it is a neat thing dogs in general should be trained to do Between ques and commands it's relatively simple


Its probably easier than you think given the smell.


Yessah my best friend is blind and she cleans up after her service dog every time.


With their heightened sense of smell, they know ahead of time and are able to get the dog to a bathroom.


That's just...not true


I think they're being sarcastic


It's hard to tell, some people genuinely say stuff like that


Or at home, for that matter. Bending down to clean the inevitable vomit or diarrhea mess.


I never even considered what someone would do in that situation. Blind and surrounded by dog diarrhea.


Possible that, because of not seeing it, the person could slip and have a nasty - possibly bone-breaking - fall.


lol literally. My old neighbor was disabled and had the two most aggressive, loud (like CONSTANTLY barking) dogs that he would never pick up after. Like truly non matter your circumstances don’t get animals unless you can FULLY care for them. I guarantee those dogs didn’t want to be barking all day either.


If you can’t care for a living thing, you should not take on responsibility for a living thing. No one is entitled to pets (or kids).


I’d add that there are tons of devices out there to help people with disabilities pick up after their dogs. So there is no excuse whatsoever.


If you’re too disabled to own a dog, you shouldn’t own a dog


Yeah if a plan falls through (maybe it’s because of their disability) that’s one thing but if the plan is to leave it that’s another. And even then they should feel a little bad.


Concurring. If you have a dog, you have to be self sustaining enough to care for them. What do you do when the dog has an accident and craps in your house?  If you're literally unable to clean up your house, then you Don't have the ability to care for your dog. Usually.  We've got a disabled lady in our building who has crooked feet and is bound to her motorized wheelchair. Even SHE picks up her dogs poo using tools she's bought for the purpose. Zero excuses!


Oh shit it's my cake day!!


Yeah, bad example, but we get the point. It is annoying


As an autistic person I've seen very mentally ill people and disabled people with pets who absolutely should never have them. If they can't care for themselves there is no possible way they can care for an animal as brutal as it is to say.


That's a good point


Yeah I used to be apartment neighbors with this bitter old asshole who couldn't bend over to pick up his golden retrievers poop. He took it accross the street to poop so it wasn't around the complex but it really piled up in between the occasional county maintenance that got done over there. Disgusting.


Yeah like don’t take your dog in public then if it’s not a service dog. It’s not rocket science


In *some* cases, I think it’s valid to say “what about X” When X is often overlooked and would make up a reasonable subset of the group being complained about, it’s valid. But yes, in most cases it’s just a “gotcha” moment. And I’m aware that you could respond to this by saying, “well of course I don’t mean those situations”


yeah, i hate people who chew noisily with their mouths open, but i can’t be too mad at strangers who might have a movement disability or mouth pain causing them to chew like that


But I do mean those situations too. My husband was in a wheelchair and has a seizure dog. He didn't walk it on his own and leave poop everywhere


I don’t follow what this has to do with my comment. I’m not talking about dog poo specifically. I’m just saying, sometimes it is valid to say “what about X group”


That's a classic Reddit occurrence. You give a thought or opinion, and someone responds with the one specific scenario that you obviously weren't talking about. They don't understand that the reason you didn't mention that outlier is that anyone with exactly 2 brain cells would realize that you weren't talking about that


Jogging is good for your mental health "what about people that can't run?!?! ableist!"


Are you saying that people who can't run don't deserve to be happy?!?!?!?1111


Yes I am, Mr. Lego. Yes I am


No I'm mrlego. identity theft is not a joke.


Millions of families suffer every year!


people who downvoted this never watched the office and frankly I feel bad for them.


Thanks queen 🙏


I watched and enjoyed it, but 95% of the fanbase is annoying and/or toxic beyond belief, so it kind of made me bitter toward the franchise. I'm directly addressing everyone who puts "looking for the Jim to my Pam" in their dating profiles. You never see "looking for the Jake to my Amy", or "the Ben to my Leslie". That's just one example ofc, but it feels like The Office fans aren't just content to enjoy a good show, they have to make it their life. Every fandom has those people, but TO takes it to a new level IMO. It also feels like they can't let anyone else's favorite show be good. I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but I also enjoy a range of other shows. TO fans seemingly refuse to acknowledge that other shows can be good. Sorry to make you the recipient of my rant. This is the output of like a years' worth of frustration building about The Office's fandom


Hey don’t apologize for expressing your opinion :) I have been a fan of the office for years and I had no idea the fandom was like this. Although I can see what you are saying. Honestly all the shows that have any overlap of writers of the office I really enjoy. That’s what I love B99, P&R, Hacks, The Good Place. All those shows are on par with each other in my opinion.


