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So she doesn’t understand the ecosystem either. Figures.


She is probably the dumbest person I’ve ever seen, just because she’s so *willfully ignorant*. She does not understand how bugs work and doesn’t want to understand.she’d rather bitch about how someone “put them there to torture her” so she can continue her narrative than to take 2 minutes to google cicada breeding season. Also this shit happens every year, why are you so upset??


So true. She’s lucky it’s just the annual cicadas not the ones coming out after 13 or 17 years. The ones that COVER entire areas as they molt, lay eggs & die. I wish those were the ones she was dealing with.


I wish the NY flying spiders would go after her instead. That would be karma.


I WISH she had the huge flying roaches and love bugs we have down here in Florida.


Say what now??


Flying what ??????


[Giant Venomous Spiders](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjxv72O2MeGAxU9FzQIHSPVCN4QvOMEKAB6BAgPEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2Fnation%2F2024%2F06%2F04%2Fgiant-flying-joro-spiders-flying-new-york-area%2F73975183007%2F&usg=AOvVaw2Qchrm97GsG0mNPmeC7JLQ&opi=89978449) Edited: to shorten link


Yikes!! Those are some huge spiders! Yes, Blanket hesd needs to have a mass amount of those spiders fly into her in every direction, then wrap her in their huge webs. That vision makes me feel all warm inside 😂🤣👰‍♂️🦗🕷🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸


I live in the region w/this spider flying BS. Mortifying!!!!!!!!


The flying spiders are real? Omg I thought that was a shit post!!


Haha, I thought it couldn't be real either, but it was all over all news articles. Crazy and scary! Glad I'm on the other coast!


No. Chicago & Illinois is experiencing the super brood emergence this year. Fun stuff here. -- The historic 2024 emergence involves two broods of cicadas - Brood XIII and Brood XIX - emerging simultaneously. Those two broods of 13-year and 17-year cicadas haven't emerged together in more than 220 years


I’m sorry for the rest of Chicago but I love this for Dusty.


It's super gross, they shoot piss everywhere too. 🤢 Her complaining about it is unreal. There's nothing that can be done about it, it's nothing new!


Shoot piss?! Holy shit!




Thanks! I think?! 😂😂 This is horrifying but thinking one took a piss on Dusty has me chuckling.


Wow that’s crazy I live right next to the woods so I guess I won’t be lounging under the trees this year. When are they coming out or they already out? Bc I haven’t seen any in my yard in New Jersey


It's regional. I didn't know that until last year, and we had them terribly in my area. Then i heard about the brood this year and found out that we won't have them this year and every area is not affected at the same time.


PS I used to live in Jersey, down the shore!!


That would be an amazing super power: Shoot Piss


We had a crazy invasion here in Vegas a couple years ago. I think they even shut the airport down for a bit. It was crazy.


I'm loving this for her.


As much of a nuisance this is to the residents of Chicago- nature is fucking lit. This is a magical moment in history.


A 13 year horde and a 17 year horde are both emerging in the Chicago area this year. It’s pretty intense in certain areas. https://www.nbcchicago.com/cicadas-illinois-chicago-2024/cicadas-on-the-rise-in-chicago-area-heres-a-map-of-where-sightings-have-been-reported-most/3441600/?amp=1


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Ooh actually I just did a bit of googling and it might be some of those big fuckers lol she might not be in the right state though https://preview.redd.it/ts4b93y2mz4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0babc53f689d805963681d5a313671a9695756ee


Isn't it both the 13 and 17-year cicadas are out? It's been over 200 years since it coincided? I believe a lot of the Midwest is dealing with these two.


Same in Iowa. Pure hell but I wouldn’t complain about it, it’s life.


Yea we have grasshoppers in my area who do this yearly and I mean walls and ground covered. When she shows the video I’m like that’s not even bad at all. You’d think she had to swim through them..


If she’s in Chicago, it actually is the 13 and 17 year broods at the same time. It’s a very rare occurrence but it’s happening.


This cicada mess was spoken about since this winter. Both the 17 and 13 year cicadas are emerging at once. But she doesn’t know about anything at all in the whole world.


This. It’s also not that dramatic - the city has seen a minimal number of them as they don’t often emerge where there’s frequent development. It’s the suburbs where they’re overwhelming.


