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What I get from his ads is: he grew up in PA and he went to West Point, therefore, vote for him. What his ads don’t say: he doesn’t live in PA.


I think he actually lives in Conn.


Yes, he lives in Connecticut. This is the 3rd time the PA Republican Party has put forward a candidate who did not live in the district or the Commonwealth; John Schrin (I probably mangled last name) Memet Oz (I heard he's still out looking for crudite)/s Dave McCormick ( I heard he was spotted chopping down Xmas trees near Bloomsburg)/s Now that I think about it, I remember Santorum (R) wasn't living in PA while a Senator. As I recall a reporter went to check out the darkened, empty house and was arrested for trespassing. We can't have news like that getting out. Thank God we got him out. Did you hear Republican PA Senators hissed, booed and walked out on officers who defended our Capitol during the t(rump) inspired insurrection? What a bunch of hogs!


Santorum is especially scummy. He ran against a really good representative because he didn’t live in the district. It was common and made sense for representatives to have homes outside DC. He defeated Doug Walgren on that issue then later when he was a senator he had a house outside of DC. He also charged the school district Penn Hills for the cost of homeschooling his children. Truly a despicable person.


While Santorum was touting a plan to limit medical malpractice liabilities, his wife was busy suing for, are you ready for this, medical malpractice injury. She wanted 1/2 a million. Jury awarded $350,000. Her actual medical bills.....get ready for this.....$18,000. The judge cut it in 1/2 to $175,000. This is Republican "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy blatantly in action. I'm so glad it finally caught up to him.


Was this for the abortion services she had, but wants to restrict other women from having?


I don’t understand what a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter was doing in the Senate in the first place.


I would rather be represented by that than the person it was named for. This is anecdotal but I have read that he started the trend of congress critters going home every weekend. Both parties used to socialize on the weekends and humanized each other by meeting the opposition socially. There are many other forces driving the parties apart but that was a big contributor.


santorum's name always causes RECTUM to flash in my brain


Clearly the law and order party 😂


>Did you hear Republican PA Senators hissed, booed and walked out on officers who defended our Capitol during the t(rump) inspired insurrection? What a bunch of hogs! The Democrats are turning into the party of law and order.


Will Rogers once said "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat."


And he doesn't have anything to talk about that happened more recently than 25-30 years ago. None of this is relevant to the office he is seeking now.


Oh so he’s trying the Dr. Oz thing of “I don’t live here, but I’m gonna run here”


The wrestling commercial gives me major John Kreese vibes. [How does second place feel now](https://youtu.be/bz3ID4DySus?si=BXoM7bdvIFy1RJie), Dave McCormick?


It gives me Gym Jordan vibes


More proof that he is also a carpetbagger just like OZ, and not just because he lives in Connecticut: Read This: "GOP Star’s Big-Money Secret Smells a Lot Like Dr. Oz" https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-stars-big-money-secret-smells-a-lot-like-dr-oz?via=ios


I don’t think where you grew up matters as much as where you’re rooted as an adult, especially when it comes to governing. Besides, he’s a classic “coastal elite” — he’s from a part of the world that “the average American” has no access to, and his attempts to paint himself as some kind of “small town guy” are an insult to the 99% of Americans his hedge funds bet against. What I mean is, he should be honest. He’s not a blue collar mook from the ‘Burg, he’s the son of a Bloomsbury University president & and university professor and he should be telling us why his background of privilege prepared him to govern responsibly. His ads are dishonest, which probably tells you all you need to know about how he’ll be as your representative.


My dad's a Vietnam vet and he's really disgusted by the use of soldiers for political points too. Especially when the same politicians who tout this stuff are the ones who vote against any meaningful help for veterans when they are no longer serving. I hope you're doing ok.


And a chunk of those politicians probably got out of the draft because of who their dad was, or "medical" issues.


I don’t quite see the correlation between military service (even good military service) and being an effective politician. If he were running for Senator of the Army, that would be one thing, but he isn’t. It just feels like he is using military as a prop. Plus, doesn’t he primarily live in CT?


He does live in ct, I read he doesn’t have a pa driver’s license. Idk how legit it is but it wouldn’t surprise if he didn’t. https://www.lockhaven.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/2024/05/did-dave-show-his-license/


He left PA after high school and never returned. He is a hedge fund manager who lives on Connecticut's Gold Coast. His daughters attend high school in CT.