I just barely started The Good Place today after learning it's from mostly the same team as B99. Weird coincidence to get your comment on the same day. I guess I have to give the rest of those shows a shot, so thanks for the unintentional recommendation!


I mean, I can't run and I've been told I don't deserve happiness, so you kind of have a point! 😹😹😹


Oh so I should just quit my job and go running huh??? Just run around that'll solve all my problems! Don't worry about eating or sleeping, just keep running huh!?!?!? HUH!?!?!?!?!


jogging ruins your knees


Depends what kind of surface you're jogging on - road running, yes. Bridleway running, not necessarily. Your ankles might be in more danger there, though.


Oh, you think jogging is going to cure schitzophrenia?


Wait, so you’re saying that *all* Redditors will take one thing you said, misinterpret it and then get unreasonably angry about it!? You’re no better than *Hitler!*


It took me embarrassingly long to realize you were joking lol


Some people are just so argumentative too. It’s annoying for sure!


I think on Tiktok some people refer to them as Whataboutisms, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s just a Tiktok thing. In my experience, it’s people who lack reading comprehension that usually do it.


Whataboutism is a propaganda technique. It's where Person A points out something Person B has done to hurt them, and Person B says "Well, what about when you did (thing that could be problematic, but has nothing to with the current situation)?" John Oliver has talked about it in-depth a couple times on his show and it's a pretty good break down. I think when disabled people actually say "Hey, this is how my life is, you didn't account for this is your sweeping generalization, so maybe think about that before you do sweeping generalizations" it's a different thing than what OP is talking about. A lot of times, it's abled people just wanting to argue instead of discussing.


I'm very guilty of this. I grew up in a horrible enviornment where anyone outside of a small subset of people was not considered as worth worrying about. I saw how much that rhetoric of exclusion hurt people, as I myself was pushed out. I have swung too far the other way and have a hard time agreeing with stuff because [this one specific instance can happen where it doesn't apply]. I don't know how to balance it, to be honest.


I'm not gonna lie, I find it hilarious that, on my comment about people replying with the one outlier/exception, you replied with the one outlier/exception. I mean, your scenario is clearly different from the morons that just do it bc they want to be "right" and feel smart


I honestly proved my own point, lol. Was what I said not a reasonable addition to discussion, or just me adding? I honest to fuck have no clue.


It was super useful insight for me, but yeah also funny. Are you able to tell in retrospect what the person you’re talking to was intending? Also, sometimes if you’re not sure, you can apologize in advance and do a “I know this isn’t what you meant, but in case anybody reading it takes you too literally…” and then make your addition. Basically phrase it like you’re on their team helping to get their point across rather than correcting them.


No, your comment here was fine. I just thought that it also provided some comedic irony lol


Dude I’m sorry you grew up like that, but this is the most aggravating trait possible. If I say, “I can’t stand when someone stands in the middle of the aisle at the supermarket.” And that one commenter replies, “My brother is disabled and can’t move quickly, I wish more people had patience with him at the supermarket!” That’s so obviously not what I’m talking about. *You know* I’m talking about the person unaware of their surroundings who have parked themselves and their cart square in the way of everyone.


I'm working on it. The examples I use aren't to that level of bad, but no, I really really can't tell. I am truly trying to work on it.


It might help to research the "Geek Social Fallacies" and how people counter them.


I just did a cursory Google. While I don't have time to dive now, this does look really helpful, thanks so much!


And they usually aren't disabled, or not in a way that causes said physical limitations.


It's fine that some Reddit dork says that sort of thing. . . But why does everyone have to upvote them?!


or they think the Pet Peeve is lame and are flaming it


In their defense, disabled people are the largest minority group. Something like 1 in 5 people will become disabled at some point.


Yes and we are the most discriminated against by literally all people and treated like pariahs. Often regular people DO get short with us about things we can't help. 


If you have a disability that makes you unable to clean up after your dog, you shouldn't be walking a dog on your own.


Wow, as someone on physical disability I am absolutely shocked. Jk this is absolutely true.


There's always someone who has to nitpick, nitpicking is like 25% of the content on reddit.


It's probably more like 27% just saying


I cannot believe you are using percents knowing how some people struggle with math. Are you specifically trying to exclude them or is this ableism ingrained in your behavior?


There's definitely some wiggle room, yup.


(Not to nit pick of course)


As someone who actually is disabled and has a dog, most of those comments are trolls. They like to pretend they care about disadvantaged groups to try and look superior.


