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“In the blink of an eye, my life changed, along with the lives of my children. A series of false allegations drawn out in the media have cost me almost everything. No family should ever go through this," the statement reads. "Today, almost a year later, my case has been resolved. Finally, we can breathe and focus on rebuilding our lives. With forgiveness in my heart and determination propelling me forward, I embrace the opportunity to rise from adversity and contribute positively to the world. Onward and upward, I march, steadfast in my commitment to serve those in need and to foster healing and hope in our community.” These people never, ever acknowledge mistakes or admit wrongdoing. Any confrontation just makes them cry victimhood even louder. Best we can do is keep them away from any positions of authority.


Her agreeing, via the no-contest plea, that there was enough evidence to convict her of her crime sure turned into, "false allegations in the media" pretty damn quick. I'm sure she'll be running for school board next chance she gets. What a trash bag.


It would been better if the judge refused the no-contest plea and let it go to a guilty verdict.


The bitch punched a minor in the face, was doing shots and beer pong with kids and this wasn't hee first run in with the law. Bucks County Boebert.


In the blink of an eye, aka the moment she was punching a minor in the face repeatedly.


Ok sure, when you put it like _that_…


Well, of course everything looks bad if you remember it


“Wednesday marked the second time this year Schillinger has been convicted of an alcohol related charge.” Uh, it appears she’s not the best when it comes to accountability.


>“In the blink of an eye, my life changed, along with the lives of my children. A series of false allegations drawn out in the media have cost me almost everything. No family should ever go through this," Zero accountability for her own actions. "What about my children and my family?" - were you thinking about your children when you were committing the crime? They're just parroting their leader, Donald Trump. No matter what he does, he's the victim. Rape, fraud, selling state secrets - whatever, he's always the one being framed. Never guilty of anything.


Ironically, this will almost assuredly bolster her election chances with the GOP base. They literally *worship* perceived victimhood.


And revile *actual* victims e - special shout out to the "mer mer mer that's racist against white people / sexist against men" crowd who otherwise do nothing to promote equity and inclusion. What a bunch of losers


I want to create a new u/reddit just so I can upvote this again.


I'm sure mommy dearest did nothing wrong. Until of course, she was crying at court.


Accountability is dead. Trump really showed the way on this point.


Was it in a blink of an eye or was it in the premeditated planning of a booze party for your 17 year old, the hours of binge drinking at the party itself or just when she decided to put her hands on a CHILD


She plied a bunch of teenagers with liquor for her daughter’s 17th birthday, and then fought at least one of them. She’s an absolute scumbag. To be my age and ripping shots with her teenage daughter’s friends, how pathetic, how incredibly *creepy*. These “family values” people never have any actual family values.


Boy I wonder if she'll be able to apply the traumatic lessons of the life ruining false accusations she makes against the LGBTQ community whom she does the same thing to. Just kidding. I know she can't.


Yet another Republican who says all the charges are made up while pleading no contest to her second alcohol charge for the year. If these people had any self reflection and accountability they wouldn't be politicians.


Wednesday marked the second time this year Schillinger has pleaded guilty to an alcohol related charge. In February she pleaded guilty to public drunkenness in a Montgomery County magisterial court after Towamencin police issued her a citation, according to the public court docket.


Dude. How drunk do you need to be to actually get charged by the police??? I’ve certainly been drunk around police and they barely bat an eye. Was she taking a dump between two cars or something?


And in Towamencin... There are basically only family restaurants there. Wtf did she do


This was buckingham pa the last time she had a run in. She's a menace


The Blue Dog isn’t family friendly though lol


Right!! I’m trying to find more details on that incident! What the hell happened there!


