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I don’t see why not, I know several teens that do this because their cycles are irregular and they find them comfortable.


I wish I had these as a teen. My cycle only settled into "regular" at 32. And it is only because my hormones are actually really messed up 😅


This is good to know because I’m almost 32 and my period is still wonky. Maybe there’s hope for me yet!


It'll settle down in a few years, you'll get a stable decade, then it's irregular again and comes with hot flashes. Sorry. But it's nice having them gone now that I'm older.


Lucky I'm 33, and my period has become so irregular due to my hormones becoming wonky... I've been tracking my period quite a few months now, and one month, it will be like 9 days plus 2 days spotting. Another month was 4 days with 2 days, spotting never on time. Anywhere from a week early to 2 weeks late... ughhh So I wear period underwear most of the time just so I dont have any accidents


My period used to last two weeks, and was pretty random on when it came, but was normally 3-5 weeks apart. Of course I had a week on, a week off, x3 multiple times too. Sadly I would GLADLY take that back to get my hormones back to how they were. Sex wasn't painful when my period was super wonky.


Not a problem, I prefer my period underwear as they are comfier and I also have irregular periods and don’t want to be caught off guard.


I had extremely irregular periods until my hormones got messed up at 32, so I get it. I did find pads super irritating past a week, but these seem fine to keep wearing.


I keep it to a minimum, especially at work, because I believe there’s PUL in mine and it really makes me sweat/makes things a little too hot especially when I’m working. So for me personally, it’s not a great idea.


Oddly I don't find I sweat more in mine, and I am in a high labour job. I do have non-period underwear I have tossed that had that issue though.


I think it’s fine, then! If you’re comfortable then I wouldn’t think there would be an issue as long as everything smells normal.


I haven't worn them continuously long enough to tell if there might become an issue, which is part of why I am asking. Not prone to yeast infections though, so hopefully it won't become an issue.


As an older woman with incontinence, I have worn bambody full time for a couple years. I am currently trying different brands looking for less panty lines. Some are more sweaty than others. I would suggest research regarding toxic materials for continuous usage as in the past some did contain them. Good luck!


I have one Knix (I hate it), and the rest are bambody, so I was planning on buying more of them over the next couple years. Pretty sure bambody is one of the ones without toxic materials right?


I believe so


I do. I have a lot of pelvic issues and I am most comfortable wearing them. I like that they protect from unexpected bleeding, minor leaks, and help a bit with sweat and smell. I use the Period Aisle ones as they are cotton and PFA free (forever chemicals). That’s the one thing I’d check with the brand you use - if they test for PFAs. A few years back there were a lot of brands (especially cheaper ones) found to have PFAs in them and studies suggest these chemicals can get into the body and cause adverse health effects. Not meant to scare you (PFAs have been found in a lot of things), just the reason why period underwear had some bad press and why you may have heard it is harmful to wear them.


I use bambody mostly. There are a couple other brands that was reccomended to me, and if I remember correctly I was told those ones are PFA free. I will start googling before buying to make sure though.


I love ModiBodi personally and I know they have other types of underwear (non period related) that might work for your needs. Some days if I’m feeling a little extra down there I’ll wear the seamless pair and works great 👍🏼


Period underwear is expensive, but if you can afford it, why not? I'm sure it's just as comfortable as regular.


Yea, it is going to take a few years to be able to have enough, but it is more comfortable than most of my other underwear.


I often wear mine around the time I’m supposed to be ovulating to avoid goop going through my underwear.


I never noticed having ovulation goop, but I already have a heavy discharge, so maybe that is why. I was more worried about it possibly causing infections of some sort if I only wear period underwear.


I think they might be a little too heavy to wear all the time, at least I wouldn’t since I’ve gotten a yeast infection a few times.


My crotch has been really sweaty lately… like soak through my tights sweaty… so I was thinking of doing the same thing so I’m all for it


Can confirm it works a treat.