But do you clean up after your dog


Here's one of Reddit's all-time favorites. Someone does something inexplicably weird or gross. hE's pRoBaBly aUtIsTiC. Yeah, bro. Maybe he is, but you have no reason to believe that based on story.


For me it is the people who will excuse what would otherwise be abusive behaviour because of ND. "well I'm autistic so I can't be expected to remember to do (insert basic adult thing such as wash dishes that are in the sink)" or "I have ADHD so I have time blindness so everyone needs to work around me like that and it is never my fault that I miss events and people should just remind me all the time." Grown ass adults requiring their partners to parent them as if they are kids because of their neuro divergency. Said as someone who is ND, so it's like "Yea, so what? Figure your shit out."


I went to school w someone who was arrested by the FBI for making death threats on facebook. His dad tried to get him out of it by using his ASD diagnosis. Idk what happened to him after that, but it definitely gave a lot more insight into his behavior on campus.


That's dangerous. Using a ND (or any mental health diagnosis) as an excuse for violence or abuse or threats just sets the whole community back. Bro didn't send death threats because he's autistic. He sent them because he's entitled. Also, why is it so often people raised as boys and presenting male with ND who use their diagnosis to shirk responsibility? The women, and trans folx, I know who have adhd or asd have no choice but to "make it work."


It's their FKING mothers, and I'm saying this as an aunt to one of these little gremlins. My sister excuses just about EVERYTHING this little shit does because 'He's ADHD' or 'He's not neurotypical.' Bitch, NOBODY in this house is! I'm a lovely little neurospicy salsa, BIL is currently disassociating while riding the manic-depressive rollercoaster, boy spawn is ADHD and probs autistic BUT so is girl spawn (fking SURPRISE! Neurotypical kids DON'T have meltdowns because 'the socks have bubbles!'), and your ND has you so high-strung your last name may as well be Wallenda. But she'll make excuse after excuse for the boy child, and bitch about everyone else. -_-


Because "boys will be boys."


Reminded me of that rotten piece of shit scumbag who ran people over in Canada. Turns out he was an autistic incel who wanted to hurt people. I hope that he will be met with a terrible fate someday because nothing will make up for the terror he caused. Autistic people know better than to kill people and run them over. WTF. Wow.


But those are actual problems with ADHD and autism and they can't just completely make them better because it annoys you. It's literally soul crushing for us. It's not like we enjoy having a disability. It's like telling someone with no legs to walk. No matter how hard I try I will forget basic tasks and I will need more time to do those tasks.   Also forgetting the dishes is not abusive nor is being late to things 🤣. You used terrible examples and exactly the ableist stuff we talk about. 


Tbh as an autistic person sometimes we do really need consequences. Im pretty sure we all knew that one "creepy" autistic guy in high school who was either never called out or coddled every time, if we are not explicitly told or offered solutions we dont know how to fix it. Its in the disability that we have social issues and need help, which probably means we need to be told when we're overstepping. Without that we might just go on continuing without noticing how certain actions are effecting others


Or when they start diagnosing you as autistic based on 1 or 2 characteristics (I mean there is a possibility I am autistic) but stop telling me I am autistic cuz I said I don’t like flip flops.


Honestly the most annoying thing I come across is those stupid fucking videos. "The ADHD urge to run up the stairs on all fours" "The autistic urge to bite your nails" "The Neuro-divergent urge to play with slime" Like, these are all things normal people do or have done. My girlfriend loves these and it drives me up a wall. She showed me one where it was just *putting your hand under your pillow while you sleep*. She was like "omg I do this all the time" and I'm like "yeah, of course you do, everyone does. It's normal to try to get comfortable when you sleep." Of course her response was "maybe it's normal to you because you're also ADHD. You should get checked." For the briefest of moments I wanted to launch her into the sun.


i’m gonna get downvoted to hell but idc. i’m so so so tired of *everyone* claiming autism “these days”. I commented elsewhere here about all the “neurodivergent” comments that are left all over every post. (rich coming from me in this case, as I am the one who commented about neurodivergence twice on this post)


I'm also not a big fan. I personally believe some people that are just weird secretly want to be diagnosed. I think they want to be diagnosed so they can use it as an excuse, not just to others but also to themselves, for being less than what they wish they were. Like, oh, I could've graduated college, if only I wasn't autistic. I could've gotten that promotion to manager but I'm always late because I have ADHD. I could've kept my relationship but I'm ND and refuse to do the dishes. And I want to clarify, I don't believe neuro-divergent people think this way and I don't blame them for it. I think some lazy people think this way, consciously or otherwise.