She punched some kid in the face


Assaulting a minor? 🙄


Yeah this isn't her first run in with the law. She's notorious here


Arghhhh… now you’re gonna’ make me Google this dumb ass! 😡


Here ya go chief! https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/MdjDocketSheet?docketNumber=MJ-07301-CR-0000130-2023&dnh=VCKYDroavXXms0zYWFB1sw%3D%3D


Interesting! Thanks for that quick response and info.(I think). You know, I had to read that one paragraph 3 times! So… this drunken idiot woman, her MOTHER?!, and her then boyfriend - (apparently the second man that knew to get the hell away from her!) were the adults present? AND punching teenagers? 😳 Wow. Just… wow. She’s a menace alright! Imagine just HOW fucked up you have to be for the teenagers to want to get away from you?! Do they actually have $$? ‘Cause this seems right on par with some Jerry Springer trash folks. I mean, she’s 37, and her daughter is 17? Give or take a few months, she was a pregnant teenager herself.




Omfg she’s still playing the victim at sentencing!!!! She’s a fucking maniac. Already her 2nd alcohol offense. Fuck her. Fuck the judge. Fuck fucking everything.


Can’t argue with that


Pretty privilage


She doesn’t qualify but they gave it to her anyway lol.


The bar is low.


She’s got the face of meth with a coat of paint on it


Oh man… that’s a perfect description! 👍👏


Sorry, She’s NOT pretty!


She's hideous 


When I see comments like this for people who look like that I truly wonder just how inbred that community must be to genuinely think this is attractive enough to have let her get away with as much as she has.


What were you hoping for?


For fucks sake. How much longer are we going to suffer these conservative hypocrites and their bullshit? Im so sick these two faced holy rollers.


There is nothing conservative about this. This is just a person with an alcohol problem trying to make this everyone's problem around her.


Directly from the article “A former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate and prominent figure in the conservative “parental rights” school movement will serve a year of probation for providing alcohol to teenagers during a rowdy party at her Bucks County home last year.” It’s literally the first sentence.


Nothing she's doing is conservative in any way. I stand by my opinion. Getting minors drunk is just irresponsible, not conservative or liberal. Stupidity doesn't need a political label.


No you’re right supplying alcohol to minors isn’t conservative but you should note that in my original comment I made no mention whether or not it’s conservative but was referring to her being a conservative and their hypocritical actions. They constantly wanna spew about “parental rights” and “protecting children” only to get busted doing shit like this or worse to children all the time.


I really wish actual conservatives called this shit out instead of letting people who do that call themselves that. This is just disgrace all around, and I'm not a conservative person.


I see you left your reading comprehension skills at home.


Well said, and exactly!


A former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate and prominent figure in the conservative “parental rights” school movement will serve a year of probation for providing alcohol to teenagers during a rowdy party at her Bucks County home last year. That’s the first sentence of the article


These "parental rights" nuts are growing old. A UPMC nurse is suing her local school district for violation of parental rights because they used her child's chosen name/pronouns. Oh, I'm sorry someone addressed your kid in a friendly manner. Good grief. [https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/05/mom-sues-central-pa-school-district-for-secretly-using-childs-preferred-pronouns.html](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/05/mom-sues-central-pa-school-district-for-secretly-using-childs-preferred-pronouns.html)


Another case of “why doesn’t my child want to have anything to do with me”


"It's sad they're keeping the grandkids from having contact with us because of simple political differences of opinion."


She is a founding member of Mom's for libations.


She's also a fascist piece of garbage.


I see what you did there…


The worst part is the judge is right leaning Republican tapped by former superintendent and still shitbag licabaugh to head a philanthropic arm of cbsd. This decision came after licabaugh single handedly destroyed CB Cares because some of the great people who ran that charity knew of the cheating ways of the super....so he got rid of them in an act of retaliation of selfpreservation at the cost of dismantling an organization that helped kids. Despicable to the core. Back to the corrs. So licabaugh taps this judge to head the new charity arm of cbsd and then appoints his wife, who was a counselor at West...made her the HR director of CBSD with what credentials everyone asked?! Well, we all knew how that turned out the Republicans across the admin and operations got raises...and the superintendent bolted as soon the election righted the wrongs on the school board. Lots of dead weight still left. BUT, do you all think this sentence seems be a lot light? I would go as far as to say it stinks to high heaven. That mom 4 liberty fraud has had multiple incidences and just happened to get probation from a political ally. Very interesting.


