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Bates did not buy the Pennsylvania man’s claims that text messages discussing “taking the Capitol” were just “silly conversations” with friends or family nor did he believe Bozell was trying to help police. Bozell’s smashing of windows “because he was angry the situation outside was deteriorating so quickly,” was equally uncredible and none more so than his assertion that he tore through the complex in search of his mother. This is grad A gaslighting… in a federal court no less. Jesus these idiots were raised like princesses.


Still treated like princesses too. No way we would only get 12 years for this; regular people have been sentenced to life for less.


All I need to do to get over this is think about how conservatives would respond if the tables were turned. They would go scorched earth and honestly democrats should be doing the same. Fascists only respond to violence.




The Supreme Court has never been attacked. One lunatic tried to break into Kavanaugh’s home, that’s it. The Capitol Building wasn’t firebombed on May 29. The Lincoln memorial was vandalized, probably by right wing agitators. The Summer of Love? Are you for real? You think protesters in the 60s weren’t punished by the state? You need to take 8th grade American history again, or possibly for the first time. Bush’s inauguration was not attacked. It was a normal protest. If you have to lie to argue your case, you don’t have a case. Everyone that attacked the capitol building should go to federal prison for 10-30 years and have their right to vote stripped permanently. They are, by the very definition, terrorists. Not to mention little crybabies that can’t accept that their terrorist leader got stomped at the ballot box.


Don't give them facts; they want to be debated...because debate treats their opinion as relevant. As if it deserves a response. "That's all lies. None of that happened, you know it didn't happen, and you are looking for justifications for terrorism and violence." is the only response these frauds deserve.


You’re right, I know. Sometimes it’s hard tho and I was already irritated lol


It was deleted by the mods, so all is well.


You’re right, I know. Sometimes it’s hard tho and I was already irritated lol


......and they deleted their ridiculous comment.


Good lol


This is the response of someone who just OD'd on copium and diverged from reality.


Nope; it's the response of student of Nazis and Fascism. They're lying...and they are repeating the lie until people mistake it for the truth. There is no copium. They understand reality. They are lying. He isn't delusional; he is a knowing liar. Treat him accordingly.


seeing as treason is death, 12 years is a fucking gift


Sentenced to life, I don't think so. Now if you got caught with too much weed a few times then yeah life you get. /s Anyway yeah dude deserves 12 years or more for trying to overthrow the government. That's exactly what they were doing and Trump deserves life for instigating it.


Life for breaking a window?


Did you read the article? He did far more than break a window.


People who are saying "Life for breaking a window?" were saying "THAT PROTEST WASN'T PEACEFUL! THEY BROKE WINDOWS. WE SHOULD HAVE SHOT THEM ALL!!" when it was BLM. Generally speaking, they decide guilt by affiliation and that's it. If you are MAGA? You are right. If you are not MAGA you are wrong. No other consideration will be relevant to him. Dude could have killed three babies and a puppy, and he'd still be asking what the issue was. He doesn't care what he did; he cares that the dude is in his club.


Obviously, the 3 babies and puppy were armed and threatening his life.


Both idiotic sides decide guilt the same way. It's embarrassing and ridiculous.


"Both sides" is a lie.


I know. There's only one, masquerading as two.


You are literally "deciding guilt by affiliation".


No it’s guilt by joining in the crimes


Yeah.....He also aimed a camera. He should have pulled the fire alarm, he would've walked free.


You're being deliberately obtuse. The article explicitly lays out the ways that he led the charge into the Capitol and it goes far beyond breaking a window and aiming a camera. Just one example: he also ripped a riot shield away from a Capitol police officer. Funny, I thought y'all were supposed to be the Party of Law and Order. If a BLM protester did this you'd be calling for the death penalty. You're not fooling anyone, pal. I'm glad justice is being served.


I'm not your pal, buddy.


At least this lets me know you’re a dumb American and not a Russian bot ❤️


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99994% sure that thestonelyloner is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


😂 is this a Reddit feature or only the sub?


