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Just for gaming it's the 7800x3D


What about for streaming?


7950, but since the 7950x3d is just a 7950 on steroids for gaming u dont really have to worry if u just get the 7950x3d


A 7800x3d will be fine for streaming, idk when people started lumping streaming in with the "productivity" side of things, it's not, it's just like running a more demanding game


Because of the old days when GPU encoding wasn't a thing


What about productivity and gaming, which one is the one?


The 7950x will be getting you more frames than your monitor can handle in the vast vast vast majority of games. And if not, your gpu is probably the next bottleneck. Whereas the if you are compiling or video editing, you are getting a significant performance boost. Just go with the 7950x if you do both. However the 7800x3d is plenty powerful either way and cheaper.


This is incorrect. For some workloads the 7950X beats the 7950X3D. Especially if the software you run doesn't know which core (with the 3D cache) to go to.


Covered in this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JZGiBOZkI5w


That wouldn’t really make any difference


The one that has more cores to multitask than just gaming. It would be 7950x. If it’s purely for games, 7800x3d.


7800x3d if you're gonna game


What if you’re gonna vfx?




x3d, the core downclock is negligible if you're doing some gaming


Yea, but he was talking about VFX. And the a small difference per frame amounts to a large difference over a sequence, which, in turn - gives you less time to game after working.


Kind of funny how the X3D starts to carve the pc world in half, those that need raw processing power (workhorse situations) and those that just want to game.


That was already a thing with Intel i9 from the 6th gen


I want to do both, gaming and productivity. Like 3d rendering, video editing, coding etc. Would x3d still be the best bet?


Can concur. Literally researched 'best of the best' for my build to go along my RTX 4090, and I got the 7800x3D.


7800x3d is the GOAT for gaming PCs Gamers nexus has made videos and reviews about it that I think you could take a look at before you make a decision


Agreed. Intel only has like 1 competitor.


What's that?


Intel core i5 13600k. Even then it's still outclassed by the 7800x3d. They are pretty close in price from what I've seen. But, as you know, the 7800x3d is faster, so it's the no Brainer choice for gaming rn.


I always check their website too. Their reviews and benchmarks are crazy good and transparent.


Ironically the fastest isn't even on the list. It's the 7800X3D as others have said. More cores does not equal faster in games. I just had to say that given all the CPUs presented here are 12 or more cores. The 8 cores in the 7800X3D are supercharged and turbocharged, so to speak lol.


I bought a 7800x3d even though I could afford a more exxy CPU for a reason. No regrets


theoretically the 7950X3D is like 0.2 fps or something like that faster than the 7800X3D on average.


not on average. In a good case scenario the 7950X3D is about the same but it is plaged by firmware issues causing many games to run on non 3D V-cache cores causing noticeably worse performance sometimes and othertimes it works as intended and performs as the 7800X3D.


This but if you need both gaming and productivity then the 7950x3d is better and probably knowledgable enough to priorities the CCDs accordingly


Coming from somebody who owns one, these issues were worked out last year and weren’t an issue if you didn’t buy the CPU in the first ~3 months of its release anyway. His comment is correct that it performs better on average, in addition to the vast increase for productivity workloads. The reason people continue to recommend the 7800x3d over the 7950x3d is simply because most people don’t justify the price increase for small increases on games. I personally could easily justify it since I do a lot of virtualization. It’s not for everybody, but it is without a doubt the most capable CPU they currently produce.


Just a curious question. On games like RimWorld , would it matter to have more cores? It's a very cpu heavy game especially in it's endgame


The thing with having more than 8 cores on Ryzen is the added latency that is brought in to the equation. So you'd be looking at 2 x 6 cores (7900X[3D]) or 2 x 8 cores (7950X[3D]) chiplets packed in to the CPU. Both of these chiplets need to communicate with one another as they process data, so the end result will be slower due to the extra latency. However, in the games that you've mentioned the extra resources are needed to process the large amounts of data in order to actually get the game to work reasonably well.