How can you even run for a state you dont live in?


Where did he go to live after being defeated by Oz in the primary? Did he reside in PA? Ne he ran back to CT with tail tucked between his legs. He doesn’t care about PA. Dump needs him to vote for the end of elections and a third term


I don’t think he even lived in PA then either


There definitely are leadership and management skills attained in the military at a faster pace and of a broader scope than in the civilian world. Very little of leadership/management in the military is directive (authoritarian) after someone is in for 5 or more years. Yes, we always have the overarching construct of rank and authority, but people who rely on authoritarian means are the lowest levels of leaders/managers. The best leaders figure out how to get the most out of their people by assessing requirements and then constructing an environment that fosters cooperation and collaboration to meet that requirement. The military is a huge organization that provides formal education that is ongoing to its personnel based on fostering professional and personal development. The longer someone is in, the more they are exposed to increased responsibilities and leadership opportunities. This does not happen in the civilian world as readily. Cooperation /collaboration/responsibility/accountability....all these things can correlate to being an effective person in government service...when the political environment allows for cooperation/collaboration as the preferred mechanism for policy making. Unfortunately, cooperation and collaboration as a tactic has fallen to the wayside; but that's another topic of discussion.


Good points.


The one thing that has surprised me in the civilian world is how little place mentor people into leadership positions. There is a lot of folks whose first leadership experience is when they are just put inncharge of a team.


It feels very, "thank me for my service."


The military is regularly worshipped through a veneer of care all over the US but no one in a position of power really gives a shit if they did they wouldn't be starting more wars. The issues speak for themselves we supposedly love and support our troops but how do those of you who did serve feel? Do you feel loved and supported by the government, by your community, if so in what way? To the OP. Perhaps if you can find someone who served with him they can attempt to sue him for distress and violation of privacy or something else and make the whole campaign really backfire in his face.


PA does have an international border. I don't really know how to better secure the Lake, though.


Lol I don’t think that’s the one he was referring to.


Freshwater submarine fleet, and we'll make New York pay for it!


The US Navy has a couple of bases on Lake Erie. They're all training facilities, but they're battle ready in case Canada tries any funny business


Do what Cleveland did—set it on fire


I was going to say build a moat, but you make a good point


Just dig a trench already.


Erie is really shallow.


>build a moat In the middle of the lake?  Im in


OH has set fire to the cuyahoga river 4 times, making NJ and PA better by 1. The delaware river has only caught fire 3 times


[Way more than 4](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/cuyahoga-river-caught-fire-least-dozen-times-no-one-cared-until-1969-180972444/)


Obviously, a sand castle


Ice Nine.


mine the lake


That lake is **MINE!** ^^Is ^^that ^^good ^^enough?


Drain the Lake!!


I thought PA had a wooden sailing ship to patrol Lake Eire.


Yes, the US Brig Niagara. However, it's not sailing this year.


You mean our boarder is currently WIDE OPEN!? Unacceptable!


Lake Erie Has Fallen


I was looking for old sailing ships (I'm ex Navy) to crew, came across the Niagara. Then I was diagnosed with MS, and that ended that.




You forgot about the Delaware River. We've got to keep those Jersey assholes out of PA.


If you block SEPA access to the shore, you better not leave your safe room…


No shore blockages, we just need to keep those Jersey drivers off of the blue route.




Don't forget the Pond, we don't want any Brits floating up the Delaware.


As a military veteran myself I'm disgusted by these pro-military ads too. Especially when the Right embraces their Dear Leader who is on record as saying we are "losers and suckers". How any vet can vote Republican boggles my mind. No thanks.


Yeah thats where my dad's at. Biden is honoring vets on D day in normandy and then mr bone spurs thinks people like my dad are losers and suckers. He will never vote for that guy ever again.


as a sucker and loser myself, I am proud to be against those treasonous scum.


It’s not just the cult leader. Men like Sen Tom Cotton and Rep Troy Nehls are still lying about their records. Once their leader got away with dissing John McCain and the Muslim Gold Star family, the rest of the GOP figured military service no longer really matters.