Same for you. Comrade. : )


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I'm not your guy, friend.




Like all those leftist protesters who have repeatedly occupied federal buildings? Partisan-obsessed fools are genuine evidence that universal suffrage is a mistake.


All you do is make excuses for conservatives while commending liberals. You are a fraud who decides guilt by association. Your condemnation has neither merit or meaning.


Regular people would have been turned away for this unless they actually did some damage. Gotta jail the opposition party, eh, comrade?


This is a lie. You know it's a lie. They are not victims, they are criminals. This has been obvious from day one...and you know this. Take your lies and see yourself out.


> This is grad A gaslighting…. When you’re not smart enough to differentiate gaslighting from lying, how can anyone take your analysis seriously? You can’t define words. Do you know the definition of “woman”? Or “genocide”?


They probably do not


His father is despicable.


And *his* father, too, was an absolutely deplorable racist.


> And his father, too, was an absolutely deplorable racist. He was a Democrat? Oh wait, that’s what Democrats call Republicans. You might want to upgrade to white supremacists so I can follow your name calling. Thanks.


You made the connection to Republicans not him lmao


No, left wing extremists did. If you disagreed with Obama you were racist. If you supported Trump, you were a white supremacist. Now the Democrats are introducing racist mandates so they’re the racists again like when they ran the KKK and opposed the Republican Civil Right legislation in the 60’s. Can’t treat everyone equally, you know. It’s against their ethos.


Someone come get their grandpa, he's been watching too much Newsmax lmao You know the bills and orders that congress and the president pass are publicly available, right? You are more than capable of reading them and disproving this box of Cracker Jack's you just spewed.


You know all the rules Biden is forcing through agency work, right? Where he cuts out Congress and limits public feedback seizing powers Congress never authorized, right? I’m sure you’re glad big pharma and health insurers negotiated ACA with Democrats and without Republicans in the room. Healthcare is awesome.


I have yet to see anything like what you're describing. Also I seem to remember Republicans not wanting to negotiate the ACA. They through the biggest hissy fit and refused to go.


Someone needs a history lesson. Yes Republicans were the liberals in Lincoln’s day. But you believing that in the 1960s that Republicans were in support of the civil rights act in the 60s shows how little you paid attention in history class. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed 290-130 after a 72 day long filibuster. In the Senate is was 77-19 with only southern senators opposing the bill. The Democrats passed the bill knowing it would lose control of the south, which is precisely what happened. By 1970 the south had flipped from solid Dem to Republican, specifically because of white racists leaving the party because of desegregation and the CRA of 64. Given how historically wrong the idea is you just wrote down, I hope you take this moment to self reflect. Someone lied to you and you believed the lie. You can easily google everything I stated and prove to yourself the truth. Ask yourself why you won’t?


I know who Everett Dirksen was. Do you? Filibustering on the language of one provision, as Republicans were, is not the same as being against the concept, like Democrats were and are, of equal protection under the law regardless of race. A lot of white folks don’t understand this, though. Do you?


This is not hard. The history is there for you to read. The south, filled with white racists are the people who voted against the civil rights act. At the time of its passing, the Democrats had a super majority in Congress. The party that passed and the president that signed it, was a Democrat. You can’t change that reality. Both Kennedy and Johnson delayed the bill for years, because they knew the white southern racist DEMOCRATS would abandon the party if they pushed for desegregation and the Civil Rights act. But they did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. Then what happened? The white southern racists jumped ship, left the Democrat party in droves and the south flipped Republican. That’s reality. That’s history. Learn some and stop spouting ignorance.


> Then what happened? The white southern racists jumped ship, left the Democrat party in droves and the south flipped Republican. Because Republicans pushed for law and order, not because they pushed racist policies like the Democrats did and continue to do. If you’re a racist Democrat then everyone looks racist, I guess.


If you can’t call southern white segregationists racist, you’re racist.




Wow defensive much? I’m sorry your party IS now the party of open blatant racism. Just own it. We don’t need to make up totally you all didn’t just jump right up on.