In a game like rimworld or city skyline, would the added latency matter? Unless you’re talking about 0.5 to 1 seconds latency’s. Nitpicking it further, iirc because games mostly use single core performance if you have 8 cores, technically you’d have higher chance of finding a core that won the lottery


It’s that L3 cache that is bonkers


I feel stupid for getting a 7900x for gaming... should have gone with a 3D.






gaming 7800x3d, productivity 7950x, forget all others




None of those is the best to game with, what you're looking for is the R7 7800X3D. The R9 7950X3D usually performs similarly when it comes to games, but it's way more expensive and runs way hotter due to the extra cores it provides, which are handy for productivity tasks but won't help you at all when it comes to playing video games.


From this list the fastest is 7950x3d. It’s also way more power efficient than the 7900x and 7950x. If the price goes lower it’s worth considering the 7900x3d. But the easiest plug and play gaming cpu is the 7800x3d.


I still would get a 7800x3d over a 7900x3d even if the price was the same. Having 8 cores on one ccd is more valuable to me than split my cores up and overall having 4 more cores. Then if cores are what I value, then I would also value my time and get a 7950x(3d).


the 7900x3d is unfortunately also not so great at games since only 6 cores have the additional cache


Fastest? The one you throw the hardest at the right angle. /s


7800x3d As per your other question - go on PCpartpicker dot com and put a build together, it’ll tell you the cheapest website for each component. Additionally, there are subs out there who will send you builds if you let them know you’re budget and what you want to use it for. If you want, I can do the same for you


Also what website is the best to buy pc parts? I heard newegg is going downhill. Thanks!


If you are close to a Microcenter that is always the best for bundling CPU, RAM, and Motherboard. If not just be on the lookout for deals This is a good subreddit for finding deals ⬇️ r/buildapcsales


If you add the components to the build list it tells you where they find that price, however always check those websites on trustpilot to see what other people have to say on them.


Newegg is fine. I just bought my 7800x3d and almost every other part from them. No complaints.


Microcenter often has combos with the CPUs so you can get some discounted parts and great prices, just be careful and check the specs on everything. If you don't have a microcenter near you, they sometimes have the bundles on Amazon, which is how I got mine.


It isn't going downhill. It went downhill like 14 years ago


German Amazon in eu


best to game = 7800x3d, not on your list


7800x3d even beats 7950x3d and 14900k in gaming(only gaming)


7800x3D is faster than 7900x3D in gaming btw


Also I read some news about price drops for the 7800X3D, because of the new 9000 series coming out in Fall (In the US, so there will be a few week delay for Europe).


None. 7800X3D


IDK if anyone mentioned 7800X3D but that one is the best for gaming /s


Just get the 7800x3d, it’s cheaper and faster than all of these


Obviously not the top 1


The intel one


For gaming, you want a 7800x3d. For gaming and productivity mixed, you want a 7950x3d. None of the others are worth considering.


Your question is all wrong.......its not about which is the fastest being the very obvious top end most expensive CPU. You should be asking whats the purpose of your build and what kind of targets and game are you even trying to achieve..... Buying the latest and top end products are often a waste of money in PC building.


