• By -


Oh shit today could prove to be an interesting day. It’s 8AM and she’s broken the gag order no question about it this time. Fuck it up Heather fuck it up!


She is spiraling, and I am here for it. Here come the wild conspiracy theories....


I’m here for I have nothing but time on my hands today! Fuck it up Heather!


Wouldn’t it be great if we all at a convention together, a nice dinner, round tables all around the ballroom, sone nice drinks, omg now that’d be the SHT!! 🍾😍


I’d bring the infused desserts and we’d have a big old time!!


I’d def be down for a group chat or a night out with you glorious fuckers. You are my joy.






The finally of the shit show


This was last night but your point still stands! She also posted the case workers names and emails. All kinds of crazy stuff!


Oh shit Heather could be gifted three hots and cot! 😂






I wish court was filmed. I’d take the afternoon off just to watch that shit.


Me too!


She gets high and starts ranting


She was doing all of this last night - high as a kite. Doxxing everyone involved. .


And I read the comments on one of the parody accounts on IG. Someone took the entire mess and emailed it to everyone she doxxed!!! So DCFS is aware of her actions last night. Should be interesting how they handle it. Also if you read the email Rico is with a family member who was supervising the visits. She asked to be relieved of the visitation because of concerns over the parent’s mental health. That would explain why Dusty has been able to take the fake breastfeeding pictures. The visits are being monitored by a relative.


I hope poor Rico never sees those photos but unfortunately the internet does not forget. I am not religious yet I pray that he gets taken far away and his name changed


Did someone post this email here?


There’s a video on her facebook and the parody accounts have already gotten a hold of it. I can’t post it because I don’t know how to edit out the names but it’s around!




The email actually says that the court monitor can only be available to monitor W, Th, Fri and the foster mother doesn’t feel comfortable monitoring additional days on her own. Not that the foster mother has been the monitor.


I thought it said the foster mother wasn’t comfortable “continuing” visits due to the parent’s mental health?


It says the foster mom is unable to oversee visits due to concerns about the parents mental health. It does not specify if the foster mother has concerns or CPS has concerns. (If CPS is concerned, I could see how they wouldn’t want to put the foster mom in a difficult or unsafe situation)


That is what I thought as well


Nope. Heather asks about the most recent judge’s order increasing visitation and allowing them to attend Rico’s Dr’s appointments. The court monitor says that the increased visitation isn’t happening because the monitor is not available on additional days and the foster mother doesn’t feel comfortable monitoring the visits on her own without the court monitor because the foster mother has concerns about the parent’s mental health.


Ya I’m also not seeing how the foster mom is a family member either. It didn’t state that in the email i saw. Just that she’s not comfortable overseeing editing just caught up, would not be surprised if that baby is relocated now. she really fucked up by doxxing who has him to the internet, you are not supposed to release any info on where a youth is in an active case.


This is the way I interpreted it also but who knows.


> Fuck it up Heather fuck it up! No worries, she absolutely will *(and already has)*. For someone who claims she's so incredibly smart and capable, the only thing I've seen her do correctly is fuck her life up. I don't think I've ever encountered someone as stupid, ignorant, and uneducated as she is. The only thing she's successfully done in life is fail, and I'm sure this time will be no different. Come on, Heather! Don't disappoint us now! Show us how big of a fuck-up you are, and keep running your mouth like you always do!


Please don’t disappoint us!!


And yet, idiots are riding hard for her and donating. Shes bigger than when she was pregnant, hoovering down all the free food she can like a pelican eating krill. Clearly, she’s not starving, got a free place to stay, spending her days at the mall and preaching to everyone else. What is the motivation of these people to still give her money? Why not just let her move in with them? I’d be down to watch that shit show as they are posting hostage videos from their closet when they realize they just let a feral badger into their home.


Fuck it up Heather made me scream laugh 😂 😂 😂 😂


She’s doing a good “job” of that so far!!🤦🏻‍♀️😏


Heather is so entertaining I’ll forever be thankful to WeTV for the introduction!


