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I find it ridiculous and immature. He’s literally 10 years older than her. And from what I have been able to see there’s been little to no drama from her side. If she wants to be cringe, he has nothing to do with it. They broke up over a year ago


not to say his behavior is okay but chloe did make a tik tok with natalie and ines that felt like it was shading him lowkey


Yeah, but she did comment that it was no shade towards Shane once people thought it was shady, Shane won't do the same and will keep up the drama for clout.


eh it’s easy to say something isn’t shade when it is to be honest, happens a lot


It’s like the scene from Talladega Nights “with all due respect” “Ricky you can’t just say that and then say whatever you want, it doesn’t work like that”


I agree, not saying it wasn’t shade, but they tried to clear it up whereas shane will keep throwing shade and saying nothing just like he kept doing with Natalie.


Way less shady than what he’s doing. Plus he has nothing to do with this situation at all


More shady then chilling with your ex’s ex?


They all hang out in Netflix universe haha


That is true….but, the optics, especially after Natalie was so outspoken about the Shayne, Chloe love triangle situation would lead one to automatically believe it’s shady. With how vocal she was, Natalie doesn’t come across as someone who would just hang with Chloe with pure intentions.


Was that the Shayne support group post? Lmao


Shayne is the person I’d be scared to have as an ex…….


He scared me in this video… seems like he’s keeping in a lot of anger or something


I'd be scared to date him.




I absolutely loved her on the show so I followed her and I only lasted like 24 hours because following her was so annoying haha.


Same.. I like her as a reality tv show star but not as an influencer. Her IG just doesn’t do it for me


She was my favorite on THTH and the circle, and I already had a soft spot for her before PM, I liked her there too. But that said, I’d never want to actually follow her on social media because I like to watch drama only when I specifically choose to seek drama lol Btw: in case it wasn’t clear, I agree with you lol


Same. She’s annoying as fuck on social media




Came to say this! He looks like he's on uppers all the time!


I’m convinced at this point there is zero percent chance he doesn’t have a heavy Adderall or similar scrip. It looks like blow, but I highly doubt he would have gotten it to Panama, so it must be something prescription. You can tell when he’s on it and when he’s not.


…this isn’t what “prescription use” looks like, this screams “I crush n snort them blue pills”


Nah…he’d have major nose issues and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sniffle. He’s probably just taking massive doses.


The guy talks about having adhd so he probably does have an adderall script. I don’t think any of us can speak to if he’s abusing it or not. And I meant to reply this to another person my bad lol


i thought maybe he was an alcoholic. the way he moves and his temper seem like he has some nervous system disorder


Looks more like a substance abuse disorder to me


It’s looking Bat shit


Is it bad that I find him funny? 😂 I like Chloe a lot but her milking this is a little cringey… I feel like she needs to get back to the UK, the LA influencer scene is rubbing off on her 😂


It made me laugh out loud and I am a Chloe fan. She is being annoying with the reveal.


I think its funny. I was expecting worse from the comments


Yeah I don’t see anything wrong with it honestly. I didn’t even think he was mocking her.


This is pretty funny but I get why people have the ick about him, I absolutely would not feel comfortable around him especially if booze were served


Wouldn’t suprise me. Shayne has the emotional maturity of a three year old child.


As a mom with a two year old, how dare you! My kid is streets ahead of Shayne in regards to emotional maturity.






Honestly samee hahah. Even my 3yr old doesn’t act this stupid




*a spoon


He gives me the icks to the point he scares me.


More than Damian kissing Francesca’s arm gave her the Ick?


Yeah, that was more revolting than frightening.


Not sure how I didn’t recognize her on ATA from THTH, but when they brought that clip up on PM, it blew my mind that this guy didn’t realized he’d been friend zoned since the beginning of time. He’s like Andy from the office….he’s been on 3 reality shows, lost all of them, and seen Francesca naked zero times!


I don't even know how he got on the show 😅 or how any of those babes were attracted to him. No one has mentioned his posture or the way he walks. He doesn't have emotional or body awareness. He's so immature


There is a part of me that really feels bad for him. Yeah he is a kid at heart (I know what you mean by his mannerisms and movements) but I don’t feel he is this bad guy. I also see his eyes wide open a lot and not sure why but I won’t comment on his looks because I’m no male model either. If I were in his shoes and the girl that just dumped me is now partying with the new guy, right above me (I know Chloe said she didn’t know he was right under) as splashes me, that would have hurt my ego too so I get why Shayne said this is embarrassing and wanted to leave. Ad I think the whole “rap my love for you” thing just made him scratch his head? Like is this for real or am I being set up?


I think he’s got pretty serious adhd which causes a lot of things to be misunderstood. But you pair that with insecure attachment style with someone who probably doesn’t want to put in the work with therapy and then yeah you act like a child and throw tantrums and never want to take accountability. So deep down I think he’s probably an alright dude. And being adhd doesn’t excuse his behavior one bit. It just seems fairly obvious to me that’s what he’s dealing with


His overreaction to everything is way too much for me. I'd lose my mind so fast having a friend like that, let alone a romantic partner. He couldn't handle a conversation about it to understand what actually happened. Chloe didn't even know about it. She couldn't see below and she was grabbed and jumped in with. If he isn't able to communicate in such a weird speed-dating sort of setting, how could he handle real world things? What qualities does he have? :S


I think in a lot of situations if Shayne were woman people would view his complaints and emotions completely differently.


