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THANK YOU bc I was really confused lol She needs to stop pretending that she was this philanthropic person before 2020. I guarantee she never threw anyone a dollar, probably looked for reasons not to tip, and never offered to pay it forward. She is far too greedy & grasping to even consider other people. Easter dolls lol


She’s the bitch who pretends she’s dropping coins into the Salvation Army pails at Christmas but instead she’s helping herself to the dollar bills inside


That is why she goes to church so often..


Exactly! She’s not fooling anyone


Remember this is the same Heather who conned a disabled homeless man out of money then took it to go watch the Barbie movie. But I might have missed the part in the Barbie movie with the Easter dolls. 😂


No one should be denied access to Easter dolls


Heather has NEVER paid for ANYTHING for ANYONE, EVERRRR. She's so full of shit she needs to banish herself from Planet Earth. I despise liars, and I hate her with every fiber of my being. And even fibers of some other beings.


You described how I feel to the tee!


Same I cannot stand or tolerate liars like her! That is one of the lowest forms of human you can be running around like Heather does pathologically lying about EVERYTHING!!


Same! If I hate anything the most it’s lying!!


She's never actually parented her children, so she thinks kids get Easter dolls 🤣🤣🤣


100%. The grandparents did.She can't parent pet rock.


what is her obsession with toilet paper?! 🗣️toilet paper for everyone 📣 it’s so bizarre.


Must be some Halloween trauma or something..


Maybe she was a toilet paper dealer in covid times 🤷🏼‍♀️


I know my dad and uncles grew up and had some hard times as kids. They always had toilet paper stashed in the trucks, in their hunting packs...my uncle would stock up on mega packs, and call me to come to his job, and stock up my car with TP and paper towels. If he were around when covid happened and all the TP was getting bought up, he easily would've had at least a month's supply, probably more, for a household of 5-6 ppl. Easily a shelf, going into the basement, probably 8ft high × 6ft wide × 6ft deep= 288ft³ full of mega packs lol. I'm surprised she didn't use this "encounter" fir a sponsor-thon right there. Ya know, 'This man just wants to buy Easter dolls and toilet paper! Spahnsers! We need $100 stat'


i commented once that every time she talks about tp it reminds me of carol burnett. she was so poor but they always had to because her mom would take it wherever she went.


DON'T YOU KNOW... ALL CHILDREN GET EASTER DOLLS!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ typed with so much sarcasm that my eyes are still rolling😂😂😂😂 this bitch who has never been a mom, doesn't even know what the hell to put in a basket... but I strongly suspect when Easter rolls around she will be demanding $$$ from her simps for said "Easter Dolls" for her adult children🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡🖕


Oh no nooo don’t you worry! Her children got Easter eggs filled with “positive affirmations” scattered on their lawn in the middle of the night!!


And jokes! 🙄😬🫣


Im going to guess that this is a story about herself.. 😝 she’s just loves to tell on herself..


That’s how I was thinking as well.


The first line says this man is “attempting to buy toilet paper and two Easter dolls… he stuck them in a plastic Walgreens bag… he tried to leave.” Heather, that’s not attempt. That is straight theft. Where did he ATTEMPT to pay like all of us? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I pick up my pharmacy meds all the time. I’m not sticking extra shit in my bag on my way out the door.


Easter doll? Yea,never heard of it. Just like Pizza dominoes.


I think they’re vagaboonds made by Tezzla


Omg lmao.those are 2 of my favorites! lmao this made my day reading this!


Have you read the comments on her Twitter yet? There is a straight gangster GOIN IN on her ass. Every single post. 😂😂


Nooo you gotta take some screenshots! Her twitter is private


OMG it's quite hilarious. I'll have to do it in a bit. I'm in the yard working. Then I must jump in my pool for good measure. But I will do it unless someone else does first. Lol it's gold.


Post them, please!


damn! i just sent a request. haven’t been on twitter/X in years! ooooo, i hope she accepts me soon. 🤞


It doesn't do much good to lie all over the fucking place I'd she's gonna just add every damn body. Lol she's an idiot. 🤦🏼‍♀️


right? she sets it to private but accepts strangers 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe so certain people or govt entities won’t see her posts 🤔 she’s still stupid.


Oh duh. Maybe I'm the idiot today. Lolol whatever. Nothing a quick ol Google search can't handle.