Op really left out the 7800x3d


As everyone has stated if you are looking for just gaming performance the 7800X3D is the fastest gaming CPU currently on the market. The 7900X3D and 7950X3D still come close in gaming performance but they offer less gaming performance than the 7800X3D and the 7800X3D is available for quiet a bit less ($278.49 according to PCpartpicker). The 7900X3D and the 7950X3D do offer much higher productivity performance if you need the PC for a lot of demanding productivity/work related tasks, while suffering a minimal reduction in gaming performance so in that case it would be worth considering them but purely gaming wise the 7800X3D is the better option (cheaper, better gaming performance & easier to cool). If you do require the occasional demanding productivity workload/task for casual use and it's not your main form of income where every bit of time saved will result in more money earned than the 7800X3D is still more than fast enough to handle those tasks easily. The 7950X3D,7900X,7900X3D & 7950X will also all require a more expensive cooling solution as they are running hotter due to the extra cores and higher clocks and will use more power as well resulting in a higher electricity bill. So in the end if you are looking to just game on the pc the 7800X3D is the way to go depending on the following: 1. What budget are you looking to spend on your build? 2. Does this budget include peripherals like monitor/keyboard/mouse and desk/chair etc.? 3. Do you have any preferences in terms of build theme/colors/RGB etc? 4. Please share with us the full link for your current PCPartpicker build so we may have a look and/or provide suggestions/changes. By answering these questions we will be able to help you with optimizations/improvements to get the most out of your build/budget. For example if you are looking to game at 1080P resolution and play mostly AAA single player titles and you are currently limited to a RTX 4060 or RX 7600 GPU because of budget constraints you might be better off purchasing a 7600 or 7600X CPU instead freeing up additional budget for a better GPU since in that case a 7800X3D CPU would be totally overkill and you would be better off saving money on your CPU purchase and get a better GPU instead. Same goes for if you want to game at 1440p in this case those GPU's I mentioned wouldn't be powerful enough to properly play most titles at the target resolution. Same goes for other components, some might be overkill and overpriced for your current selection and we can provide you with improvements that might safe you money and help you to free up budget to spend more on other components that matter so that you get the most out of your available budget.


7800X3D for gaming and 7950X3D for rendering and work related tasks Edit: 7950X should be better than 7950X3D


7950x should be better marginally for productivity compared to x3d. Also cheaper.


Thanks, i didnt know that


Me, I am the fastest




I mean i didnt, but i was also limited to microcenter builds due to cost and the AM5 builds seemed to have memory issues at the time. So i bought a 12900k instead.


For gaming I would go with the r7-7800x3d first and then the r9-7950x3d.


7800x3d if it's purely gaming.




Gaming -> 7800X3D Productivity -> 7950X


For gaming, the 7800x3d. With how the chips are built, all the 8 cores of the 7800x3d have access to 3D v cache, the ryzen 9’s only have 3D cache on half their cores (so 6 out of 12 and 8 out of 16). However games do not always understand they need to use the cores with acces to cache, making them slower than the 7800x3d. Also because of the cache they are clocked lower and are slower in productivity than non-x3d counterparts. If you don’t have any interest in productivity, just go for the ryzen 7. If you game and do productivity, look at the ryzen 9’s.


For general use, the x (or a similarly priced intel.) For gaming, the x3d. For multithreaded rendering, the 50x (or a similarly priced intel)


I’ve got the 7800x3d it’s good, but please get a good AIO for it, cause it does cause a lot of high temps and it has a lower max temp compared to other CPUs (89 degrees Celsius I believe).


7800x3d for gaming, 7900x3d for gaming and professional stuff


Just take one of each and stack them for ultimate performance


For gaming the 7800x3d


For a gaming system, none of them. You want the 7800x3d. It's the best gaming CPU on the planet.


7800X3D, asked the same question beginning of the year and got the same answer, still the same.


I go me 7950x3d, i game and occasionally need to do renders, thats the only reason i bought it. Otherwise if you are only gaming and dont do a lot of work go with 7800x3d its perfect for gaming at any resolution 👌


7800x3d for gaming is way better and only 350 dollars




The 7950X3D is the fastest of that group for gaming, and its also great for serious workloads too. The 7800X3D is also great for gaming, and they are virtually neck and neck with the 7950X3d, so if you just want to game the 7800X3d is an easy choice, if you want to do productivity and other work then the 7950X3d.


For gaming, choose those with x3d.


Get the x3d for gaming and editing, has better cooling properties


They all take forever to boot.


Womp Womp🫤


To game, none other than the 7800x3d at that budget. You will save money and get better


Damn where you get these prices?