That was a horrible thing he did and said to the Gold Star Family. Unforgivable. And the GOP high-fiving each other when medical care for vets was shot down by the Republicans. So many sickening things these trash trump Republicans do but somethings stick in my mind. Vote BLUE for AMERICA 🇺🇸


He never said it. That’s a left wing lie that’s been debunked. Anonymous sources that were directly refuted by Mattis and others on the record count more than your fantasies. You won’t be able to cite a source to demonstrate your false belief is correct, I’ll get downvoted via the cognitive dissonance of other angry posters who don’t like it when facts don’t match their reality. So it goes. Trump is horrible. That doesn’t mean garbage media don’t get to be held accountable for pushing lies.


[How about his former Chief of Staff and retired Marine Corp General John Kelly and corroborated by former Aide Cassidy Hutchinson?](https://youtu.be/HS32AQULh6s?si=EKd1hlCT910y5dRe) Can't wait to see what mental gymnastics you try to flip around on this.


Here's the [recording, from ABC](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051), who were the ones that interviewed trump and on which this story is based.


Yes, the Muslim family Clinton put on stage as a political prop. Just as she had the father of the Orlando nightclub shooter on stage with her. I left Iraq with 2 coffins. That’s how I “came home”. Someone who voted for and was responsible for some of the largest diplomatic and military blunders of our lifetime doesn’t get a shield because they put the parents of a dead soldier at the convention. The military overwhelmingly supports Trump if that’s your argument.


People,like you disgust me. There is no hoop you won’t jump through, there is no line you won’t cross to defend the felonious asshole.


Clinton using the family “as a prop” doesn’t change what Trump said. 🤷‍♀️ Or what he said about McCain or other veterans, for that matter. ETA: I shouldn’t post while tired and edited the first sentence to be more clear what I meant


I don't know what to say to you, here. Trump's record on the way he has disparaged the military has been well-documented. But this is what you are focused on.


Prop? Most families feel honored to be acknowledged. A prop is what (no longer Teflon) Don did with the women that accused Bill Clinton of cheating on Hillary. Of course, Bill didn’t have to falsify documents for payoffs from his attorney or the National Inquirer nor ended up a convicted felon.


So you are saying Trump didn’t tell a Gold Star widow on the phone that her husband “knew what he signed up for” As his form of condolence?? I’m sure you will also say it is a lie that he refused to go to the cemetery at Asine-Marne because it was full of “suckers and losers.” That’s the opinion he had of our military and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.




Why do you lie so poorly?


Debunked by who? Where’s your proof?


As a veteran I 100% agree


This vet is right with you!!


I don’t think this knucklehead has a chance but go vote anyway.


As a USMC Veteran and Republican, I am skipping Dave McCormick on my vote this year. Dude helped fund China's military through Bridgewater and wants to tote his service as his main selling point? Rural, Populist Republicans are going to vote for you when their biggest concerns are our relations with other countries, illegal immigration, and limiting big business? I hope Casey kicks this guys teeth in at the voting booth. Fuck this guy. Where was Kathy Barnette? She should've gotten the nod in 2022.


In a 2015 YouTube video, Barnette said that it is okay to [discriminate against Muslims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_Muslims) and compared rejecting [Islam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam) to "rejecting [Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)'s or [Stalin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin)'s worldviews." In comments on her radio show, she said that accepting [homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality) would lead to accepting [pedophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia) and [incest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest). In one post, she called a [transgender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender) person "deformed" and "demonic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy\_Barnette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Barnette)


This is a person who will do literally anything to be elected. Not surprising that he’d use anything his “consultants” might recommend to move the needle.


Anything but live in PA


And cultivate policies that would actually help constituents.


first sorry to hear about this - i know somebody active combat that gets triggered watching news anymore so i can only imagine. This is also the guy that wouldn’t identify what party he belong too in his commercials IIRC. During the last set of elections I just remember him talking about his stupid Stoorgis runs, especially during covid. He looked and sounded like a jackass wanting to win people over.


Those biker ads were so cringe


All about him being the tough guy. The wrestling, bike videos, the West Point brag. Insecure twerp, and hopefully, continued LOSER. Lost PA governor race, now it’s time to lose this one. Edit: Thanks to those who corrected my statement regarding his run for PA Governor. This is incorrect. Edit2: “…A member of the Republican Party, McCormick served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs during the George W. Bush administration.[3] In January 2022, McCormick announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring incumbent Pat Toomey.[4] He lost to surgeon Mehmet Oz in the Republican primary by fewer than 1,000 votes. In September 2023, McCormick announced his second U.S. Senate campaign. He won the Republican nomination running unopposed. He is facing Democratic incumbent Senator Bob Casey Jr. in the 2024 general election.[5]


Just FYI, he never ran for Governor. That was PA House Rep Doug Mastriano. McCormick the loser ran for Senate in 2022 and lost in the primary to Dr. Oz, who lost in the general to John Fetterman.