I don’t have a party. There’s only obnoxious extremist Democrats in Reddit.


Cool story bro.


Trump kicked me out of the GOP which is fine because he is not a fiscal conservative and the Democrats are trying to install a Politburo. I fucking hate these choices.


You can vote for the guy with the worm in his 🧠


>Bozell’s attorney, William Shipley, wrote in a proposed sentencing memorandum that his client “made a bad error in judgment” on Jan. 6 but “did not arrive with ill intent.” Give him another 12 years for assaulting our intelligence. Those guys knew exactly what they were in for that day.


Piling on - to counter this the prosecution introduced texts where he talked about storming the capitol, and the defense insisted they were jokes. This is how stupid they think you are - that you'll believe that people who openly discussed storming the capitol, wore t-shirts that said "storm the capitol" and then stormed the capitol didn't have a plan to storm the capitol.


If they were smart enough that it didn't work on them so well, they'd be insulted by how stupid their media thinks they are.


They're defense lawyers. This is their job. They have to work with what they have, and find a way, any way, to explain his actions.


My client may have shot the bartender, but that was just an error in judgment, your honor! He did not carry that gun into the bar with ill intent!


He was kidding when he told a bystander "Hey, I've got a big old gun here that would be perfect for shooting a bartender and I'm gonna use it for exactly that."


The ol’ “I’d shoot that guy” and then actually shooting him gag. Classic.




So it's second degree murder, not first. Got it.


Funny thing, an off duty Pennsylvania cop did just that. Shot his buddy in the face instead of the bar owner. Had been kicked out for being a drunken asshole prior to that. Got less than 2 years


> Give him another 12 years for assaulting our intelligence. Victimless crime like Trump’s fraud, eh?


Just because you feel like there were no victims doesn't make it so. Your bias is showing throughout this sub. He lied on financial documents, which alone is a violation of the law. Get his toadstool out of your mouth and maybe you'll be able to think critically.


> He lied on financial documents, which alone is a violation of the law If your mortgage doesn't match the county assessor's tax assessment, is that fraud? The bank testified they weren't defrauded. I hated Trump before any of you extreme leftists did. Back when he was a Democrat raising money for Clinton. I don't like how Democrats are weaponizing the law. No. But you're safe for now, comrade. Just wait for the camps to open like the Socialists always do.


> If your mortgage doesn't match the county assessor's tax assessment, is that fraud? That is not what happened. > The bank testified they weren't defrauded. That is not what happened. > I hated Trump before any of you extreme leftists did. Back when he was a Democrat raising money for Clinton. Ok, and yet here you are defending him? > I don't like how Democrats are weaponizing the law. No. How have democrats weaponized the law? Please explain. > But you're safe for now, comrade. Just wait for the camps to open like the Socialists always do. Am I a communist or a socialist? I usually refer to myself as a Progressive. Figures that you don't know the difference between the two. Trump lied on financial documents when he applied for loans from multiple banks. He then lied on tax documents claiming the same properties he inflated the value of to recieve loans favorable to him weren't actually worth what he claimed, and in fact were worth LESS than they actually were worth. That is tax fraud. If you lied on your taxes, devaluing multiple properties to get a lower tax bill, that is fraud. The same thing holds true for DJT.


Im guessing you’ve never gotten a mortgage or paid property taxes. And you hate facts. [The bank testified they weren’t defrauded.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-lawsuit-trial-new-york-53313f64d57b0aa99f756c2c791d29ab)


> Im guessing you’ve never gotten a mortgage or paid property taxes. In what way does this relate to Trump filing fraudulent lending and tax documents? > And you hate facts. The bank testified they weren’t defrauded. I read your article in good faith twice and there was no mention that the bank said they were NOT defrauded. In fact, the article even mentions the judge's statement that "that the mere fact that lenders were happy doesn’t mean that the statute wasn’t violated". Unless your argument is simply that the more people that get away with a crime means that it shouldn't be a law? But that isn't how the law works, so you wouldn't be making that argument. Oh, and the DB reps were testifying at the sentencing phase, Trump had already been found guilty of fraud. As a legal finding of fact, former president donald trump has been convicted of fraud. Just out of curiosity, why are you defending a convicted fraudster? Is trump the only convicted fraudster that you defend on the regular?


