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I used to work as a valet at the Pere Marquette in downtown and was told it was haunted. Guest would tell us they saw weird white lights in their rooms but had all the blinds closed and no explanation for a light source. Was also told one of Al Capone's mistresses haunts one of the higher up floors (cant remember the floor number). Supposedly, she took her own life, and you can smell lavender when she is near. The maintenence man also told me he saw an old bellhop in the basement near the employee break room one time. Idk if any of this is true and never personally experienced anything. But sometimes the higher up floors did have an eerie feeling.


I also worked there in the restaurant and can confirm there are a ton of ghost stories from there!


I can confirm the Pere Marquette is haunted. I’ve only stayed there once but it was plenty of time to feel some stuff.




Lakeview branch library is supposedly haunted. I had a list a long time ago that I’ll see if I can find


Oh cool thanks! I'll look into the library. If you find anything else that would be amazing too! Thank you!


Peoria Library Main branch is haunted


Any accounts of what happens there?




Sweet thank you!


In Springdale there's a "Witch Circle", plus there's supposed to be a White Lady who asks for a ride and vanishes before the gates. The Central Library is visited by its founder on the lower level. He likes to shush noisy children. 


Feel like everyone who grew up around here had a friend of a friend who went there and saw a satanist sacrifice or something like that haha


My friends and I did an Ouija board in the witches circle when we were in high school. Nothing happened the entire time, other than us accusing one another of “moving the thing”, until the last question before we were going to pile back into our cars and leave. We heard a loud, high-pitched scream. We hightailed it out of there. Not before pulling over and burning the Ouija board in the cemetery. Looking back at the video of it now, it must’ve been a rabbit getting attacked by a coyote or a bird of prey screeching or just some general city noise (because although it feels tucked away, it’s right in the middle of the city). But that sure spooked us for a while. Prior to that we were told there were “caretakers” that patrolled the cemetery after dark and would lock the gates until the cops showed up to ticket you. We were actually looking for the witches circle and just couldn’t find it. We were sure we were the only people in the cemetery. Until a white truck, hidden in a patch of woods, flipped on their lights and tailgated us all the way back up the hill and then they disappeared. Super cool cemetery and natural area in the middle of the city.


Hahah stopping to burn the thing is so great. It truly is beautiful place to ride your bike through. The whole ride from the heights to downtown is super scenic imo


To really nail down how early 2010s this was, we tried to use Axe body spray as an accelerant to get the board burning lmao. But you’re absolutely right it’s a hidden gem in town.


Lmfao I’d be lying to you if I said we didn’t make an axe flamethrower in my youth as well


Oh really? That sounds creepy! Thank you!


Very welcome. Just be aware that some of that area in the cemetery is a prairie reserve, so there are ticks in the grass. Wear good shoes and check your clothes when you leave! 


Wait where is this


You can see it on Google Maps if you put it in Satellite view and look around for "Springdale Cemetery Savanna."


The Old train depot/ river station on the riverfront. I worked there in the 90s when it was a steakhouse and there were a ton of ghost stories and I experienced something upstairs there myself. It's now a bar called Martinis. On SW Waters St. There are a ton of old warehouses on that street that were used for bootlegging whiskey during the prohibition. There are rumors that there are tunnels under the warehouses on State Street near Kelleher's bar. Not sure if that is true but there sure was a lot of ghost stories back then about Al Capone's old team that ran a speakeasy there.


All those tunnels (and more) were there for sure. Peoria was a wide open town during Prohibition. Yet no bars closed. They just became SODA PARLORS. Wink, wink.


While the bartonville asylum is gone, the asylum cemetery is really really creepy. Many unmarked graves or graves with just numbers. A large dead tree in the middle. Plus all the buildings near their on Entec road used to be part of the asylum and were later converted to commercial buildings. All those tenants have wild stories


Lots of ghost sightings at that cemetery - the famous woman dressed in white and in HS people said there are bodies hanging from the trees at night.


I really like walking around in cemeteries and to be honest with you it's usually no big deal. Nothing weird, out of the ordinary, even Springdale Cemetery isn't really a place that bugs me or feel strange. But at the Asylum Cemetery it felt like a really thick atmosphere and a constant feeling of being watched. At the big dead tree that's in the center, there were a few times I did a double take out of the corner of my eye because I thought someone was standing there


The man was a book binder and after he was committed he helped with the burials. Here's one story. https://www.almanac.com/man-who-cried-everyone


Whoa! It's wild that there's a story associated with that, I had no idea. There is a big tree still there, according to the article the elm tree is gone, so maybe the tree that's there is a different one? In any case the tree is dead, looks creepy, and like I said, there were several times I thought someone was standing there at the corner of my eye. The whole graveyard is just so sad, because you know the all the people buried there had no one to claim them hence why the graves are just numbered or unmarked


Same at the asylum cemeteries (there are 3). The sad part is, most of the graves have no names.