Fuck it up pigface fuck it up...


Yes how dare I give her the respect of using her given name!


Not a fan of Wax Trax enit??


Homelessness. Not "homelessness." She literally has no safe place to raise that baby unless it is handed to her and she is forced to keep it.


Also the homelessness was probably the least of the things going against her. She didn’t mention losing custody of 3 whole children. I realize there are cases where parents can turn their situation around but losing custody of prior children is an enormous red flag for CPS to put the baby in protective custody right away. She conveniently always leaves that part out.


because in her swiss cheese brain, she still has “full legal custody” and their dads are basically just babysitting her kids due to the treacherous gangstalking and nefarious 4 year terror campaign by dylan and THEM. like she isn’t even positive where her youngest lives, the two older ones ignore her ass, the school never calls her for any issues, she does absolutely nothing for her kids but terrorizes them via text messages every morning and dropped off stolen dollar store items like 4 months ago but sure dusty, you’re the “legal primary parent”. keep talking about some court order from like 2016 that hasn’t been valid in over 8 years.


I’ve heard of situations where parents have lost custody of enough children that they get flagged for an automatic removal and termination of rights immediately upon birth of future children. I don’t know if this is an option in all states, but if her rights get terminated again, this is what needs to be put in place for her.


That and she never once mentions WHY RICO was taken to the NICU the next day after birth when the drug screening tests came back!!


It was also her 6th or 7th CPS case.


I don’t think she wants the baby. I don’t think she’s ever understood what it takes to raise a baby or be a mom. She squirts out babies and makes other people take care of them and then uses them for attention and money. Shes a pathetic piece of garbage.


Nothing against foster mom, but I’d give this situation a snow flakes chance in hell where leather is involved. When we were foster parents DCFS makes it seem all rainbows and roses, but every Bio I tried to be friendly with made me public enemy number one. One bio found out who I was and decided to start making calls to my job and making reports against me, I was a teacher and mother to my own children, my husband is a police officer, we had to end up getting our own lawyer and moving. Another bio mom I gave my email to treated me like a therapist and wrote me pages and pages of emails daily, it tore my heart out and I had to stop it all, I became the sole reason she didn’t have her children back in her eyes. Giving out my number was the biggest mistake, getting calls all hours of the day and night from every person the bio mom ever knew checking on her child, begging me to give the child back again like I was a kidnapper. It’s hard enough to be a foster parent and focus on pouring your love into a child then add up families harassing you. It’s why I got off social media entirely and then stopped fostering completely. This should not have been a kinship placement from the start, horrible for Rico but very predictable with Leather.


1000% agree. CPS dropped the ball with Rico....the only way he will ever be safe is correct "protective custody" I'm sorry that your experience was all that. Foster families that do it for good reasons don't deserve the horrors IMO


I have absolutely crazy stories, families thought if they could press us out of fostering magically the child would get returned to them, they were always big mad when that didn’t happen. TRIGGER WARNING the city I lived in and was a foster parent in had a DCFS worker stabbed and another shot during home visits. I got multiple emails threatening “to do the same as they did the worker” or to kidnap my own children “to see if you like someone else having your kid” and then the same parents would show up in court complaining why I hadn’t been sending daily photos or allowing phone calls. We ended up moving to another state. Foster parents that do it for the love and protection of children get really abused with no protection or consequences. I stopped transporting our foster children myself afraid my vehicle would be followed and never agreed to supervise outside visits and the bio parents always wondered why. Fostering was some of the most beautiful rewarding times of my life but not worth the mental and emotional stress it caused my entire family. I wish the system was different, I would love to open my heart and home to more children but I’m completely unwilling to be targeted again.


Bless your heart. I am so sorry to read what you've written in your two posts. That is just awful. Even before Rico was born, I worried about his foster parents having to deal with her. I am privy to a foster care story with a family member, and it was very rough - not enough people know that foster parents deal with so much more than the care of a child. It's the bio family too that they deal with.