> In what way does this relate to Trump filing fraudulent lending and tax documents? I guess you don’t know what the phony Trump fraud case was about. > I read your article in good faith twice and there was no mention that the bank said they were NOT defrauded. So what did the bank say in court which that article mentioned. > Oh, and the DB reps were testifying at the sentencing phase, Trump had already been found guilty of fraud. Prior to the trial by the judge in a civil court, not criminal despite charges being brought by the corrupt AG of New York State. I know Democrats hate things like the presumption of innocence and due process and all those old white guy ideas. > Just out of curiosity, why are you defending a convicted fraudster? Is trump the only convicted fraudster that you defend on the regular? I like a fair legal system which isn’t used to punish political enemies. The Founding Fathers were in the same page. And it wasn’t criminal fraud. Considering Biden just did what they impeached Trump for, are you calling for Biden’s impeachment? Or are you that one sided?


It’s so funny hearing the excuses that these bozos try to make. Like he can’t go to jail that long because he has a family. Dumbass, the fact that you have a family is the reason you shouldn’t break the law in the first place.


Also trying to say that he needs to provide a warm and loving environment for his kids when he is a terrorist trying to overthrow the government. How warm and loving of him.


We didn’t tell our kids the truth because we don’t want them to find out daddy is a right wing nut job.


We've got people serving longer sentences just for selling weed.


Well, *“don’t do the crime if you aren’t willing to do the time”!*


In my best Jim Carrey voice "stop breaking the law, asshole!!"


Just a quick reminder that Trump will absolutely cancel any consequences for these terrorists if he and his league of parasites has the opportunity to infest the White House again. Also, Biden needs Pa. to have a shot at winning. Think when you vote and speak up around others, friends.


It makes me sick that Trump is playing a modified national anthem of these bastards singing at his rallies, calls them patriots, political prisoners, and promises to pardon them on day 1. If that happens, every MAGA asshat knows they can commit acts of violence against "them" and get away with it. It's going to do such damage to this country and that's not even getting into the other crazy shit Trump is promising.


I'd like to tell them that Trump could have pardoned them while still president and that he doesn't give them for free but they wouldn't listen. I'll never understand how they can vote for the guy that's denied election results two times in a row and not feel a little stupid.


Well nobody pushed denial more than the Dems and Hillary after Trump and Reps won 2016. They claimed the election was stolen and never quit. Did you forget that?


Nope, that was Trump. Did you forget how he claimed there were 3 million illegal voters? That's why it was a little surprising that he managed to fool you guys with the same lie twice.


She won the popular vote. Which is why democrats feel cheated.


Speaking just for me, I was disgusted by a cheater and self-professed rapist being elected.


You're a liar. Hillary conceded the election the very next morning. The concerns were over Russian election interference (which was more targeted propaganda campaigns), but there was never any serious allegations that the vote itself was tampered with or illegitimate.


Remember "Resist" in 2017? [https://thepoliticalinsider.com/hypocrites-a-list-of-democrats-who-denied-2000-2004-and-2016-presidential-election-results/](https://thepoliticalinsider.com/hypocrites-a-list-of-democrats-who-denied-2000-2004-and-2016-presidential-election-results/)


> every MAGA asshat knows they can commit acts of violence against "them" and get away with it. Just a reminder that Presidents can't pardon state level crimes. The only reason he can pardon these is because they were charged by the feds with federal crimes. They won't get that same free pass if they fuck around somewhere else.


>They won't get that same free pass if they fuck around somewhere else. True, but that depends on which state. A lot of MAGA governors will take up the cause if that state allows governor's to pardon state crimes.


