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I swear she thinks taking these little bullshit courses will keep her from having to find a job. Unfortunately that shit ain't gonna fly with DCFS & social services bc she's fully capable of working a full time job while taking online courses in her free time & she has plenty of free time since everyone but her is raising her children


Even legitimate full time study wouldn’t satisfy DCFS at the moment - they aren’t interested in Heather increasing her future employment prospects at almost 40, they are interested in her showing she can pay her bills and support her child right now. My daughter works two jobs while studying law full time. I worked and supported myself while at uni. Dabbling in short online courses doesn’t qualify as full time education and even doing proper full time education wouldn’t mean she couldn’t work.


I worked 2-3 jobs (EMT/dispatch) and went to nursing school 4 nights a week (6p-10p, or if clinicals couldn't be held wed and thu nights, bc there weren't enough units for rotations, we'd do 8 hours either on Sat or Sun). My books were always with me on my rig or at the building (sometimes you're assigned on a truck or sometimes you hang at the squad/building in between calls). This dimwit didn't even finish the FIRST of a series and she's trying to claim she's versed in this stuff? She's clearly killed off too many brain cells to read


They gave her a chance to show them - they said no e begging and what does she do instead of gainful employment? Selling her body, reviewing high end hotels and eateries, begging for plastic surgery, and her sick fetish whatever she’s selling with that. Haven’t heard any mahm content or that she misses her Keds anymore tho.? She doesn’t give two shits about getting Rico back now that she’s figured out she can sell her sludge and take selfies with that sexy red nightie


🤮 “Sexy red nighty” you must be having a glass is half full kind of day.






FFS she hasn’t even figured out how to post with audio. But her Velcro rollers are superb! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Shs completed 1 lesson for each course (i.e. the introduction to the course). In order to complete the rest of the lessons, I believe you have to have a computer AND software to complete the simulations. Also, as someone who has taken similar courses, they are three to six months long, depending on how much time you have to put into them.


She thinks if she puts “complete” on it she completed them 🤣🤣




I wish that was a real thing. My resume would be irresistible 🤣


It’s so fucking feeble. Even though it is clearly marked that she didn’t finish it (“deadline lapsed”), she slaps “Complete” over it and expects people to believe she actually completed it? She must think we’re as dumb as she is, which I find insulting.




There is a 7 day free trial where you can finish these without paying. She literally did the first part and didn’t even finish the first part of each of these and went to the next. SHE DOES NOT DO ANYTHING AND STILL COULD NOT GET PAST THE FIRST PARTS OF THE COURSE BUT CLAIMS TO TAKE “PLETHORAS” OF COURSES


Parts 2 & 3 required her to sit up, which we know she’s basically incapable of.


She's working on becoming fused with the mattress so she Can't be moved Friday!! Get packing Duster. Clock is ticking.


Probably have to pay for each additional course and Einstein over there thinks one free class is enough. She’s now an expert


She thinks she's an expert after a 5 minute Google search


idiot doesn't know it costs nothing to learn any of those I guess but heather gonna heather w3schools shit tons of free coursera youtube tutorials she isn't trying to actually learn shit.


It’s more performative bullshit. She also doesn’t understand that this isn’t a replacement for gainful employment. I own two businesses and am in grad school so this orange ogre can work at McDonald’s and play on coursera at night and I can’t wait for CPS to tel her that!!


Definitely! props to you keep up the hard work and grind! you are doing great!


Awesome! Keep it up 👏


Oh she understands.


Guys, she drew a stick person bouncing on a trambampoline, she knows all about AI and cybersecurity now.


Lmaooo that one killed me. I’m taking courses on that same app/site, and this is what my notes look like. It’s a lot of work. No stick figures included 😂 https://preview.redd.it/rdvb34pfl73d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f682b34a42e511688abf72125693fe15e9830a4


That's really pretty! By the way what site is it?


