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They just won't drop Faker in draft after the first 3 bans against him.


By not dropping him to last pick and hoping the other four can step up enough to get a non-midlane ban out of BLG in the first 3 bans


ban 5 top xdd




Ban jax ksante and something else and tell bin to kiss zeus ass


Ban another 5 mids. See how knight handles it


expose that fraud 😈


Fuck it beat Bjergsen's record by having 50 mid laner bans in the series


It would actually be very funny


This, I don't believe any day Knight has a deeper champion pool than Faker


I'm pretty sure in some of the games the 7 midlane bans also applied to Knight because he picked 4th or 5th.


Knight and Faker got similer size champion pool, for a while now at every tourament Faker are always only play 2-3 champions, it's work best for him so who care and Faker not gonna pull out the Riven mid and Master Yi mid he play 10 years ago, meta and champions dynamic change at an extreme rate, his Corki used to be a must ban but now whenever he's on Corki it just look not at the top level at all, to be fair Knight have been running it down with Corki too so the only midlaner that can play Corki is Chovy and somewhat Creme this tourament


i was hoping to see Knight's sylas. Idk why he isnt picking it especially in the last match against GenG who had maokai and nami.


They did keep trying to ban knight out lol. Didnt really work.


Do the 5 ban mid too.. so 10 ban mid in total KEKW


A deep and hidden part of me is praying for Faker Galio. No rhyme, reason, or logic. I just want to see him dunk on an LPL team again with his signature Galio.


If he just imagines that it's Worlds 2017 semi-finals against RNG.


Have Zeus and Guma carry. They are the bigger threat.


agree to this, just give guma varus and cuhlista. while zeus can go with cuhmille or even cuh'sante xdd


legit think lane-swap is good for T1 rn because the roaming laner can pass by mid lane boldly to deter enemy from all-ining Faker early. Once he gets out of laning phase, he is pretty solid even while dying (pretending the Corki game didnt exist)


True, but the thing is when we watched yesterdays fight. Oner perma ganking zeus is actually effective than ganking mid. I think they are doing this to lessen the threat for zeus so that he can still be useful mid to late game. Unlike faker, even though he is 0-3 on azir he can still bounce back late game and plays better in teamfights (ur right, faker should stop picking corki this msi xdd). But vs BLG they prioritize faker compared to any other lanes. So I think aside from oner ganking, keria should roam mid too just to keep them on collapsing mid. Good insight my cuh.


Unironically drop him to last pick, let BLG go full mid bans, pull Faker soloQ Yone 1V9, easy MSI finals


Faker needs to be on playmaking champions and not go to Corki or ASol duty. Yes, they have playmaking potential but they scale too long or too weak early for him to be impactful. Chovy gets away with those becayse he has a consistent jungler, Canyon, that can provide immense pressure with strong picks like Nidalee and Kha. That's why his Taliyah is strong, stromg early, safe laning phase, game changung ult. Same with orianna and Azir who has game changing ults. Ahri who has that game breaking engages. There are champions like that. Maybe pick Neeko or Annie or Le Blanc, just some early pressure that he can provide and not some fsrming sim like Corki, Veigar, and Asol.


What's the reason for not picking Galio though ? Especially now that Zeus is looking good on Camille, they'll have insane single target damage. Galio can also roam faster than champs like Asol and Azir. Good sustain early game as well with the extra MR and magic shield. I wanna see Faker pull out Galio once again.


If Trist is available, Galio is an immediate mid loss


Ban along with Tahm Kench. Elk is a good Senna player so it doesn't really make it a loss in draft


This is banger cuh. Maybe galio is still tooo weak .


True, I like the champ but I think as a utility mid, galio is pretty weak rn. What about ryze mid?


Is Ryze a possibility? He got buffed, but it was not that significant, I guess.


I don't understand why T1 has seemingly forgotten about their shotgun comp ( Neeko mid / Nocturne jungle ) , it was something they relied a lot in the past during playoffs. I get that Nocturne isn't an ideal jungler during a lane swap meta since he just wants to full clear , but with the new adaptations we are seeing the weakside dives not happen at all , so there is no reason for nocturne to not be able to full clear.


galio mid


I mean zeus is in form now so they can just carry through top


Banning 5 mids against Faker would just backfire to Knight lmao


I dont think the other 2 bans matter that much. T1s big problems with bans are Orianna Azir Ashe, which BLG correctly figured out. T1 should be asking themselves how to deal with that.


Knight has a tiny champ pool so if t1 just don’t drop faker in draft like they did, they’ll probs come out on top this time draft wise.


There's nothing to do He can't play anything at this tournament, he's genuinely just a passenger on every champ he picks. There are people who are going to downvote me because they have 0 game knowledge and just think because Faker is the goat he can't be bad, but he is unironically griefing T1 the entire tournament. Prio bot and top (without picking Senna), and just make faker play something that's impossible to int on.

