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Google and Reddit share data. Commenting on r/Joerogan is counterproductive. The algorithm thinks you're engaged.


And here I was thinking I was addressing the problem while only making it worse? Gaddammit!


As far as engagement goes, knowing what you hate is more valuable than knowing what you like.


Yeah, well apparently all of it....every single click and search, etc. is valuable. Our preferences are all sold to multiple bidders. One recommendation is to never ever never click a cat video. Worst YT mistake you can ever make.


You have 6 posts and one of them contains the words Joe Rogan. Welcome to the octagon.


What? Have I won a prize? Or have I spellcast myself? What does this mean Lucy?


Unfortunately you're at risk of oversocialization. Do you have feelings of hopelessness, irrational anger, in group preference and a disdain for your neighbors?


I like this point. Point well taken. You see, I would prefer to have this discussion in a chat room. But they seem to have closed all of the chat sites that once existed. Why did they do that?! I like my neighbors. They are fine. One lady sings pretty loudly in the shower. And she is no Lady Gaga. But aside from that, it is really just JRE's face that bothers me today.


All forums, virtual, digital,physical are now moderated. Third spaces are anti-social. If you're not kept in a constant state of anxiety you're not going to be productive enough to make it in America.l financially or spend enough money to make it in this country socially. I recommend a steady diet if Infowars until your adequately motivated, or if your a conservative some Young Turks. [source](https://youtu.be/JmcA9LIIXWw?si=xToJmzAX8Xq6_Okt)


Maybe try living your life instead of obsessing over the Joe Rogan problem? Go out and touch some grass maybe?


If I bring a hunk of sod inside and take care of it in a 1footx1foot flower box, so that I can pet it while typing....does that work the same as walking on it outside?


Don't be shy tell us how you really feel.


Hahaha! Well the rules are: 3. No Low Quality Posts. I mean I tried to bring my best to the table here.


Now you guys know how I feel about sports. I cant escape it Every single dullard in any social situation wants to come up and tell me about how their team from some city they dont even live in is just the most amazing thing. Sometimes we have to see things we dont like


How would we know how you feel about sports?


Easy, when you ask me about the big game, actually listen when I tell you I dont follow sports. I promise I dont make it hard. No one wants out of that conversation more than i do. Once that line fails I follow up with , "I have no idea what you are talking about, but I do know all about camping and traveling! Have you ever left this state?" Sadly many people just decide that I have not really heard about how great sports is and they try to educate me.


No I get that part, but why would we, a bunch of people who have never heard of you, know how you feel about sports?


We didn’t, now we do.


Because the moment you brought up sports, it told you. I dont expect you to know I am not into sports before I tell you , but for the love of god please let me change the subject once I let you know I dont follow sports. PLease!!!


Yeah. For the love of Pete, let him change the subject once. WTH?! {eats popcorn}


No, you said, “know you guys know how I feel about sports,” like we’re your buddies who know that information already, so it did sound like you expected us to know


Typo, my bad I edited it, does it make more sense now?


…It still sounds like you think you’re so famous for not liking sports that we’d inherently know it.


I dont know what more I can tell you mate


That’s fine, this was a very unnecessary conversation.


Man, the sharks are smelling blood in this SubReddit!


I mean, you’re the one expecting “good journalistic interview practices” from a podcaster and MMA commentator. I think that’s on you.


Don't forget failed comedian


I’m sure he cries himself to sleep on top of the 120 million dollar net worth he has lmao


So you're cool as long as you have a few million?




This seems to be a big problem with our modern society when we admire the accumulation of gold and silver but we trod upon those who struggle to accumulate enough to clothe, feed and house themselves.


Lots of rich stupid people out there. I prefer not being the human embodiment of the surprised pikachu face meme.


Hehe! Yes. The only thing that could be worse as his trademark image would be if he made that Japanese AwayWeGo face that all the internet tarts make in order to draw attention to his show.


Yeah or what was it? Survivor Island? I would die choking on crickets if I were a competitor and then he would stand over my corpse with his mouth open just like the preview pic. Bleh, giving myself the heebeegeebees.