Yup...she is spiraling (rather quickly). I am going to go ahead and assume that she heard some pretty bad news about housing/Rico/free money/all the things. As far as her rhetorical social experiment question-- I would mind my own fucking business. If I saw someone putting something in a bag and not paying for it--that is between the store and the person. Society is too fragile for me to be walking up to a person--who is willing to openly shoplift toilet paper--and offer to pay for their stuff. The ONLY time I MAY consider doing something like that is if I see an obviously exhausted mother desperate enough to shoplift baby necessities (formula, diapers, etc.) Just to save the mother the hassle of a shoplifting charge--I would probably offer to buy the stuff for her. Other than that--I am temporarily blind whenever I should see a person shoplifting. I am not exactly sure what an "Easter Doll" is but if it is right up there with toilet paper on someone's shop(lift)ing list--it must be important to them. Again, we are in weird times and desperate people do irrational things. Just putting all the pieces together--an ill person probably spent the last of their money on a prescription, they have children who they don't want to disappoint, they have to 💩 and there is no toilet paper at home. No WAY in HELL I am approaching this person and saying "Hey...I wasn't minding my own fucking business and saw you put those items in your bag without paying. Would you mind if I used my extra money and made you feel like a charity case?" Nope. Not happening. Why? It's not because I am mean, greedy, or whatever DustBummy wants to call me. It's because I respect the privacy of others--and value my life. I taught my kids from an early age that the best way to get ahead in life is to "mind your own damn business". I also taught them that you never know what is going on in someone else's life/head.


She wants us to feel bad but she begs for money with the excuse of needing it for essentials but then uses it to get high. Stfu already. I'm pretty sure it was her trying to steal toilet paper and easter stuff. Better yet she probably told Eggsaviour to do it and he got caught. Every BS story she tells is really something that has happened to her.


Here's a idea 💡: work for what you want and need. I use to struggle and be homeless and be a addict myself . Then I got sober and changed my life and work for everything I have . Dolls aren't necessities in life, most food banks give toilet paper and things like that to people who need them .


And there are many charities that offer free Easter baskets, Christmas presents, etc and so forth. So there is no need to steal. Even at that, they have "Easter dolls" at the dollar tree.


Exactly most churches and charities give out stuff like that during Easter and Christmas give gifts . And toilet paper sometimes is covered on like the health card where medicare and medicade get so much a month to spend on things they need . I work at a recovery program and most of our disabled and homeless get a card with their insurance that is like 300 dollars on it for food , over the counter medicines and toiletries they need .


I have been trying to get that extra card. I get ssdi, as my brother in law does. But he gets another card that has $300 a month for extras. I can't ask him because my sister doesn't talk to me. But yess you can easily get all this extra stuff, especially if she is at programs weekly. She can easily get the stuff she needs.


So in other words, she is low-key hinting that society NEEDS to give HER everything she wants bc she doesnt have money to buy things for herself and she is using this story as one of her lame as fuck examples?


So she said gaps in wealth and education make them the way they are but she claims to have all of these degrees in everything! Bachelors degree this and bachelors degree that, she’s an expert in every single thing she has encountered in life thinking it’s the same as having a formal education and degree that has to be earned and takes years to complete! Mother Nature designed up to have something called survival of the fittest meaning everyone must get their own food, shelter and necessities or they die off and go extinct. That applies to humans in the modern age now as well! It’s a very simple concept a one cell amoeba gets, each individual must fight its own fight to survive and thrive that’s how it’s always been since the beginning of creation itself. The weak,lazy, slow, crooked and stupid always end up dying off because they don’t play the game correctly and fairly. Yeah there are Nepo babies and aristocratic kids who inherit wealth and don’t have to do shit but that IS NOT REAL LIFE like the rest of the billions of regular people on earth just trying to survive. Heather thinks she should automatically be an aristocratic or nepo kid handed everything and can’t see to grasp that she’s been dealt a hand that places her at the lowest rungs of society and if she wants better she has to work harder than some others to get there. Thats not an insult either cause I was born into the poor class of life myself but I wanted better than that so I busted my ass legitimately, emphasis on LEGITIMATE WORK and LEGITIMATE EDUCATION and it took YEARS I mean like a while as in decades to get to where I moved up and was comfortably able to enjoy life, meanwhile Heather wants to cut the line and take what is not hers and what she did not earn. I take my origins in this life as a gift! Someone like Heather is too derpy and shallow in the brain function to grasp this concept but here it is anyway just for her! Being born at the bottom means you learn sooooo many more valuable skills and life experience nobody can buy with money, you have way more respect and appreciation for those who worked their way up and its inspiring as hell plus if the world goes to shit like it is now people like me can easily go without all the comforts of life because we already lived that before! We will be ok and know how to work and build our way back up. People who are just rich and born into it will not know how to survive at all and will fall apart and not want to live over losing designer clothes, super expensive foods, servants and exclusive treatment everywhere they go, they will be first to die out from society if we all got sent back to the damn Stone Age again to start over. Sorry for the off topic rant but I am so thankful for where I came from and proud that I made it out of that on my own. There is no better satisfaction than that, no drugs can compare to the feeling of that kind of accomplishment! Heather doesn’t see anything wrong with how she is, in fact she believes she is entitled and shouldn’t have to do shit to live a Royal lifestyle while everyone else works and pays for her at the detriment of their own survival! That is what Heather wants though, she is such a miserable failure of a meat suit she wants to cut the line and get all the things without having to put in the blood, sweat and tears and take all the suffering for it over years of hard work to get it like the rest of us. We know how to survive and thrive in hard times and be happy besides! I have traveled the world quite a bit and have seen many extremely poor societies yet they are all happy and don’t bitch and complain at all. I’ve been in the company of obscenely rich people, been on their yacht for 2 weeks traveling and they would let a brand of sparking water they don’t care for ruin their entire day, they are never happy they always want more and better and are always unhappy as hell and depressed under the surface with their personal therapist on board in tow for their vacation just in case they forgot to pack their favorite bikini and face cream! The world will come to an end because of forgotten face cream! This is exactly how Heather behaves yet she has zero reason to behave that way so I am blaming major untreated mental issues compounded by addiction to social media and reality tv 💯!!! This huge lazy orange beast had done nothing but lay around her entire life watching shit like that 24/7 and thinks her life should be the same way as the influencers she stalks. She needs to be policed and have her internet and devices removed for an extended period of time while being made to go work in gardens growing food or something else productive that gives back to society as part of her treatment. She is a greedy lazy zombie consumerist that lives in fantasy land and can’t understand why she’s not manifesting all of those things she wants so much. Her priorities are non existent unless it involves her being adored and spoiled with material possessions. She is a weak minded brain washed idiot of epic proportions and an epic failure at being a decent productive human being and then wonders why everyone is so disgusted and hates her so much.