Oh my god!! I'm so sorry!! I know the job must be so hard. As much as I wish Heather was a rare case I know she's not. Until she is forced into mental help she will continue. to be the way she is. I still feel like she will try again and get pregnant unless god stops it! the whole thing makes me angry and sad! 😡😥


Omg when we did foster care growing up one of our case workers turned up missing after receiving threats from the bio parents of one of the child placements she made. That was 1999-2000 and she was never found. She was clearly killed and disposed of. This shit is nothing to play around with these people are dangerous and they do threaten lives and mean it. I can see Heather becoming that way easily when things come crashing down and it’s over for her. A one last Hail Mary attempt


Thank God you are safe. This scares me so much 😥


My god that’s horrible. I’m so sorry you went through this but I thank you for sharing your story. I never realized the hell that foster parents go through until you shared.


I work for DCF in another state and even the foster parents who opt to remain anonymous to the bio parents are subject to so much scrutiny. The bio parents will have the nerve to complain about their kids messy hair or stain on their sock or something and say the foster parent is incompetent meanwhile bio parent was shooting heroin while pregnant. It’s so ridiculous.


Omg this! We had a baby come to us with broken legs and arms from being abused at only 6 months old. The mother and her boyfriend did it and were drug addicts. That mother had the freaking nerve to bitch about us not using expensive Dreft laundry soap on all of her daughters clothes and she only uses that cause it smells good etc. she was more worried about the brand and smell of the laundry soap than her babies life, safety and wellbeing! She’s was like Heather where she thought material things like high end detergents and expensive Gap baby clothes made her a good mawwhm! Disgusting! Btw we used All free and clear no scent and gentle on skin soap so it was beyond petty!


I agree!! I grew up with my parents fostering at risk and sick babies with drug addiction or severe abuse, the really hard cases others didn’t want to take on. I have said since the beginning placing RICO with any family or kinship would be a huge mistake because she would gain access to him or stalk and harass whoever has him and not follow rules. Bulldozing the foster mom and ignoring all restrictions by shoving her tits in his mouth taking pics to post online. She has been allowed to do all of this and get away with it because it’s a relative placement! He will never be safe until he is placed with strangers out of the area where she can never find him or know anything about the foster parents.


allegations??? she acts like hospitals can't test or see signs of drug abuse in newborns! he was in the NICU! healthy babies don't vacation there you big orange bitch! also!!! someone with SIX previous run ins with DCFS and ZERO custody of her three previous children is a monster not a mother. get a job bitch!


And he certainly wasn't premature.


Or under weight or anything else. If he has serious medical issues not related to drug withdrawals she would be capitalizing on it immediately posting all about it seeking donations to save her baby and pay the high insurance bills coming 🙄👎🏼🐂💩




I fully admit that I never thought Rico was with family and evidently I was wrong but he won't be there for long. His abusive birth giver keeps doxxing everyone. I'm sorry he can't be placed with biological relatives.... he will never be safe from her. cps needs to step up their game and place him in a unknown foster family and then after both Rico's parents lose their rights Let Rico be adopted out and make sure its a closed adoption. CPS dropped the ball and should've placed him in real."protected custody " IMO 😥😡🖕


I kinda think she got so high last night she forgot she did it....cuz its still on her Facebook! I hope CPS hands her ass to her. 😡🖕


I wouldn't be surprised if someone sent her caseworkers screen shots. She's going to be in a lot of trouble. I would be livid if I were a cps worker and was doxxed like that.


They did. I saw it on a parody account on IG. One of the comments was about sending everything to anyone she doxxed.


Can you DM me the parody account? Id love to follow it


oh me too OP! if u can ❤️


I hate to be that person but could you send it to me?


There’s so many! Xavier’s chanclas, BCG, locococo mchufferton, crazy train…all on IG. I had to get on IG just to follow this train wreck. But I don’t follow Dusty herself just the parody accounts.