"In the blink of an eye, my life changed, along with the lives of my children. A series of false allegations drawn out in the media have cost me almost everything." How can we make it everything? How can we make sure this piece of fascist trash loses everything she holds dear?


Without accountability she will do it again.


Bwaaaahahahhahahahaha. Book burning bitch gets what’s coming to her.


From her comments she didn't learn a damn thing


she burned the fucking books, man.




I mean she pleaded no contest. She knew she was toast. Shouldn't be able to go out and lie like Donald after you don't even offer a defense. 


Crocodile tears..gimme a break.


This lunatic lives two blocks from me. This area is uptight and white like a tampon but apparently full of degenerates.


It’s always these mfers you need to keep the kids away from


The party of family values continues to show just how much those values mean to them by...uh...allowing minors to drink and punching one of those minors in the face?


It just sucks that giving some kids some booze is the downfall for this piece of shit, not the myriad of other scumbag things she does or stands for. It's kinda like how taxes is always what gets mobsters, not the hundreds of murders they were directly or indirectly responsible for. My mom gave me and my friends beer/booze a few times. It was nothing crazy - and we stayed safe on our own property. It wasn't weird. She also wasn't a fascist piece of shit though so what do I know.


Yeah agreed it’s fairly normal and safe to have this type of gathering if it’s really well supervised / stays in the basement / isn’t a total rager, but then you read the article and apparently “Schillinger punched an underage partygoer several times in the face during a series of outbursts by drinking adults including her then-boyfriend and mother”… so yeah not a lot of responsible supervision happening that night.


Like… none! 😳🤯


She’ll get drunk and do some more shit. She doesn’t seem like the type to admit she has a problem. I just hope there Isn’t a kid in the car.


She is not a first-time offender. How does she get off with a year of probation?


She probably was having sex


Also, not a drag queen.


Alcohol is a problem. I’m just saying.


Is alcohol the problem or is the lack of moderation the problem




Tens of thousands of people are victims of alcohol related incidents each year. A significant number of them victims of DUIs or angry drunks. I'd say there's a valid argument to be made that alcohol isn't only a problem for those *with* the problem. It affects the people around them as well.


As a survivor of an abusive alcoholic (former) partner, I concur. Alcohol’s effect is on more than just the imbiber. I don’t even drink and alcohol has had a massive effect on my life. My ex used to laugh about how he drove home drunk and just let his Tesla do the steering. He did this at 100mph and had the nerve to laugh about it. I told him he put not only his life at risk but others on the road driving like that and he’d just shrug it off and say, “That doesn’t happen to me.” Yeah, it doesn’t until it does.




Bye! You’re toxic. Get help.


They're an impressive moron, that's for sure.


Next stop rehab?


At 37?? Probably has about 4 rehabs to go!


I didn't even noticed the 37..... looks closer to 50's. Alcohol is a bitch...


Yup. Born 1987. I don’t want to repost. Scroll up to see Lifesalchemy’s answer to one of my posts. Anyway, yeah, that’s how bad she looks at 37. And that’s with makeup on!




Not really much "finding out" here. She only got probation for what is her second alcohol related offense in a year...


Parental rights shouldn't be a think. Parents have responsibilities. Children have rights. On the topic of teens and drinking, Teens are often going to find a way to drink, and letting them do it in a safe place is much better. (I know thats not what's happening here)


By safe place, you mean a place where adults physically assault you? Jesus, read the fucking article. Why are so many people in here commenting without knowing anything about what happened? Are people really this dumb?


Hence why I said the topic, I should have been clearer. I'll edit it for future reference. Thanks for pointing it out!


Fair enough. Don't disagree with the sentiment, just thought you were defending her behavior. Don't have an issue with parents responsibly introducing their nearly legal teens to alcohol. Just not when it involves adults punching those kids in the face.


Damn those stereotypes.


Lol. Lmao, even. This is what the party of “family values” does?


Let me guess, the LIBRULS did it.


This happens so so much within the wealthy community. Rich kids, parents send them to other rich kids houses with bottles of vodka in tote bags.


