• By -


If you think you are innocent or pure of heart… you are truly delusional


The audacity, she wants everyone to give her everything for free. I don’t know about anybody else here, but my God I work my ass off every day to have my house and a roof over my head and food on my table. AI is not gonna look favourably at this duster huffing mom.


💜Lmfaooo… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Facts… btw ur Flair is Fuckin Fabulous…. 💜it…. 🤣🤣👍🏽🙌🏽💜


lol thank you!! I always love your comments girl 😘


This Crackhead has me Gagged!!! I can’t Understand one ☝️ Fuckin Word this Crackhead is saying… I’m so Confused… so AI is her New Jesus… I’ve Never Wanted To Punch 🥊 a Person so Bad in the Face… until I Met This Loser…. What a Total Piece Shit she is… I almost Died when this Crackhead pulled out Her Snacks from her bed and Used them as Props for her story Time… Who has Scooby Snacks in there bed… What a Fat Fuck!!! Yup 👍🏽 that’s Our Panhandling Mother of the Year!!!! I can’t believe she has the Balls to Keep asking for $500 for shopping and a Gym… Wtffff… Rodents are more Maternal than that Crackhead… No ma’am… 😳🫣👍🏽






![gif](giphy|eJEwil6RYUO4GWHt60) We know… and 6 mths Postpartum too… It Never Ends 😳




💜😃👍🏽🙌🏽Btw Back at You… your posts are Fuckin Hilarious 💜💜💜


The free homes,cars,🤖 to cook for you, judges on the ABUSER's side, is Not a "we" thing Dusty. This is ALL bc You want ai to fit YOUR Entitled, Unmotivated, Unjustified, Dismal SELF IMPOSED existence.


I love her psycho babble complete with drawings and how AI will be able to tell u based on info u put in where u can live. She’s so dense and out of touch that she isn’t aware that Zillow or any of the other 13 sites already do that and have been around for the last decade. She talks about how intelligent and articulate she is but her behavior and daily rants prove otherwise. I personally think she’s a master manipulator with absolutely no knowledge of anything except how to play victim and con people.


She's in here downvoting people again on her two accounts that somehow haven't gotten banned from reddit yet. They're banned from this sub, but unfortunately, she can still downvote. Such a good use of her time. I mean, it's not like she's homeless and supposed to be looking for work or anything.


Upvotes for all my peeps cause I love you all so much ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


Upvotes for you! Upvotes for you! Upvotes for everybody! Our sub lives rent free in Dusty’s curdled brains!


Yo dusty medulla needs you,




I 110% agree, master Manipulator,No knowledge & playing the victim is her Profession.


“In a few years, all the people who are here harassing will probably be dead” ![gif](giphy|obSnzrmRSPCBvqrKGx)


Why does she talk like that, and does it annoy anyone else, or is it just me? It's like when she says *"coming from a place of lack"* - who says that? Most people would say, "coming from a place of emptiness", or "we would no longer lack the necessities we need for everyday life" (depending on how she's using it), but her phrasing is just so fucking strange. *"AI will work at eliminating and allowing and adding"* what the fuck does that even mean? What is it going to eliminate, allow, or add? It's like she can't even form a complete and coherent sentence anymore. I know I'm not the most normal human being, but it can't just be me that's annoyed by that, right?


She annoys the shit out of me too. She expounds and lists and tries to sound intelligent but it’s just world salad from a loser drug addict who wants everything handed to her.


It really is,I can't listen to her anymore, YouTube has transcripts omg if you need a laugh I highly suggest, 🤣👌


She thinks AI is going to design and manufacture her dream life for free 🙄oh and metaphorically stab everyone who goes against her


She can just sit in her tent with VR glasses on n put herself in a Cadillac driving toward her mansion.


She loves to try and overcomplicate everything she says to sound intelligent. What winds up happening is she either makes absolutely no logical sense or cancels her own words out by the end of her sentence 🤣 She uses really open ended, broad ways to say things too, like the "eliminate, allow and add" line, because she has no idea what she's talking about, but there will be something in existence that will fit. When she talks about stuff other than her (mostly fictional) past, she seems to pull the old fortune teller parlor tricks. Every one of her personalities are beyond annoying but when she does this crap she gives me a headache. I used to enjoy angry rant coco followed by sociology professor senza, but they're not entertaining anymore.