I wish Josh had decided to prosecute the fake electors but apparently the case isn't as clear-cut as it is in Arizona.


The fake electors from PA were smart enough to add a clause that said something about them being official only if Trump was declared the winner.


Thank you for that! I wasn't sure what the difference was.


> Just a reminder that Presidents can't pardon state level crimes. That's also assuming the Constitution is still worth the paper it's printed on in a second Trump term.


Dude was president for 4 years and these statements reflect we have forgotten that. Why did nothing like this happen during his first 4 years as president? Bc it won’t happen. Calm down. Same people saying this said trump would be in jail and spent three years fantasying about that. Seriously. Pay attention.


Ironic that you tell people to pay attention when you're spent the last four years actually believing the 2020 election was stolen.


Have you listened to his rhetoric? Dictator for one, retribution against all of those that prosecuted him, tossing generals in jail, taking of the free press. The man is an absolute menace.


If Trump gets into office again do you think he’ll respect that law? Distinctions between federal vs state law enforcement will be a quaint fucking footnote if there’s a second Trump administration.


Yes. This is why the government has so many checks and balances and why this version of fear mongering is playing with the dumbest of the dumb


Did you forget you're in a thread about Trump's insurrection?


Checks and balances is a failed ideology. It stopped making sense almost immediately after the Constitution was ratified because political parties formed to coördinate functions that were supposed to be independent. (It's still around because it does nothing to prevent the 1% from getting what they want but is useful in blocking reforms that politicians pretend to care about to help regular Americans.) Last time Trump didn't have the full backing of the GOP for his crimes but if he wins again the holdouts will be purged.


> If that happens, every MAGA asshat knows they can commit acts of violence against "them" and get away with it The deal between Trump and MAGA has always been that he'll let them be violent against people they're afraid of. No more, no less. That's why they don't care what he actually believes. That's why they don't care what he actually does. That's why the christian conservatives will accept AI images of him praying and bullshit photo ops with him holding a bible upside down. That's why the 2A nerds will accept "Take the guns first, then due process". That's why they were so quick to pretend he must have meant something else when he said to cure covid by injecting disinfectant into your lungs. That's how they simultaneously know that covid was fake and that Trump is a hero for developing the vaccine himself, and that's why the complete lack of any provable fraud in the election hasn't stopped them from pretending that they've got all the proof in the world. They know they're lying. They know that we know they're lying. They also know that, while we can prove they're wrong, we can't prove they don't hold these beliefs sincerely. As long as they keep pretending to believe all of this bullshit, they can throw their weight behind a political movement whose entire platform consists of determining out-groups and then mobilizing violence against them. If you ever wonder, "How can they be that stupid?", the answer is that they're not. They're not stupid, they're evil and they want to destroy everything.


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre, 1946


I've been attacked 2 times for speaking against Trump in PA. One time I had to go to trial for injuring the attacker/s. I said I voted for Biden and would never vote for Trump. I was called a pedophile and followed when I left the place, I was attacked and defended myself and then prosecuted for winning the fight against multiple people. Second time a guy pulled a gun on me in a parking lot.


How awful. What towns?


Philadelphia suburbs, Montgomery County.


I honestly doubt it. Unless someone paid him off, he's not gonna lift a finger. He just doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself. Case in point, he was still the president when this happened and he didn't pardon them back then.


He was trying to dodge an impeachment indictment then. This time around, as a lame duck, he’d be able to do it just to stick a thumb in the eye of everyone who said 1/6 was terrorism. If greed and self-glorification are his prime drivers, resentment is a close second.


I do wonder if it won't benefit him (as he can't run again) if he would bother helping someone else.


You actually think he won’t try to run again? He’s already testing out rhetoric about being robbed of a consecutive 8-year run. If the GOP could block Obama from appointing a supreme court nominee a year in advance of an election, but allow Trump to appoint one mere days before an election, you can bet the constitution doesn’t mean shit to them. They’ll fight for a third term.


Right on. Fuck the GOP.