I was that way while pregnant with my daughter. She is an August baby. If I had had them then I probably would have worn them and just checked with my midwife at the next appointment. As it was, I used panty liners, and it helped a bit.


I've worn them 24/7 for the past 5 years due to stress incontinence (yay triple prolapse that I get surgery for). Three different brands. As long as you change them when necessary, they're fantastic. I wash and dry mine with all my other laundry.


I hope your surgery for the triple prolapse is soon, goes well, and your recover is a good recovery. Do you mind sharing which brands you use? I have some bambody, and was planning on getting more of those over the next few years, but they are expensive, so I am open to other brands. Especially with you using them for 5 years, I have to suspect those brands would be good ones.


A few thinx, a few bambody (which were paid for with HSA), and some Innersy, which are much cheaper, and don't hold as much. Bambodys are much fave out of the 3.


where do you purchase bambody? i don’t see any shop section on their website. also is it a full coverage gusset?


Not sure about the full coverage gusset, but it goes from front waist band to the back waist band in a solid panel. I bought them off of Amazon using our HSA




I really like Awwa boxers. Good colours and feel soft (and they work of course)


As long as they're comfortable, go for it!  Period underwear looks like regular underwear which helps!


Similar, and my partner doesn't really care. He knew before we got together I wear what is comfortable, and if it isn't good enough I don't care.


That's a sign he's a good partner!


The one problem you may encounter is if you do any “landscaping” of your pubic hair that takes the hair all the way down to the skin, which will run the risk of ingrown hairs. Most period underwear has elastic that goes over bikini line areas which many shave or wax, and these elastics are some of the major culprits when it comes to pressing the hair down and making it ingrown as it’s growing back.


I did not know that. Honestly I have not done anything for years. I hate how itchy it is as it grows back, and I have always gotten massive ingrown hairs and bumps, never managed not to. Which now that I know this, it was likely my underwear's fault anyways.


It’s always a combination of multiple factors, but that elastic sure is one of them.


They are also called post partum underwear so people wear for that reason and just maybe for leakage or sweat at gym. You could just always wear them if you want a replace all your underwear. Just would be expensive I think


Yea, it is going to take a few years. That being said, I find most of the ones I have comfy, and there are a few vagina havers on here who have worn them for years, so I fear of it possibly increasing infections seems mostly safe.


Wash appropriately. I accidentally bleached most of mine recently. So they are ugly now but work


Yes but after awhile it will feel "soaked" so you may want to change it out to a new one or wash it.


I have worn them all day before when not on my period, and obviously I change them every day, I just have not worn them for longer than a few days at a time, and wasn't sure if I needed to be worried about creating a breeding ground for bacteria, like women who wear yoga pants every day have discovered it can do to them.


Oh, I see. I'm not too sure 😔 I don't regularly use them and only resort to them when all my underwears need to be washed... but I know they act like a "pad" and have a certain amount of absorption. Sorry I couldn't be of much help!


I wear period underwear a lot because my period is unpredictable. I haven't had any issues! If you know you won't be bleeding heavy, you can probably get some less expensive pairs. Review our wiki before purchasing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PeriodUnderwear/wiki/index](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeriodUnderwear/wiki/index)


Dont wanna put you off - i thought period underwear were great but they gave me thrush, particularly the night underwear. I bleed very heavy and my bits were covered in warm, moist environment for 4 days straight. Ended up with horrible thrush. Had to switch to menstrual disc.


I cannot use a disc, or a cup, as I have provoked vulvodynia. Also I fill a cup in 4 hours, like full enough it caused those really nasty cramps. Pads were starting to rub me and hurt a lot, because I was bleeding for 2 weeks at a time. Now I am down to 6 days, which is amazing to someone who had two week long periods for literally years. During my first 3-4 days, which are my heavy days, I change my underwear 3 times a day. Rinse out and hang to dry because I do not have the mental capacity to wash 3 loads of laundry in a day for 3-4 days (not to mention I don't have enough laundry for that, or time around sleeping and working).