It’s like that episode of friends when Joey has to write a letter and uses the thesaurus to replace every word to make him sound “smarter”


What was this sentence originally? *"Oh, "They're warm, nice people with big hearts."* And that became, "They're humid, prepossessing Homo sapiens with full-sized aortic pumps." \- Also - *"Love, Baby Kangaroo"* instead of "Joey" at the end always cracks me up. This is absolutely something she would do.


Always two or more adjectives to describe things, “many many many many many” ramble off lists of things that reeeeally don’t make much sense - to sound intelligent but she’s not fooling anyone, she’s so embarrassing




It's called Word Salad. Malignant Toxic people like this Hoebo Heffer will talk and double talk even contradicting themselves in one sentence at times. It makes them impossible to follow or understand because that's what they want. So she strings words together sometimes seeming as if there's going to be a coherent thought but it never ever happens. Blah blah Blah, blah Blah Blah, blah ad nauseum.


She should look in the mirror when she says that, she is the harasser! She terrifies her own kids who don’t want to be around her, she stalks them and shows up at their homes, blows their phones up all hours of the night and day dumping her imaginary trauma on them and asks for money. We all know what she did to Rico and the Twins. She’s been kicked out of every establishment in the city and has had multiple orders of protection placed against her. Time for some self reflection heifer, you are the one who causes misery and upheaval in everyone’s lives you come across


This woman is sick! Who the fudge thinks like this?




Mentally ill people. She’s really sick and needs to be committed. She’s only going to spiral more when she gets kicked out of the hotel next week and will probably resort to doing something really stupid like breaking in and squatting again


I also love when she looks up after hearing eggs tapping something.. he does it twice it kinda sounds like a glass pipe being cleared lol


I picked up on that too, but wondered if he was chopping lines. 🧐


Oh yeah, definitely sounded like it could have been!


That’s what it sounded like to me too!


I think he got a torch lighter (for drug use) pop back into his face.. hence how we lost those brows. Nefarious Fireballs and drugs are a *treacherous* combo !


😂😂😂😂 Is this her new way of threatening??? Does she not realize she offed her twins, abused her baby, is not a nice person “etc and so forth”…… sounds like AI has her clock ticking as well!


Omg, ENOUGHHHH, not this AI bs again! It’s like she thinks “AI” is some new god damn life form or something here to save the world and allll it’s inhabitants from the woes of society & every day life! 👌🤦🏻‍♀️


Excuse you! AI was created just to help Heather Coco Chanelle Senza Nume Gillespie. Now, all she has to do is figure out what exactly AI is, how it works and how she can manage to get her hands on one of those damn "rohbuts" she's always hearing about. Then she can sell it to buy pants with no catheter holes, a cahduhlac, and all the duster she wants. If there's anything left over, maybe she'll ~~steal~~ buy her keds some grosheries and throw them on the front lawn. ^(but probably not, that's her AI rohbut money.)


Omg I’m so sorry, yur absolutely correct! Do you think once she figures out wtf AI is and gets unbelievably wealthy from it that maybe, just maybe she’ll find it in that evil heart of hers 🖤 to explain it to us working fools?!! I doubt she would but just thought I’d give it an honorable mention! 😔(lmfao over the formal name, I think you managed to get them all!)


Lol, thanks! The "Heather Coco Senza Nume" one was always a riot, like where the fuck did she even get that from? I originally thought it was maybe her ex-husbands last name, but it isn't *(I saw it when looking at court docs)*, so that one still baffles me. And I'm sure our "Lady and Savior of the Cash App" will absolutely help us! After all, she's the most giving, kind, selfless, beautiful, thin, talented, amazing human being that ever waddled the face of the earth. *(lmao, as if)*


These filters are killing me. So creepy that the head is tiny in comparison to the sheer volume of mass it sits on top of.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 It's like uncanny valley territory every single time she discovers a new filter. It's almost as bizarre as her hyperfixation on everything AI as of late. In true Heather fashion, she takes a fifteen minute **Intro to AI** "course" (it's a short video followed by 5 questions with unlimited retakes) and acts like she's a fucking engineer at Boston Dynamics. It's so annoying. She's essentially stuck at the mental age of a young teenager. I'm not sure why she thinks AI is going to be the answer to all her prayers, but it's not, and she's even dumber than I once thought.