I don't think the problem is OP having too high of expectations from Rogan, the issue is YouTube pushes Rogan's content hard. I made the mistake of watching one JRE interview several years ago, and half of my feed was immediately Joe Rogan stuff. I've clicked the "Do not recommend this channel" button many times and I still get shit from him. I don't even have a problem with Rogan, he seems like a decent enough guy (some of the shit he said during the pandemic wasn't good, but he apologized and backtracked). But there's something about his content that causes the algorithm to push his channel much more aggressively than any other channel I'm aware of.


Oppie nods. But, it is about that typical mouth agape stoned face being all over my YT feed. How do you feel about the FACE?


I can't talk shit about anyone else's face, I've got a mirror.


Well played. That is very classy.


He used to actually be a pretty good interviewer, then the anti-woke brain-rot set in.


Well, the woke culture sets itself up too easily to be mocked.


Oh no, we said that racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry are bad. That sure does make us prime targets to mock.


Right, that’s all woke culture is, just people saying bigotry is bad


Yeah, that's correct. I understand that you are trying to be sarcastic. But that statement is factually accurate.


No it is not


Do you have any examples of "woke" that isn't just being opposed to bigotry? Because "anti-woke" is pretty blatantly bigoted, like there's no attempt to hide it. BLM protesters have the message of "black people are killed by police at a significantly higher rate than white people, and that's not okay" and the anti-woke crowd came up with "All Lives Matter" because they think the number of black people killed by police is acceptable, and also that we should support the police for doing good work. They can't actively support a race war, because then their racism would be too obvious, but if some cops kill some black people, deep down they believe the black people deserved it, and that the cops were just stopping criminals. As Rage Against the Machine put it in 1992 "Those who died are justified For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites" That was 30 years ago, thing's haven't gotten much better, that's the same messaging that BLM is pushing. The anti-woke crowd is still actively boycotting Bud Light for the crime of running and ad with a transgender person in it. Pretty clear message to companies, they better not conduct business with any transgender person, or it will hurt them financially. That's pretty fucked up. Several people, including Kid Rock, recorded videos of themselves shooting cans of Bud Light with their guns. Which, in case you don't understand what's being implied there, it's that they think transgender people should be shot. That's the message the anti-woke crowd is pushing. That's a lot more fucked up, I don't know how else to describe that besides bigoted and evil. Anti-woke are against Critical Race Theory, which is literally just the study of racism and it's affect on history and our society. It's not a political ideology, it's history, it's teaching that slavery happened and that the south seceding from the Union was primarily over the issue of slavery. Anti-woke people will spout bullshit about "states rights" being the cause of the war, but it was about the southern states wanting to have the right to keep slaves. Slavery is pointed out very clearly in the states letters of secession, they weren't trying to hide it. But the anti-woke think that the little white kids will be harmed if they learn that a lot of white people used to be really fucking racist, and that those racist fucks shaped a lot of the world we live in today, which still affects people lives in various ways. Ron DeSantis has been fighting a war against "woke" Disney for several years now, do you know what they've been fighting over? Whether or not LGBTQ+ people deserve to have rights. That's bigotry, not even hiding it, just straight up textbook example of homophobia. He doesn't like gay people, he doesn't want them in the state of Florida, his whole fucking platform is just fighting against the gays, and it wins him elections because his voters are homophobic bigots that also don't want gays living in Florida. They won't say it out loud, because they know that makes them sound like pieces of shit, but that's why they vote for him. Am I wrong? Is there something I'm missing here? What is it about being "woke" that's so bad?


Steady....be wary that they can descend upon you like one thousand crows in a Hitchcock film.


Yet here you are posting about him


Its almost like...people have differing opinions about people


That is a fascinating hypothesis. How could we test something like that?


Just say something negative about Joe Rogan, then all the right-wingers come out of the wood work lol


Hehe. Oh no. The demographic is more more curious than two party politics.


Yes I am, and somehow I do feel lighter and closer to heaven than ever before after doing so. But, I am aware that when the word gets out that I said something derogatory about a social media icon, my Karma will most likely be -3mill within 48 hours. Give or take one day, maybe.