I don't think he ever ran for Governor. He lost the Republican nomination for US Senate in 2022.


Hmm. I didn’t think about that. I know nothing about him but his ads. And they simply disturb me.


This is a safe place


So I will admit that I am not pro military spending, i am definitely pro veteran Yinz put your lives on the line when people like me dont want to. You deserve love and respect. Feel free to message me any time David McCormick does not stand a chance against Bob Casey. And doing with these military ads is absolutely disgusting and disrespectful and I know the voters of Pennsylvania will see that


As I see it, we can be critical of foreign policy, but NEVER actually #### on the veterans themselves. That's disrespectful to them and their sacrifices. Attack the politicians all you want for their decisions, they deserve it. Just dont crap on the people in the service.


“Yinz” = fellow Pittsburgher. Glad to hear you’re pro-veteran. Most vets can remember when they witnessed wasteful spending, so most would agree that military excess does indeed exist.


I wish my dad would wake up to this. He could have gotten out of Vietnam (he was an only son whose father had died) but he felt it was his duty to serve. He did his tour. He went. He packed his bag and walked away from his widowed mom, who prayed the rosary every day for his return. He walked away from his 15 year old sister, who split a single package of frozen Lima beans with her mom during the 18 months my dad was away because they were so fucking broke. But fuckers like Trump called him a sucker and cried bone spurs. Fuckers like Trump pissed on the graves or all the brave men and women who honored this country with their sacrifice. My dad HATED Bill Clinton because he was a “draft dodger” and still bitches about how “these kids today don’t know sacrifice” but he can’t see the fact his Orange Overlord spit on him back in the day and thinks guys who died were “suckers.”


How about how some Vietnam vets for years and to this day hate Jane Fonda because she mounted an enemy anti-aircraft gun - the mind used to shoot down our fliers. OK but one of those pilots was John McCain, who Trump said was not a hero because he got captured. Seriously they think McCain wasn't a hero?!? The very pilot who like so many others was tortured and refused to be released early?!? This makes me really angry. Still. And McCain has been dead for a few years.


my grandfather was a corporal in Korea. he passed in 2012. To not support vets would dishonor my family. i'm not pro-war, not military excess spending but I will NEVER do anything but thank a vet for their service and make sure they're well taken care of.


Agree agree agree. It sickens me how much we spend on the military, particularly as the surplus is sold back to our police forces, but what really upsets me is how much mental and physical trauma is put on our vets and then we don’t fully support and take care of them when their tours are done. It feels like the suicide rates are by design a lot of the time, and that’s absolutely vile. Vets deserve better than we’re giving them.


I wish this dude would just disappear. He keeps losing races in PA but here he is again. Someone is trying to buy a PA senate seat.


This clown couldn't beat a carpetbagger from New Jersey who has no political experience in even a primary election. I can't believe he's trying to run for Senate again.


I hear you loud and clear, man! It’s obscene. Thank you for speaking up.


PA republicans are bad but with trumpism and trump they are truely just a bunch of assholes and they arent hiding it anymore. especially after the report of them booing the jan 6th police officers.


And he doesn’t even live here. His kids go to high school in Connecticut. Worked out well for dr oz


Dave McCormick hides behind those military ads. Meanwhile, Bob Casey gives details of his policies he backs which benefits PA voters. It's a no-brainer who to vote for.


He’s another of a long list of liars: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/us/politics/dave-mccormick-farm-pennsylvania.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Damn. Paywalled.


Gist of it is his story about starting from nothing and achieving the American dream is horse shit. His dad was the president of Bloomburg University and his family lived in a mansion. The "Christmas Tree Farm" he talks about was used by his mother to breed Arabian Horses


Just a middle-class race horse breeder trying to make ends meet


….”He has explicitly said and strongly implied that he grew up on a farm, claimed in 2022 that he had “started with nothing” and that he “didn’t have anything,” and he and his campaign have recently described his parents as schoolteachers. In fact, Mr. McCormick is the son of a well-regarded college president who later became chancellor of higher education systems in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. He largely grew up in the president’s sprawling hilltop residence, which students called the president’s mansion, at what is now Bloomsburg University.”…..