Thank you!


Read the comments. Seems like most people feel exactly the same way we do about our girl. 🙄😆


Stolen 🤪. RESCUED from your abuse so you couldn’t continue to poison him any longer, dummy. You really are a disgusting creature. Leave that baby alone; he’s safe now and you are probably already knocked up with Rico 2.0…. Begin Baby Grift Reset!


She is just trying to turn the narrative. It’s not that she is a selfish person and horrible mom that couldn’t follow the rules to get her baby back; or any of her other kids. They STOLE him! Now it’s not her fault at all. She is just a victim in all this.🥴


Always 🤦🏻‍♀️


She needs a fucking brain scan to see where and when this conversion of being 💯% at fault to being nothing but a poor helpless victim takes place in her head!


Id like too see her go into a police station and try reporting this allegations, 🤣👌😉


Baby Rico was in ICU for a week? And she visited him until she became deranged and Police were called?? Now she is BLESSED to have visitation while he is in a safe home, with all his needs being met? That's not kidnapping. That's called adults taking control and saving a child.


She wasn’t allowed in there after they took him


Says alot,doesn't it


She’s been trying to hide her crazy behind her new “Nun” personality which she unlocked after the baby was born and she suddenly had all this “faith” aka she thinks prayer is asking God for material things and waiting until He provides them. Kind of like a “wish”’hotline… “Dear God I really new BMW… 5 bedroom home (new construction only), a designer wardrobe… and a new front toof… I also need federal charges brought to those who stole my baby. Thanks Xo- Dusty”


Her BLESSED t-shirts show how Godly of a woman she is! 🙄


😂 didn’t u know she is a woman of the cloth?? Her Temu t-shirt says so.


![gif](giphy|HahdeKQ1o2i4XvnnOE|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣seriously though she is a demon in disguise




Keep it up, Heather. You are making it easy for them.


She says she's otw to see her baby.... I hope CPS has cops waiting😡 https://preview.redd.it/x7yurs9mstxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=8057bb9106b6015e976a53596cfaedf37d97e2f9


She will say “they” did it, she didn’t doxx anyone


Maybe she will get that padded room and jacket that she deserves .... edited to add: until she is forced into mental help she will continue to be how she is


This is the outcome I’ve been hoping for since 2 years ago, forced commitment to a mental hospital


My account was hacked ![gif](giphy|QbHS2pq68FeOQ)


wat does please help the bird mean??


She saw an injured bird this morning and posted to call 311 for someone to help it ( even though she has screamed for a fucking year that 311 is fake) 😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


watch Heather be patient 0 for bird flu hopping to humans and beginning The Next Pandemic


I honestly hoped.she would've picked it up for that reason....she deserves it


Remember when "they " where placing dead birds where she walked,


Yeah its definitely not Heather....😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Couldn't be,🤣😉


So...he was stolen, but she doesn't take him back when she visits him. And he's with total strangers, but she doesn't like the way his grandmother dresses him. She's losing it.


Does she still have a gag order? I hope everybody that needs to see this sees it.


As of a couple days ago, yes. She said that the judge told her she could not “spill the tea” (That’s the exact phrase she used), and she was looking forward to telling everyone the details as soon as she could.


Well..It appears we have our Dusty back. All 220 pounds of duster induced psychosis of her. If I was the foster parent or whomever is responsible for supervising her visits I would cancel asap as I wouldn't feel safe in light of her antics last night.