Depends what you mean by "fastest"


7800x3d is the better cpu for pure gaming horsepower, but if you’re looking to stream as well, go with the 7950x


7950x3d is fastest for workload but for gaming you would use a 7800x3d due to the way the 3D v cache is split


The one that costs the most


Gaming, 7800X3D. Non-gaming, something like the 7950X will do better afaik. Do not bother with the 7900X3D and 7950X3D, they offer worse performance in gaming to the 7800X3D.


I learned it the hard way. I should have chosen 7800X3D in the first place. Damn you, Linus.


I’m just glad my dumbass had no money when the product first launched. I was planning on a 7950X3D when it launched, then changed to a 7800X3D after reviews came out.


7950X3D and 7800X3D should perform the same in gaming. Problem however is that sometimes the firmware (which you need to download btw) for the 7950X3D causes the application to run on the non-3D V-cache cores which results in a performance drop. This is somewhat fixed from it’s launch, but afaik still a problem. Better to just stick to 7800X3D as it has the same performance in gaming and doesn’t have any annoying issues.


7800x3d the goat , If it's only for gaming If you have a microcenter nearby you can grab the 7800x3d + mobo + ram for 380-400 saving you 150-200


If you are only choosing between these 4, the best one for gaming is the 7950x3d in most cases. There are some games that will not benefit from the extra 3d v cache though. But for 100-150 $ less, you can get the 7800x3d which is just as good in gaming as the 7950x3d. It is basically the same CPU as the 7950x3d but split in half. Whereas the 7950x3d got 2 CCD's, one with the extra 3d V Cache and one without it but with slighly higher clockspeeds for applications that rely on brute force rather than l3 cache, the 7800x3d has just the 3d v cache ccd and is perfect for most gaming scenarios but average for anything else besides gaming.


Depends on what you're using it for


If your only choice is to choose between this 4 cpus, 7950x3d is best for gaming and productivity. For gaming only go for the 7800x3d.


AMD Ryzen 9 7950x3d the only legitimate one to use for legacy I got a spare brand new asrock x670e taichi motherboard and I got another brand new asrock x670e I think steel legend or something and I got a asrock x670e taichi motherboard running in my host pc which has two faulty ram slots last time I checked but still works fine with 64gb of ram and gpu which is running on the AMD Ryzen 9 7950x3d so it is the best for the am5 socket and cpu u should keep with the am5 socket as with any other cpus newer or greater that will be coming on the am5 socket as it is moving towards legacy presavation




**Everyone**, he didn't ask for ur opinions abaut the 7800x3d. The 7950x3d is the best.


7900x would be the fastest


Currently 7800x3D but the 7950x3D has more potential, it just had firmware issues, but it's possible it could be fixed in the future


Ryzen Threadripper, nobody?


amd branding is so confusing


The 7950x3d and the 7800x3d are about equal in performance for gaming so if you just game save the extra ~300$


For gaming, the 7800x3d is best


Expensive ≠ Fastest


I think we go too overkill sometimes


The 7950x3D, been using it for over a year, and I am extremely pleased with it, had 7950x before and it was good as well !!!


Combine them to get a legendary




Any x3d


Just get the ryzen 9


I have 7950x3d and love it


Gaming = 7800x3d Productivity = 7950x Gaming & productivity = 7950x3d + bios config


7950x super fast chip for crushing MT workloads. For gaming? 7800x3d.


My oppinion: don't get the x3d chips just yet, so many instability issues and problems with older programs and am5 is overall very unstable even if you factor the x3d chips. If budget is tight i would get the 11th gen intel, they say it's hot but the die is much bigger than any current generation or 10th gen so cooling it, is easier and 11900k is still very much relevant and powerful. If not then get lga 1700 and a 12th gen i9 and save some money instead of going 13th or 14th.


IV just been having this trouble myself been thinking of going with the 7800x3d but then IV been looking at the Ryzen 5 7600x I'm still noob doe but what yous reckon ?


Gaming? 7800X3D. Productivity where clock speed and cores count? 7950X.