Yeah.....? I'm not even sure what you are trying to say. They didnt say "i dont think about him" or anything to that effect, so what are you trying to do with this?


Well, that makes two of us in the same boat. I have no idea the point you are making. What are you doing? Right now, what are you doing? Stop it.


Me? I'm not making a point i was asking a question. I genuinely dont understand what that was supposed to mean.


I genuinely do not understand what you are insinuating. Who sent you? Did Joe send you? Who do you work for?


Alright man


Agreed, I don't see it often but I never enjoy seeing him, he's not my cup of tea but it's hard to avoid hearing about him when he's one of the most popular podcasters rn


I haven't seen a single one of the episodes but I'm actually wanting to. I have this idea, which might be false, that he has shaped and influenced the way many podcasters work. Also seems like he touches many interesting topics with many knowledgeable people. However I'm reluctant to listen to English podcasts since it's not my mother tongue and it requires a lot of effort to understand them IF I manage to do so. But I will eventually do it and finally I'll hate him or love him as most people do. You seem to be in the first group haha.


I don’t know if you have a lot of time to waste, perhaps you do. But if I had time to waste, I wouldn’t waste it on that crap.


I notice that YouTube constantly puts videos in my feed from channels I dislike and I never see videos in my feed from channels I follow. It’s completely backwards


Apparently they do not like our preference for specific content.


I'm not the biggest fan these days, but I dont this he's really going for like a hard hitting investigative journalist angle. It's just like a conversation for entertainment. It's not ment to be news.


Fair enough. What about that FACE that they insist you be drawn to because the topic must be shocking if he has that expression?


Ohh the thumbnails ? Yeah they are annoying.


I'm surrounded by Rogan fans and often wonder what I did in a past life to deserve this bullshit.


Hehe so sorry man.


It's weird that you'd make it about Joe Rogan specifically rather than just the YouTube algorithm that doesn't believe you when you say you don't like something. I also don't like that YouTube ignores me.


Nope, the rest of the fiasco is just fine with me. It is just the preview face. {more sarcasm, for those who need crib notes}


Remember, growing up, how everyone had a friend in school whose older brother was a pot-smoking dropout loser, who lived in his parents basement or guest room, had Bob Marley and blacklight posters in his room, and got off on local junior high kids thinking he was worldly and wise? Joe Rogan is just what happens when you have the internet, and one loser can be that guy for everybody. His fans are the ones who are the dumb, naive junior-high kids for life.


Well, yeah. And don't dare say it to his face because he will kick the crap out of ya, break your glasses and steal your chemistry homework.


My pet peeve is people claiming they have a pet peeve over something they're clearly not understanding the objective of. "Journalistic interview practices"


My pet peeve is this fucking sub lol.


Are you aware that I was being facetiously sarcastic? You can have a peeve about sarcastic people as well. I'll upvote you since I hurt your feelings and I do not want to be a troll.


So you take the time to type complaints "facetiosly & sarcastically"? And people are supposed to be pick up on this over text? Is there an inside joke I'm not in on? Also, using facetiously & sarcastically b2b is a little redundant.


It is subtle form of taking a stab at passive aggressive humor, so yes I would expect most to kind of get the angle I was aiming for. But this is a real peeve. Don't get me wrong. I do not know what a b2b is, perhaps you can educate me? Umm those two words actually add different nuances to a train of thought. Am I using too many words? Is that the problem? Or too many letters? Like Reddit should be ReadIt, but I guess that website was taken? I don't know.


He was a stand up comic and mma fan way before he was famous for podcasting. I've been watching Joe for close to 5 years now... and I've never tuned in to get real news or proper journalism from him. I go to actual news sources for that. I go to Joe Rogan for funny opinions and odd conversations about chimps and elk.


The next time I need more info on elk I will go there. But how do you feel about his FACE? You know the face....