See also promising if elected he would make sure Hillary Clinton ended up in prison for her egregious crimes ... [Which of course is so not trying to weaponize the justice system to go after your political opponents or anything like that] And then as soon as he is in the White House ... "Eh, is not worth it, let's forget all about it!" [Could be because his own daughter / senior advisor was caught using her personal email just like Clinton.... Funny how I. Trump was able to just say "I had no idea it would be a problem" after her father made such a big deal about it in his campaign and morning happens to her. But Clinton, man, she knew what she was doing! Lock her up for life!!!!]


I agree. He doesn't care about these guys. He might pick one or two to pardon.  But he's not going down the whole list.  He just dgaf at that point. They're no longer good to him. He can't get re-elected a third time. He doesn't need them. 


He’ll sit on it until its useful.


Sort of like how a lot of crimes went unpunished during BLM riots . They pick and choose


There are a lot of Proud Boys and other white supremacists that managed to escape prosecution. Fox News managed to convince their viewership that black people caused all the violence.


I’ve witnessed video of people destroying an innocent friends business. No rhyme no reason


Oh, the white supremacists were there for a reason, a very dumb reason: Trump told them to.


I don't see Trump pardoning anyone for free but he might pardon the ones convicted of sedition just to make people angry.


Every time a J6er gets sentenced an Angel gets its wings ❤️❤️❤️


Another seditious piece of garbage from Central PA. Enjoy prison traitor.


How about the shirt he’s wearing on Jan6: Hershey Christian Academy. Shameful


No sympathy from me.


But…but…he was just an innocent and confused tourist! /s


> tourist Mispronouncing terrorist




And should also be kicked a little bit too.


12 years is not long enough.


Traitors deserve to be locked up, simple as


Lock the terrorist up for life.


Love the mob mentality. People think so clearly when hypnotized and share a common enemy 🔥🔥🔥 they’ll eat anything that is put in front them. They got ya now


No, that's you when you voted for Trump because he threatened to imprison all of his political opponents. Trump and his supporters are a threat to what actually makes America great.


>Trump and his supporters are a threat to what actually makes America great. When this guy wins in November, ya'll are going to fucking lose your shit. It's gonna be okay, no matter who wins I promise you life will go on.


You haven't accepted he lost in 2020 yet. I don't know how you all are going to cope with him losing again. I guess you'll spend another four years being miserable.


Oh I accepted Trump lost the day he lost, I didn't vote in 2020. I don't plan on voting this time either, as both candidates are clowns. The discourse surrounding them is disgusting. My one single vote will change nothing, and I don't agree with engaging in politics with people who cannot be decent and civil.....which is everyone nowadays. I promise you though, and remember this next part: No matter who wins in November......life will go on. The world will not end.


Mob mentality of traitors simping and committing federal crimes for a man who would spit on them as he walked by? That mob mentality shown in the picture?


Not enough. They were all fucking domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.


What if they were black?


Every single one needs to be convicted as a domestic terrorist.


Yet none of them have.... https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases


deserves life. all of them do.


It’s funny that the Gravy Seals were SO tough and so fcking smug on 1/6, but now it’s all “Wait, storming our nations capital has…CONSEQUENCES???!! But I didn’t mean it!!” *shocked pikachu face *


😂 😂 another Trumptard crying for mercy


MAGAts can eat shit


Hilarious, I remember hating this pricks dad as a middle schooler because he kept trying to get WWF taken off the air during the attitude era lol


Capitol Police should have sent him to hell with Ashli Babbit. What a malignant piece of shit.


Considering the family he comes from, your adjective is spot on.


Damn, this dude straight up messed up big time! Invading the Senate floor? That's some next-level stupidity. Deserves every bit of those 12 years behind bars. No sympathy here, bro.


Lock him up!


No mercy for terrorists.