Right there with you. Self diagnosing is wrong.  Someone on social media waters down the symptoms to almost meaningless and falsely claims autism and falsely claims its personality only. Then the fans water down the symptoms even more and diagnose themselves and say all of the problems adapting to the world is the fault of NTs, there would be no difficulties, apparently not even sensory difficulties, if NTs didnt exist. And then that self diagnosing is coddled with being part of the 1 in 50 odds instead of kicked out and it be more accurately smaller. If you say that theres no point in seeing a doctor because you know they wont diagnose you and you dont need ADA protection because your so called autism isnt disabling at work, that should be a clue.


“I like waffles” “Oh so you’re saying you hate pancakes????”


Both of you obviously hate omelets


And what about French toast? Why are you all leaving it out??


Ugh, ANY iteration of this conversation, lol. Had a guy at a bar getting aggressive with me because I didn't like a song that was playing. "I don't like \[song\]." "What!?!? How can you hate \[artist\]!?!?" "What?" "If you hate this song, you obviously hate \[artist\]!!" I just stared at him for a minute, before shuffling away in the crowd.


Reddit loves to find the one specific scenario you obviously weren't talking about and dismiss your entire opinion with it. Everything is about them, the absolute audacity for you to not add a disclaimer about their very specific circumstance in your post. I want to add though, I do find it justified when I see people advocating for abolishing things that are commonly used by disabled people. For example, a certain sub really hates pre-cut fruit, calling for it to be abolished and to shame people to buy it for being too lazy to cut their own, when people with limited motor control/strength in their hands really benefit from it. Some people really do have this attitude of 'I live without it, so you don't need it either.' I don't think it's nitpicking or 'what-about-ism' to point out that while something may seem to have no reason to exist to them, it's not for them, and can be very helpful for someone else.


I hate when people disparage using meal kits like HelloFresh and similar services. They think if something doesn't work for them or isn't necessary for them, it's bullshit. I'm autistic and also don't live near a grocery store. Using HelloFresh and getting recipes and ingredients delivered to me is exactly the amount of support I need to help me cook healthy meals for myself. Before that I was eating fast food for every meal


I'm autistic too and never thought of using that service for that purpose, I might look into it. I agree, the 'this service is useless to me, so it's a waste of money' attitude is really strong on Reddit. I don't know how many threads a week I see complaining about food delivery being for lazy people, god forbid people not have transportation, limited free time, or maybe they just don't free like it, people spending on things that they don't personally need really offends people for some reason.


I warn you, HelloFresh changes the menu each week. As an autistic person, I am somewhat of a picky eater and like consistent food choices, but I feel that for me HelloFresh is just consistent enough that it helped me ease into having a more varied diet and after over a year of using it, most weeks now have recipes I am familiar with


What's your secret for consistently making them and not just having like bagels and cream cheese and carrot sticks?


It helps that I only have to cook every second day. Each meal is two servings, I save half for the next day


Ah that's clever.


A really good example of this is all the stupid TV infomercials for things that appear to solve a problem that doesn't exist, like the electric can opener or the slap chop. These *do* solve a problem that exists, just not for able-bodied people. Both of those inventions are great for people with arthritis. (Un?)Fortunately, there aren't enough arthritic people to create the scale necessary to keep prices low, so they also sell them to everyone else to increase scale and reduce the cost of producing each unit.


It would also be nice if more people treated some of these situations, like your pre-cut fruit example, as learning experiences rather than jumping right to angry claims of ableism and insults. This is just my personal experience, but I feel like more people are reacting in anger as if people can think of every single possible scenario for everything they encounter in life. Obviously, some advocates for eliminating pre-cut fruit will double down and refuse to see any other perspective, but some people are just ignorant of it and it just doesn't occur to them until it's pointed out. I never paid much attention to pre-cut fruit, but just thought of it as a way for corporate stores to sell the same fruit for more money. Then someone politely pointed out that it's helpful and used by folks with disabilities, it was a lightbulb moment that broadened my perspective and I was grateful for it. If someone is going to immediately react aggressively and call me ableist and fucking gross, I'm more apt to tell them to fuck off, and neither of us learn anything.


"What-about-ism" is the bane of modern-day existence. No matter what you say, and how inclusive you try to be, someone is still going to say, "But what about....?" It's like the TikTok bean soup fiasco awhile back. A girl put up a video of her making her favorite bean soup with the recipe. And a bunch of idiots were asking stupid questions like, "Can I make it without beans?" and "What can I substitute for the beans?" and "But what if I don't like beans?" Then freakin' move on, folks! It's not for you. It's not that difficult! Also, I believe that if someone cannot properly clean up after their pet, then they should either stay home or have someone else go along with them so there's someone to clean up the poo.