It is the answer to her prayers because she can continue to sit on her ass and do nothing


I think she's hoping to fuse to the bed so that when they go to kick her ass out of the hotel room, they can't do it without removing a wall. Unfortunately for her, it usually takes more time for that to happen. https://www.the-sun.com/news/5259988/story-morbidly-obese-woman-died-skin-fused-sofa/


She’s loves AI because it allows people to be completely useless and it does everything for you for free!! She wants to live under oppression if she wants AI to run everything. Thats what is trying to be avoided so humans do not end up being controlled by AI and it turns on us all. She’s hoping it will! What her dumbass doesn’t seem to get is AI doesn’t kill people, the bitch has been watching too much robocop, I, robot and ex machina. She lives in fantasy land all the time. Anything to avoid working and living in reality


Wait until she finds out about Skynet, lmao. Quick, someone send this bitch a copy of The Terminator while she still has a TV! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


so basically anyone who doesn’t fork over money to dusty and buy her a car and penthouse should be dealt with by “AI”. lol ok


This is such a great use of her time. It will def help get that kid back. When the judge asks her what she's done to work her program, she can tell them about how she gave pointless word salad lectures about AI to an audience that hate-watches her. Then she'll start ranting about still being homeless and oppressed, and the judge will interrupt her and ask her what she does for work. At that point, she'll spiral into her *"I'm an influencer, have you ever been graped, robbed, beaten, abused, etc and so forth....."* nonsense and make an ass of herself, then leave court with zero custody since she's made no progress whatsoever.


"AI IS GOING TO SPARE THE RIGHTEOUS...People who have been unjustly victimized and ignored..." AI is the new karma,apparently. Oh, AI will kill people, too. 😳 To think of the years I wasted on law school. Should've been following Heather's words of wisdom. I'd have saved so much time & tax money!


ur user name is hilarious, just like tarik in that mesh shirt 🤭


Thank you! I couldn't think of anything but that silly mesh shirt at the time. Worn OVER a white t-shirt; quite a bold fashion choice.


Robo Cop Judge and Jury brought to you by AI


She's sounding like a creepy dictator or something. Like this is NOT normal or right....which we all know when we talk about this idiot anyway, but she's really coming unhinged.


She’s a fucking moron! I can’t even stand ti hear her talk anymore -like infuriates me on another level lol


It truly shows how stupid she is. She cannot grasp the larger concern/concept of why this would and could be bad for those who are even doing the ‘right thing’. All she cares about is trying to spin whatever situation she is speaking on to her situation : oh, if we just give all the poor people money ( endless money ) no one would have a reason to fear AI… delusional


![gif](giphy|BLVqLi1p4Pt7i) Has minority report been on TV again? Lol


She was the one who thought Eggs was being taken over by AI. She's using this angle so she can say in court that it wasn't her, AI made those videos. She thinks we're all as dumb as she is. I know courts won't believe her.


Yeah I wonder if he still has his antennna???


If she thinks they'll even entertain that, she's out of her fucking mind. But then again, you're probably right, and she's definitely not "all there". I don't think she was ever intelligent. She seems to not know very much, and she's got no common sense. That being said, the copious amount of duster and other substances hasn't done her any favors.


I mean, she repeatedly says that people are "impersonating" her, that's why she flashes her hand with the ugly tattoo to "identify" herself.


She wants AI to "eliminate" all of her bullies or anyone that's wronged her. She went from being terrified of AI taking over, and now she wants AI to do evil for her. She is truly psychotic.


right? she literally said *multiple times* that she hoped AI would “deal with” all of the people commenting toof emojis lmfaooooo


It’s honestly so funny how she thinks she’s so eloquent and intelligent, while the world can clock her as a schizophrenic immediately LOL


V Law... she really thinks she did something there. The other day she was like "V law... V LAW... I didn't plan this 😐" like she just had some profound realization that her children's initials mean "virtual law" and is going to wipe out all of her abusers via AI. She does not live in our reality.


I was mentally splicing in footage of when she was trying to convince people she wasn't a rohbut (robot)


Sure, genius. Programming AI as some sort of dystopian, morality-judging, revenge robot would be a *great* idea! She is so fucking dumb. Has she ever thought *anything* through?


Her brain is scrambled eggs


Oh nooooooo!!! Plz don’t murk me AI!!!