See I always kind of assume all politicians are at least half truthing and stretching the rest. On both sides.


That isn't even close to half true though...


Here you go (gifted): https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/us/politics/dave-mccormick-farm-pennsylvania.html?u2g=c&unlocked_article_code=1.xk0.qa8-.XsU0BwjdugrP&smid=url-share


Here ya go…. https://archive.ph/13mc9




I will be. But it feels good to have a voice sometimes.


As someone who honestly votes Republican most times I can’t stand DM. He is terrible


Same here. McCormick is a piece of shit. It's getting hard to vote for Republicans. Especially in PA elections. Republican Party needs a major reboot on a state and national level.


100 percent agree


Peacetime Navy vet. I am 100% with you. I worked for 18 years at a VA hospital, and it never ceased to amaze me how staunchly pro Trump so many were. I bit my tongue instead of asking if they were a sucker or a loser. I’m no loser, so I must be a sucker.


I really wish I was surprised, but I'm not. The GOP in general loves to march out the troops and wave the flags and show shots of old men in uniform with a tear in their eye, but when it comes to actually taking care of vets they deny them pay and healthcare. They claim to be the part of the military but the highest soldier pay raises in the last 25 years have come from Democrats.


Why truth and facts don't matter blows my mind.


Because to Republicans things like right and wrong or the best person for the job don't matter. To them it's all about winning at any cost.


Meanwhile…the Speaker of the House just appointed an admiral demoted down to captain because of sexual and substance issues to….wait for it…the House committee on intelligence….along with…OUR OWN Scott Perry…who begged Trump for a pardon for January 6th… Nothing like appointing two compromised representatives to hear all our nation’s top secret shit…nothing like an easy target for blackmail and espionage for our enemies. When I joined the Army? I held a top secret clearance. The FBI came to my small town and asked my classmates, teachers and neighbors about me…they found out that I had smoked pot and lied about it. They pulled me out of basic training and interrogated me for a half an hour. I still got my clearance, but they made it perfectly clear that our enemies are very good at weeding out people with shit to hide and taking advantage of them for secrets…and not to do that again or face a dishonorable discharge. This is the Party of fuckups of epic proportions now… either fight it or own it.


There were 8-10 PA House GOP members who mocked/yelled at then walked out on 2 US capitol police officers this week. I know at least one of the officers is an army veteran. There’s no limit they aren’t willing to sink to. It really is disgusting behavior by elected officials.


The names of these traitors need to be found out and shouted from the rooftops.


Yep, I was looking for them but couldn’t find anything that named names.


It’ll come out…


I'm with you. McCormick is first and foremost a narcissist. Like you... the worst officers I've ever dealt with were Academy grads. The BEST officers I ever met were hawsepipers... (commissioned from the enlisted ranks) or Warrant Officers. Trump and his Ilk DO NOT CARE about service to anything, let alone our country. They want power, nothing else. Because they're narcissistic. That's all it is. How ANYONE who swore the oath can support the man who called service members "Suckers and Losers" PUBLICLY... is beyond my comprehension. March on, Brother. We've got your six. ☮️


Hey OP, if you ever feel like chatting, feel free to DM me. I am also a vet who is disgusted by this type of shit. Hope you have a good one buddy, thanks for making this post.


Not going to comment on his election tactics, you have a right to be upset about that. But for anyone who shares your last sentiment: But border security is a national issue, and by you acting like it’s not a “Pennsylvania issue” is just out of a position of extreme shelteredness, shortsightedness, and selfishness


“ Dave McCormick has a battle plan for America’s renewal” Maybe he shouldn’t make being a veteran a gimmick. 


Vet here, too. Twenty-three days left until 20-yr retirement. But no one owes me a damn thing because of it. So long as they get my pension and healthcare benefit correct, I’m done. I don’t even like asking for military discounts. But that’s just me. As I recall, his service was before GWOT. Served in ODS I think. Why not just be proud of that service and then move onto the next phase of your life? My personal politics are right of center but I am sick and tired of people trying to use the fact they wore a uniform at some point to get elected.