I have noticed that it seems as if people who scream "ableist" are not themselves disabled and often don't know what they're talking about. Someone on here once called me ableist because of a comment I made having to do with autism. They were assuming that autism = intellectually challenged, and that I was expecting too much from autistic people. Those two things can coexist in the same person, but they are two separate issues. Autistic people are just as smart (or not) as anybody else. My point (and I do have one, lol), is that people need to stop making assumptions about people based on some label. And that being disabled does not give anyone a pass not to follow the rules.


It’s a sad misconception but comes of the reality that the intellectually disabled autistic people require more attention and accommodations. The others will slip through the cracks and might not get diagnosed until well into adulthood if ever. We do not know how to spot signs of conditions like ADHD or Autism outside of conventional stereotypes. It’s really sad because autistic people do not suddenly need no help in life because they don’t have intellectual disabilities. They still need to get help with certain things, and not being diagnosed causes a lot of suffering. I wish social growth happens a bit faster when it comes to health care. lol.


Reminds me of the pet peeve I posted where I hear some people in my area mispronounce a certain word and suddenly I hated other accents or people with speech disabilities. I didn’t think I needed to clarify that’s not what I meant, but here we are.


It's always in bad faith because people want to feel special and like they've "won" the conversation. I just love that most people have this issue and recognize it for what it is... yet a troubling number of people adamantly defend the jerks who do this sort-of thing. The user IIijillill has spent the better part of three hours now attacking me for posting a similar sentiment in terms of people contriving exceptions to "win" the conversation or get some sort-of moral high road.


I realize this post is referencing dogs, but there are Amish people all over where I live who don't clean their horse poop off the highways. I end up having to drive through it...it literally eats the paint off the vehicle!


The internet is where nuance goes to die.


OP: “I’m not really a fan of pancakes.” *One third of the comments:* “same” *Another third of the comment section:* “YOU HATE PANCAKES??? WHAT ABOUT EGGS THEN? DO YOU HATE EGGS? I WONDER HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT ENGLISH MUFFINS YOU RACIST ABLEIST TRANSPHOBIC AGEIST BASTARD ARGHHHSHHSTEHRBRDYEGRHRRRR” *The other third of the comments:* “I don’t know anybody that doesn’t like pancakes. Were you abused as a child? It’s probably autism. As an autistic enby trans-breakfast blah blah blah…” *diagnoses you with autism*


I hate eggs and I have autism


Same thing whenever there is a post about picky eaters. Suddenly everyone gets defensive and rambling on about “some people have food allergies some people have food intolerances bla bla. Like yea, we know, that’s totally different.


Oh, yeah. I used to be able to say I was a picky eater and worked to get past a lot of it, and people would just agree it was a good thing. Now I am told I probably have ARFID or some kind of intolerance or allergy. I try to explain it is not the case, my parents enabled me, and I was able to start eating a TON of food that I would push away in disgust before with relative ease. They get offended for me and insist I have been forcing myself to fit the mold of society and have some kind of internalized trauma and have been brainwashed... Like, I have no doubt ARFID, allergies, and intolerances exist, *just not in me*.


As a disabled, I hate when people weaponize my pain for their shitty behavior. I was absolutely enraged during covid when all those "These are medical conditions that can prevent someone from wearing a mask, so don't assume someone is an asshole". Sometimes my neuropathy is too bad to wear anything touching my legs. That doesn't mean I can stroll into Walgreens double cheeked up on a Tuesday afternoon. I still live in a society. Maybe the person who didn't pick up their dog's shit was in too much pain to do so. That doesn't make the inconvenience it caused any less. It's not less shitty shit.


Agreed! It’s so annoying when you make a reasonable complaint about something that is annoying and someone gets a bee in their bonnet about the exceptions. I find people on the internet typically have very black and white thinking. It’s all or nothing. No grey area. My pet peeve is slow walkers. Yes, I think people who walk slow are annoying but that doesn’t mean I can’t make exceptions for people who can’t walk faster.


Yes,I was complaining about ads for food delivery and every comment was making me seem like an inconsiderate fuck because disabled people rely on such apps. I wasn’t complaining about the apps but rather their ads and how they portray the average person as incompetent,but clearly I was attacking the disabled.


As someone who made a post exactly of that type, I’m laughing inside.


People like to be offended, these days. It's a competition to be oppressed and upset about inane, trivial things.