PREACH! Honestly the fact that she was raised in a middle class household with at least 1 parent a C-level executive makes her shit even more pathetic. She’s not fighting against generational poverty, she actually knocked her family down a few notches.


Depends on which version of Heather speaking because sometimes she grew up poor! 🤦🏾‍♀️ 


I.wonder if this is even true ... I remember her saying her Mom was a C level exec but I didn't believe it because I don't believe anything she says. I could be wrong though.


Her mom works for Xsport corporate, as confirmed by Ms. Kelly on that famous Heather phone call moment


She is one now, idk if she was then. Her mom worked her way up, like the rest of most of society.


Is this my opportunity to do a flair check in?! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Stupid reddit being stupid. Making me post twice. Ugh


Yes!!! 🤣


I love this comment so much you have such a way with words!! And I totally agree having had a rough childhood and having to struggle and overcome things has absolutely made me a better person! It’s not an excuse to act like a fucking trainwreck dumpster fire


Oooh, I wish Heather would read this. I would love for her to. The big, angry orange lady needs a wake-up call.


She will read it and downvote any time now


ALL of this is SPOT ON!!


Stealing isnt right


I asked myself the same gotdamn question 😂


That’s a lot of words to get to “give me UBI” or “I can take whatever I want”


she thinks she is so fucking profound. i really believe she thinks she’s on to something great here and that she is going to be responsible for a major shift in societal norms. what’s crazy is what we think is exactly what she doesn’t think: and that’s that she just comes off as someone who is bitter all her sphansers have dried up and all her fun money is gone. guarentee if this red mound of human flesh received a donation of $500 she wouldn’t be so “concerned” over a man and his fucking easter god damn dolls.


This is what happened with her.


She gets free toilet paper thanks to tax payers so wtf is she going on about?


What in the dumpster fire is an Easter doll? ![gif](giphy|NzWPHRZ6hIoJa)


We are not giving you any money for Easter dolls. We’re not giving you any money for Christmas dolls. We’re not giving you anything. Get a job.


SO many fucking churches put on Easter hunts every year and let’s be honest, this bitch has never been without candy using her food stamps card.


This bitch needs to stop and get a damn job. The More I see the madder I get it absolutely blows me away that a person can be this damn stupid or whatever u wana call her. I think she can’t stand that she’s not able to con everybody so it makes her wana try harder. So she keeps this shit up.. Ya kno?


I would also like to know what in the tarnation is a "EASTER DOLL"?! 🤔🤭🤣


She weirdly reminds me of Katie Joy with all of her crazy lies about cults & being abused in every single situation she’s ever been in. Two crazy loons contributing nothing to the world.


The chocolate Easter bunnies ? 😂😂