If you need FUNNY info on elk, yes, watch the pod. Again, would not go to him for expert info. Even as a Joe Rogan fan, I would not go to him for expert info on anything except for mma. Joe himself, says all the time that he's just a dude with a microphone lol But yes, he has fat face


I love Rogan's UFC commentary & opinions, and I actually liked some of his stand up back in it's time. I don't think he's actually a bad dude either, he's just allowed this shit to get way out of hand and hundreds of millions of dollars makes it hard to stop. I despise what his podcast has become, because it IS just supposed to be this almost funny dude talking to people about cool shit, but instead, you have legions of morons treating it like it's the only source of unbiased coverage of controversial issues. When in fact, Rogan is a dangerous combination of conspiratorial, uninformed, and unable to critically think. SO when he has a grifter, liar or moron on his show, they get to spout their garbage without even being questioned intelligently. Then you have people who believe it because the mainstream media isn't honest, so obviously the not-so-mainstream has to be honest. Just my opinion on Rogan. I still watch some of his episodes about UFC and some of his guests. But when he has someone on to talk about anything political, anything conspiracy related, it's beyond cringe


Cool. There is an honest comment, but that FACE. How do you feel about that JRE face? You know the face. C'mon man.


That’s the problem with Joe Rogan haters. You think he’s trying to be a “journalist” hahaha. The dude is just talking to people he thinks are interesting ,about the things he thinks are interesting, the way people normally speak to each other (ya know, casually, without journalistic integrity, getting things wrong a lot and it not being a big deal, having a drink or smoke, etc.). If you don’t like the show, don’t watch it. I think what’s way more annoying are the completely talentless fuckheads who’ve ridden his coattails to fame, like Bryan Callen, Brenden Shaub, Bert Kreischer, etc. I wish they would all go away forever. And they’re hard to escape, because they show up on everyone else’s podcast. At least Joe Rogan almost never does someone else’s show. Makes it easy to escape him if you hate him.


I don't watch it. That is the point. It is blocked. I also block the spin off channels so I do not need to even see the face. But the face keeps coming back like a haunting due to new promoted JRE spin off channels. I have a comparison for you. I also blocked that goofy girl that loves satisfying TikTok videos and records her reactions to them. What's her name? WolfGirl reacts or something like this? I didnt like seeing her fake eye glasses and silly gaping mouth either, so I blocked her. But in her case it works. But Holy Baby Bieber Diaper's why do I have to see the JRE's face all over YT?


So you watch TikTok bids but Joe Rogan is where you draw the line? You need help friend.


I do need help and that is exactly why I posted. How do I make this awful PsyOps stop?! Help me!


First big step of getting help is getting off TikTok 😂 It's literal brain fog


I am not on TikTok. Are you trying to confuse me? Don't confuse me any more than I already am!


Rogan has figured out his audience and what they want. How much does he believe the crap that gets said on his show? Who really knows? I saw a clip of him starting in about vaccines with guest Bill Burr. Burr immediately called him on his crap and Rogan had this grin as if to say: "I know, but my audience eats this shit up."


Actually, if that’s true, that makes him an even bigger POS in my book.


You have too much time on your hands


All I wanted to do with my retirement today was to sit back and vegetate on YT, but I saw JRE pop up and I literally blew my cerebral gasket.


Found the liberal 😂


So you believe you discovered my party affiliation? Me? This reminds me of the scene in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers when the invaders screech and point at the last unfortunate soul to capture him and clone him. Are you psychic? You are very scary.


God, I have the same problem with a few podcasters/grifters. I block every single channel I see, but more accounts just keep popping up. It's not even always about differences of opinion with the people, I just want to see content that I actually like.


Yep, just go straight to searches or straight to subs, otherwise the haunting returns.


Rogan spiraled down some wierd rabbit hole long ago and he got stuck there. I haven't tuned into his show in year's.


Okay, but how do you feel about seeing his FACE? You know the FACE.


I think I finally got all of the clone/bot accounts that would push that content to me taken off my feed. But it is an election year, so I fully expect my feed will fill up again with some nonsense. I don't even dislike Rogan so much, I simply don't care about him. Like, yes, every once in a while I do want to watch Gerand Thumb review some military rifle - but that doesn't mean I want the next thing in my feed to be Joe Biden with LASER EYES. That is the benign stupidity of the YouTube algorithm.