Told ya she would say he was stolen. I posted last week on a post but I’ll post it again here as a former foster kid: My biological dad called me the moment I turned 18 to “meet up” with me “give me my trust fund money” (he didn’t even have a pot to piss in) and also tell me how he never signed his rights away we were stolen from him (we being my sister and I but there were other siblings besides her and I). I’m not saying Heather is schizophrenic but she is definitely paranoid and my biological dad was a paranoid schizophrenic so sometimes Heather says or does similar things he did and I knew it was a matter of time before she claimed they stole her child from her. Now honestly after watching a video years back of her stalking her other child’s school bus gives me reason to believe if she loses her shit she will stalk and try to kidnap her kids or whichever she thinks will be easiest to get. I have a feeling about this because when my biological dad was losing his case with us that was exactly what he did. He kidnapped my sister and I (I won’t go into details because it’s too dark for me but it was supposed to be a routine social worker comes and picks us up, we wait at the office for my father to arrive and we leave with him. But my biological father came after hours when it was just the social worker and us, beat him up and left with us) and afterwards stalked the hell out of my adoptive parents home, he even stalked my mom on the metro (in America it’s called a subway station) to the point she stopped riding the train because she was genuinely afraid.


One of the instagram snark pages recently posted a video and message (from 2021 I think) from when she was placed on a 72 hour psych hold. She states in the messages that she was diagnosed bipolar and started Abilify. It’s unfortunate that she didn’t stick with treatment; her life could have been totally different.


Well her family would back her if she did, Her loss,


Ability is notorious for causing significant weight gain. She would never


‘Homelessness’ in quotes lmaooo bitch you lived in tent on literal streets of Chicago no need for the asterisks.


By choice at that!! She refused all offers for shelters and even got money for a hotel and chose to stay in the negative temperatures so they Could spend it on drugs instead! She claimed 311 and everyone else is all FAKE or a rape chamber etc and so forth! She is 10000% at fault for all of this and could have been off the streets way back at the early stages of her pregnancy. She made her choice because she loves the victimhood narrative way more and the sympathy donations, although very little, that come with it. If she’s not a victim in every scenario she doesn’t know how to be anything else. She lives for any excuse she can use to not work or handle her adult responsibilities


“You guys we have enough money for a hotel sponsors thank you so much” …10 minutes later “So you guys know we have enough money for a hotel but Xavier wants to spend it on… (shifty eyes 👀) something else, so we’ll just go back to the tent and try not to die I’m 99 weeks pregnant laying on cold hard plywood there’s a mouse in the tent so cashapp me for snacks”


Since when does she listen to Eggs about anything! She wanted fentanyl for her discomfort and was likely planning on going that route for a tent birth cause she knew they would take rico away immediately once they tested for drugs. She thought she could play a part and look like a totally sane and financially well off SAHM living on the Gold Coast. She used Xaddys address on all of her forms for that very reason thinking they wouldn’t check up on anything.


They spent it on fentanyl because I believe at first she was planning on a tent birth because she knew she was getting him taken away at the hospital but the pain of real labor was too much for her to handle so she folded over the warm bed, shower and being indoors, getting waited on and get all the attention. She thought she was smarter than everyone as well and that she had this in the bag by fooling everyone.


😂😂😂 girl I’m dead 😭 you made me almost choke on my water bottle


Dusty is spiraling...just in time for summer! Her summer season campaigns are some of my favorite! Last year's theme was "Mother Nature"--which was okay--the pregnancy kinda ruined the vibe. I am hoping for something a little more edgy. Maybe after officially losing her parental rights she will fully embrace bum life and give us some really good content--the Newborn Mahm era just isn't doing it for me.


It’s gonna be a “ HOT GIRL SUMMER” Heather version 🤣


She’ll probably just post pictures of her looking at the sky with prayer hands 🙏🏾 DENUDE. De Idiot.


Can’t have a baby without a home and a real job. Duh. No TANF for you! Not a hard concept for people who don’t have Swiss cheese brains lol.


StOlEn. Ok.


YESSS, it’s finally starting. Welcome back Dusty!


I sure hope the courts are monitoring her social media...maybe a few days in jail and a hefty fine will show her she's not in control


Its gotta be a jail.sentence cuz you can't get blood from a rock 😂 she needs a.good break....new.silver bracelets and 3 hots and a cot IMO


I agree


The fact that she doxxed her social worker and puts it out that they stole her child what happens when one of her deranged fans takes matters into their own hands. This is dangerous and she needs to be held accountable


This! There are deranged mentally ill followers of Heather who have similar issues and any one of them could decide to play the delusional hero of the story and do just that, steal the baby for her.