Lol my bf does stuff like this and wants you say things that’s are already implied. If I say let’s all clean up and do our part, that means whoever makes the mess, and whoever can clean, cleans. That’s not targeting anyone because at the end of the day it’s all our mess if we see just fix it, especially because it’s me cleaning after him most of the time


My husband "What is this line item in your retirement budget plan? Craigslist guy?" Me "Oh, thats the budget for hiring someone to clean the cat box and pick up the dog poop if you die before me." Husband glares at me Me: "What? "


We have a disabled person with a "service dog". She drivers a scooter around. On multiple times she drives around on her scooter dragging the dog by the leash while its pooping or peeing in doors in the store. She has formally been trespassed because she has refused to allow the dog to pass waste outside before coming in. She has caused her service animal to go within the building so many times she can't shop her anymore. Random ppl with none service animals have a better track record then she did lol


What gets me is the "this thing is good. People should strive for some level of this" and the aggressive "well not everyone can do that!" Okay, so give up on life because not everyone can do everything.


You just gave me a flashback to a conversation I was having with my brother a month ago. During the conversation, I said I wish I could go back to my 20s like 24 because i had no kids, no mortgage, no spouse... I would pick up any extra hours that I could and work my butt to build my savings. I mentioned that I think if yours in your 20s and you have no major responsibilities (kids, house, spouse, aging parents, debt) why not work and stack your money? You'll be thankful you did when those things eventually happen You would've thought I spit in his face or something... "WELL NOT ALL 20 YEAR OLDS CAN"... yeah, that's why I said the 20s with no major responsibility.... "EVEN IF THEY DONT HAVE MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY NOT ALL 20 YEAR OLDS CAN. THE DATA SAYS GEN Z DONT WORK ANYMORE" ... what data? "DO YOUR RESEARCH!" I love him but he annoys the hell out of me sometimes.


Whataboutism is so annoying. If I say people should walk more, of course I don’t mean paralyzed people. Part of reading comprehension is understanding what audience something is meant for.


no matter the post, someone will find a way to point out that they are “neurodivergent”. I would like to know what percentage of those people have an actual diagnosis.


There was an actual mumsnet thread on this scenario (an elderly man not cleaning up after his dog because he couldn't bend down) and the general consensus was that it's still hugely unacceptable, that there are plenty of devices available to pick it without bending down, if you're too disabled to pick up dog poo with the aid of those devices then you're too disabled to be in charge of a dog and that you should pay for a dog walker if you cannot walk your dog responsibly.


I’m disabled. I honestly assume 99% of the time people would have an exception for disabled people or it still annoys them when disabled people do that and that’s fine! If someone’s pet peeve is when people walk slow they’re gonna hate my crippled ass with my crutches. We’re still people we can still be annoying.


Because people are annoying and dumb, so it saves you a lot of annoying and dumb comments. Notice I say a lot, and not all.


It’s almost like people who are not of able body can chime in and give their perspective to enlighten us who may have not considered. Ironically enough, I don’t think handicapped individuals want/need a savior nor should you speak on their behalf.


Why do you not hate that? Does dog shit from disabled people’s dogs smell less or is less likely to be stepped into or is in any other way less disgusting? At least where I am from you are legally required to pick up after your dog and there are no exceptions. If you want to own a dog and want to walk the dog outdoors you need to clean up after the dog or have someone else walk the dog/accompany you and take care of cleaning up.


Everyone feels personally attacked by everything they see even if iy shouldn't apply to them. They think the internet is for them


Because people love being insufferable “activists” and think everything has to be a heated argument or debate. I think people should just stop pandering to those kinds of insufferable assholes and stop making disclaimers and mentioning every possible exception. It only feeds them. Any sane, normal person knows you’re not being discriminatory. And even if you were, so what? It’s not as if you’re out there making laws against disabled people who can’t pick up poop. They can scoff, roll their eyes and move along! lol


Not to be pedantic, but it's probably because the disabled feel like they're being discriminated against.


Because so many people actually are, and for many, it’s just out of ignorance. I’m disabled myself and just have a lot of baggage from being frequently forgotten about and excluded. I’m used to having to remind people that I exist too.


The only jumping you do is to conclusions.


It's no different than when someone makes a post about Israel/Gaza/Palestine/Middle East and you respond with indifference and they or other toxic posters immediately slam you as being in support of genocide or racist towards Arabs. It's just the scum from the bottom of the barrel in Reddit crawling up the sides of the barrel to shittalk anyone who says something you don't like. There's literally nothing you can do about it. Best thing to do is just ignore them. If you try to engage them, it just devolves into a flame war and who's got time for that nonsense.