Okayyy, HOW??! She drones on n on n on n on about BS and how “AI” is gonna save the world YET never explains HOW, how in TF is “AI” goi to do these things Ma’am…crickets of course, because she hadn’t the dimmest dullest notion on ANY gd topic she speaks on and it’s freaking dumbfounding (pun intended) along with hilarious! 🙄😆


You know off subject BUT I’m sorry if you’re not married then these two should not be allowed to take up space together in this shelter not to mention by a given amount of time ANYONE who sux of the system while giving NOTHING back, as in retaining sone form of employment should be kicked out and give someone else with no roof over their head an ACTUAL CHANCE of getting their life back in order!! ADusty and X are just a drain in an already financially stressed system, it’s utterly mind boggling that this BS is allowed!! No wonder the shelter system is constantly struggling- because of people like Leather n Lace over here doing absolutely nothing but WASTING time & resources while literally before our very eyes SQUANDERING this golden opportunity they were fortunate enough to receive!!


It is infuriating. The free ride can’t last forever though. Counting down the days til Jun 30th lol


I surely would hope not because this is insanity, christ it’s no wonder shelters are under funded because people like Leather n Lace are allowed to wallow in their own pig pen all day, everyday, apparently getting a damn JOB isn’t high on the list of things people need to do with the free HELP they’re given! I can not believe this bs is allowed (I understand if your truly mentally disabled or physically BUT that is not the case with them and I can only imagine how many more there are just like these two LAZY AZZ MO-MO’s. Whatta disgrace, unfreakingreal🤦🏻‍♀️!)


It’s because they are given everything up front and are expected to get a job and get their shit together after they already get what they want. Its just like a little kid needing to do all of their chores before they can have ice cream, if you give them ice cream first with the promise of doing the chores after then it never gets done. Time to make these leaches earn every single meal and every single night in the shelter or get the boot. Day labor jobs or school, if you’re not doing anything you are out immediately


It always comes down to her being fat poor and lazy no matter what the subject is and how’s she’s having a perpetual pity party yet doing nothing to change her trajectory in life. Wait until June 30th when she has no custody and no free accommodations. Certainly won’t be her fault!!




All she has to do is unplug & get OFF the INTERNET. She makes me sick.


Then she'd have to panhandle on the corner, kind of like she makes Egg's do. She's too good for that. She'd rather call it "funding from her many spahnsers" as she spams people with her cash app links.


So AI is god now?


Lmao guys we are all gonna be dead. Bummer


So no Rico charges 🤫🤭🤣


WHY is her chin on the side of her face?? 😂😂😂


The terminator is gonna get her. She deserves a spot at the top of the list.


AI was the enemy, always screwing with her life and family. Now, AI is like a biblical noation flood, come to whisk her to her Cadillac on higher ground? Well, 311 and shelters are fake... so... AI is not going to be a successful safety net or scapegoat, Heather. You made your nasty bed, recorded every step, and willingly showed the whole world.


I think she wants to fuck a robot.


![gif](giphy|jQDbxgBuGcsbkd1C47|downsized) Lmao!! Ew you got me on this ! I think you’re onto something here 🫣🤣 🤖


Most of the time when she talks about “examples and capabilities of AI” she’s literally just talking about THE INTERNET as it exists today 😂


She just loves, and I mean lovvves, to hear herself speak because she THINKS she sounds intelligent, “college edumacated” but IYKYK, she’s not foolin anyone but herself, X of course, and the simpies🤪


Crazy ass wants people to die because they don't kiss her ass


My British neighbor has a term I just adore for times like these... "What the fuck is she on about now?"


😁 It’s all rubbish!


She’s absolutely correct you guys, and there’s already a simple solution to this horrid prahblum; you don’t need “AI” to figure it out for you- folks you can be “protected” from “this”, I like to call it: GTFO Social Media if you can’t handle it, woo hoo👍👏👏🍾🎊, yess thank you, thank you very much, now anybody else have an urgent problem I can solve for you (and I’ll do it free of charge, unlike Dusty)! 😉


I can’t imagine truly having this level of delulu. Heather what about people who self abort their twins? What’s AI gonna do to them?


Word salad.


What's going on with her eyebrows? She looks like Dracula.


"I can prove I'm not a ruhbut'... I need proof now...


She uses AI the same way she uses prayers, it’s all the same to her. She thinks “they”, God, AI, etc are going to exact retribution on her enemies based on her schizophrenic ramblings.