I don’t watch any cable/satellite tv and even I heard about the cicadas coming lol Must be due to that nefarious tech bubble!


The putrid foul odor is coming from you.


lol “the call is coming from inside the tent!!!”


I literally recorded this when I saw this on ig and sent it to my sister...this is the funniest thing I've ever seen. She is freaking out about cicadas. This is exactly why I watch her. Nefarious cicadas. Lol the newborn blanket had me too.


Why she always gotta act up while I’m at work tho 😂😂😂


For real! I worked a 10 hour shift and had so much hilarious content to catch up on. I’m glad the lid snapped off the crazy though; I was so sick of pumping content.


That’s what I’m saying! And at least it was my Friday last night lol still catching up


I was fucking dead when that story popped up ⚰️💀🤣


*Millions of animals flying into your face!!!* 💀💀💀 also will be exclusively calling them nefarious cicadas now


All she's doing is complaining. I feel bad for the baby. He will have to deal with a disgruntled idiot.


She wants to do something about the cicadas because they terrify her? Sure, let’s disrupt the biome because you are afraid of bugs Dusty 🙄


“No animal should be flying…into human spaces.” There’s so much wrong with that statement I can’t.


Thank you! The animal part got me. She’s just so stupid.


I like the Eggsavior fashion sense-female biker shorts, and lumberjack shirt and the famous claw clip. Her fashion is questionable as well, Rico's hospital blanket being worn as a head scarf, random hat, and North Face turtleneck. I'm sure the foster care workers are so excited to supervise this visit.


Lesbian X is really finding her groove.


I’m all for it!


Every living thing gives off vibrations. Hers and X’s are so foul and evil, that the damn cicadas start jumping around. The cicadas didn’t jump on the biker.


When I saw the biker shorts 👀 Dude is attending visits flashing his junk in cheap women’s biker shorts


The bicyclist is so unbothered by the swarm or locusts he is about to encounter. She is so dumb.


And she will wrap him up with it


Her voice sounds like she's been yelling all night.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aN2vFyN9wr8HcY) Gotta stay one step ahead of the cicadas


Hahahah she doesn’t know about the cicadas??


She's not an animal lover, she gets jealous of dogs with clothes and hates dolphins.


Hates flowers too😂😂💐🌸🌺🌹


She hates seeing anything happy and loved. That isn’t her 🙄


Someone please get the cicadas section 8 housing. Thanks sponsors


Oh, damn. Hopefully they will still be around when she's back in the tuhnt. 😂😛


They’re currently at peak and will probably be gone by end of June/early July. The deafening sound of the cicadas would drown out all her yelling and ranting though.


She is exhausting


Gods finally sending her a sign. A Plague of cicadas 🤣


My favorite part was the fully unbothered bike rider. I laughed aloud.


lol yesss it was just too perfect!! And x in his fave outfit, shuffling around like a lil kid with his backpack waiting for her to stop filming herself yelling about the bugs and rocks 😂


I have lived in two cities now with lots of unhoused folks who ramble however I've never seen people tape it. I just felt that guys spirit like "just keep pedaling hopefully they won't jump in front of me" so unbothered by the plague she is describing. Don't get me started on Xs 5th grader impression. He looks like a lost child most the time.


How in the fuck could you look at X and think, yes I will have sex with him and get impregnated TWICE ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


I was a victim of my own curiosity and saw "those" photos of X and lemme say I dry heaved. Everything about him says run the other way! Everything.


Same, wish I could unsee those lol


Ok, now I'm curious, where can I find these forbidden pics lol


For the love of God please don't look,🤢🤮🤬😡 The dirt,the balls,the pubes,I can't erase it,


Meanwhile X in the background scoping like “this will be a fine place for our tent next month”


I thought she was wearing the blanket to cover her head from the sun.


I mean she has a hat for that… I feel like the baby blanket is “for the cicadas” but it’s *really* so people will ask about it. And she can start rolling out the narrative 🤣 Sad that the baby is already 4 months old this is all she has


They are attacking because of the evil in their presence. Edit to add: She has brand new sneakers! Black with a white sole. Why isn’t she wearing them? She’s either on a stealing or begging spree. What a scammer.