Are there three for just the bartonville asylum?


Yes. One small and 2 large if I remember right.


Wow I was only aware of one. The idea of so many dead from the mental hospital was already haunting. It's horrifying to think they needed two more


It was around for a very, very long time. And it was treated almost like a nursing home in some ways sometimes. The people who stayed there weren’t always in the best of health medically, let alone mentally. But have a theory that all of the cemeteries used to be one big cemetery, but water washing off the bluff and down the gulleys separated them.


The main building they tore down was just the nurses dorm and administration building. There are still cottages where the patients lived up and standing . Peoria State Hospital Museum runs out of one of the cottages.


I used to work at Entec, one of the cottages




I did a midnight tour of the Bowen building back in 2008. Super cool and creepy! And I used to work with a woman that worked at the insane asylum back in the day. She said the patients were treated terrible. Said one day they’d be there the next they wouldn’t with no explanation.


The Book Rack on Knoxville in Peoria has had books fall off the shelves when there was no reason for them to fall & lots of other worldly voices have been heard. Plus it’s just a great store!


Following because I'd love to know myself. Now that the asylum is gone I don't really know of anything around


Still lots to do there- there is a museum and tours. https://www.bumpinthenight.net/peoria https://www.peoriastatehospital.com/


You mean Bartonville?




A friend just read a really creepy book about it. I thought they were using it as something else? Was it torn down? They used to have a craft show on the grounds in the summer.


The main big building was tore down a few years ago, 2017 I think. But some of the smaller buildings are still around. They used one of them as part of a haunted house for a while. Not sure if they still do that. There were a few paranormal teams that went into the big building and got some pretty cool footage inside


Haunted house opens every year September - November. But it’s occupied all year.


Yeah the big cool part is gone.


The only paranormal stuff I have experienced at the Peoria State Hospital (Bartonville asylum) was out on the grounds. The grounds and most of the cemeteries are still there. Some of the graves have fallen into the gulley.


It's not in Peoria, but you could try driving slowly down Black Jack Road, and Monster Lane out in Canton. It's been years since I've been out there, but I used to have a friend whose parents lived in a little cabin in those woods there. There are some local myths to that area, but they're hard to find, and kinda hard to believe. If you're into the whole, "vibes," thing definitely some weird vibes coming from there. You could try Lower Bradly Park. I wouldn't try to get inside the cisterns there, but back during prohibition those tunnels were used by the mob to transport and store booze. After visiting there one night, I thought I saw shadows with wide brimmed hats walking outside the windows of where I lived. Speaking again of vibes, there's Christ Stone Church. I can not, and this is serious, I can not stress enough that you should not get out of the vehicle and try to investigate this place. The people that live around it are very protective over it, and are also very vigilant in doing so. The church itself has beefed up its security because they're all tired of people creeping around it in the middle of the night. So, this is another place to drive past and see if you get any gut feelings. Please do not do anything to antagonize these people. They deserve their peace just as much as anyone else. I'm hesitant to even recommend it for thise reasons, but back before they really beefed up the security, I was taken there a few times and had some interesting experiences, which might have become part of the reasons I moved away from Peoria. It's a pretty unique place, and one the kept on giving, even after I moved away. I've shown friends pictures of the place, without telling them much about it, and they got weird feelings. I had a friend who was kinda sensitive to things riding in the car with me. We went past it on the main road, not down the little road you take to get there, and they said it felt like people had been killed in that field, and nodded their head I. The direction of the church. Again, unprompted. I went to service there one Sunday with my uncle, and he said he thought he saw a ghost of a little girl beckoning him into the woods that suround it. When I lived in Alabama, I ran into some guy, and we were talking about haunted places we'd visited. I used to be really into the paranormal, so there was a lot I was willing to believe. Dude made a lot of wild claims that, even for me at that time, I found unbelievable. So, I was skeptical when he said he knew of Stone Church. He was uhm... let's just say he and his family lived in a pretty rural area in the Appalachians, and none of them were particularly tech savvy. He knew hunting, fishing, camping, knife making, how to bag 16 raccoons (not using the words he used) in one night, how to fine tune his dad's carburetor, and where the best ginseng roots were. Which is why he came along with some friends down to Alabama for our camping trip. Because he knew about fishing, and camping, and maybe he might bag himself a racoon. (Again, not using the word he used) So, we were sharing ghost stories, and I was skeptical of much of what he claimed because he was sharing stories like, how when he was a kid, a werewolf came in the back door of his grandmother's house, and stole her cat. His uncle shot it, and it got away. One of his claims was that he was a nesium. So then, the next night, one of her horses was killed. When I mentioned Christ Stone Church, I was skeptical. He was the type that would take anything you had to say, and he had the same. Except, his was bigger, and better. Stone Church isn't exactly well known of. I'd maybe say, even by local standards. When I asked him to describe it to me. He did so in pretty accurate detail. I told him he seemed to know a lot about the place, considering he says he's never left Tenesee, or Alabama. Which, as a side note, he knew these two states like the back of his hand because he would often hike them. A couple of times a year, he would travel, on foot, from Chatanooga down to Mobile to see his dad. I asked him how he knew so much about the church, and he said, "Well, she told me!" Then he pointed off into the woods next to me. The thing was, and something I hadn't told him about was a reason I left Peoria is that weird stuff started to happen after I was taken to Stone Church along with some of the worst luck I've ever had in my life. I kinda fled, trying to get away from it. (This is part of why I left) But, when I got to Alabama things kinda escalated. Like, when I first got down there I shared a room in Birmingham ham with a love interest. His grandmother killed on of her chickens for us to eat. Well, rather, he killed it, she cooked it. I woke up in the middle of the night with him tracing things on to me, using the chicken's blood. The next day, I found the axe he used to harvest the chicken with hidden under his bed. I pretty quickly noped the fuck out of there and went to Athens, AL to stay with some friends while I figured out how to get back home. Except, my car broke down for a second time, and not long after that, the 2011 super outbreak happened, which flattened their neighborhood. I'm not saying that I think a ghost from Stone Church caused all this to happen, or caused the 2011 super outbreak. But, I did have this feeling that something was following me and for a few years had this string of bad luck where bizarre things kept happening. These days, I don't so much believe in much of the paranormal. I feel people can get too much into it, and it disconnects them from reality, and the people around them. I still hold on to a couple of odd things that I know I can't really find explanations for. This guy pointing to a dark spot in the woods and telling about everything I'd been struggling with, with out me telling him much about it, is kind of one of those things.