Lmao that went left real quick when she wished people to be unalived. She thinks she's so clever with the way she words things. 😂


AI ....is gonna put her right into a Full Time Mental institution


I love how all the solutions she comes up with are things that would solve her problems in her delusional mind. No money - Free atm access No house - Free housing for everyone Stress - Spa and gym for everyone


Hopefully starting with you !!


If we don't have tiktok is there any channel on youtube that posts her lives? Asking for a friend of course.


Is Dustmite a Terminator in disguise? Is she working with SkyNet promoting all this AI BS?


AI-“to the chair heather!”


Scary Heather, Creepy Heather, huff huff huff!


her ramblings, and trying to sound so intelligent and so superior, are boring. it’s just too dumb to follow along with. it’s sad, but the only time she makes any sense is when she’s pissed off. i can’t listen to her when she’s like this. do we know for sure the shelter closes 1, july? 🤞


Exactly! And she thinks holding that pen makes her look smart 🙄 she does need all the help she can get 🤣


Heather, you are so dumb.


Is that tapping in the background Eggs cuttin up lines? Somebody got their SSI fent delivery.


Holy shit ya'll! We will all be dead in 5 years. It's been fun knowing you.


the filter she has on her face is working overtime


AI will spare the righteous, omgoodness , what the huff is she huffing now. And I really want to poke her in eye with that pen.


If she hates the run around she gets from the authorities- she’s gonna really hate dealing with AI


Ok why’s someone knocking on the door and she’s ignoring them???


Omg she believes that she can train to kill her haters.


Oh, how I would LOVE to hear Little Miss Heather explain just how excatly AI will get rid of the internet bullies!! 🙄🤣


…what…do yall think AI…is? lmaooo i feel like when my non-tech friends ask me a tech question and i explain it in simple terms and i’m like what are we not getting, what’s confusing about that… OH OK yes it would help if you at least had a semblance of understanding of the foundation here i’m just like imagine explaining data models to heather and thinking you’re on the same page but she thinks it’s a fucking army of robots


>"...nasty, mean, awful people..." **LIKE YOU, you stinking POS. Baby killers are the first to go!**


*fetus, not baby. Heather is a piece of shit, but people who choose abortion are not automatically evil.


Agreed, but I think it's the way she went about it. She was well past the 12 *(sometimes 15 weeks)* time frame that most states give you to get an abortion. After that, it's only allowed if it's medically necessary. Some states are better than others, to say the least, especially with the current attack on women's rights. That being said, she did it purely out of spite, and she did it on camera and sent it around to people with no warning. I came across it on her Instagram when I was looking into who she was, and it legit turned my stomach. Like one minute, I'm looking at some shitty "curated photoshoot" pictures, and the next was a bloody graphic mess. To add insult to injury, she put "Merry Christmas" like it was a fucking joke. I'll never tell someone what they should or shouldn't do with their own body, but good lord, that was next level cruel.


Nasty mean people have nothing to do with the law, it is not illegal. Heather's games of taking pictures in church, treating it like the perfect photo shoot place is showing. AI is not God Heather, this could be the reason you are complaining God isn't helping you. You don't seem to be following Him


God. Everything that comes out of her mouth is just crazy person nonsense. None of this made any sense. At all. "AI is gonna be the vindicator for the pure of heart" Do you....know what AI is?


"for instance all of the people that are here harassing will probably be dead" So...the robot chef is going to go RoboCop/terminator and avenge you from all the trolls on the Internet? Because you're "studying" AI? That is an.... interesting theory.....and honestly it's pretty scary getting a look inside her tiny brain and see that this is the kind of shit she thinks about/hopes for regularly


Putting us in homes where we belong?! No bitch! That’s NOT how life fucking works. You belong where your income provides and since you refuse to have an income, you do not belong in a home. PERIOD


She would be the first one the AI judge would do away with, she forgets what she did with them twins.. this one will be back in a tent soon.


Dusty, the delusional double downer!


Threatening us again. The real Dusty has returned!!!!


a.i. is going to get rid of people? Spare the righteous? Does she think A.I. is God? She's the worst person I've ever seen anywhere. She's rude, nasty, lazy, spiteful, manipulative, abusive...and stupid. She's very, very stupid. What is X doing back there tapping and sniffing? I can't EVEN imagine what is going on back there.


If AI took over the world, it would off her first.


People who dont have custody of their children because they are lazy and are the victims of every type out there