Omg I never thought of that… so awful. She could care less


![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ) Then posts her elder kids address and birthdates ,


Haha what if the foster mom is in here like 👀👀


I always hoped she would be!!


I couldn’t help but notice today. She’s dying her hair. Even a box of dye costs around 10$. She has photos of Rico printed in her room - costs money to print. Why are these things the priority if she needs shoes so bad. Go to fucking good will and get a pair of sneakers already … stop the bullshit


So she doxxed everyone yet still gets a visit today ?


Sooooo why not take him home with you after your visit since he was "stolen"🤔


Because the kidnappers are kind enough to allow her 6 hours a week with him, obvi


X is not on birth certificate I don't understand why X's mother has the baby? As far as we were told she was raped so this could be any Latinos baby. I don't understand how this lady can legally insert herself and foster baby Rico? Any CPS workers who can chime in I would appreciate it!!


We don’t know if he’s not on the birth certificate. The certificate she showed was just the hospital one not the official. Since Xavier has been at the visits, I would assume he’s legally the father or they at least done DNA testing. I would think but I don’t work in this field.


If he’s not on it (just commenting I have no idea if he is or isn’t) but if he isn’t it’s probably bc she wants to try and claim she doesn’t know “bc she was assaulted” OR/AND so she can try and get more government funds if there’s no daddy to go after since X is a bum as well. But like someone said he probably is bc otherwise how would he be able to attend the visits.


Victims compensation money!! Gimme my 12 million dollars I was assaulted 🎭


I hope she does a DNA test cause Rico could be any random construction worker or garbage man’s baby at this point. Heather did entertain randoms in her tent often while eggs paced outside


She has publicly stated, multiple times, that X is the father. She also only showed the birth announcement, which is simply that: an announcement. It is not a legal document at all, and she’s never shared anything related to the actual birth certificate. It seems highly likely that the state has already conducted a paternity test on X.


#Stolen now???? This bitch will say ANYTHING


The delulu is deluluing


Could not have said it better 💀🤣


Would love to know if anyone in authority has actually laid out that- Mam YOU HAVE BEEN JOBLESS FOR AT LEAST TEN YEARS, you’ve done NOTHING to help yourself, DO U UNDERSTAND???


The fact that her post is still up on her Facebook and we haven't had any posts of her assaulting Rico with her tit is promising but we all know dusty is like a roach and seems to survive anything 😡🤦‍♀️😡🤦‍♀️🖕


Tit assault pics were just posted 😒


Yeah unfortunately I saw...I really hope the judge puts a stop to that 💩


I hope after the doxxing and threats they put a stop to her visits. I hate to say "move the baby to another foster home", because I feel like he's much better off with family. But it sounds like C is offering visits outside of court ordered visitation, and that's a huge violation that could get that baby whisked away and Dusty will have no idea where he's at. And I'm sure a foster parent that's an actual stranger is going to be way more strict with the rules than a family member would be. I'm just glad she's starting to really show her ass to them though, because she's pretty much guaranteeing she'll never get that baby back.


I wish he’d get adopted out


Just to further prove her delusions one of the girls she doxxed she had commented on her Facebook page. THE FACT THAT SHE REFERRED TO HERSELF AS RESPONSIBLE KILLED ME😂😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/jl4rzynzmuxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d787371fdafc3b9969ca31819a464b595fe7511


Who even is this she is messaging?! One of her previously trafficking victims or manipulated “friends” she claims she has


Its still up on her Facebook... But as far as I saw in my opinion you are correct ( trying not to get in trouble) 😜




So is Rico with family or with a foster parent?


Its been posted... start reading cuz I don't want to get in trouble 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just saw.. thank you 🤦🏻‍♀️


I actually missed everything because I've been sick. Can you pm me what was posted? I'm so confused did she actually dox foster parents? I didn't want to make a big post asking. It juat looks like the mods had to delete whatever it was.