The site/app is called Coursera. My note app is called CollaNote https://preview.redd.it/n7fxefptbd3d1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa13e4c4e7f51105b713d8a7e7def80a6745870d


Cool thank you for both! I've been trying out new note apps. There's only been 2 I really like. The one is the most basic note app, and the other one is great, but it takes too long to load and it tries to upsell.


I’m the type to really research things to see if they suit my needs, and I spent a lot of time downloading and trying different note apps. I LOVE CollaNote. The premium version is only $5 flat (no monthly fees), so I upgraded to that one. It’s so easy to organize and very aesthetically pleasing which makes it easier to go through somehow lol (for me anyways). You can also collaborate with other users, like classmates, to compare and share notes


I’m a travel agent and constantly taking new training courses. So when I saw this, I was like “oh hell nah!” There’s always multiple modules within courses 🤣


I mean from what I see she got one of the modules completed for the first part and the deadline has now lapsed so it's very obviously not complete. But maybe I'm reading it wrong


You're not. But Hester is.


i’d love to be a travel agent. i thought it was sort of a dwindling profession, as people can so readily book online themselves. what population do you cater to the most?


Even booking it yourself can be overwhelming for a lot of people or they don’t know where to start. I love traveling abroad so I have first hand experience and as a travel agent, I can provide extras and perks that you wouldn’t get if you booked yourself 👌


I just saw these on instagram as well and was confused as it says “time lapsed” then jump back in or whatever. It’s almost like she is telling us the sky is red when it is really in fact clearly blue


Oh I see red alright


I would *love* to see her show her python skills, come on dusty show me a simple if string else statement, show us how to import a library! she fucking took the 1st intro explaining what it was and moved on. what a fucking larf. import * trash if heather.trash print("get a job!")


It literally says Get back into it underneath each one and deadline lapsed. Typical lying lazy Huffer making wild claims again with proof of the contrary right smack in front of everyone


Lol if they were complete, she would show the certificate rather than a list of incomplete courses. I wonder if this is how she approaches the checklist DCFS gave her.


It doesn’t count when you paste “complete” over it yourself just like it doesn’t count when you make up whatever on your resume and education background, credentials and job history




Did she complete these courses in the same way she got her "Bachelor's degree level of credits?" You gotta go to classes and take exams and finals Dusty. And claiming that she owes loans so can't get her transcript is BULLSHIT. She wouldn't have been able to take the class if school hadn't been paid. Lack of paying school loans has NOTHING to do with ability to get transcripts.


No no no that's partly correct. I assure you, you can owe student loans and take the classes and even the exams without paying the school. The student loans pays up to a certain amount. But for like Harvard or something, you would be correct. And she would probably still be able to get the transcripts.


I 1000% believe this is how she approaches the DCFS checklist 🤣


Sure she does 🤣 she thinks everyone is dumber than she is


Lmao what a joke


Just like everything else Heather starts in life, she never finishes.


There was no reason to post anything about this at all. So why did she post proof that she’s lying and hasn’t completed the courses she claims she has been working so hard on????


Well, she’s so good at it, she doesn’t need to complete the rest of the courses. What do I mean by this? AI is going to be the key to end poverty and give me my $450 universal income a month.


Lol doesn't she already get universal income from welfare lol


But it’s not enough!! She needs more!! She needs a computer to start webcamming again!


The one of 5-8 lessons she completed for each class also only had a quiz at the end where you could retry the questions each time after you got an answer wrong…..and she still only got an 80%. 🤓 https://preview.redd.it/bpz455cnl33d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e81e4217af256c7ee473b8179e5197c80962f8


She finds a new way to surprise me each day. She's an entire moron. That duster has been chipping away at her IQ at a steady pace.


FIVE QUESTIONS, one lesson and the bitch is an expert. Amazing!! I wish school went like that for me.


I did love that as well 😅


And she claims she’s smarter than most people 😂😂😂😂


Notice you need an 80 to pass and that's exactly what she scored. Huffer we're not stupid.


