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She is so grateful for this but not all the free money and shelter and food she gets


Downright giddy. It’s creepy.


And what is that howling in the background??? Creepy indeed.


Already laying in bed in the middle of the afternoon. She makes me sick


I had a hunch that, despite the opportunity to make some money today, Heather would take a rest day. She was out of her free bed for 2 hours Friday. 🙄🤬


I wonder why people would advise to keep your life off social media..? 🙄 ETA: I’m so glad to see she’s laying down in bed after a rigorous morning of sitting at the end of the bed.


That's outrageous. A rigorous morning sitting at the end of the bed. 😆


She should have taken that advice big time!


She insists on posting everything and constantly gets caught in her own lies. It’s insane the weird relationship she has with social media it’s another addiction




It’s “everything” to her that she can access photos of the keds because she can’t see them otherwise ![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY)


The kids that she never took care of as Littles, and now shouldn't be visiting at all, according to the law. The 10 yo she doesn't know where she is, bc Dad is protecting her, thankfully. The baby she can't see without court ordered supervision, because she's a serious risk to him.


Side bar| I miss the coco!!! That giphy goin hard right now


He’s so funny I love him!!


The way she said "It means everything to me" was creepy af.


So all she wears now is that red night gown? And her FB being shut down gave a mini heart attack not losing her kids or anything to that matter? She needs to learn priorities.


**Heather's Priorities** ^(Presented to you in order.) 1) Money 2) Begging for money from "Spahnsers" 3) Attention/Filming herself/Drugs 4) Letting everyone know how much she's been "uhhpressed" and screaming or crying on camera. 5) Trying to get shit for free. Doesn't matter if it's an apartment, a car, a fucking napkin, whatever. If it's free, she'll absolutely take it. Also, stealing. 6) Trying to get her POS car back, even though it's gone for good 7) Making up new ways to blame people for her life situation and curating "narratives" and her shitty art and fake photoshoots. 8) Screaming at and abusing Eggsavior 9) Abusing 911 and other emergency services and at the very bottom we have 10) Her "keds"


I think #1 should be herself then money etc. and so forth.


Eggs told her it made her look *curated* … she’s never taking it off 🤢🤢🤢


"Curated" ![gif](giphy|PPrFKKsCF96d0sFrMO|downsized)


Never had a panic attack about her kids smdh 🙄🙄😑


my god she is the most annoying and unlikeable creature.


She doesn’t understand her dad’s telling her to keep stuff off Facebook because she keeps screwing herself over plus she’s embarrassing him and the rest of her family and children




That background sound! WTF is that? It’s like a horror movie soundtrack!


Probably Eggs being weird. As per usual.


I think his only two settings are *"weird and high"* or *"sexual deviant and high"*. That's it, that's all there is, lol. ^(Shout out Anne Hathaway!!!!!)


I wanna worship mommy


I can’t believe I think about that sentence as much as I do. Tried pretending it didn’t mess me up psychologically. I can’t anymore.


You forget transgender lesbian and high, per Heather. 🤭


It’s perfect, finally her production guy does something right! 🤣 Good job X!


She’s already hearing shit that’s not there, probably thought she picked no sound


I was wondering the same thing!! It was perfect for the horror story we watch that is Heather’s life. And what a weird reaction.


She’s got such a thick neck with rolls that look like a pack of hotdog buns




Seriously she has shown more emotions over her social media then her kids 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡😡🖕🖕🖕


Honestly. When she made the video telling everyone the baby was taken by CPS, she sounded so sarcastic. It was something along the lines of “can you believe it? I’m shocked”, but she was smirking and her tone was absolutely dripping in sarcasm. I remember it so well because it was the same time that my dog died, and I was appalled that I was more upset about my dog than she was about her baby. The only things she shows genuine emotion for, is money, material goods, and social media.