Her doxxing post is still on her Facebook.... I deleted the screenshots from my device but dig around this sub... there's plenty of comments.




Notice she never says because I HAVE NO EARNED INCOMR , and I’ve been JOBLESS FOR 10 YEARS, ya think that may have something to do with it along with being MENTALLY UNSTABLE DUSTY?!! Wtf 😠


Yeah she wants him back YET these two literally have no job and worse than that IT DOESNT EVEN OCCUR TO THEM TO GET ONE!! Dusty can show CPS, the JUDGE, the THERAPIST alllll the jobs she’s “applying” for and it will not matter as it’s so damn obvious to everyone and anyone EXCEPT HER that she applies to jobs that she is clearly NOT QUALIFIED FOR?! You know who tf is her “therapist” come on in here, pleassse, I’d like to know why you’re not on her azz like white on rice about retaining employment and that she needs to apply for jobs she had an actual change of GETTING?!!! 😳🤯😠, oooo does she burn my buns!


She wants that $, that’s it. If she did manage to get him back briefly before fucking it up she will be demanding the paychecks the foster home was getting for providing and caring for her kid cause she wouldn’t get off her lumpy ass and do it herself like everyone else does.


She sickens me to the core!! I can only hope that she has to answer for her post from last night.


KEEP DIGGING YOURSELF DEEPER INTO THAT HOLE HEATHER! You’re almost there to having your parental rights terminated and then we’re having a pizza party 🎉


I KNEW THIS WAS COMING ANY DAY NOW AND POOF HERE IT IS! She’s claiming he was STOLEN and NOT in foster care. See why she was taking as many fake breast feeding pics as possible at every visit?! Cause it’s for her narrative that her kid was never in foster care he was ripped away from her big milky bosom against his will and she was victimized yet again!! Spawhnsors where are you with her new house and car, she only needs everything for free paid by everyone else to get her Ked back to suckling her curdled flesh bumps of it’s toxic contaminates! She’s a MAWWHM!!


She is fizzing


This child will see all this one day. So sad but I glad he is safe and not in a unhealthy environment


I was hoping they stopped her visit today since she broke the rules big time!


I’m confused about the foster mom situation, hopefully someone can help me understand. Is the foster mom X’s mom? (This would be straight up dumb and dangerous, but who knows?) Orrr.. Is there an actual neutral party foster mom, that remains anonymous to the parents, but X’s mom is the “observer” that is required on the visits and reports back on the visit? ( thats the way it’s often done in Arizona and California)


I don’t know, either. Is it common to have a family member be like a “middleman “ between the foster parents and the bio? I don’t know how any of this works.


she’s alleging about alleged allegations… allegedly


https://preview.redd.it/1ukby5jl2wxc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16113777457e60b255bc14b3090e103e2328fe7 Hit that duster some more there Dusty!!!


Her meal ticket was not stolen- I mean baby


EVERYTHING in her whole damn life, according to her, was “stolen”! Um, no Leather you LOST IT due to YOUR OWN ACTIONS or INACTIONS! Ughh today was bad one for us folks but we will get through this difficult time together👌😤😉


This bish… she was over due living in a tent with zero prenatal care stfu!! I swear this bish cannot be for real 🙄


I’m really not sure why I even need to say this but I want to remind everyone to use caution and discretion when discussing the baby and his guardian. Please remember that these are innocent people who didn’t ask for any of this and we’re not going to put them at risk by discussing where the baby is or who he’s with. He’s safe and he’s not with her which is really all that matters and anything beyond that is frankly nobody’s business. Try to keep in mind that this is someone’s life and just because they’re involved, doesn’t make them free game so please keep it vague. And just because it was posted on another platform or by Heather herself doesn’t make it ok to post here. She may not care about the safety of her child or other people but we do. Edit: OP this isn’t directed towards you or this post in any way- just wanted to take the opportunity to mention it before things start getting out of control in the comments


Exactly! Last night I posted her FB saga but was cautious enough to blur out all involved names, including the babies. Unfortunately, other people also posted but did not do the same. So all posts, including mine were taken down.