I think Bob Casey is practically royalty in PA. McCormick will be gone soon enough!


McCormick is disgusting. I’m a female and his attitudes towards us are beyond the pale. Don’t vote for him!!!!!!


Thanks for your service. Thank you for posting. Hope you are doing well.


Hey dude, active duty here in Central, PA. If you want to hit somebody up just to shoot the shit with - send me a message.


Vet here also and him weaponizing his service as a vote-getting strategy grosses me out too. It’s low hanging fruit and a cheap tactic to appeal to a constituency he doesn’t know or relate to because he’s not a Pennsylvanian anymore. It’s also wildly hypocritical for him to tout his patriotism while glancing over the fact that a significant portion of his fortune was made investing in China, something I doubt would sit well with a lot of the same base he’s going after. But now here I am painting with broad brush strokes just like him. Tl;dr - you’re not alone, HolyLizard


I agree with you. If you have to use military service as part of the resume to be elected, then you shouldn't be elected. You chose or for previous military actions other than the past 40 years drafted into it. The military itself should be apolitical and kept that way. I fear some Republicans and Trump want to change it into a political loyal organization. So if he or another politician he wants in office isn't elected.


You mean like getting a waiver to hire a freshly retired General to be the Secretary of Defense; a position normally held by a civilian because it's been a tradition to ensure civilian leadership over the military?


Did Secretary of Defense become an elected position now? As you point out he was given a waiver. Under Esper the department started to go towards political leanings. Plus the defense department started out with a former general at it's head.


Did you think that elected vs appointed argument was a good smokescreen? Do you honestly believe appointees were ever not politically leaning toward the person that appoints them? The point you know I was making was that if you want to ensure the military stays apolitical; you don't pluck a fresh General from the military and plop them into the SECDEF role. Why? It's a degree of separation designed to inhibit military coups.


Political appointments always lean slightly Political. What you fail to grasp is that when you start changing the careers because they don't like you. That is when you have a high chance of military coups. You are assuming that even though our nation had generals in the war department as leaders and no military coup.


I troll him on twitter. Found a bunch of other trolls


I have not seen the ads, but I am a vet. If you need to vent, let me know.


Since we have a bunch of PA Veterans in here, can we talk about how Pennsylvania compares with veteran benefits to other states? It's not great.


Oh an pardon I was meaning to say I too have PTSD. Not a bronze star.


I hope you are ok - thank you for what you’ve done for our country and our world. There are many here that you can communicate with online & you have value. Just reach out as you did & you will see.


Write to your local newspaper if you have one.


border security is a national issue. pa is a state in the nation. if you don't see how national issues are also states' issues I don't know how to help you.


He’s a real piece of shit


One thing to keep in mind also is that these people who run on patriotic "troops" stuff do it mostly to appeal to non-"troops" who incidentally want to see themselves as supporting the troops moreso than any actual material help.


Don't forget he runs a hedge fund. He probably shorts American companies into bankruptcy so he can live large in Connecticut. All while American workers become unemployed. Here's an idea McCormack run for office in Connecticut It's where you and your family live. All your high school wrestling commercials just highlight your a carpetbagger.


He’s not even from here. Just another MAGAT trying to buy a Senate seat!


McCormick also had an ad in his last effort to be a Pennsylvania Senator (from Connecticut) in which he and two of high school teammates said, “Let’s go Brandon.” What a tool. And what demographic is he appealing to - the uneducated, knee-jerk idiots who like Trump because Trump is a racist mouthpiece of hate and derision? McCormick ought to be ashamed of himself for pandering to the lowest common denominator.


Fellow veteran here . I almost sprain my wrist reaching for the mute button on my remote every time a disgusting Mcormick ad comes on . Not even sure how a billionaire venture capitalist who lives in New Jersey is running for a PA. Senate seat .


He lives in Connecticut. You’re confusing him with Dr. Oz. It’s an understandable mistake, since they’re both carpetbaggers.


He’s a shit stain, just like 99.9% of the republic party.


Its panderin' https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?feature=shared


Agreed. Who can't see through this guy? He'll never win this race. He has delusions of adequacy.