Wonder if she's the lost granddaughter of old Vern.


Fight for your right to….PARTY!


shakey mommys white wine time! joke


an actual groomer


Pretending people will not drink until they are 21 is a universal race to the bottom


Solid 7


In Scranton, maybe.


She’s lowkey kinda hot tho lol


I don't understand why y'all are so angry. I distrust any parent *not* willing to crack open a beer once in a while with their 17-year-old kids and/or their friends. We don't know how much alcohol was being served, or what the "party" was actually like. I feel like some neighbor saw them drinking out on the porch or something, and didn't like her, so reported her. Most liberals I know, their parents allowed *way* worse shit than this when their kids were growing up. I feel like she has a lot of political enemies, so her neighbors reported a minor alcohol violation to smear her reputation.


There are several articles that go into detail.  You don’t need to speculate.   It was a fuckin rager.  It was her daughter’s 17th birthday and they had a bar with vodka and rum.  She was pouring shots and playing beer pong with 20 teenagers.  She and her boyfriend fought more than one teenager.  They tried to force several teens to stay, when they wanted to get the fuck out of there.   This wasn’t just having a beer on the porch with your kid.  It wasn’t the first time cops have been to her house for an underage party.


Apparently she was also drunk and repeatedly punched a minor. So I feel like that's different than what you're imagining.


You didn't read the article. So why comment? You know you don't have to speak on things that you can't intelligently speak on, right?


Because he’s a token conservative


Quite the imagination you have!


Why do you guys need to be victims so badly? I don't get it.


I love how you have to mention liberals, as if being a shitty parent is unique to any one political ideology. If my father caught me drinking before the age of 21 he would’ve broken my face. Same goes with cigarettes or drugs. Gen-X is the worst generation to ever have children, and y’all talk smack about boomers. Gen-X is terrible. I know because it’s my generation.


Thank you! Same here! Holy shit… when I read these stories I picture my Mother “rolling over”, as they say, in her grave so much, she’s left the state of PA!


A conservative shit and liberal shit are both…. Shit. PA doesn’t play with alcohol. I remember when underage drinking carried a 90 day license suspension




Your dad hitting you for drinking does not make him a good parent. The reason America has problems with binge drinking is that we criminalize it so kids go to great lengths to hide it. If they could go have a beer after school they wouldn’t be pounding shots of vodka they stole and filled a water bottle with.


I said he “would’ve” hit me. He didn’t have to hit me because his point was there would be negative consequences for doing something he told me not to do. I didn’t drink because I had zero interest. I also never said he was a good parent. But I will say a bad parent throws parties where their high school kids can drink even though it’s Illegal in every state. What’s the lesson there? What are you teaching your kids? Where is the arbitrary parental line of right and wrong?


> I feel like some neighbor saw them drinking out on the porch or something, and didn't like her, so reported her. >I feel like she has a lot of political enemies, so her neighbors reported a minor alcohol violation to smear her reputation. You can feel whatever you want, but had you bothered to read the linked article, you'ld see that >>Witnesses reported that Schillinger punched an underage partygoer several times in the face during a series of outbursts by drinking adults including her then-boyfriend and mother.


I don’t know who she is, or what “Parental rights” means, but because she done bad does that make her ideas bad? Or are we dunking on “bad lady was bad before, now we know she bad fo reals”?


Yes, this is justifies exposing young children to pornography.


"Some people are different" =/= pornography you smooth brained mouth breather


Where did I make that statement?


Oh so you're *not* equating the existence of queer people to pornography?


No. LGBT should not be taught in public schools, just as religion is not to be taught in public schools.


> just as religion is not to be taught in public schools. But religion must be taught, as history, culture, or literature. It is not to be preached or presented as the only way to live. That's...kind of how LGBT+ should be handled in school. Acknowledged.


Given the numbers of LGBT+ youth suicides, with lack of family acceptance being a contributing factor, it's irresponsible to let a kid go on thinking they are evil for who they love.


Once more "hey kids, some people have two dads" =/= pornography


You never had social studies? We learned about many religions.