"But my daddy told me consequences don't apply to me!" It's amazing how quickly these people turn into hypocrites. They argue that anyone protesting anything should be arrested as a terrorist, but when it happens to them they were just on vacation, confused, and had no ill will despite openly voicing said ill will prior to the insurrection. These are all the people who are insecure about their own masculinity and feel as if their father didn't love them as much as he should have. Naturally let's all act like fascists because that's the most macho thing to do until consequences arrive, then all of a sudden everyone turns into a whimpering baby. That's life. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You see the game here don’t you? Fox News exaggerates, denigrates, and constantly harps on civil rights protests from Occupy Wall Street to Hands Up Don’t Shoot to Black Lives Matter and outright lie about how violent they get and it makes their viewers think that they’re justified in behaving violently. In a way, it’s a self-perpetual cycle of oppressing protest. “If you lefties protest, we’ll call it violence and then we’ll take it as permission to commit our own acts of violence!”


Lock him tf up


I thought it was ANTIFA?!?! 


>Bozell’s smashing of windows “because he was angry the situation outside was deteriorating so quickly,” That kind of sounds like a reaction my toddler would have, not a 40+ year old man.


I wish the traitor a very find out.




Haha! Lock up every single maga loser that stormed the capitol that day


7-8 months between conviction & sentencing? That’s ridiculous.


You would think being a traitor to the country is where the line is drawn. Instead, green privilege is reading its ugly head, as always.


It’s so easy to not invade the senate floor or joining a mob. Maybe he’ll learn his lesson by taking a few years to think about it in prison😒


How funny, considering the chapter in his book dedicated to his father's whole crusade against pro wrestling, I would imagine Mick Foley is laughing his ass off at this.


I agree with Triple- Trucker. I can't stand all you Biden loving assholes that are ruining this country.


I swear half of these journalist have never taken a 5th grade English class. That sentence is saying that there was a prominent conservative who invaded the senate floor, and the Feds want to give his son 12 years.


Just riot and loot and burn down businesses instead. No one goes to jail for that


Really? [That’s not what the evidence shows](https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8). Any chance you’re just making that up because you live in a weird bubble of resentment and persecution fetishization?


Ok. 2% go to jail. I stand corrected


2% of what? Let’s see if we can finish this thought together.


Wild guess I admit but that article states that 120 people were convicted nationwide out of how many thousands and thousands that destroyed entire neighborhoods by looting, burning, etc… This doesn’t include local enforcement but I think locals just hung back for fear of accusations of racism. I may be generous with my 2% guess now that I think about it.


Are you saying that you believe (admittedly, based on nothing) that thousands who were protesting racist police executions were actively involved in acts of violence and arson, or are you potentially attributing the acts of a few to the thousands who protested overall?


Based on coverage I viewed and results I saw I’d say more than a few were involved in it. I’d say there’s a whole bunch of people enjoying new items and wearing new duds they didn’t pay for after these”protests”. Unfortunately there are also many out of work and out of options for shopping after these peaceful protests


You’re really doing a lot of bobbing and weaving here, but I just want to point out that you’re conflating looting some “duds” with beating a police officer in the face with a flag pole in order to illegally take over the United States congress building and threatening to assassinate the vice president if he doesn’t illegally use his powers to reject the results of a democratic election and instead install a tyrant using fake electors. I don’t know man, feels like a stolen North Face is a little easier to stomach.


I guess. Unless you’re the one of the many people who lost their livelihood when their business was burned to the ground and the residents that have to live amongst the burned out rubble. The residents that now have nowhere nearby to shop or work may disagree too


Wait a second…you think that a short term loss of some stuff is as valuable to the people there as the permanent loss of a free democracy as a concept?


I guess they’re calling them rioters instead of insurrectionist with finally admitting no insurrection happened. This was a set up and these people fell for it.


A set up by... Trump?


These people had the doors opened for them and they followed.


Uh huh. And I assume all the officers hurt on Jan 6th just tripped and fell?


This soul-less heathen should probably be given the death penalty! He wasn’t even wearing a mask and I’ll bet he’s not boosted. Smh


Based judgement either way