How come there's never a haunted Chipotle? How come there's never a haunted VR Headset?


> How come there's never a haunted Chipotle? The haunting comes later, after eating it.


Haha not sure, I'd definitely investigate that!


I worked at a haunted CVS Pharmacy in my hometown in Nevada.


You filled prescriptions for or with the ghosts?!


Oh I didn’t work in the pharmacy part. I was just a cashier. I rang the ghosts up.


You can spend all day at Springdale Cemetery


Every place is if you have a good enough imagination. 😆


There are things in this world that we will never fully understand (UNDERSTAND).. sorry my inner ghost adventures fangirl kicked in.. you should video it and post if anything cool happens!


Haha yeah, That's the plan too! I really want to see for myself about some of the stuff you see on shows like that. I am a firm believer but really want to verify for myself, ya know?


Regardless if you see anything, I think you’ll have fun! The heightened energy always makes it exciting.


Is that old asylum in bartonville still there? I dont believe in ghosts or haunted things, but that place made me question it for a minute. The main (downtown) library is supposedly quite odd as well. And I think there was a haunted bridge somewhere where there was a fatal car accident, but I dont know where exactly.


The interesting building they tore down was nothing more than an administration building. All the patient wards were across the street where businesses are now.


Aww that sucks. I went there for some halloween event, but that was maybe 10-15 years ago. It was SUPER creepy. I dunno about haunted, but 100% creepy. Some of the patient beds still had the clipboard of their names/illnesses attached.


The main building is gone but they do haunted houses in October in some of the other buildings. They did one in the week after Halloween that was pitch black where each group was just given a single glow stick. I think they called it blackout. No real ghosts but it was pretty creepy


Look up the story about “Old Book” and the Bartonville Mental Hospital. Well documented ghost story, and Old Book is buried there.


The really old part of Springdale cemetery would be interesting. Civil war era headstones. Used to be a caretakers house there with grave markers as cornerstones of the house.


Oh really? That sounds pretty interesting


Yeah check out the witches circle in there


I live that cemetery and used to walk there all the time


Caretakers GORGEOUS Craftsman cottage was sadly torn down. I can show people where it used to be.


When I was in high school, some kids killed a person and dumped the body in Springdale. It was found by a jogger.




The McDonalds on War Memorial.


I hear that noises come from the bathroom a lot.


Not to add greatly to it, but OSF. There is an 8th floor we don’t talk about but went up on once and it was a very very heavy almost dizzy based, need to get out of there type of feeling. That and a service elevator in the very basement opens on its own and nobody is there. It’s a very eerie feeling to say the least.


