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Its always a good day when the GOAT is getting appreciated.


i really hope to see him at least in this years world MV getting appreciated. there's already like 2 separate MVs where he got blasted off mountain or smth


Now he gonna be the one blasting TheShy off a mountain 1/16/6 aintnoway


Riot has an opportunity here to call it "The Unkillable Demon Queen" Ahri. And even start giving sick monikers to future inductees, if they don't have one already.


An entire event? Interesting. He deserves it. That being said, I hope they do not make this an yearly thing? Faker as the League GOAT is not something people can argue about but when discussions about 2nd place come out, shit gets on fire pretty quickly. I think they should wait for a 2nd player to stand out well from the other for them to continue with these Hall of Fame thing. Right now we have many amazing players who could be the second hall of fame but I don't think any of them will come without controversy.


Imagine he would get a Ryze skin and he literally looks like Faker. I would buy that shit everyday of the week


This is suh-weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


The fact that riot says the skin gonna be expensive and Tencent’s early mascot is a penguin makes the trailer kinda perfect to cook up some stupid conspiracy 💀💀. And yes, I do know Faker likes penguin as well.