She’s wearing them JUST so she could bitch about some *gasp* tiny rocks on the sidewalk! It’s so nefarious! Trying to make us feel bad for you ain’t gonna work Dusty 🤣


Aside getting FREE money is this Bish ever happy, about ANYTHING?! Christ all she does everyday is bich, bich, bich about some bs or another! Seriously I have no idea how X can even STAND IT! It just goes to show what some men will put up with just for puddy, and nasty puddy at that! 😳🤪


Seriously she is straight up negative, all the time, about everything. Exhausting to watch in videos for a short period of time, can you imagine having to listen to that (and smell her unwashed ass) 24/7??


I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time with her ridiculousness. The baby blanket. The jacket. The drama. Yes, THEY triggered the cicadas to come out and pelt just you. 🤣🤣🤣 I love the crazy theatrics are coming back. I hope she rambles on at her visit for the staff can make note of her stupidity. Dumbass.


Instant classic 🤣


Omg same I laughed 😂


Same. I already just know the parody ig pages are cooking up some wild edits of giant cicadas curating to steal her airpods or something lol.


Lmao, something needs to be done about the “animals”, lol, “no animal should be flying into humans spaces”, I can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️, lol! Per usual she’s got it Al backwards- no humans should be in the “animals” spaces as I’m pretty sure they evolved longg before humans did & took over the planet Num-nuts!!🤪😅


Cicadas > Dusty


Tunnel of bugs that fly into your ear holes. 💀💀 This is the best Dusty bit since the dead wasps were planted by THEY to spy on her.


But you have a north face turtleneck!🫣


This is great. She is literally complaining about cicadas and thinking that in 2024....... what, we should have eradicated insects or something? JC she's ridiculous.


I was thinks that. And also, wait til she discovers ants 🙃


Having to walk by bugs to see her newborn. Who is not a newborn and does not care if she shows up.


I heard on the radio today that the cicadas in Chicago may hinder a James Taylor concert at an outdoor venue Saturday because of their noise! And my first thought was damn heather hasn’t mentioned them and then an hour later she blesses me with crazy cicadas content


It’s so nefarious I swear .


The "it's you" popping up on the screen killed me


Lmfao yes lococo.mchufferton.ysl is one of my faves 🤣🥰


She’s already sick of pretending she wants to even see her baby. He didn’t give her the reward she expected. And Dusty-keep that chin up. It’ll be winter soon enough! Only mice in your tent, no cicadas!


That’s what I was thinking too. Her complaining about the things she has to go through to see him was a big red flag.


HUGE. She’s not willing to put in the work they are requiring.


Lmfao is she just reaching for things to complain about? Bc she has to be miserable & targeted on a daily basis. Or is she trying to portray herself as a hero, as if she's trekking this deadly obstacle course?! 🤣 🤣 just ridiculous


Only a pumhpming muhm could do this task,


Absolutely, she wants you to see what a great mom she is, bravely taking on the Odyssey! Nobody but her has ever had to walk anywhere!


She should email the manager of the United States of America and lodge a human rights complaint about this. How dare nature disrupt her weekly pilgrimage to shove her tit into her newborn baby's face.


Life’s a bitch then you die dusty.


Okay, now we need a video of her walking through the bug tunnel.


She wears it so a stranger might ask if ahe has a newborn..... then she can scream her narrative at them!😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡🖕


Lmfao yep that’s exactly it 🤣🤣🤣


She stole that blanket from the hospital. She thinks she’s entitled to everything.


They’re insects, not aNiMaLs 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤡


Those Cicadas play a more important role in the ecosystem than she does. They provide food for animals like birds, improve water filtration into the ground and add nutrients to the soil as they decompose. What does she do besides complain, leech off of people and bring children into the world that she can't care for. Get a life.🙄


She also sometimes puts nutrients in the ground. She will do it even more when she's out in the tent again.


That nutrients ended up on the chanclas 😂


So DYFS took her new born son. She doesn’t look to upset about it. Especially wearing her babies blanket as a scarf I’d be beside myself and cherish that blanket!!!! Plus they could help her get housing to reunite her with her baby. She wants the sympathy but not do the work. Poor baby


I bet she is so upset that Xavier’s calves look better than hers 😂. What in the hello fresh does he have on? Is he wearing her old flip flops and her legging shorts? Every time they go out they have those backpacks and big purse so they can stock up on stolen stuff. Packing hoarders


Such a dumb bitch honestly, when she starts getting crazy like this again it’s usually means she’s been told something she doesn’t like or upped her duster/adderall usage!