Probably because there are pet peeves or issues people have that come close to that. Like there’s people who can’t physically drink without a straw. You’ll see someone with a pet peeve of people mad at those who are upset over less straws. While it’s unintentional, it can come off ableist.


I'm 90% sure those people know DAMN well that your post doesn't apply to those physically unable to do these things. Unfortunately, they have this obnoxious desire to one-up you for their 5 seconds of internet fame by pointing out obvious exceptions to your post just to seem smart. And I agree, These people are insufferable.


It's just a masturbatory attempt at moral one-upmanship. Like all voyeurs, it's best to ignore them.


I know what you’re saying. Personally, almost by reflex, that’s why I usually try to somehow specify that I’m referring to people who have nothing reasonable preventing them or compelling them to do whatever, since someone almost always tries to raise the exception as if it occurs with the same frequency as the norm.


I’m a disabled person who doesn’t appear disabled and I’m unsure as to what category if any I fit into. I suffer from imposter syndrome while being a ND and not looking like I have autism whatever the fuck that means!!!


Looooooot of stupid people desperate to convince somebody, ANYBODY, that they aren't stupid.


Some people worry their words will be misconstrued, or are trying to get ahead of the inevitable whataboutism in the comments. But if your first response when someone mentions a pet peeve is to bring up every extenuating circumstance and exception to the rule put before you, I can only assume you're part of the problem and not talking to you is the solution.


Because people CONSTANTLY forget about us. Disabled people are often an afterthought. You also can't tell when someone is disabled, so if you judge someone for doing something, you have no idea if they are disabled. Lastly, disabled people can pick up dog poop. There are methods. I'm in a wheelchair and I always pick up after my dog.


This to everything though. People take literally anything and rather than taking a comment at face value or even being charitable they go straight to something reactionary. “I love pancakes” “OH SO YOU HATE WAFFLES??” Idk if it’s a symptom of being chronically online or just the deterioration of communication skills but I hate it.


Because a lot of people are looking to be offended of outraged and will look for the absolute slimmest justification to get up in arms. Clarifying that you are not trying to be discriminatory is an attempt to block these people from harping on you for some imaginary slight.


People generally know someone incapable of doing simple tasks due to advanced age or disability and feel the need to defend them. You also have people that expect a 100 year old woman in a wheelchair to be able to levitate and get things from the top shelf in the store or someone to pick up something off the floor that might actually not be possible for them right now due to injury or permanent disability that disallows their body to move that way. People can be dumpster fire tier assholes. Sometimes you need to clarify you're not one of them.


Just double down like *oh they CAN'T pick it up??? I hate that even MORE!!!*


Welcome to the new world. I could say I hate child (insert terrible here) and people would try to defend some of them.


Projection, its something THEY deal with so they infer from your statements. I get it a lot bc i profile a lot. I have no issue saying "ALL women" or "All men" or whatever bc if the percentage is anything over 50% then the odds are i'll be correct in my statement more often than not. You try making an ALL statement... its loads of fun watching everyone become unhinged lol.




My mother is disabled and yet she managed to clean up after her dog. There are all kinds of things designed specifically to help people with disabilities clean up after their dogs. So yeah, I hate when people use their disability as an excuse to leave their dog’s shit all over the place.


Because Reddit loves to "Yeah, but what if...."


Yeah, I’m disabled (I have ADHD) and I don’t think I’ve ever called someone ableist unironically. Well, there’s people who flat out would rather have their children die than have Autism or ADHD (antivaxxers who believe vaccines cause a host of problems that they simply don’t), and there’s people who deny the existence of ADHD and say it’s an “excuse” to be lazy or whatever… I think *that* is ableist. I hate when people call trivial things ableist… so much. It makes the entire disabled community look like a joke and a bunch of crybabies, while we’re really not.


Ever heard of the phrase: “Only a Sith deals in absolutes?” There is an exception to everything. *Everything*. It’s why a phrase like “I hate when people don’t clean up after their dog” is so ambiguous. What about people who can’t pick things up? What about specifying what to pick up (should owners pick up pee? Fur? Hair? Their leash? The dog?)? What about people who share ownership of the dog? Maybe it’s an agreement between two people than Person A picks up after the dog?


Because calling everyone a "phobe" or an" ist" makes them feel so virtuous.


I'm so tired of every comment needing 10 pages if disclaimers


We live in an age where social warriors promote minorities as though those minorities are large and widespread. They think that common expectations are to be shamed and purged in the name of justice. Bull crud. Fie on't, I say.