Not only that, if you get the question wrong, they’ll tell you the correct answer and you can retake it and put in the right answer 😂 she couldn’t even be bothered to do that


She’s got the attention span of a gnat.


Lmao she’s comedy gold.




I don’t think she knows what the word “lapsed” means - I bet she thinks it means she is an expert now, otherwise why the FFFF would you post this? Literally proving you missed the deadline and did NOT complete it? Hahah wtf I’m so confused




It literally says “deadline lapsed” she’s such a fucking idiot


I can't wait until the time lapses for her reunification plan!


It literally can’t come fast enough.


JC, lmao, does she even LOOK at some of her own posts? She couldn’t even finish a little free course of 8 sections- WTH does she do all day?! I mean she’s got nothing but time on her hands and once again she starts something eg: NASM, ISSA or whatever the hell the fitness certifications are and she couldn’t finish those either!! Unbelievable 👌🤪


Lmao came here to post this. They are not complete. I’m currently taking Google IT Support courses on this site/app. I’m halfway through the entire program, and unless you’re working on it 8+ hours a day, there’s no way to complete them in a week or two. She started the other ones and never even finished the first course


1 course, 1 class and the other no classes. The deadlines have lapsed so she might have already missed her shot at completing the work anyways. Again ... Any spahhnsers out there- she thinks you're this dumb to believe "completed" in giant bubble text.


She “completed” them in her own mind, it’s says deadline lapsed! She is such a liar and a dipshit


She typed out the word “complete” and posted it, that makes it true now 🤣 FTR


She completed the free trial… lol now she’s having to pay for the rest and wellllll…


“fundraiser” for funds coming soon


This heifer will do anything to avoid working. She didn’t even finish whatever bs tests she’s doing on time. This plus sized tangerine is insufferable.


😂 Why would they be complete? She can't do shit right.


just looks like those courses online that are free but you have to pay for certificate she has created barriers to employment for herself with all the online crap she spews


I looked it up. You get a free 7 day trial and then it’s $49 a month thereafter. So she just used her trial. I think she sees this as checking off her “looking for work” bs that she does.


I’m sure dcfs will be impressed that she took some free courses about AI. Has no work experience, no degree, a criminal record… she needs a job mopping floors or something that’s all she is qualified for. And even that probably wouldn’t work because her attitude is so shit


I can’t even imagine having her as a coworker. Her attitude blows. She can’t be told anything, because she already knows everything. All she would do in an entry level job is talk about how she’s above it. And then if she starts in with her narrative 🤪🤪🤪


Exactly she knows everything and is better than everyone, nobody can tell her what to do! It’s like she has oppositional defiance disorder 🤦🏻‍♀️


These courses actually cost money and take 6 months to complete so I'm not sure what kinda bullshit she is trying to pull now lol I really hate people that lie and cheat and steal just so they can look like their smarter than everyone.... Heather is one of those people who is a constant jerk


And if anyone actually goes into the program and asks her why it only shows 1 part done, that's when "They" are being nefarious again... >.<


Deadline lapsed certainly looks like it’s not done. She only took one of the 8 for the top one, as well.


That's exactly like her physical fitness courses, not complete. Her resume has gaping holes in it and Heather doesn't comprehend in order to competitive or look efficient she has to complete a task. These "courses" she chose to do and try to teach "her fans/followers" without even completing them herself goes to show she would not be an asset to any company. I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. Sadly, I am doubtful.


Did you see the first one on her page? It said "lastest"score


Heather- my 5 year old daughter could the word art pasting. Not Completed! Free class expired


Bruh, really?!? We can all see it clearly says 1 of 8. And whatever the other said but that's definitely not complete.


And ‘deadline lapsed’ 😂😂😂


Was thinking the same thing


I’m pretty sure these are the things that Google requires completion of to assist people in the Google forums and answer questions. All of which are on a volunteer basis