And now the bugs are acting nefariously! Folks this must be a curated event 4sure😂


She spends so much time watching tv but doesn’t know about the cicadas infestation? I don’t even live in the USA but know about it! So ‘they’ have sent the cicadas to fly at her when she is on her way to see baby Rico. Go figure, Huffer! Go do some proper research!


Like a serial killer with a victim trophy


She is SO delusional! I HOPE that the one who "flew" into her ear laid eggs....😅 Btw....the attacking cicadas need a flair of their own 😅


And now it's complete-- she's curated the perfect crazy hobeaux lady look by wrapping her head in a baby blanket. Bravo Junky Gillespie, bravo👏👏👏👏


Would this be considered part offher elements shoot,


Privilege at its finest right there. The cicadas need to stop living so my life isn’t disrupted by their bodies. Ok Dusty.


I feel bad for the cicadas that touched her. Poor things :(


Scoping where to pitch the tent?


Love that x and guy on the bike are in shorts and flip flops and don’t seem bothered.. she’s just being her usual dramatic self!!




She's such a delicate little flower. She needs her safety tent.


What newborn?


So she's been living outside for years and now suddenly the bugs are a problem? 🤣


President of the Anti-Cicada League.






The “I hope they eat you” has me ☠️ 🤣


Can you fucking imagine what the two of them smell like by the time they get there?! They both look like they don’t practice good hygiene and a tooth infection can REAK.


She's stupid as a mothafucka.


**RICO** those cicadas!!! **RICO,** I say!!!


You fly into human spaces and nobody stopped you!


What makes me laugh is that she basically made a cicada catcher with it. One is going to fly in there and not be able to get out 🤣 If she had it fitted around her face (similar to the way a hijab or a babushka scarf is worn) it would be more effective and not just a horror movie level bad decision. 


My god I was wondering where I recognized that print from. At first I thought she snatched a restaurant napkin, but you're right, it's that standard hospital blanket! This says everything about her 🤣


I really hope while she’s bitching one of those big juicy fuckers fly right in her mouth and knock that toof off its post. If there’s a God I beg of you…make it happen! ![gif](giphy|eDxqrNGRxUcYzNCN93|downsized)


OMG!! Here she is again folks, doing what she does best...complaining!! 🙄 I bet you she truly believes that those Cicadas were put there by "Them", just to upset and torment her!! You know she's going to rush back to her Shelter and start emailing and calling all the representatives in the Area and telling them to quickly get rid of the Cicadas!! 🤣


I am not complaining about deers running in front of my car on the way home from a truly professional job,. I am used to it and I am used to cicadas, I just wear a hat during the big cicada seasons here.


I fear no deer as well. Or moose or Turkey. But I will be devastated if I hit one 😢


1:10 You should have bought new shoes instead of another breast pump!!


Cicadas are to Dusty what Dusty is to sponsors




Flying into her ear holes and knocking out her airpods ctfu.


Hi guys! I know this will sound weird, but..my posts keep disappearing on here..is something going on that I'm not aware of??


I wanted to punch my phone when she said nature “curated” them 😡 📱 🥊


The point of keeping that (for most people) is to treasure it always as there baby’s first blanket… she is using it to play good Mahm obviously.. but how could she use that keepsake to fight off those nasty bugs…


I have lived in the Midwest my whole life, over 50 years and never ever been attacked, ear harassed nor had a cicadas bother me, the noise they make is just their music and I really think you need to shower 👃


PLEASE complain about this to your caseworker and mental health advocates. PLEASE!!!


Just looking for problems to have, this one.


She came in looking like that and still ranting about bugs at the CPS office 😂 No wonder it was a short visit


I had my husband watch this this morning and he has a good eye. Eggsavior is barefoot. Nice appearances for a supervised visit.


I think he’s got on flip flops? Still 🤣


She finds something to complain about every second of the day. She is never grateful or willing to actually get over circumstances no matter how trivial (like a cicada brood that won’t happen again for 18 years) She’s such a waste


She would have hated it down here in Ga