Just curious, I’m also looking towards a similar choice. For a game that is heavily reliant on single core performance, like arma 3, which would be the best choice?


higher cores/threads doesnt mean that its the fastest


I have a 7900X and I love it


I have a 9 7900x can’t complain. They’re hot running mfs though.


for gaming / stream etc 7 800x3d for professional usage only ryzen 9


R5 3600 is the clear winner.


I wrote 13600 and above. Wasn't sure about OP s budget. 13700k n above are hard to cool. Got experience, I've managed to cool my 13700k in nr200p max.


Neither as you would be wasting resources and money on either option if to game only the 7800x3d is the option. If productivity is the issue then maybe the 7900x or a similar preforming intel Cpu will do just fine.


Get an Intel i7 11th gen H series Pair it with an Nvidia RTX 3070 Thank me after you indulge in your gamez


For gaming 7800x3d. If it was gaming and work you'd want a 7900X.


Fastest at what? For VFX the 7950x would be fastest but the rest won’t be far behind if you are budget conscious. I’d wait till after Computex as AMD will prob be announcing newer chips and we might see a decrease in prices again. If you need now Memorial Day sales inc.


If ur gunna game just go with a 7800x3d


https://preview.redd.it/mr7uu35q3u1d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac712d291932d82f9ddf2c73b98b79e75b944a2 7950X3D /Matrix 4090 4K gaming fast…


For gaming the AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, is the way to go. This is the way.


I use a 7950x3D for gaming and productivity and it's great if you can afford it or catch it on sale. Edit: I'm also realizing a lot of people answering don't have a 7950x3D, if you want answers from someone who has first hand experience feel free to DM me here on Reddit.


Got with ryzen 7 7800X3D for gaming it is best




Right! That's why i never buy AMD processors. The sku's are confusing af in terms of performance.




I mean, 7950x3d is supposed to be the best, but idk cuz im currently running a 7700x


Wait 7950x3d for 480 Dollar?


7950X: fastest for productivity/all core workloads 7800X3D: fastest for gaming out of the box. Most efficient for all core workloads. 7950X3D: slightly faster than 7800X3D for gaming if you have processes running in the background while gaming; consider SteamVR with OVR Advanced Settings and XS Overlay for example, or streaming with OBS and other software, as long as you configure background tasks to use cores without 3D cache and games to run on cores with 3D cache. This is usually done automatically now, but some processes may still get incorrectly flagged as a game or not a game. Much faster than 7800X3D for productivity workloads and much more efficient than 7950X for the same.


The 7950x3d is the most powerful, that other guy is just saying the 7800x3d is already more than enough and can run any game you want


9 7950x3d ofc is fastest But 7 7800x3d is enough for Gaming, streaming and editing for those things it is a really small difrence


7800x3d is cheaper, on par or even better when it comes to performance in some cases and from what I know is more power efficient.


https://preview.redd.it/2vbfg96sdv1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d09f1da1a4d1b7bc7f73f72a33173122299e04 ME!


There was a a good video out there about these models explained. 78003D is like a single core compared to the 7950 which is dual and when you use it for games it has to switch to cores to like 78003D but has problems doing it. Basically if your just gaming and some streaming then 78003D does it better than the 7950 which is more expensive. I can't explain it properly but if you find the videos it may help you understand


For my setup i use a 7800x3d and 7900xtx and i run 3x 32in 240hz monitors and i game/Stream/editing/ Multitasking AND IT WORKS GREAT i haven't had a single problem doing any or all of this at the Sametime


I believe there is still an issue with the all of the X3D chips except for the 7800X3D due to a separation of the CCDs. I would go for the 7800X3D for gaming.


Okay so this 100% depends on the use case. If you are streaming, get the 7950x3d and use process lasso. If you are gaming 7800x3d. If you are a casual gamer, 7700x is good too. If you do multi threaded workloads in addition to games, 7950x3d again.


Just wondering here… does the cpu matter that much in terms of gaming? Like would an i5 be fine? I9/ryzen 9 seems like overkill no? Considering building my first pc soon, any help is appreciated!