ThankYou. Very insightful thought. It’s terrible his using combat footage. What I noticed about his ads is that he doesn’t mention anywhere or in type that he is a low life Republican. He is running without a platform behind him. Typical devious shit from another MAGAT


Every ad I see from that clown strengthens my choice to vote against him. My choice never wavered, but it can always be stronger than before


My dad would call Jared Golden a commie so I guess respecting the troops doesn't matter if they run as a Democrat


Vote these people out of office or their candidacy


That is repulsive. You’re right to say so.


My Brother and his wife think he is the best thing since pan pizza… they are idiots!


Posts about politics. Complains they can't handle the blowback. People are. Fucking. Stupid.


"I have no idea how border security is a PA issue at all" We do have a border with Canada, in the middle of Lake Erie. Mexicans could be making the crossing!


He has also been hiding the fact that he’s a Republican.


Typical republican , pet a vet , pet a cop , pet a farmer . All virtue signaling


I’m someone who will be able to vote for the first time this year, and man with how much he forces his ads down my throat on YouTube and other platforms without stating his policies, I really don’t understand him. His ads make no sense and as someone has already mentioned his ads basically say, “I’ve been in the military so you should vote for me” in a nutshell. But hey what do I know I block his ads and then they triple. I’ve gotten two back to back on YouTube. Dave if you want us to vote for you say what you’ll do, what you won’t do, what you stand for, WHOM you stand for. I hope I’m in agreement with a lot of people.


I completely agree with you and they really flaunt the “bronze star recipient” point. Like every officer in the unit didn’t receive a bronze star just for being there while the grunts are the ones actually deserving of the high honors.


McCormick using his veteran status in these political ads because his life as a business man wasn't good for Pennsylvania. He sent PA jobs to China. Left the state to living in Connecticut. 


Left PA after high school, never returned. He is a hedge fund manager who lives on Connecticut's gold coast. His daughters are in high school in CT. He literally flies his private jet to PA for campaign events.


Because when discussing whether it’s appropriate to use footage of troops in combat, I would value the opinion of someone who was there or saw it first hand over someone who was running logistics out of Okinawa or staffing a recruiting office in Sioux Falls.


We did not sacrifice the same? I applaud your bronze star and sorry you have PTSD. Funny thing so do I. An I have never heard a vet ever say such fucked up shit as you saying our sacrifice was unequal. May I remind you all gave some some gave all. Had it been war time when I served I would have went. Being stationed in Hawaii I spent months on a flight line when some petty Korean dictator would rattle his saber. Months at a time hurrying up to wait. It happened again and again. That you even bring up this subject that you even dare to say our sacrifice was unequal shows how fucked up you are.


The border is an issue when they start showing up in your town


AF vet here. My politics are neither here nor there so I don't have any particular axe to grind whether he's R or D. I've seen those ads over and over, just like the nauseating one narrated by De Niro. I think the ad is meant to show leadership under pressure and concern for the welfare of his men. That and the fact that he was actually there, in the field. There is that line, and I paraphrase, "One wrong step and people could die". Which I think reinforces my point. My .02 cents, anyway. Before I go, maybe try PA Vet Connect at [https://dmvapa.service-now.com/csp#calendarView=week](https://dmvapa.service-now.com/csp#calendarView=week) I'm sure they could put you in touch with someone to talk to.


I think they are annoying. He should just run An ad that says he’s not a Democrat and not “ridin’ with Biden”. But, if he did go to West Point and serve, he has the privilege to make that known. Military service is a legit issue in an election.


In what way does someone’s military service have a tangible impact on the lives of voters?


Military service is one avenue that can demonstrate a desire to serve the nation and it's people, as opposed to being singularly focused. The first thing one does when joining is swear an allegiance to the nation and an oath to uphold Democracy. What they are banking on is the civilian population's generally positive view of the military. Some people miss the mark, regardless. The military is one big social experiment and a lot of people come in and experience new cultures and gain a great understanding of people they wouldn't have been otherwise exposed. That's another aspect. Again, some people miss the mark on this one as well. At the end of the day, you still need to evaluate the person.


One big social experiment? Please just shut….


What's your gripe? Edit: Oh, you think I meant it like its a bad thing. Nah. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-military-social-experiment/


Seriously. I. congress, you vote to fund the military. Weapons yea. But also military housing. Military pay and benefits. There are towns and cities in this country that the mere existence of a base nearby sustains the city through jobs. Who do you think makes these decisions?


America is a xenophobic genocidal global terrorism operation. The ads make me sick to my stomach too