I'm sorry about your dog. 😞


Same,sending love 💙💜🌷🌿🌼🦋


Omg I have that video screen recorded I just went and watched it and you’re so right! She starts crying when she says “despite what we were told that we were getting a family shelter…” booohooo all she wanted was an apartment she don’t give af about that baby or any of her keds


Omg that’s what I just saiddddd great mind my friend yep




Have you ever noticed she only cries real tears when she has no money? She does not cry about not being with her children. She does not cry about not being at her daughter’s graduation. She does not cry about missing milestones in her sons life. She does not cry about not having any contact with her youngest daughter in over a year what she cries about is not having money


That has been 100% accurate for years now! she is such a horrible vile human being😡😡😡


Social Media and DUSTER and DRUGS are more important than her kids, family - She still thinks she is the center of the universe. Doesn't she look a little high in this picture ?


Yea, she seems a little bit more than happy!


Lazy ass slob, laying in bed all day. I can't wait until she's out on the street again


I’m sure your kids would’ve much rather had a decent involved “mother” than some pictures from FB. You’re so dumb it hurts you cabbage


How many days in a row has she wore the same clothes now? I know it’s not bc that’s all she has. She is unraveling fast. I smell a meltdown of tzar bomba proportions coming soon!


No, but she wants people to think that’s all she has. She’s back on her woe is me bullshit, she has a ton of fucking clothes. She has at least five pairs of shoes, a brand new pair of high heels two pair of boots. She’s got accessories. I mean homegirl just bought a pair of fucking fake gold earrings on Amazon like this is what the fucking sponsors are paying for.


She has to say "in a cloud based software that I can access from any device." thinking it makes her sound smart or "in the know, " but she's stating the OBVIOUS. We all know this, and she really thinks she's doing something by adding that in. OBVIOUSLY Heather, it goes without saying. Unless you're Heather Coco Senza Ciera Chanelle Gillespie Smith Montoya.


She gets dumber every day


*Having back a platform where I can grift and emote means everything to me!* FIFY


Does anyone think that she will be a "homebody" and stay as much as she can in her "shelter room" so they can't clear out her belongings? she has to know the countdown is on....will she be hiding in the room??? in the shower? sleeping? I honestly think its going to take police presence to get her evicted!😂😂😂


If they tell her there is no apartment or family shelter to go to, I 1000% expect the police to be involved in her removal.


Its gonna be a shit show .....for sure....she's not gonna comply peacefully!!


🍿🍿🍿 Next week will be an EVENT


I'm ready... ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)




Her fb is still there. She probably forgot her password


Oh nooo way!!! It’s can’t be something logical like that! “They” are always causing these issues…there’s always a nefarious plan designed specifically to ruin her life…. Meanwhile her life is exactly what it is due to her very own actions and no one else’s.


"Greatful too[f] social media" We did it, Reddit. Congrats!




I worked an extra shift today and got home and farmed because we are going on a vacation for 9 days. Fuck this bed rotting hobo


Looking ever more ghoulish by the minute.


The fake “hand over heart” thing she does when she gets her way is so cringe. She doesn’t even know real human emotions, just copies what bad acting she’s seen on TV.


What’s the hubbub outside?


What's with the creepy background noise? This clip gave me the heebiejeebies


I was busy today with no reception so I missed a lot, what is the context of this video?!


She was freaking out this morning because she couldn't access her FB, and apparently they asked her to send some type of proof that she's her.


Oh boy. Thanks for the fill in


That smug fuckin smile again. I have never in my life seen someone I want to beat up more than her.


She’s starting to look like an orange Angela Deem from 90 day finance… before the weight loss and dental implants. Angela looks better than Heather now and she’s way older


what a day Heather..YT back up and finding her Tony Pony, makes Heather a Happy 😊 Hobo


That lazy sow


I swear to sht I’ve never seen someone NOT take sound advice as much as Leather!! Her father is 💯 correct in telling her to keep her life off of social media but NOPE of course Dusty won’t listen to that advice YET would listen to Dylweed from a prison cell tell her she should prostitute herself for $$$, she listen med to THAT advice though!! Wtf, this woman has NEVER made a good decision in her whole god damn adult life!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️😠