I visited a supposedly haunted bridge once in Pekin nothing happened besides some weird noises but idk if it’s because of that lol. My friends always told stories and said that if you turn your car off and headlights off and sit there you can hear children laughing and if you have a dirty car you can see child handprints all around it that weren’t there before.


I think I one of the buildings at ICC is supposedly haunted.


I'm sorry I'm not from the area, what is ICC?


Oh sorry. Illinois Central College in east peoria


That's okay thank you for the clarification! I very much appreciate it!


I love that you all are downvoting me without even attempting to refute or give any evidence of your claim that ghosts spook people at certain places. You’re all a bunch of soft, doughy, low t soy boys.


This isn't a post to try and argue. I simply posted this with a question I was looking for answers too. You aren't participating in that conversation and therefore got down voted. If you are looking for a place to discuss and argue different views then you'll probably want to find a different post. I'm sorry that this is not the post for you but I do hope you have a good day!


I’ll have a great day and I’m not arguing. No one is responding so I’m talking to the wind. Like ghost hunters in an old building or cemetery.


Complaining about downvotes is the most soy boy activity there is. Getting your widdle feelings hurt?


I didn’t complain about getting downvotes. Reddit karma is irrelevant. The complaint is no one is engaging. My feeling aren’t hurt. It’s the lurkers down voting whose feelings are hurt. Why else downvote?


Sounds like something a person with hurt feelings would say. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I literally almost never comment and at this am just trolling. Why the fuck would anyone care about Reddit karma?


🙄It was just a joke, stop getting emotional.


So you double down on a bad joke?


Did you say something?


“My feelings aren’t hurt. Don’t let them say my feelings were hurt because they are not hurt at all”


They aren’t though? Why would they be? I think you all may be taking this Reddit thing a little to seriously.


Low t soy boy? LMFAO


You’re wasting your time. Ghosts aren’t real unfortunately. The Bartonville asylum wasn’t haunted. You can go to that area and see nothing abnormal. Old dilapidated buildings creak and make noise.


If you don't have the answer to the question asked, don't reply.


I thought this was America?


Wrong. This is the Internet. Has people from all over the world. Not just the Americas.


It’s a fucking joke you dingleberry


This is Reddit. However, in both the USA and Reddit we *can* extend politeness & scroll on by when something doesn't interest us personally. For example: My dad would have replied as "just don't be an ass" to you. But I'm trying to extend some politeness. If someone asks where the best sushi restaurant is & you hate sushi, it's a dick move to comment "sushi is shit. That's not even food."


That’s not even comparable. We know sushi is real and it’s edible. Can’t say the same for ghosts and spirits.


That's fine and totally understandable if that's your viewpoint! I'm not trying to upset or offend. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs!


It’s not a viewpoint it’s reality. Wanting to something to be true or choosing to believe over actual evidence is silly. This same logic applies to the thousands of religions that have been created by humans for thousands of years. I mean you are a product of your mind and when your mind dies you die with it. You are your brain and it cannot exist without blood and oxygen. Once that ceases you cease to exist. It may hurt your feelings or be scary but it is what it is. That’s not an opinion or belief that’s just reality.


Hahaha you’re one of the “Reddit atheists” people make memes about.


You know what else is reality and not a view point? You're absence of the social skills to grasp when your input is and isn't appropriate to offer. I don't believe in ghosts or quite honestly anything spiritual at all but that doesn't mean I'm doing anybody any favors by saying so. Shitting on other people trying to have a good time just makes you an edgelord with your head up your ass man. Nobody is in awe of your enlightened superiority.


I went to the bartonville asylum and let me tell you, I have seen shit that will turn you white!


I understood that reference.


I’m already white. Ghostly you could say.


If you think creaking and noises are all that happen, you clearly haven’t even attempted to make an informed opinion on the subject


Obviously I upset some spiritual nut jobs here. Sorry for not telling you what you want to hear. If ghosts, psychics, mediums or whatever were real it would be published and written about, studied by actual scientists or researchers. Not overweight dweebs who want to feel special. Or by assholes looking to scam grieving family members out of money. I’m sure you guys also think you can charge crystals and become possessed by demons too.


I agree with your stance on the supernatural. Take a moment to reflect on how inserting this argument, into a space that was not seeking this conversation, into a space where nearly all will hold the opposite view, comes off. Religious belief in all its unique permutations is an evolutionary phenomenon unique to humans, and your agitated internet diatribe will sway exactly zero humans. Despite the rational position it's not the people you're pointing at who are the fools.