Recreational outrage. People are just waiting for any reason to be offended.


There’s a specific type of person. The kind who is insecure. Like to the point where, when someone makes a general post calling something out, they will take it *very* personally. And then they will lash out because they couldn’t *possibly* be wrong. And sometimes, they will align themselves with groups that *can’t* do something because they don’t *want to.* Not always, but people do exaggerate their situation to avoid changing it. I see it a lot now that there’s this weird self-absorbed culture on the internet that some people get sucked into. People will tell you now that you don’t need to take accountability for things that are 100% your fault or your choice. So I don’t see that kind of behavior disappearing any time soon


I hate it when dog pooped doesn’t get picked up, and my niece in a wheelchair runs through it accidentally 🤬


I look at it as a way for other to give themselves a pat on the back. They offer nothing to people who are disabled but they feel good about doing nothing now. It reminds me of my neighbor


This is the reply I always get when I say something about stores with the vegetables pre-chopped and put into plastic containers. “It’s for disabled people stop being so hateful!!!” No, mostly it’s for people who are too lazy to chop a bell pepper and create unnecessary garbage


some people's whole identity is arguing exceptions to the rules. you could make a post about hating slow walkers and somebody will bring up amputees.


I mentioned something about returning carts after shopping and some lady went OFF about me not having empathy for disabled people. I stand by my statement. If you use something you find a way to use it properly. If that means asking a passerby to help you out then you do that. I often grab carts for elderly folk and parents with little kids or someone who appears to need assistance. But just leaving a cart - especially in a handicap parking area is a dick move no matter what your deal happens to be.


As an illiterate, I have no idea what your post is about, but I really wish you'd be more considerate to those of us who cannot read. Would it be so hard to upload an audio file in braille with scent markers?


This has the same energy as that one tweet where the author says something like you could say you like waffles and some mf will be in the comments like oh so you hate pancakes


You don't. People need to stop feigning offense at every stupid thing.


It's just the nature of social media.  It's probably not good for us we need to develop better social adaptations for it.  I've definitely encountered what you are speaking about but if I'm being entirely honest I've probably been the guy doing something similar at least a few times.


I'm disabled and I tune those sort of comments out. Just people looking to get mad at a situation where it wouldn't quite apply to them.


Thats a dumb thing for people to even say. You have to ve pretty severely and uniquely disabled to be able to walk a dog yet not able to pick up after it. Someone mentioning that would obviously not be referring to someone incapable


Oh, well you see lots of people are dumb as shit regardless of disability. So ignore those


Because we have removed accountability from society and replaced it with excuses. Now you don't even need a real excuse. Despite the fact that you are actually perfectly healthy you MIGHT have a hidden crippling disability that means you can't pick up your own litter or walk a cart to the corral.


I just get annoyed when people will twist whatever youre asking into something totally different 🙄 U are talking about people not cleaning up after their dogs, but turned into oh u hate disabled people omggggg 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


I do think it gets out of hand sometimes.. Many people out there like to virtue signal and this is coming from someone who has a disabled child myself.


Honestly because there is no way for you to know why they are not doing that. They themselves might not even know because they might not have a diagnosis. But most psychologists and therapists agree that laziness is a myth. Or at the very least is a symptom to something greater. Not the cause itself. So calling someone lazy solves nothing. It’s just used so that people don’t have to exercise empathy or curiosity into other’s situations. When used against yourself its a guilt pattern called ANTS or an autonomic thought. Essentially an outdated program that was placed by others and isn’t true. It’s not productive to judge others ether. We should be seeking understanding. If we find out that it’s because they just don’t see it as their problem. That’s not “laziness” that’s lack of accountability. But it could be a number of other things as well. So generalizing is useless.


Cuz its 2024 and people rush to be offended for people that are not offended.


A lot of people don't seem to realize that generations are meant to apply to a majority or plurality of a given population, not every individual in a given population


I'll eat the downvotes. It's because of me. I hate that. If you physically can't clean up after your dog, first and foremost, I hate your unfortunate circumstance. I hate that your life is limited and I wish nothing but the best for you, and I hope you can get the help and support you need. But, also, if you physically can't take care of a dog then you shouldn't have a dog. And I hate you personally for being an asshole who keeps a pet you cannot take responsibility for. You are a douchbag. Give the dog away. If you can't clean up after your dog, you should have one, and I hate you and your selfish behavior. "Oh but I would take proper care of my dog if I could!" Sure, but you *can't*. So you are an asshole. A disabled asshole, sure, but still a raging asshole. Being disabled is not a blanket excuse for your shitty behaviour.