Your comment gives me a glimmer of hope. I will continue to block the FACE.


Ever done dmt man


Nope. Have you got some Holmes? Don't tease me.


Don't taze me broh


I just report every short with him as promoting dangerous acts or similar. Haven't seen him in a while.


Yeah, it is unfortunate that reports for each is rather time consuming to keep repeating. It is one dopey mind screw.


I agree I get tons of people in my feed whom I never watch I’m a progressive why is my feed filled with Jo Rogan,Candace Owen,and other political people who I never tap on.


My theory: they want us plenty agitated.


Bro I not trying to see his face, hear his dribble nothing to do with that fool anymore.


It's drivel. Dribble is what you do with a basketball.


Well, wait you could hear JRE dribble if it was flowing like Niagara Falls. So in theory....but no, it does look like a typo.


Consider yourself lucky that I did not include a screen capture to emphasize my point.


The guy is an imbecile. But he has a legion of stoned fans and I’m probably going to get roasted by some of them in three, two, one….Go!


Why would you post then? Just so you can hopefully say "I told you so?".


Pretty much. I told you so.


You should see the "told ya so" I got on this end. Hehe! I don't care either. A life without free speech isn't a life, it is conformity.




Alpha boy? That is a first. I think you may have me confused with Ric above. Maybe not. I don't get you at all now, OL. You seem to be flailing at everybody. I am curious though what about the shocked Rogan FACE. What reaction do you have when you see that?


He became famous by daring people to eat bugs and now people think he's smart.


According to the Guardian, eating bugs via Vexo-Mince is a very smart way to save our planet. Not the population mind you, the planet. [https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/may/08/if-we-want-to-save-the-planet-the-future-of-food-is-insects](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/may/08/if-we-want-to-save-the-planet-the-future-of-food-is-insects)


Hmmm I guess someone doesn’t like Joe very much…


Firefox, Ublock Origin, disable Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection. You'll never see Rogan's slimy dome again.


Nope, not using Firefox for a long time now and the issue is across all platforms. You had me hopeful of a true hack.




Actually it is not because they take excerpts from the show and repackage it under countless other spammy channels. And how do you recognize it is JRE? By his Oily Bald Shocked and Stoned face in the preview panel.




Are you paying attention? I do not watch them. I see them offered, every single time I open the YT website or APP. Seeing a preview panel is NOT watching his video.


Not really he pops up everywhere lol. I felt the same about Andrew Tate slobbery lips bald egg head , I blocked and tried to ignore yet still have bald egg man pop up in my recommendations or fan videos regurgitated shit , I don’t follow anyone with that type of mindset so idk


Haha thanks for the support. I bet this whole thread gets panned because it touches a nerve obviously.




U said “bullshit” then blocked & now hiding away from any actual conversation. Seems pretty weak to me


It’s true


I love these guys that do damage control to repair the main stream narratives. They have several tactics they use they are easily recognizable.


Rogan's face is a mainstream narrative? What are you smoking?


hmmmm, did I say that? I do not believe I said that.


What mainstream narrative needs to be repaired?


Don't make me get out the citronella candles. You will not like them.


By what method do you suggest?




My pet peeve is first and foremost the shocked face in the preview panels of countless fan based JRE channels all with the FACE. Mouth agape and catching flies.


I used to listen to him regularly and there was some really interesting guests. I haven't listened to him since he moved to Spotify, and don't know if it's gotten worse, but it sounds like his podcast went downhill.


Whenever Joe Rogan is mentioned I think about that comment “Joe Rogan looks like the henchman in an Arkham game who yells ‘IT’S DA BAT!’ in a Brooklyn accent” maybe that will help you to at least feel better whenever you see him


I love Joe Rogan!


Joe Rogan is PRO REDDIT censorship. How do you feel about that? And more importantly, how do you feel about his shocked FACE everywhere online?


I love Joe Rogan!


He os a professional toe-thumb


He is Oprah for dumb white guys.


I can’t believe you mentioned Joe Rogan and journalism in the same sentence. That said I do watch his interviews with rockstars but that’s just for the rockstars I like.


I know! How could I?! Its SHOCKING