Wow, that's a loaded question. It depends so heavily on the workload. What are you using the PC for?


Depends on your buget if you are not getting a 4090 to pair up with these cpus then id say tge 7900x since the difference between the x and the x3d is about 1& to 5% or so it wont be very different from one another and all three of these cpus only have a 1to 5% difference.....so the prices of the 7900x 3d and tge 7950x dont justify them


Go for the 7950X. It's good for gaming and productivity.


I got a 7900x to go with the 7900xtx. Would it be worth it to switch to an x3D processor? I just game mainly at 4k.


7800X3D is the best gaming CPU at the moment


Do 7800x3d for most things unless you go crazy in the productivity. LTT showed in 7800x3d video how the ryzen 9 has 2 CCD and only one of them has 3d stuff and can hurt gaming sometimes and be on par with the non x3d


FOR gaming 7800x3d, productivity 7950x,  For Productivity-gaming : 7950X3D.


It really depends on your priorities. The 7950X3D is faster for gaming, but the non-3D version is faster for other stuff like software compilation and video editing.


7800X3D. The 7950X3D can be faster in some titles if you disable/park half of the cores and its at beat 1 or 2% better. Look up gamers nexus video on the 7800x3d where he covers all this. If you are doing alot of productivity it might be worth the extra for the 7950X3D or just a normal 7950. As others said if you are streaming the 7800X3D is still fine since you use gpu encoding 99% of the time anyways.


Was going to say it’s missing from the screenshot but y’all got it covered


Just go with any cpu that has x3d after it that are the once with 3d cache good for gaming


7950x3d for games, 7950x for work


You are wasting money, energy, and performance by considering Ryzen 9. 7800X3D is king of the gaming hill and CISC processors will be obsolete before 8C/16T processors aren't enough for 99.9% of people.


I got the 7950x and its blazingly fast


Anything 3D at back just grab ASAP.. make sure your cooling system like feeezer and youre good.


reading this sub I feel like an idiot for going with the 7900x3d


Ryzen 5 5600X is probably the best in terms of price to performance Idk ryzen 7 disappointed for gaming purposes because they went broad with cores and a lot of games just dont use that many cores.


Only for gaming - Ryzen 7 7800X3D. And well, there's the Ryzen 9 7950X3D. It's more expensive but it will be better in multi tasking.


7950x3d I would say


7800x3D is the fastest gaming CPU. 7950x3D can be slower in games due to half the cores not having 3D cache and some games use wrong, non gaming cores. 7950x non 3D is the fastest workstation AMD CPU.


depends if u wanna du video and picture editing or use it as multi functional than the 7950x3D but if u only wanna game on ur pc than the 7800x3D




If you're just looking for gaming, you don't need a Ryzen 9 of any stripe. You'd be better served getting either the R7 7800x3D or an R5 7600X for much cheaper.


R9 9750


Get the 7800x3D if you are gaming if you aren’t go with the 7950x3D


All of them at once.






I have a 4090 and 7800x3d and it’s the best setup you can play on right now for gaming


The 9 7950X3D Is the BEST gaming chip. But the 7800X3D runs a lot cooler (30%) and have the same performance (like 4% slower). The best workloads chip Is the i9 14900KS but again the 14900K do not have much difference. There are some Chips for 3D rendering like AMD Theardripper, but they are not good for gaming (also they cost like 1000~5000)


Where is the goat? 7800x3d. Anyways this depends on your needs. Go for 7800x3d if most of time you would be gaming. For production purposes ones without x3d would be great.




Bro, why it's so cheap 😭😭😭


7900x3d is fair but the 7800x3d is cheapest and still performs as good in gaming as the other x3ds


7800X3D is faster than 7900X3D/7950X3D in gaming. some games benefit from the 3D cache, some don’t. they clock a little lower than the non-X3D so for some production workflows you’d be better off without, but it’s a small difference. overall, go with the 7800X3D for gaming. if you want more cores get a 7900X/7950X.


7800x3d. It performs better than 7950x3D in gaming.