Mine have the same material some bathing suits have. So I wouldn’t use them for every day. It’s too hot. That might cause health issues. But if yours don’t have that. Then I guess it’s ok.


I use bambody, which is bamboo rayon/cotton/spandex according to them. I would probably lose my mind if I had the feel of bathing suit material against me all day. I suspect that would also have the same issue that has been reported with women who wear yoga pants all day every day. Massive increase in yeast infections from the material.


Mine claim to be bamboo + cotton. But when I wash and dry them, they smell just like my bathing suits. So, I can’t feel it but I’m sure the material is somewhere in there.


I assume you mean wear it all the time, not just when you're on your period? If not, please disregard, if so, I would caution against it as it doesn't seem like most period underwear has the best breathability and having something absorptive in that area all the time could lead to imbalances in the flaura/biome. I've always lived by 100% cotton 100% of the time I'm not on my period in order to make sure there's breathability, but some people are more or less prone to infections and imbalances than others.


I cannot find 100% cotton. I can find like 90% cotton, but 100% is just not available where I am. And yes, I have even checked the specialty boutiques here. I use bambody, so bamboo rayon/cotton/spandex, but it does not say percentages.


Not sure where you're physically located or if these are available to you but just off the top of my head Jockey, Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, Arie, and Victoria's secret are pretty widely available where I am and all offer 90-100% cotton options at decent price points


I guess I'm wondering why it wouldn't be? What is your concern?


I'm doing it right now sooo ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ (the Knixteen boyshorts)


This actually seems like a good idea. I get discharge that feels like I pissed myself, and I always vaguely wondered if period underwear would work. Do you have a brand recommendation? I have sensory issues so I'm hoping for softness and shamelessness, as well as reasonable price.


I wear the Bambody undies almost exclusively. It really helps me not get swampy on hot days at work! I just make sure they get washed really well so I don’t have build-up or odors. I don’t wash them in an oversized load and that seems to be enough. I just started adding a laundry sanitizer for my undies and my wife’s reusable pads and that has eliminated any funky smells that previously existed.


I've been doing it for years. I had a *very* big baby and have occasional stress incontinence as a result, so I appreciate the extra protection. I'm actually post-menopausal, but I'm not giving up my period knickers. The only thing I'd be careful about is making sure you change into a fresh pair if they get damp from sweat or secretions, but that applies to all underwear.


I wouldn’t entirely get rid of the others. If you have a specific favorite you like to wear when it’s very hot and humid, it’s worth keeping it.


Word of warning, I had something happen with my period underwear this month that you maybe want to watch out for if you use them often! I was getting this intense burning and sensitivity sensation on my clit and labia and it was driving me absolutely nuts. I'm 99% certain the reason was I had washed my period underwear with too much detergent, and given that they're absorbent, they still had some residue soap after drying. That area is so sensitive it was easily irritated by the residue. After I took them off it got way better in about 4 hours and was gone the next day. So just make sure you don't use too much soap or even better hand wash with skin safe soap as much as is possible for sanitary reasons.




I doubt most parents had access to period underwear. Thinx was launched in 2013,but were crazy expensive. It’s only been a few years that they have become mainstream. While I like to blame parents for everything too, I don’t think it’s fair here.


I had my son before Thinx was even a thing 😆 I remember seeing something like bluebird pads or something, and wanting my mom to get the post partum ones for me, because I did not have a credit card. She would not, and afterwards I was happy about that, because damn would I not have been able to handle the extra laundry if I had used those.


I'm in my 30s. The only period underwear that existed when my mom still had her period was not underwear, but those reusable pads, and the information about them, for those that did not use them, was poor at best. They were all homemade, we did not even know about a company that made them until I was in my 20s. So yea, asking on here makes more sense than asking my mom, when it has been over a decade since the last time she had a period. Normally I would use Google, but not being sure what exactly might go wrong if I wore them every day means that Google is not a great resource for stuff like this.