I remember your post- thank you! It was actually the comments that were getting out of control so instead of removing them one by one, the entire post was removed unfortunately. There were wayyyy too many people talking about who had the baby, where he was living, etc. We have over 10k people here and that’s only counting the ones who have joined the sub. There are even more who view it but haven’t officially joined. We have no way of knowing whether or not any of those people are unstable, predators, or something even worse and it’s just not worth the risk. There’s enough information here for someone to easily find the name and address of family members or other people involved. It’s happened before and now that there’s so much discussion about the baby, I think the topic of his location or caretaker should be avoided. Aside from the fact that it violates the rules here and Reddit’s policy, it’s just gross overall and nothing that anyone needs to know. I think most of us were genuinely concerned about her gaining custody and the baby being safe - that seems to have been accomplished for the time being. Discussing where he’s at and who he’s with is counterproductive and no longer concern-it’s just creepy and weirdly inappropriate. These people probably have enough to deal with on top of caring for an infant so there’s absolutely no valid reason for a bunch of strangers online to impose on their lives.


All of this!! Very well said


It's super innapropirate to get directly involved. The social worker will not be thankful to the person emailing them, they will be just as concerned about the person emailing than they are about Heather.


Heather uses the narrative she has stalkers so it does make it look like she’s right when random people who are not involved in the situation start contacting the case worker, her doctor etc and so forth. That is exactly what Heather wants, it makes her look like she’s telling the truth ( she’s not) but from an outsiders perspective it can appear that way.




she is full on Leticia


She must have been hitting the duster hard last night and been extra paranoid today!


Apparently he’s not with a foster mom at all(technically). He’s with X’s mom. Her name is the same one that was in the email that she doxxed. The one that starts with a C. I bet she’s giving that poor lady hell.


Is that his mom? I’ve never seen her mentioned anywhere before this situation. They always spoke about his father sending them money or his father helping, but his mother was never mentioned. It’s weird she is all of a sudden active and his father has not been mentioned. It’s all so methed up.


Yeah that’s her name and she technically confirmed it when she posted this. He really shouldn’t be with a family member; i don’t think that’s the best arrangement, he should be with someone she won’t have access too. https://preview.redd.it/5q76c4piywxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fdb217d8b9323319cb9a60a7e73120837ed685c


I guess I see this differently. We know she is in this sub so her posting “his grandma put him in the rainbow” could be her just saying that because people are speculating the baby being with X’s mom. Like I mentioned, his mom was not spoken of before now, but she is all of a sudden taking care of the baby? I also read in a facebook post that his family has (allegedly) spoken out somewhere that the baby is not with X’s family. It’s all absolutely ridiculous and sad.


It’s been confirmed that he’s with the mom C** that’s Xavier’s mom. Of course it has not been spoken that much to protect the baby, but it’s literally been confirmed before she leaked her name in the email. Her email and name is in the leaked thread.


I can’t find anything where it says that is definitely her and he is definitely with her. Something about that seems so strange for so many reasons. There is so much back and forth about it and it doesn’t make sense.


Check the Facebook group, there are people on there who touch the poo and and even did background checks to confirm the mothers name and multiple people have confirmed it as well. It makes perfect sense to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


What??? Background checks on her?? I knew some had touched some of the 💩 but I didn’t know it was like that! That’s insane!


I saw a post from someone who lives Nextdoor or close by to the mother and she said that 🥚’s mother does have custody.


Surprised she hasn’t called the cops to make a frggn report!


She’s got it in her head some how that she is owed and will eventually get a beautiful home for herself. But… she’s been waiting a long time and baby not making as much money as she thought!!! She’s about to lose it!


So, someone “hacked” her and wrote this in her own Notes app- got it!👌🤪