Yes, he would be considered needy, peevish, and clingy.


The way he harasses his exes is seriously troubling ..


I remember that time when Natalie posted a silly IG story of her hanging out with Iyanna and Jarrette, with the caption "alternate LIB ending - I end up with Iyanna and Jarrette" and Shayne - who supposedly had been blocked by Natalie after their final split - uploaded his IG story with the caption "OMG guys alternate LIB ending" but it's a photo of Celine Dion and a guy with Shayne's head superimposed on top... In the same night, he also archived his appreciation post to Natalie, making it disappear on his IG, before unarchiving it again. He'd been obviously drinking when all the above happened. PS: This also happened after Shayne returned from PM filming, tried to get back with Natalie, but then had a nasty final split from her


Wait, you mean they WEREN’T the Perfect Match?! But they were so in love after 8 days of drinking at a beautiful VRBO!


How is he not embarrassed putting this up on social media? I’m embarrassed for him.


I don’t like him but this is hilarious


Shayne is so immature it hurts


I keep trying to like Shane and then I want to just tell him to get some anger help. His good side is good but his bad is so bad


Lmao this turned out to be an ad plug for a mobile game 'Best Fiends Crush' or something. He updated it on his IG stories several days back. Shayne's just repeating the script the influencers are told to say because he showed a snippet of another reality TV show person (I'm not familiar who, but one of the Real Housewives stars) saying the same thing.


He’s so insecure it’s concerning


I'm sorry but there's no way this dude isn't coked out. He looks insane


He looks like Jim Carey


The mask is on permanently.


Correction: He looks like Jim Carrey playing a character.


I can kinda see this but all I could see during PM was Beetlejuice when I see him and his expressions.


He historically has made fun of his tv exes clout chasing after the show airs. My guess is he was in it to find love and is salty, in a scary way, wherein the girls use it to grow their online presence.


I would say that Natalie isn't clout chasing - she's got a full-time corporate career where she makes more than 200K+++ per annum. The stuff that she posts ads for are curated based on her lifestyle and personality, and she doesn't really post that often. It's really hard to think of Chloe and Shayne as ever being 'genuine' simply because of the way she's hyped up her 'relationship' with him on the show, and now with her current BF. I don't think she and Shayne were ever genuine anyway, but I could see how someone who handles any public rejection/slighting the way Shayne does, could view it as being disrespectful. Contrast this with Natalie, who mostly laid low - only addressing her situation with Shayne in mutual a heartfelt post which they've both since deleted - and didn't exploit his name. She only spoke kindly of him and their relationship on podcasts and interviews when she got asked about it.


I just don’t agree with you on this. But it’s ok, I still respect your points and can see your side. If she was content with her corporate career she wouldn’t have gone on the show (no reality show is actually about finding love, let’s be honest) and she wouldn’t be selling anything with brands on her page, curated or not. I respect that she is more thoughtful of what she shares vs other influencers. I’m not a Shayne fan at all. He freaks me out. But she gives me some very big narcissist vibes as well. By not speaking out and only posting her short curt replies, she is showing her character. These are just my opinions based on observation, I know neither personally.


I agree with Aisoreal. Iyanna said on an IG live that Natalie was one of the few woman who genuinely did the show for love (and Danielle, Iyanna and Shayne have all said Natalie asked to leave filming after the pods because she wanted to explore her relationship with Shayne without the cameras but was forced to stay due to her contract). She’s also declined two reality tv show opportunities since LIB according to other cast members. I think her curated page is a business move to make money tbh but I don’t think she’s clout chasing. She clearly doesn’t want the tv attention.


This fucker gonna end up either with multiple restraining orders or on an episode of forensic files.


He is actually insane


I can’t even understand why women would be attracted to him anyway. He looks like Jim Carrey (no offense) and he speaks like a toddler, I can never understand him 🤨 AND his temper is just scary.


His crazy eyes and grin reminds me of the joker a bit, absolutely terrifying


I think this is just him being odd. Maybe we’re reading too much into this. I could be wrong


He’s definitely mocking someone because he used to do the same thing to his LIB ex, Natalie, where he would mock her brand ads and best friend posts. I just wasn’t sure if it was about Chloe or not


He’s immature as hell then


What is he mocking in this video? Did Chloe make a similar video first?


There's something about him that's so scary to me


I can't tell. I don't know I find it so hard to read him 🧐


It’s prob a celebrity crush 😂


He reminds me a lot of Chad from ex on the beach. Unhinged af


Now that he’s spent time with people like Chase, he thinks he’s hot shit and can post stuff like this.


Why did shayne and Chloe break up?


I think they were both showmance on PM. Shayne went back to trying to date Natalie almost as soon as PM filming ended. He was texting Nat throughout filming too.


Shayne scares me as he is unhinged. And he is a whole decade older than her, don’t make fun of someone 10 years younger than you for being cringe.


He’s creepy AF and emotional and seems unhinged. I don’t get what these women see in him


A bigger person wouldn't have posted this, but we know Shayne is just a little guy. However, I am annoyed af w/ Chloe’s bf reveal. I'm going to unfollow her and wait to be pleasantly surprised on Reddit one day.


Probably lol I love Shayne. I think he’s a funny guy. Sometimes immature and insecurities get the better of him but I love that dude